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Rodrigo Takehara edited this page Nov 5, 2020 · 2 revisions

How do I update the Framework?

Most versions will work fine with the following steps:

  1. Open the newest version of the Framework
  2. Go to the map "00.GM" and export it in Map>Export Map ...
  3. Open your current campaign and on the GM Menu, open the "Settings"
  4. Go to "Export Compendium" and choose a destination path.
  5. Remove the current "00.GM" on Map>Delete ...
  6. Import the new "00.GM" in Map>Import Map ...
  7. On the GM Menu, open the "Settings"
  8. Open the Exported Compendium from step 6 and copy all its content with select all (Ctrl+A) and copy (Ctrl+C)
  9. Go to "Import Compendium" and paste (Ctrl+V) the content from last step

If these steps fail, try the following:

  • Go to Window>Tables on both the up-to-date Framework and your campaign file, export all the Tables from the Framework and import on your campaign, replacing duplicated ones.
  • saving the Lib:Compendium on your campaign and replacing it on the "00:GM" map
  • Export the Campaign and GM macros, and the Campaign Properties
  • If it still fails, do the oposite from, Export your Compendium, Lib:Compendium and all other maps except 00.DM, open the newest Framework version and import everything

If nothing works and you think it is a bug, you can report it on here, explain the steps ou tried and provide the campaign files, be sure not to include sensitive data.

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