Omatsuri is a growing set of browser tools. Each month I try to add one new tool and improve UX and performance of existing ones.
New features and tools:
- New tool: Gradient generator allows you to generate linear and radial gradients and comes with gradients gallery
- Full offline support with offline-plugin – Omatsuri can now be installed as PWA and work fully offline
- Dark theme support
Improvements of existing applications:
- Add better support for smaller screens (tested for 600px and up)
- New triangles page divider in page dividers application
- Better code generator in event keycodes application
- New layout and pressed keys visualization in event keycodes application
- Add new more accurate icons to color shades generator, lorem ipsum, triangle generator and page dividers apps
Bug fixes:
- Completely remove layout shift on index and about pages
- Fix invisible current item in navbar when loaded with one of the last applications
- Fix memory leak with localstorage updates on route change
- Fix missing chevron in select input
New tools:
- CSS cursors
- JavaScript Events Codes
Improvements of existing applications:
- Option to download unstyled svg file to page dividers
- More symbols were added to most used symbols collection
- Tints were added to color shades generator with variable amount of generated colors
- New Tilt page divider available in page dividers application
- Add more correct triangle styles generation for jss
- Color picker in HexInput migrated from react-color to react-colorfull – improved bundle size and styles options
- All hooks were migrated to separate package – xooks
- ESLint and prettier configuration migrated to separate package – @rtivital/eslint-config
Optimization and performance:
- Migrate Source Sans Pro font from from npm package to Google fonts -> reduce loading times with cache
- Remove unsued faker locales from fake data generator app -> reduce bundle size in half (2.2mb -> 1.31mb)
- Replace all images used in triangle generator with single react component -> 8 less requests to load page
- Remove tinycolor2 depenency -> -20kb to bundle
- Remove react-input-slider depenency -> -60kb to bundle
Initial release included 9 tools:
- Triangle generator
- Color shades generator
- Page dividers
- SVG compressor
- SVG to JSX
- Base64 encoding
- Fake data generator
- Symbols collection
- Lorem ipsum generator