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File metadata and controls

229 lines (170 loc) · 7.84 KB


Assuming you have cloned this repository to your local machine, you can follow these guidelines to make contributions.

Use a virtual environment

$ python -m venv .venv

This will create a directory .venv with python binaries and then you will be able to install packages for that isolated environment.

Next, activate the environment.

$ source .venv/bin/activate

To check that it worked correctly;

$ which python pip

pyenv is suggested for local python development.


This project uses poetry to manage our project's dependencies and invoke for running tasks.

If you haven't already, make sure to install poetry.

After activating the environment as described above, install invoke and setup your local environment:

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install invoke
inv install

To install a development version of the package in another python environment, simply use that virtual environment's pip:

pip install -e .


If you're looking to debug some code in dataquality, for example with pdb in jupyter, you can do that easily:

  1. Install and symlink dataquality as shown above
  2. Use the same python env to start your jupyter session
    1. Now, your jupyter session will be symlinked to dataquality
    2. Note: You still need to restart the kernel after code changes
  3. Set your pdb trace in your code, restart your kernel, and run. You'll see the ipdb session


inv format


You will need to have a local cluster running, read our API documentation to get set up.

Set some local env variables


Now run your tests!

inv test

Test Notebooks

Run this from this project's root directory to boot up tests.

GALILEO_CONSOLE_URL="http://localhost:3000" jupyter notebook docs/


Everything is done through github actions. Make sure to bump the version of the package

inv update-version-number

commit the change and publish a new version.

Downloading Console Data

You know how sometimes you just want to try that new distribution plot over some real datasets? Well now you can ML experiment to your heart content using these handy functions to download the real data from the Galileo console (including probs and embeddings).

Refer to dataquality.metrics for helpful utility functions like dq.metrics.get_dataframe!

How does this work?

The dataquality client is a tool whose core purpose is to get the users data into Galileo

It tries to do this as quickly as possible in as lightweight a way as possible. Without any streaming solutions, however, this is the current state of the architecture.

First, note that all logged data is written to disk until the user calls dq.finish at which point the input data is joined with the output data, validated, and uploaded to Galileo's data store

The input and output data are logged separately, and stored differently.

Input data

The input data is much more straightforward, because it's logged upfront and synchronously, before the model training begins. The user has 3 ways of logging input data

  1. dq.log_dataset - For logging data thats in a pandas/vaex/hf/iterable dataset
  2. dq.log_data_samples - For logging a dictionary of lists/arrays
  3. dq.log_data_sample - For logging a single row

The input data varies depending on what you're doing, but generally contains the following

  • ids
  • text
  • labels (if not doing inference)
  • token indices (if NER)
  • input spans (if NER)

But there will always be text and ids

See help(dq.func) for more details on any one of those. log_data_samples will likely be the fastest, although log_dataset will work with dataframes/iterables that do not fit in memory, so that may be preferable. We do not suggest using log_data_sample unless you have to, as it will be significantly slower (the I/O on writing 1 row at a time isn't ideal)

The input data is stored as follows:

└── input_data
    ├── training
    │   └── data_0.arrow
    |   └── data_1.arrow
    |   └── data_2.arrow
    |   └── data_3.arrow
    ├── test
    │   └── data_0.arrow
    │   └── data_1.arrow
    └── validation
    │   └── data_0.arrow
    │   └── data_1.arrow
        └── data_2.arrow

Every time you call log_data_samples or log_dataset etc, a new file is created for the split you are logging for, and the number of logs you've made is recorded and incremented. This separation makes uploading at the end straightforward because we know where to look.

When we upload the data, we upload one split at a time, and simply glob for all arrow files in the split directory for the input data.

Output data

Output data is more complex. There is only one way to log data

  • dq.log_model_outputs

Which alwyas has the same parameters

  • id
  • embeddings
  • logits (or probabilities)

No matter the task, these are required. We can only access this data during the model training process, getting the embeddings within the layers of the model, and the logits from the final layer. It is paramount that we do not slow down the training process, which makes this part tricky. It's relatively computational to validate the logits and embeddings data, and write it to disk, all without blocking the model, so we use threading.

Within the threaded process, we validate the data, and write it to disk in a small hdf5 file named something random (uuid). We end up with a huge number of small hdf5 files. We are typically logging one per batch (depending on where users inject the dataquality logging code), so the number of files really adds up.

The end structure after training will look something like this

├── input_data
│   ├── ...
├── test
│   ├── 0
│   │   ├── 0061c72d52ee.hdf5
│   │   ├── 00c25e6fa062.hdf5
│   │   ├── 00d203017c24.hdf5
│   │   ...
│   ├── 1
│   │   ├── 00e4571f73e8.hdf5
│   │   ├── 010e170e8d54.hdf5
│   ├── ...
├── training
│   ├── 0
│   │   ├── 001124581f52.hdf5
│   │   ├── 003159f57997.hdf5
│   │   ...
│   ├── 1
│   │   ├── 006eb8f391d7.hdf5
│   │   ├── 008006c44a7a.hdf5
│   │   ...
└── validation
    ├── 0
    │   ├── 001aa5b0d70f.hdf5
    │   ├── 0034c0f6f98f.hdf5
    ├── ...
    ├── 1
    │   ├── 0046edaf69cf.hdf5
    │   ├── 007deba76648.hdf5
    │   ...

After training, the user will call finish, which does a few things

  • Waits for all of the threads to finish (in case there were more running/writing)
  • Combines all of the small hdf5 files per split into a single hdf5 file
  • Joins the output data with the input data for the split
  • Uploads the split to Galileo data store

Why do we need IDs???

I know, it's not ideal. During model training particularly, its uncommon to have IDs in forward passes, and it makes out integrations a bit harder.

Currently, we need the IDs in order to join the input data logged before model training with the output data during model training. Fundamentally in the model training process there's nothing "naturally" there that is also there during the input training process. If you have an idea to eliminate the need for these IDs, please open a ticket, message us on slack, or open a PR! We would love to move past the IDs