-\ No newline at end of file
-diff --git a/.idea/inspectionProfiles/profiles_settings.xml b/.idea/inspectionProfiles/profiles_settings.xml
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..105ce2d
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/.idea/inspectionProfiles/profiles_settings.xml
-@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
-\ No newline at end of file
-diff --git a/.idea/misc.xml b/.idea/misc.xml
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..8648825
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/.idea/misc.xml
-@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
-\ No newline at end of file
-diff --git a/.idea/modules.xml b/.idea/modules.xml
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..9f0a871
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/.idea/modules.xml
-@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
-\ No newline at end of file
-diff --git a/.idea/vcs.xml b/.idea/vcs.xml
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..35eb1dd
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/.idea/vcs.xml
-@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
-\ No newline at end of file
-diff --git a/src/api.py b/src/api.py
-index 8a9abe4..08e04e0 100644
---- a/src/api.py
-+++ b/src/api.py
-@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
- Functions that make API calls stored here
- """
-+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
- from http import HTTPStatus
- import numpy as np
-@@ -14,6 +15,8 @@ from retry_requests import retry
- from src import helper
-+testing = 1
- def get_coordinates(args):
- """
-@@ -90,6 +93,76 @@ def get_uv(lat, long, decimal, unit="imperial"):
- return current_uv_index
-+def get_uv_history(lat, long, decimal, unit="imperial"):
-+ """
-+ Retrieve the UV index from one year ago for specified coordinates.
-+ This function accesses the Open-Meteo API to fetch the hourly UV index
-+ for the given latitude and longitude. It formats the result based on the
-+ specified decimal precision.
-+ Args:
-+ lat (float): Latitude of the location.
-+ long (float): Longitude of the location.
-+ decimal (int): Number of decimal places to round the output.
-+ unit (str): Unit of measurement ('imperial' or 'metric').
-+ Defaults to 'imperial'.
-+ Returns:
-+ str: The historical UV index rounded to the specified decimal places,
-+ or an error message if no data is found.
-+ API Documentation:
-+ https://open-meteo.com/en/docs/air-quality-api
-+ """
-+ # Set up the Open-Meteo API client with caching and retry on error
-+ cache_session = requests_cache.CachedSession(".cache", expire_after=3600)
-+ retry_session = retry(cache_session, retries=5, backoff_factor=0.2)
-+ openmeteo = openmeteo_requests.Client(session=retry_session)
-+ # Calculate the date one year ago and the current hour
-+ one_year_ago = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=365)
-+ formatted_date_one_year_ago = one_year_ago.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
-+ current_hour = one_year_ago.hour
-+ # Define the API request parameters
-+ url = "https://air-quality-api.open-meteo.com/v1/air-quality"
-+ params = {
-+ "latitude": lat,
-+ "longitude": long,
-+ "length_unit": unit,
-+ "hourly": ["uv_index"],
-+ "start_date": formatted_date_one_year_ago,
-+ "end_date": formatted_date_one_year_ago,
-+ "timezone": "auto"
-+ }
-+ # For testing purposes if testing equals 1 it will continue
-+ if testing == 1:
-+ # Attempt to fetch the UV index data from the API
-+ try:
-+ responses = openmeteo.weather_api(url, params=params)
-+ except ValueError:
-+ return "No data"
-+ # Process the first response (assuming a single location)
-+ response = responses[0]
-+ # Extract hourly UV index values
-+ hourly = response.Hourly()
-+ hourly_uv_index = hourly.Variables(0).ValuesAsNumpy()
-+ else:
-+ hourly_uv_index = [0.5678] * 24
-+ # Retrieve the UV index for the current hour from one year ago
-+ historical_uv_index = hourly_uv_index[current_hour]
-+ # Format the result to the specified decimal precision
-+ return f"{historical_uv_index:.{decimal}f}"
- def ocean_information(lat, long, decimal, unit="imperial"):
- """
- Get Ocean Data at coordinates
-@@ -129,6 +202,84 @@ def ocean_information(lat, long, decimal, unit="imperial"):
- return [current_wave_height, current_wave_direction, current_wave_period]
-+def ocean_information_history(lat, long, decimal, unit="imperial"):
-+ """
-+ Retrieve ocean data from one year ago for specified coordinates.
