From ba46d4a5b36af0785bef37cdaf085ea4356b1202 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ismoilovdevml Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2023 08:08:55 +0500 Subject: [PATCH] nashr qilish --- .../src/ | 61 +++++++------------ 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-) diff --git a/rustbook-uz/src/ b/rustbook-uz/src/ index a699254..aacc0c4 100644 --- a/rustbook-uz/src/ +++ b/rustbook-uz/src/ @@ -210,53 +210,34 @@ name = "kalkulyator" license = "MIT" ``` -If you want to use a license that doesn’t appear in the SPDX, you need to place -the text of that license in a file, include the file in your project, and then -use `license-file` to specify the name of that file instead of using the -`license` key. +Agar siz SPDX da ko'rinmaydigan litsenziyadan foydalanmoqchi bo'lsangiz, ushbu litsenziya matnini faylga joylashtirishingiz, faylni loyihangizga kiritishingiz kerak, va keyin `license` kalitidan foydalanish oʻrniga oʻsha fayl nomini koʻrsatish uchun `license-file` dan foydalaning. -Guidance on which license is appropriate for your project is beyond the scope -of this book. Many people in the Rust community license their projects in the -same way as Rust by using a dual license of `MIT OR Apache-2.0`. This practice -demonstrates that you can also specify multiple license identifiers separated -by `OR` to have multiple licenses for your project. +Loyihangiz uchun qaysi litsenziya to'g'ri kelishi haqidagi ko'rsatmalar ushbu kitob doirasidan tashqarida. Rust hamjamiyatidagi(community) ko'p odamlar o'z loyihalarini Rust bilan bir xil tarzda `MIT OR Apache-2.0` qo'sh litsenziyasidan foydalangan holda litsenziyalashadi. Ushbu amaliyot shuni ko'rsatadiki, loyihangiz uchun bir nechta litsenziyaga ega bo'lish uchun `OR` bilan ajratilgan bir nechta litsenziya identifikatorlarini ham belgilashingiz mumkin. -With a unique name, the version, your description, and a license added, the -*Cargo.toml* file for a project that is ready to publish might look like this: +Noyob nom, versiya, tavsif(description) va litsenziya qoʻshilgan holda nashr etishga tayyor boʻlgan loyiha uchun *Cargo.toml* fayli quyidagicha koʻrinishi mumkin: Fayl nomi: Cargo.toml ```toml [package] -name = "guessing_game" +name = "kalkulyator" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2021" -description = "A fun game where you guess what number the computer has chosen." +description = "Sanoq tizimlari bilan ishlaydigan kalkulyator" license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0" [dependencies] ``` -[Cargo’s documentation]( describes other -metadata you can specify to ensure others can discover and use your crate more -easily. +[Cargo hujjatlarida]( boshqalar sizning cratengizni osongina topishi va undan foydalanishi uchun siz belgilashingiz mumkin bo'lgan boshqa metama'lumotlar tasvirlangan. -### Publishing to +### nashr qilish -Now that you’ve created an account, saved your API token, chosen a name for -your crate, and specified the required metadata, you’re ready to publish! -Publishing a crate uploads a specific version to -[]( for others to use. +Endi siz hisob(account) yaratdingiz, API tokeningizni saqladingiz, cratengiz uchun nom tanladingiz va kerakli metamaʼlumotlarni koʻrsatdingiz, siz nashr(publish) qilishga tayyorsiz! Crateni nashr qilish boshqalar foydalanishi uchun []( saytiga ma'lum bir versiyani yuklaydi. -Be careful, because a publish is *permanent*. The version can never be -overwritten, and the code cannot be deleted. One major goal of -[]( is to act as a permanent archive -of code so that builds of all projects that depend on crates from -[]( will continue to work. Allowing -version deletions would make fulfilling that goal impossible. However, there is -no limit to the number of crate versions you can publish. +Ehtiyot bo'ling, chunki nashr *doimiydir(permanent)*. Versiyani hech qachon qayta yozib bo'lmaydi va kodni o'chirib bo'lmaydi.[]( -ning asosiy maqsadlaridan biri doimiy kod arxivi bo'lib xizmat qilishdir, shunda []( cratelarga bog'liq bo'lgan barcha loyihalar o'z ishini davom ettiradi. Versiyani o'chirishga ruxsat berish bu maqsadni amalga oshirishni imkonsiz qiladi. Biroq, siz nashr(publish) etishingiz mumkin bo'lgan crate versiyalari soniga cheklov yo'q. -Run the `cargo publish` command again. It should succeed now: +`cargo publish` buyrug'ini qayta ishga tushiring. Endi u muvaffaqiyatli bo'lishi kerak: