Before Configure the Explorer blockchain-explorer/app/platform/fabric/config.json
Modify config.json to define you fabric network connection profile
{ "network-configs": { "balance-transfer": { "name": "balancetransfer", "profile": "./connection-profile/balance-transfer.json" } }, "license": "Apache-2.0" }
- "balance-transfer" is the name of your connection profile, can be changed to any name
- "name" is a name you want to give to your fabric network, you can change only value of the key "name"
- "profile" is the location of your connection profile, you can change only value of the key "profile"
Modify connection profile
- Change "fabric-path" to your fabric network path in file /blockchain-explorer/app/platform/fabric/connection-profile/balance-transfer.json, or create another file and specify the path to it, as long as it keeps same format.
- Provide full path to the adminPrivateKey config option, it ussually ends with "_sk", example:
"/fabric-path/fabric-samples/balance-transfer/artifacts/channel/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/[email protected]/msp/keystore/aaacd899a6362a5c8cc1e6f86d13bfccc777375365bbda9c710bb7119993d71c_sk"
- Update all the "fabric-path" accordingly to your balance transfer network location
- "tlsEnable" true|false handles the protocol
- "adminUser" is the the admin user of the network, in this case is fabric CA or an identity user
- "adminPassword" is the password for the admin user.
- "enableAuthentication" true|false, is a flag to enable authentication using a login page, false will skip authentication
Code : cd blockchain-explorer/
./ (It will have the backend up)
Launch the Hyperledger explorer URL