-+ This function accesses the Open-Meteo API to fetch
-+ hourly ocean data including wave height,
-+ direction, and period for the specified latitude
-+ and longitude. It formats the results based on the
-+ specified decimal precision.
-+ Args:
-+ lat (float): Latitude of the location.
-+ long (float): Longitude of the location.
-+ decimal (int): Number of decimal places to round the output.
-+ unit (str): Unit of measurement ('imperial' or 'metric').
-+ Defaults to 'imperial'.
-+ Returns:
-+ list: A list containing the wave height, direction, and period rounded
-+ to the specified decimal places,
-+ or an error message if no data is found.
-+ API Documentation:
-+ https://open-meteo.com/en/docs/marine-weather-api
-+ """
-+ # Set up the Open-Meteo API client with caching and retry on error
-+ cache_session = requests_cache.CachedSession(".cache", expire_after=3600)
-+ retry_session = retry(cache_session, retries=5, backoff_factor=0.2)
-+ openmeteo = openmeteo_requests.Client(session=retry_session)
-+ # Calculate the date and current hour one year ago
-+ one_year_ago = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=365)
-+ formatted_date_one_year_ago = one_year_ago.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
-+ current_hour = one_year_ago.hour # Combined calculation here
-+ # Define the API request parameters
-+ url = "https://marine-api.open-meteo.com/v1/marine"
-+ params = {
-+ "latitude": lat,
-+ "longitude": long,
-+ "hourly": ["wave_height", "wave_direction", "wave_period"],
-+ "length_unit": unit,
-+ "timezone": "auto",
-+ "start_date": formatted_date_one_year_ago,
-+ "end_date": formatted_date_one_year_ago
-+ }
-+ # For testing purposes if testing equals 1 it will continue
-+ if testing == 1:
-+ # Attempt to fetch the UV index data from the API
-+ try:
-+ responses = openmeteo.weather_api(url, params=params)
-+ except ValueError:
-+ return "No data"
-+ # Process the first response (assuming a single location)
-+ response = responses[0]
-+ # Extract hourly values for the specified metrics
-+ hourly = response.Hourly()
-+ hourly_wave_height = hourly.Variables(0).ValuesAsNumpy()
-+ hourly_wave_direction = hourly.Variables(1).ValuesAsNumpy()
-+ hourly_wave_period = hourly.Variables(2).ValuesAsNumpy()
-+ else:
-+ hourly_wave_height = [0.5678] * 24
-+ hourly_wave_direction = [0.5678] * 24
-+ hourly_wave_period = [0.5678] * 24
-+ # Retrieve data for the current hour from one year ago
-+ return [
-+ f"{hourly_wave_height[current_hour]:.{decimal}f}",
-+ f"{hourly_wave_direction[current_hour]:.{decimal}f}",
-+ f"{hourly_wave_period[current_hour]:.{decimal}f}"
-+ ]
- def current_wind_temp(lat, long, decimal, temp_unit="fahrenheit"):
- """
- Gathers the wind and temperature data
-@@ -364,8 +515,20 @@ def gather_data(lat, long, arguments):
- ocean_data = ocean_information(
- lat, long, arguments["decimal"], arguments["unit"]
- )
-+ past_ocean_data = ocean_information_history(
-+ lat, long, arguments["decimal"], arguments["unit"]
-+ )
- uv_index = get_uv(lat, long, arguments["decimal"], arguments["unit"])
-+ past_uv_index = get_uv_history(
-+ lat,
-+ long,
-+ arguments["decimal"],
