Steps to build a new release version AAR and deploy to Maven Central.
Run the gradle-release plugin to update version number, build locally, and push a new tag to GitHub.
$ ./gradlew clean release --refresh-dependencies
Wait for Circle CI to pick up the new tag, build and deploy the release artifacts to the Sonatype staging repository.
There should be one bundle that contains (3) individual artifacts: mapzen-core
, mapzen-android-sdk
, and mapzen-places-api
Log into Sonatype staging repository and promote artifact to production using "Close" then "Release".
As a side-effect of the automated release process two artifacts will be uploaded to the Sonatype staging repository. One which is properly signed using the GPG key and one which is not.
The unsigned artifact will fail signature verification and should be dropped. The signed artifact should be released to Maven Central.
Add release name and notes to GitHub releases page. Update installations page to point to the new artifact.
Download AARs and Javadoc JARs from Maven Central for mapzen-core
, mapzen-android-sdk
, and mapzen-places-api
modules. Attach to release notes.
Unzip Javadoc JARs in the proper folders of the gh-pages
branch. Commit and push to GitHub to publish to