diff --git a/lib/coderay/encoders/latex_encoder.rb b/lib/coderay/encoders/latex_encoder.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39b90345
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/coderay/encoders/latex_encoder.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+module CodeRay
+ module Encoders
+ # = LaTeX Encoder
+ #
+ # Encode CodeRay tokens to LaTeX so you can use CodeRay’s
+ # superior highlighting in LaTeX’s superior typesetting.
+ # The LaTeX code generated depends on one single LaTeX package,
+ # `xcolor`, which has to be loaded as usual.
+ #
+ # The generated LaTeX code is a large blob of specific commands
+ # that typeset a monospaced section of text. It does _not_ use
+ # LaTeX’s `verbatim` environment, hence placing the result
+ # at certain places where this is problematic should be possible.
+ # The code makes use of a number of custom commands that
+ # are not defined by default. You can retrieve these by
+ # calling ::preamble_snippet, which also defines all the
+ # colors and styling used in the highlighting code.
+ #
+ # Each highlight block automatically switches to vertical mode
+ # and executes \par at its end, so whatever follows
+ # starts a new paragraph. Highlighting blocks also execute
+ # \noindent at the beginning, so they will never be
+ # subject to LaTeX’s paragraph indentation.
+ #
+ # Highlighting blocks are not floating. They will be inserted
+ # right where you include them. You can build your own floating
+ # environment around them if you want.
+ #
+ # Before you can use a CodeRay-highlighted block in your LaTeX
+ # document, you have to include some code in your preamble. You
+ # can retrieve this code by calling ::preamble_snippet. It defines
+ # some helper commands and, most importantly, the colors used so
+ # that you can easily adapt it to your likening.
+ #
+ # == Unicode notice
+ #
+ # Today’s sourcecode files often contain Unicode characters.
+ # When confronted with such a file, typesetting the result of
+ # the CodeRay highlighting process with pdflatex will fail
+ # like this:
+ #
+ # ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char \u8:─ not set up for use with LaTeX.
+ #
+ # Use a Unicode-aware TeX implementation such as LuaTex (LuaLaTeX)
+ # instead, and all will work fine. You should be doing that
+ # anyway.
+ #
+ # == Usage
+ #
+ # Ruby code:
+ #
+ # require "coderay"
+ # puts CodeRay.scan('Some /code/', :ruby).latex #=> LaTeX snippet
+ # puts CodeRay.scan('Some code', :ruby).latex(
+ # :line_numbers => true,
+ # :mix_delimiters => true)
+ # )
+ #
+ # LaTeX code (for LuaLaTeX):
+ #
+ # \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{scrartcl} % Whatever you like
+ # \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} % Whatever you like
+ # \usepackage{fontspec} % Not required, but recommended
+ # \usepackage{xcolor} % Required
+ #
+ # \include{coderay-preamble} % Result of the ::preamble_snippet method!
+ # \begin{document}
+ # \input{hilit} % This should contain a coderay-highlited LaTeX snippet.
+ # \end{document}
+ #
+ # == Options
+ #
+ # === :tab_width
+ # Number of spaces to insert for a tabulation character.
+ # Behaves slightly different if :show_whitespace
+ # is given also, see there for explanation.
+ #
+ # === :line_numbers
+ # Print the line number in front of each line. You can customize
+ # the look by redefining the `\coderaylinumstyle` command.
+ #
+ # === :line_numbers_start
+ # Number of the first line.
+ #
+ # Default: 1
+ #
+ # Default: false
+ #
+ # === :bold_every
+ # Format every nth line bold, where n is the value of this
+ # option. Actually, you can influence the format the
+ # way you like, just redefine `\coderayboldlinumstyle`,
+ # which is applied after `\coderaylinumstyle`.
+ #
+ # Default: 10
+ #
+ # === mix_delimiters
+ # Use `xcolor`’s color mixing facilities to make inline
+ # delimiters (e.g. for strings and inline code) look
+ # more appealing by mixing their color together from
+ # the nesting element colors.
+ #
+ # === show_whitespace
+ # Use a replacement character (U+2432 OPEN BOX, ␣) to emphasize the
+ # presence of spaces.
+ #
+ # Tabs are also replaced with emphasizing characters, in this
+ # case U+2500 and U+25BB (─▻) where the length of the arrow shaft
+ # is determined by the :tab_width option.
+ #
+ # Requires a Unicode-aware LaTeX engine such as LuaLaTeX (pdflatex
+ # won’t work probably), and a font supporting the used glyphs. At
+ # time of writing (April 2015), Computer Modern Typewriter,
+ # LaTeX’s default monospace font, supports the U+2432 character,
+ # but not the U+2500 and U+25BB characters.
+ #
+ # Default: false
+ #
+ # Default: false
+ class LaTeXEncoder < Encoder
+ register_for :latex
+ # CodeRay file extension define.
+ # Default values for the options.
+ :tab_width => 8,
+ :line_numbers => false,
+ :line_numbers_start => 1,
+ :bold_every => 10,
+ :mix_delimiters => false,
+ :show_whitespace => false
+ }
+ # LaTeX is picky on some characters. This hash
+ # maps those characters to an unambigous replacement.
+ "\\" => "\\textbackslash{}",
+ /(? "\\{", # We do not want to re-substitute the backslashes we
+ /(? "\\}", # inserted above with the \ replacement.
