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Other collections

So far we have seen List as the main example of collections. However, just as there are many implementations for collections in Java, there as also many variants of them in Scala. This section will cover conversions between Java's and Scala's collections and list a number of useful operators that are commonly used in collections.


While using Scala, you are quick to discover that some external libraries you use are written in Java and therefore can return Java collections (hereafter called 'jCollection'). However, you instead want to use Scala collections (hereafter called 'sCollection') as these define more operators to work with in a functional way. On the other hand, some Java based libraries explicitly ask for a jCollection as their input, while you have a sCollection at hand. Scala provides special operators that do these conversions for you. First make sure you import scala.collection.JavaConverters._. This adds extra methods to your collections to transform one into the other.

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

val jList = List(1, 2, 3, 4).asJava
val sList = java.util.Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4).asScala

Note: Besides scala.collection.JavaConverters there is a scala.collection.JavaConversions. This does the transformation for you without explicitly typing asJava or asScala. However, in some cases this may lead to unexpected behavior. Therefore always use the JavaConverters method of conversion! For an example, see this explaination on the easy-bag-store project.

List vs Seq

A common misconception between Java and Scala is the naming of collections. Java defines an Iterable with subtype Collection, which itself is the supertype of the List, Set and Queue interfaces (as well as some other classes). The List interface then goes on to be the supertype of many implementations, such as ArrayList, LinkedList and Vector. Note that these implementations are all (as of Java 8) mutable collections!

Java Collection hierarchy

Scala has a much more complicated structure in its collections API (we don't recommend studying this too much if you don't need to!), but the gist is that it defines an Iterable similar to the one in Java. This trait has a number of subtypes, among which are Seq, Map and Set (note that Scala skips Java's Collection step and considers a Map to be a collection as well). The Seq trait in Scala is comparable to Java's List interface. This trait is the supertype of (amongst others) the List class, which is equivalent to Java's LinkedList!

Java Scala
Interface List Seq
Implementation LinkedList List

Scala Collection hierarchy

Notice in this image that also Scala's String class is in a sense part of the collections API. This makes sense, as a String is actually just a sequence of Chars. The main purpose of this is to be able to have the operators that are defined on collections as well on a String.

In this same way we can view the Option as a collection as well. The None case corresponds to an empty collection, whereas Some(a) corresponds to a collection with one element a in it. In fact, Scala does define the Option as a collection, so you can view it as such and mix it in in case you need to!

Finally, a Map is viewed as collection of key-value-tuples. Therefore operators like map, filter, flatMap (and many more) have a function-argument like (K, V) => A, meaning that their input consists of both the key and the value.

Operators on collections

In the previous sections we have discussed various operators on List, mainly map, filter and flatMap, which are required for doing for-comprehensions. However, there are many more operators on collections. We encourage you to have a look in the corresponding ScalaDocs of Seq, Map, List, etc. In this section we will highlight a couple of the most commonly used operators. We encourage you to experiment a bit with these operators, such that you have a good understanding of their behavior.

  • drop(n: Int) discards the first n elements from the collection and only processes the remaining elements
  • dropWhile(p: A => Boolean) discards all elements as long as they satisfy the predicate p. Once the predicate is satisfied, all remaining elements will be used in (optional) further processing
  • exists(p: A => Boolean) tests whether at least one element in the collection satisfies the predicate p
  • forall(p: A => Boolean) tests whether all elements in the collection satisfy the predicate p
  • groupBy[K](f: A => K) collects all elements of the collection into various groups, based on a common key of type K. The results are collected in a Map[K, List[A]]
  • partition(p: A => Boolean) separates the elements that satisfy the predicate p from the ones that don't and collects the results in two lists that are returned as a tuple
  • scanLeft/scanRight does the same as foldLeft/foldRight but keeps all intermediate results. This is useful to maintain some state throughout the sequence of operators.
  • span(p: A => Boolean) splits a list into a prefix and suffix according to the predicate p
  • take(n: Int) keeps the first n elements and discards the rest of the collection
  • takeWhile(p: A => Boolean) keeps all elements as long as they satisfy the predicate p
  • zip(that: Iterable[B]) merges the collection pairwise with another collection that into a collections of tuples (A, B)
  • zipWithIndex combines the elements of the collection with their index, starting at 0

Finally we refer to this blog post for tips & tricks and some best practices regarding the use of the operators defined on collections, Option and Try.