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executable file
151 lines (119 loc) · 6.85 KB


fivethirtyeight 0.6.2

  • Fixed bugs in tame.Rmd vignettes
  • Fixed url's

fivethirtyeight 0.6.1

  • Changed all vignette code to no longer dynamically read data off the web, per CRAN policy on internet access. All relevant outputs and figures are now hard coded.

fivethirtyeight 0.6.0

  • Wide to long/tidy data format in data examples now done with tidyr::pivot_longer() instead of tidyr::gather()
  • Added new data sets:
    • By Natalia Iannucci @niannucci: media_mentions_cable, media_mentions_online
    • By Marium Tapal @mariumtapal: state_index, state_words
    • By Lizette Carpenter @lcarpenter20: cabinet_turnover
    • By Irene Ryan @ireneryan: castle_solutions, castle_solutions_2, castle_solutions_3
    • By Alina Barylsky @abarylsky: dem_candidates
    • By Rana Gahwagy @ranawg:quasi_winshares
    • By Danica Miguel @danicamiguel: raptor_by_player,raptor_by_team
    • By Sunni Raleigh @sunniraleigh: wwc_2019_forecasts, wwc_2019_matches
    • By Anna Ballou @aballou16: foul_balls
    • By Jane Bang @Janebang: nba_draymond
    • By Jordan Moody @jormacmoo: fight_songs
    • By Kara Van Allen @kvanallen: nba_elo, nba_elo_latest
    • By Jessica Keast @jkeast: nba_all_elo
    • By Fatima Keita @fatimak98: impeachment_polls
  • Marium Tapal @mariumtapal created fivethirtyeightdata package using drat package to store large files. This is due to CRAN package size restrictions:
    • When installing fivethirtyeight user is now prompted to install fivethirtyeightdata
    • Moved all user-contributed vignettes to fivethirtyeightdata to keep package size down
    • Moved the following large datasets to fivethirtyeightdata
    [1] "castle_solutions"           "castle_solutions_2"
    [3] "castle_solutions_3"         "comic_characters"
    [5] "goose"                      "house_district_forecast"
    [7] "mayweather_mcgregor_tweets" "mlb_elo"
    [9] "nba_all_elo"                "nba_carmelo"
    [11] "nba_elo"                    "nfl_elo"
    [13] "quasi_winshares"            "raptor_by_player"
    [15] "raptor_by_team"             "ratings"
    [17] "senators"                   "spi_matches"
    [19] "twitter_presidents"

fivethirtyeight 0.5.0

  • Added vignette corresponding to Technology Innovations in Statistics Education paper
  • Removed tidyverse from DESCRIPTION Depends, Imports, or Suggests fields
  • Added state_info data frame of state name, abbreviation, US census division/region
  • Added state_abbrev variable to hate_crimes dataset so that users can plot state abbreviations via geom_text(aes(label = state_abbrev)) instead of using less informative geom_point()
  • Given CRAN package size restrictions, the following datasets only consist of a preview of the first 10 rows of the entire dataset: comic_characters, goose, house_district_forecast, mlb_elo, nba_carmelo, nfl_elo, ratings, senators, and spi_matches. Code to load the entire dataset are provided in the respective help file examples.
  • Added new data sets:
    • By Starry Zhou: august_senate_polls, cabinet_turnover, elasticity_by_district, elasticity_by_state, endorsements_2020, forecast_results_2018, governor_national_forecast, governor_state_forecast, house_district_forecast, house_national_forecast, masculinity_survey, mueller_approval_polls, ncaa_w_bball_tourney, partisan_lean_district, partisan_lean_state, russia_investigation, senate_national_forecast, senate_seat_forecast, trump_lawsuits,

fivethirtyeight 0.4.0

  • Package website now at
  • Added new data sets:
    • By Meredith Manley: ahca_polls, bachelorette, candy_rankings, chess_transfers, generic_polllist, generic_topline, mayweather_mcgregor_tweets, mlb_elo, ratings, spi_global_rankings, spi_matches.
    • By Maggie Shea: google_trends, nba_carmelo, nfl_elo, nfl_fandom_google, nfl_fandom_surveymonkey, mediacloud_hurricanes, mediacloud_states, mediacloud_online_news, mediacloud_trump, riddler_pick_lowest, sandy_311, senators, tv_hurricanes, tv_hurricanes_by_network, tv_states, trump_approval_poll, trump_approval_trend, trumpworld_issues,trumpworld_polls, twitter_presidents, undefeated
  • Note for now mayweather_mcgregor_tweets, mlb_elo, nba_carmelo, nfl_elo, senators, only include the first 10 rows of the data because of R package file size restrictions (< 5MB tarballs); code to download/process the entire dataset are included in help files. We hope to include full versions of these datasets in v0.5.0 of package using the drat package.
  • Converted all ordinal categorical variables to factor(..., ordered = TRUE). Ex: bechdel$clean_test
  • Vignette notes:
    • Added a vignette that has a link to all user-contributed vignettes, which are only available on development version of package and on GitHub due to CRAN package size restrictions.
    • For all datasets that have a user contributed vignette, add a link to it in the corresponding help/roxygen code file.
  • Added CITATION

fivethirtyeight 0.3.0

  • Added new and missing data sets: riddler_castles2, antiquities_act, goose, tenth_circuit
  • Added more crowd-sourced vignettes: bob_ross.Rmd, tarantino_swears.Rmd
  • Only main and bechdel vignettes included in package b/c of CRAN package size restrictions. Other crowd-sourced analysis vignettes still available
  • Other minor changes:
    • Fixed levels in bechdel$clean_test and bechdel$test to match hierarchical nature of test

fivethirtyeight 0.2.0

  • Added new and missing data sets up through February 28, 2017: college_grad_students, college_recent_grads, cousin_marriage, hate_crimes, pres_2016_trail, riddler_castles
  • Added first crowd-sourced vignettes: comics_gender, NBA, trump_twitter
  • Added global help file for package: ?fivethirtyeight with complete instructions
  • Started adding @examples code in help files to convert to tidy data format so that data plays nice with tidyverse tools.
  • Other minor changes:

fivethirtyeight 0.1.0

  • Included all data sets as of late December 2016. love-actually being the latest
  • Included one code example as a Vignette: bechdel