-+ arguments["unit"]
-+ )
- wind_temp = current_wind_temp(lat, long, arguments["decimal"])
- hourly_dict = get_hourly_forecast(lat, long, arguments["decimal"])
-@@ -385,9 +548,13 @@ def gather_data(lat, long, arguments):
- "Long": long,
- "Location": arguments["city"],
- "Height": ocean_data[0],
-+ "Height one year ago": past_ocean_data[0],
- "Swell Direction": ocean_data[1],
-+ "Swell Direction one year ago": past_ocean_data[1],
- "Period": ocean_data[2],
-+ "Period one year ago": past_ocean_data[2],
- "UV Index": uv_index,
-+ "UV Index one year ago": past_uv_index,
- "Air Temperature": air_temp,
- "Wind Speed": wind_speed,
- "Wind Direction": wind_dir,
-diff --git a/src/helper.py b/src/helper.py
-index 5a63a14..dae382f 100644
---- a/src/helper.py
-+++ b/src/helper.py
-@@ -24,9 +24,13 @@ def arguments_dictionary(lat, long, city, args):
- "show_wave": 1,
- "show_large_wave": 0,
- "show_uv": 1,
-+ "show_past_uv": 0,
- "show_height": 1,
- "show_direction": 1,
- "show_period": 1,
-+ "show_height_history": 0,
-+ "show_direction_history": 0,
-+ "show_period_history": 0,
- "show_city": 1,
- "show_date": 1,
- "show_air_temp": 0,
-@@ -62,12 +66,16 @@ def set_output_values(args, arguments_dictionary): # noqa
- "show_large_wave": ("show_large_wave", 1),
- "slw": ("show_large_wave", 1),
- "hide_uv": ("show_uv", 0),
-+ "show_past_uv": ("show_past_uv", 1),
- "huv": ("show_uv", 0),
- "hide_height": ("show_height", 0),
-+ "show_height_history": ("show_height_history", 1),
- "hh": ("show_height", 0),
- "hide_direction": ("show_direction", 0),
-+ "show_direction_history": ("show_direction_history", 1),
- "hdir": ("show_direction", 0),
- "hide_period": ("show_period", 0),
-+ "show_period_history": ("show_period_history", 1),
- "hp": ("show_period", 0),
- "hide_location": ("show_city", 0),
- "hl": ("show_city", 0),
-@@ -149,9 +157,16 @@ def print_ocean_data(arguments_dict, ocean_data_dict):
- # List of tuples mapping argument keys to ocean data keys and labels
- mappings = [
- ("show_uv", "UV Index", "UV index: "),
-+ ("show_past_uv", "UV Index one year ago", "UV Index one year ago: "),
- ("show_height", "Height", "Wave Height: "),
-+ ("show_height_history", "Height one year ago",
-+ "Wave Height one year ago: "),
- ("show_direction", "Swell Direction", "Wave Direction: "),
-+ ("show_direction_history", "Swell Direction one year ago",
-+ "Wave Direction one year ago: "),
- ("show_period", "Period", "Wave Period: "),
-+ ("show_period_history", "Period one year ago",
-+ "Wave Period one year ago:"),
- ("show_air_temp", "Air Temperature", "Air Temp: "),
- ("show_wind_speed", "Wind Speed", "Wind Speed: "),
- ("show_wind_direction", "Wind Direction", "Wind Direction: "),
-@@ -173,6 +188,35 @@ def print_ocean_data(arguments_dict, ocean_data_dict):
- print(f"{label}{ocean_data_dict[data_key]}")
-+def print_historical_data(ocean_data_dict):
-+ """
-+ Prints historical ocean data from one year ago, including:
-+ - UV Index
-+ - Wave Height
-+ - Wave Direction
-+ - Wave Period
-+ Args:
-+ ocean_data_dict (dict): A dictionary containing ocean data,
-+ including historical values for UV Index,
-+ wave height, direction, and period.
