Change composer version depends
Do not limit country list
Implement multiple where requests with AND logical operator Implement DELETE commands New object : DolibarrSetupCompany to get informations about dolibarr company settings Implement addLine and deleteLine on Orders add Categorie on Contacts add subProducts get on products add Categorie on Objects add better filter options add Categorie on dolibarr Thirdpart
CommonObject return an object or an collection Add User-Agent on requests (easy to log server side) New download method for documents New find method on CommonObjects Activate a contract line AddLine on most of dolibarr objects ('bankaccounts','contracts','invoices','orders','proposals','shipments','supplierinvoices')
Add create (POST) / update (PUT) / validate dolibarr call requests Add first try on Setup part of API with Dictionary Countries : DolibarrSetupDictionaryCountries
Search on ID is like a normal where clause, cancel bad idea to put args on get call
Project is launched ! All dolibarr objects could be get.