- Getting Started
- SQL Fundamentals
- Object Relational Model
- Active Record
- Active Record II
- Active Record under-the-hood
SQL is the second module in the App Academy Full Stack Developer Curriculum.
As with all future modules, any "Bonus" projects are to be completed after the standard projects for each day are completed. Sometimes that could mean going back to previous day's "Bonus" projects if you otherwise finish early. Additional Resources are readings, videos, or articles that are not required, but will serve to deepen your understanding of a topic. They will be denoted with a specific icon in your task menu.
- 1. Setting up a Development Environment (Phase 2)
- 2. Nontechnical Overview of SQL
- 3. Programming Paradigms
- 4. SQL For The Impatient
- 5. A Visual Explanation of Joins
- 6. Self Joins
- 7. Formatting SQL Code
- 8. Subqueries
- 9. NULL
- 10. CASE
- 12. PostgreSQL Setup
- 13. SQL Fundamentals Quiz
- 14. SQL Bolt Tutorial; sections 1 - 12
- 15. Indexing Queries(Read Sections 1.3 - 1.5)
- 16. Breaking Down a SQL Query Plan
- 17. Postgres EXPLAIN documentation
- 18. Understanding Execution Plans in PostgreSQ
- 19. Creating an Index using SQL
- 20. Creating a SQL Database in PostgreSQL
- 21. Using JSONB in PostgreSQL
- 22. HashSet Solution Walkthrough
- 23. What is Privilege?
- 24. What is Intersectionality?
- 25. 12 Things Allies Can Do
- 26. How Do I Ally?
- 27. Getting Started in Social Justice
- 28. SQL Introduction Lecture
- 29. Case, Coalesce, & Sub Queries Lecture
- 30. GROUP BY & HAVING Lecture
- 31. LEFT OUTER JOIN & Join Tables
- 32. SQL Zoo
- 33. Optimized SQL: SQL Cats
- 34. Video solution to Julie Andrews query
- 35. Joins Video solution to Julie Andrews Query
- 36. Video solution to Craiglockhart to Sighthill query
- 1. RDBMS Intro
- 2. Building a Database
- 3. ORM Intro
- 4. ORM Demo
- 5. SQLite3
- 6. Heredocs
- 7. Little Bobby Tables
- 8. CSS Box Model Reading
- 9. CSS Display Property Reading
- 10. CSS Inherits
- 11. CSS Reset
- 12. CSS Positioning
- 13. CSS Float and Clearfix
- 14. CSS Float and Clearfix Reading
- 15. CSS Flexbox
- 16. Flexbox Froggy
- 17. CSS Grid System
- 18. CSS Grid Garden
- 19. ORM Quiz
- 20. Plays-Playwrights ORM
- 21. Shakshuka Part 2
- 20. AA Questions
- 21. a/A Questions Solutions
- 1. Nontechnical Overview of Rails
- 2. Starting a new Rails Project
- 3. Migrations Overview
- 4. Migrations Intro
- 5. Making Migrations
- 6. Changing Migrations
- 7. Rollbacks
- 8. ORM Overview
- 9. Models
- 10. Validations
- 11. Basic Associations (belongs_to, has_many)
- 12. More Associations (has_many through:...)
- 13. Validations Overview
- 14. Indices Overview
- 15. Indices
- 16. Introduction Rails Quiz
- 17. Intro to Rails
- 18. Association Flowchart
- 19. Creating a new Rails project
- 20. Migrations Reading
- 21. ORM Review and Intro to Active Record
- 22. Associations: belongs_to and has_many
- 23. Associations: has_many :through
- 24. Associations: has_one
- 25. Unconventional Associations
- 26. Basic Validations
- 27. Custom Validations
- 28. Miscellaneous Validations
- 29. ActiveRecord Indexes and Uniqueness
- 30. Intro to Rails & Migrations Lecture
- 31. Intro to Rails Models Lecture
- 32. Associations Lecture
- 33. Validations Lecture
- 34. Associations Exercise
- 35. Url shortener
- 1. ActiveRecord::Relation
- 2. ActiveRecord and Joins
- 3. N Plus One
- 4. Scopes
- 5. More on Querying
- 6. Active Record Quiz
- 7. Movie Buff in Training
- 8. N+1 Buster
- 9. Includes vs Joins: Whats the difference?
- 10. Ternary Logic in SQL
- 11. Rails 1 Practice
- 12. Rails 1 Practice - Initial Setup
- 13. Rails 1 Practice - Associations
- 14. Rails 1 Practice - Migrations
- 15. Rails 1 Practice - Active Record
- 16. Rails 1 Practice - SQL
- 17. Association Methods Lecture
- 18. Association Methods Lecture - Part Two
- 19. Association Methods Lecture - Part Three
- 20. Movie Buff
- 21. Polls
- 22. Polls App Solutions
- 1. Metaprogramming
- 2. Class Instance Variables
- 3. Demo: send
- 4. Demo: macros
- 5. Metaprogramming Quiz
- 6. Metacorgis
- 7. Metaprogramming Intro Lecture
- 8. Metaprogramming Class Variables Lecture
- 9. Metaprogramming Instance Variables Lecture
- 10. define_method & method_missing Lecture
- 11. Build Your Own ActiveRecord Part 1
- 12. Build Your Own ActiveRecord Part 2