- create a vagrant user with sudo priveleges
- install ansible
- login as vagrant
git clone https://github.com/ctc-oss/noe-setup
to /home/vagrantcd /home/vagrant
- edit
change- hosts: all
to- hosts: localhost
ansible-playbook provisioning/setup_machine.yml
source /home/vagrant/.bashrc
[to set DISPLAY variable of VM to local machine for firefox to display]- follow the instructions below
Note: The custom nifi_processors source files will be in /home/vagrant/nifi_processors instead
as in the OVA. The custom nifi processors use sftp to pass and retrieve files. The processor is configured to sftp to the localhost with 'root' as the user and 'vagrant' as the password. The configuration for the Saniitzer1, Sanitizer2, Sanitizer3, and Analyzer1 processors may be changed to use a different user/password
To build custom NiFi processors and install the newly built nar file
cd /home/vagrant/source/nifi_processors
- run:
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
sudo cp /home/vagrant/source/nifi_processors/target/siaft-processors.nar /opt/nifi-latest/lib/
sudo chown nifi.nifi /opt/nifi-latest/lib/siaft-processors.nar
sudo systemctl restart nifi
vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- change PasswordAuthentication no to PasswordAuthentication yes
systemctl restart sshd
sudo passwd root
su root
cd /home/nifi
cp /home/nifi/data/hold/\* /home/nifi/data/in/
- open a new terminal window
- log in as vagrant
- start firefox
- open browser window to https://localhost:8443/nifi
cat /home/vagrant/nifi-creds.txt
- login into NiFi with the credentials from cat results
- save credentials in the popup screen
- in the Operate Nifi Flow click the last icon to upload the template file
- click select template
- find the template file in the
directory, highlight it, click open button - click the upload button
- click OK to close the dialog box
- click the and drag the template icon in the colored nifi menu to the nifi grid
- click add to add the template that was uploaded
- click a blank spot in the grid to un-highlight the processors and the relationships
- right click a blank spot in the grid and choose enable all controller services in the popup menu
- go back to the terminal window with root user in directory
- return to nifi flow in the firefox browser
- right click a blank area of the grid and select start from the popup menu
- right click a blank area of the grid and select refresh
- repeat refreshes until the three sample files are processed [Write Analyzer Results to The Database show 3 in and 3 out]
- right click a blank area of the grid select stop
- go to the terminal window with root user in directory
sudo ./stop-nifi-mock-processors.sh
[root]mysql -u vagrant -pvagrant siaft [to enter database commandline prompt]
select \* from FileAttributes;
select \* from Sanitize;
select \* from Analysis;
[to exit DB commandline prompt]sudo cat /home/nifi/data/out/some.txt
to see s1, s2, s3 at the bottom of the file [indicating the file went through sanitizer1, sanitizer2, and sanitizer3]sudo cat /home/nifi/data/out/somemore.txt
see s1, s2, s3 at the bottom of the filesudo cat /home/nifi/data/out/evenmore.txt
see s1, s2, s3 at the bottom of the file
NOTE: Some environments do not allow for the synced folder of a VM. So by default the source will be copied via ansible. However, if you wish to use the synced folder that before running any of the belows item set USE_SYNCED_FOLDER=true
Rocky9 (arm/aarch supported)
Easy way
./vagrant.sh -a up -r "9" # default is rocky8
Manual way:
Not arm/aarch platforms:
export ROCKY_VERSION="9" vagrant up
arm/aarch platforms:
export ROCKY_VERSION="9" export OS_ARCH=arm64 vagrant up
Rocky8 (not arm/aarch supported)
Easy way:
./vagrant.sh -a up
Manual way:
vagrant up
To get all files needed for an offline deployment, the following software will need to installed on the local machine:
Once you have those installed, run:
ansible-playbook -v provisioning/offline_download.yml
This will download all the files needed to provisioning/roles/offline-download/files/offline-files
. To move these over zip the folder and then extract in the SAME location on the offline machine. The other provisioning code will look inside of provisioning/roles/offline-download/files/offline-files
when deploying offline so make sure the proper contents are there.
NOTE: This example is running the provisioning on a already made RHEL8/ROCKY8 or RHEL9/ROCKY9 machine. Since being offline, to be able to use Vagrant
some additional steps would be needed that we are not going to look into at the moment.
To deploy offline make sure:
- Created a RHEL8/ROCKY8 or RHEL9/ROCKY9 VM with
installed. - The extracted content of the offline files are inside of
. - If wanting to use custom yum repos make sure to set the varaiable
.- When setting this variable append either
to the beginning if providing a file path. This will help ensure if copying the file from one place to another that we know wheter its from the machine running the ansible or the machine being created. - However, if this is a URL starting with
it will try downloading that file to the proper location.
- When setting this variable append either
Run provisioning:
Update the
to set- hosts: all
to- hosts: localhost
. -
ansible-playbook \ --extra-vars is_offline=true \ provisioning/setup_machine.yml