-+ """
-+ # Extract historical data with fallback to "No data" if not available
-+ past_uv_index = ocean_data_dict.get("UV Index one year ago", "No data")
-+ past_wave_height = ocean_data_dict.get("Height one year ago",
-+ "No data")
-+ past_wave_direction = ocean_data_dict.get("Swell Direction one year ago",
-+ "No data")
-+ past_wave_period = ocean_data_dict.get("Period one year ago", "No data")
-+ # Display the extracted historical data
-+ print("Historical Ocean Data (1 Year Ago):")
-+ print(f"UV Index: {past_uv_index}")
-+ print(f"Wave Height: {past_wave_height}")
-+ print(f"Wave Direction: {past_wave_direction}")
-+ print(f"Wave Period: {past_wave_period}")
- def print_forecast(ocean, forecast):
- """
- Takes in dict of forecast data and prints.
-@@ -293,6 +337,9 @@ def print_outputs(ocean_data_dict, arguments, gpt_prompt, gpt_info):
- # Prints the forecast(if activated in CLI args)
- print_forecast(arguments, forecast)
-+ # Prints Historical Data
-+ print_historical_data(ocean_data_dict)
- # Checks if GPT in args, prints GPT response if True
- gpt_response = None
- if arguments["gpt"] == 1:
-diff --git a/tests/test_api.py b/tests/test_api.py
-index 2aa186c..82644b6 100644
---- a/tests/test_api.py
-+++ b/tests/test_api.py
-@@ -3,13 +3,19 @@ QA tests for api.py
- Make sure pytest is installed: pip install pytest
- Run pytest: pytest
- """
-+from unittest.mock import patch
-+import pytest
-+from openmeteo_requests.Client import OpenMeteoRequestsError
- from src.api import (
- forecast,
- gather_data,
- get_coordinates,
- get_uv,
-+ get_uv_history,
- ocean_information,
-+ ocean_information_history,
- seperate_args_and_get_location,
- )
- from src.helper import arguments_dictionary
-@@ -77,3 +83,89 @@ def test_seperate_args_and_get_location():
- assert isinstance(lat, (int, float))
- assert isinstance(long, (int, float))
- assert "Pleasure Point" in str(city)
-+def test_get_uv_history_basic_functionality():
-+ """
-+ Test the basic functionality of the get_uv_history function.
-+ This test verifies that the function returns a string
-+ when provided with valid latitude and longitude coordinates.
-+ """
-+ uv = get_uv_history(31.9505, 115.8605, 2) # Perth coordinates
-+ assert isinstance(uv, str)
-+def test_get_uv_history_invalid_coordinates():
-+ """
-+ Test get_uv_history with invalid coordinates.
-+ This test checks that the function raises an OpenMeteoRequestsError
-+ when provided with latitude and longitude values that are out of range.
-+ """
-+ with pytest.raises(OpenMeteoRequestsError):
-+ get_uv_history(1000, -2000, 2)
-+@patch('src.api.testing', new=0) # Set testing variable to 0
-+def test_get_uv_history_api_response():
-+ """
-+ Test how get_uv_history handles API response.
-+ This test verifies that the function returns the expected values
-+ when called with valid coordinates while patching the API call request.
-+ """
-+ result = get_uv_history(31.9505, 115.8605, 1)
-+ expected_result = '0.6'
-+ assert result == expected_result
-+def test_ocean_information_history_basic_functionality():
-+ """
-+ Test the basic functionality of the ocean_information_history function.
-+ This test checks that the function returns actual values for
-+ the wave data points when provided with valid coordinates.
-+ """
-+ waves = ocean_information_history(31.9505, 115.8605, 2)
-+ assert waves[0] is not None
-+ assert waves[1] is not None
-+ assert waves[2] is not None
-+def test_ocean_information_history_invalid_coordinates():
-+ """
-+ Test ocean_information_history with invalid coordinates.
-+ This test ensures that the function raises an OpenMeteoRequestsError
-+ when provided with latitude and longitude values that are out of range.
-+ """
-+ with pytest.raises(OpenMeteoRequestsError):
-+ get_uv_history(1000, -2000, 2)
-+def test_ocean_information_history_response_format():
-+ """
-+ Test the response format of ocean_information_history.
-+ This test verifies that the function returns a list with a
-+ specific number of elements when called with valid coordinates.
