All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to loose Semantic Versioning.
- Updated build tools and demo dependencies to latest versions.
- Updated webpack to output significantly smaller build.
- Removed an unnecessary lodash dependency that could be handled natively.
- Bumped to version 1 after months of testing with various scenarios.
- Updated main dependencies to latest versions.
- The older boolean "closeOnOutsideClick" to function "shouldCloseOnOutsideClick"
- Upgraded to popperjs 2.4.0
- Limited popper options update cycle to be smarter
- An issue where state change on nested target could cause outside click to misfire.
- Wrapped popper instance with checks so external tests don't have potential issues
- An issue with nested poppers not displaying the correct placement.
- An issue with getting target parents if popper unmounted too quickly.
- #2 - Added position listener to update popper position for nested poppers
- #4 - Content resizing now updates popper position
- #5 - Fixed routing on demo
- Popper onTargetClick prop.
- "auto" groupName option. This will auto-determine nested popper groups based on stack and dom placements.
- New demo page with navigation and additional examples.
- Popper closeOnOutsideClick now works for both managed and controlled poppers.
- Default groupName is now "auto" instead of "global".
- Changelog file.
- Groups are now array based (existing strings converted to arrays), allowing for assigning a popper to multiple groups.
- Webpack build wasn't publishing as UMD, causing it to not work with common loaders.
- Initial Beta release. The package is fully functional, but should be considered beta until bumped to 1.0.0.