+ "$" => "\\$",
+ "_" => "\\textunderscore{}",
+ "~" => "\\coderay@tildeescape{}",
+ "%" => "\\textpercent{}",
+ "#" => "\\#",
+ "&" => "\\textampersand{}",
+ '"' => "\\coderay@quoteescape{}",
+ "^" => "\\coderay@circumflexescape{}"
+ }
+ # Generates a LaTeX preamble snippet you can customize for
+ # your desired highlighting colors.
+ def self.preamble_snippet
+ <<'EOF'
+%% CodeRay LaTeX highlighter configuration.
+% Use the \include command in your LaTeX preamble to include
+% this file into your project.
+% Color definitions.
+% Further style macros.
+% Main style executed at the beginning of a highlighting block.
+% Style executed before formatting a line number, if enabled.
+% Style executed before formatting a bold line number, if enabled.
+% Note that in case of bold line numbers, \coderaylinumstyle is
+% executed prior to this.
+% Helper commands used by CodeRay's LaTeX highlighter.
+% Do not change.
+\newcommand\coderay@quoteescape{"} % LaTeX chokes if multiple " in a row are encountered, so we have to escape it with a macro.
+\newcommand\coderay@tildeescape{\~} % Same here
+\newcommand\coderay@circumflexescape{\^} % Same here
+% pdflatex does not have this, but LuaLaTeX has.
+ end
+ protected
+ # Outputs the correct \coderaystyle@ command, without the
+ # mandatory argument. This has to be appended manually.
+ def css2format(cssname)
+ tokenname = cssname.gsub("-", "") # No "-" in LaTeX color names.
+ "\\coderaystyle@#{tokenname}"
+ end
+ # The replacement character for the space.
+ # Ensure this can be concatenated to produce
+ # the desired effect.
+ def space
+ if @show_whitespace
+ "␣"
+ else
+ "\\phantom{~}"
+ end
+ end
+ # The replacement string for the tab.
+ def tab
+ if @show_whitespace
+ "─" * (@tabwidth - 1) + "▻"
+ else
+ space * @tabwidth
+ end
+ end
+ # CodeRay setup callback.
+ def setup(options)
+ super
+ @colormix = []
+ @out = ""
+ @mix_delimiters = options[:mix_delimiters]
+ @show_whitespace = options[:show_whitespace]
+ @tabwidth = options[:tab_width]
+ end
+ # CodeRay finish callback.
+ def finish(options)
+ if options[:line_numbers]
+ numlen = @out.lines.count.to_s.chars.count
+ @out = @out.each_line.with_index.map{|line, idx|
+ lino = idx + options[:line_numbers_start]
+ extra = lino % options[:bold_every] == 0 ? "\\coderayboldlinumstyle{}" : ""
+ sprintf("{\\coderaylinumstyle{}#{extra}%#{numlen}d}~#{line}", lino).gsub(" ", space)
+ }.join("")
+ end
+ # I prepend this here and not in #setup, because this should not be
+ # counted during line numbering.
+ @out.prepend("\\par\\begingroup\\makeatletter\\coderaymainstyle\\noindent\n")
+ @out << "\n\\makeatother\\endgroup\\par"
+ super
+ end
+ # Escape all teXnically problematic characters in +str+.
+ def escape_latex(str)
+ str = str.dup
+ LATEX_ESCAPES.each_pair do |pattern, replacement|
+ str.gsub!(pattern, replacement)
+ end
+ str
+ end
+ # Examine the color stack and return a mixed color.
+ def mix_current_colors
+ # For each depth level, mix in more black.
+ blackpart = 10 * @colormix.length
+ blackpart = 90 if blackpart > 90 # Maximum darkening
+ # From the rest that remains, mix in all level’s group colors
+ # in equal parts.
+ part = 100 / @colormix.length.to_f
+ colorpart = @colormix.map{|kind| "cr" + TokenKinds[kind].gsub("-", "")}.inject("") do |str, colorname|
+ str + "!" + colorname + "!" + part.to_s
+ end
+ "black!#{blackpart}#{colorpart}"
+ end
+ public
+ # CodeRay inline token callback.
+ def text_token(text, kind)
+ text = escape_latex(text)
+ text.gsub!(" ", space) # Disallow line breaks, we don’t want that in code.
+ text.gsub!("\t", tab)
+ text.gsub!("\n"){"\\\\\n"} # Without block you hit a well-known pitfall -- that’d be just too many \. \\ required for LaTeX hard line break.
+ if cssclass = TokenKinds[kind] # Single = intended
+ if @mix_delimiters && (kind == :delimiter || kind == :inline_delimiter)
+ @out << "\\textcolor{#{mix_current_colors}}{" << text << "}"
+ else
+ @out << css2format(cssclass) << "{" << text << "}"
+ end
+ else
+ @out << text
+ end
+ end
+ # CodeRay begin group callback.
+ def begin_group(kind)
+ # css class existance check like in #text_token is not needed,
+ # because there are no groups not intended to be highlighted.
+ @out << css2format(TokenKinds[kind]) << "{"
+ @colormix.push(kind)
+ end
+ # CodeRay end group callback.
+ def end_group(kind)
+ @out << "}"
+ @colormix.pop
+ end
+ # CodeRay line start callback (e.g. diffs).
+ def begin_line(kind)
+ @out << "\\colorbox{cr#{TokenKinds[kind].gsub('-', '')}}{"
+ end
+ # CodeRay line end callback (e.g. diffs)
+ def end_line(kind)
+ @out << "}"
+ end
+ end
+ end