-+ """
-+ waves = ocean_information_history(31.9505, 115.8605, 2)
-+ expected_wave_count = 3
-+ assert isinstance(waves, list)
-+ assert len(waves) > 0
-+ assert len(waves) == expected_wave_count
-+@patch('src.api.testing', new=0) # Set testing variable to 0
-+def test_ocean_information_history():
-+ """
-+ Test how ocean_information_history handles API response.
-+ This test verifies that the function returns the expected values
-+ when called with valid coordinates while patching the API call request.
-+ """
-+ result = ocean_information_history(31.9505, 115.8605, 1)
-+ expected_result = ['0.6', '0.6', '0.6']
-+ assert result == expected_result
-diff --git a/tests/test_helper.py b/tests/test_helper.py
-index 15319ea..975b5b7 100644
---- a/tests/test_helper.py
-+++ b/tests/test_helper.py
-@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Run pytest: pytest
- """
- import io
-+import sys
- from unittest.mock import patch
- from src import cli, helper
-@@ -59,3 +60,36 @@ def test_print_gpt():
- gpt_info = [None, ""]
- gpt_response = helper.print_gpt(surf_data, gpt_prompt, gpt_info)
- assert "gpt works" in gpt_response
-+def test_print_historical_data():
-+ """
-+ Tests the print_historical_data function for correct output.
-+ This test verifies that the function prints the expected information
-+ from a dictionary containing historical ocean data. It captures the
-+ printed output and checks if specific test values are present in
-+ the output.
-+ """
-+ # Prepare test data
-+ test_ocean_data_dict = {
-+ "UV Index one year ago": "test",
-+ "Height one year ago": "test",
-+ "Swell Direction one year ago": "test",
-+ "Period one year ago": "test"
-+ }
-+ # Capture the printed output
-+ captured_output = io.StringIO()
-+ sys.stdout = captured_output
-+ # Call the function
-+ helper.print_historical_data(test_ocean_data_dict)
-+ sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
-+ # Get the printed response
-+ print_response = captured_output.getvalue().strip()
-+ # Check if "test" is in the output
-+ assert "test" in print_response
diff --git a/src/api.py b/src/api.py
index 08e04e0..87b9052 100644
--- a/src/api.py
+++ b/src/api.py
@@ -516,19 +516,8 @@ def gather_data(lat, long, arguments):
lat, long, arguments["decimal"], arguments["unit"]
- past_ocean_data = ocean_information_history(
- lat, long, arguments["decimal"], arguments["unit"]
- )
uv_index = get_uv(lat, long, arguments["decimal"], arguments["unit"])
- past_uv_index = get_uv_history(
- lat,
- long,
- arguments["decimal"],
- arguments["unit"]
- )
wind_temp = current_wind_temp(lat, long, arguments["decimal"])
hourly_dict = get_hourly_forecast(lat, long, arguments["decimal"])
@@ -548,13 +537,25 @@ def gather_data(lat, long, arguments):
"Long": long,
"Location": arguments["city"],
"Height": ocean_data[0],
- "Height one year ago": past_ocean_data[0],
+ "Height one year ago": (
+ ocean_information_history(
+ lat, long, arguments["decimal"], arguments["unit"])[0]
+ ),
"Swell Direction": ocean_data[1],
- "Swell Direction one year ago": past_ocean_data[1],
+ "Swell Direction one year ago": (
+ ocean_information_history(
+ lat, long, arguments["decimal"], arguments["unit"])[1]
+ ),
"Period": ocean_data[2],
- "Period one year ago": past_ocean_data[2],
+ "Period one year ago": (
+ ocean_information_history(
+ lat, long, arguments["decimal"], arguments["unit"])[2]
+ ),
"UV Index": uv_index,
- "UV Index one year ago": past_uv_index,
+ "UV Index one year ago": (
+ get_uv_history(
+ lat, long, arguments["decimal"], arguments["unit"])
+ ),
"Air Temperature": air_temp,
"Wind Speed": wind_speed,
"Wind Direction": wind_dir,