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should and should_not syntax

From the beginning RSpec::Expectations provided should and should_not methods to define expectations on any object. In version 2.11 expect method was introduced which is now the recommended way to define expectations on an object.

Why switch over from should to expect

Fix edge case issues

should and should_not work by being added to every object. However, RSpec does not own every object and cannot ensure they work consistently on every object. In particular, they can lead to surprising failures when used with BasicObject-subclassed proxy objects.

expect avoids these problems altogether by not needing to be available on all objects.

Unification of block and value syntaxes

Before version 2.11 expect was just a more readable alternative for block expectations. Since version 2.11 expect can be used for both block and value expectations.

expect(actual).to eq(expected)
expect { ... }.to raise_error(ErrorClass)

See For a detailed explanation


The one-liner syntax supported by rspec-core uses should even when config.syntax = :expect. It reads better than the alternative, and does not require a global monkey patch:

describe User do
  it { should validate_presence_of :email }

It can also be expressed with the is_expected syntax:

describe User do
  it { validate_presence_of :email }

Using either expect or should or both

By default, both expect and should syntaxes are available. In the future, the default may be changed to only enable the expect syntax.

If you want your project to only use any one of these syntaxes, you can configure it:

RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.expect_with :rspec do |c|
    c.syntax = :expect             # disables `should`
    # or
    c.syntax = :should             # disables `expect`
    # or
    c.syntax = [:should, :expect]  # default, enables both `should` and `expect`

See RSpec::Expectations::Syntax#expect for more information.


The should and should_not methods can be used to define expectations on any object.

actual.should eq expected
actual.should be > 3
[1, 2, 3].should_not include 4

Using Built-in matchers


actual.should     eq(expected)  # passes if actual == expected
actual.should     == expected   # passes if actual == expected
actual.should_not eql(expected) # passes if actual.eql?(expected)

Note: we recommend the eq matcher over == to avoid Ruby's "== in a useless context" warning when the == matcher is used anywhere but the last statement of an example.


actual.should     be(expected)    # passes if actual.equal?(expected)
actual.should_not equal(expected) # passes if actual.equal?(expected)


actual.should be >  expected
actual.should be >= expected
actual.should be <= expected
actual.should be <  expected
actual.should be_within(delta).of(expected)

Regular expressions

actual.should match(/expression/)
actual.should =~ /expression/


actual.should     be_an_instance_of(expected)
actual.should_not be_a_kind_of(expected)


actual.should be_true  # passes if actual is truthy (not nil or false)
actual.should be_false # passes if actual is falsy (nil or false)
actual.should be_nil   # passes if actual is nil

Predicate matchers

actual.should     be_xxx         # passes if
actual.should_not have_xxx(:arg) # passes if actual.has_xxx?(:arg)

Ranges (Ruby >= 1.9 only)

(1..10).should cover(3)

Collection membership

actual.should include(expected)
actual.should start_with(expected)
actual.should end_with(expected)


[1,2,3].should       include(1)
[1,2,3].should       include(1, 2)
[1,2,3].should       start_with(1)
[1,2,3].should       start_with(1,2)
[1,2,3].should       end_with(3)
[1,2,3].should       end_with(2,3)
{:a => 'b'}.should   include(:a => 'b')
"this string".should include("is str")
"this string".should start_with("this")
"this string".should end_with("ring")