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Recommended way of running des not work #58

mardevour opened this issue Jan 23, 2025 · 0 comments

Recommended way of running des not work #58

mardevour opened this issue Jan 23, 2025 · 0 comments


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trying to install some of these cool wallpapers but the recommended easy way to install with the doesn't work.

the command provided on the does this:


this also bugs the terminal instance after exiting the script.

on #48 there are two workarounds for this but one of those fails to install (sorry, some of the output is in spanish):

starting bash in interactive mode using -i:

curl -s "" | sudo bash -i

this makes the script interface work but fails to install. it creates a folder named Dynamic_Wallpapers at /usr/share/backgrounds/ but it's empty:

[sudo] contraseña para mar: 
[root@arch mar]# #!/bin/bash
[root@arch mar]# WALPAPER_DEST="/usr/share/backgrounds/Dynamic_Wallpapers"
[root@arch mar]# XML_DEST="/usr/share/gnome-background-properties/"
[root@arch mar]# GIT_URL=""
[root@arch mar]# 
[root@arch mar]# # Clone .git folder -> Lightweigh checkout
[root@arch mar]# git clone --filter=blob:none --no-checkout "$GIT_URL"
fatal: la ruta de destino 'Linux_Dynamic_Wallpapers' ya existe y no es un directorio vacío.
[root@arch mar]# 
[root@arch mar]# # List files in repo and create array of available walpapers
[root@arch mar]# walpaper_list="$(git --git-dir Linux_Dynamic_Wallpapers/.git ls-tree --full-name --name-only -r HEAD | \
> grep xml/ | \
> sed -e 's/^xml\///' | \
> sed -e 's/.xml//' | \
> sed -e 's/$/,,OFF/' | \
> tr "\n" "," \
> )"
[root@arch mar]# IFS=',' read -r -a choiceArray <<< "$walpaper_list"
[root@arch mar]# 
[root@arch mar]# # Display interactive list to user
[root@arch mar]# user_selection=$(whiptail --title "Select walpapers to install" --checklist \
> "Walpapers:" $LINES $COLUMNS $(( $LINES - 8 )) \
> "${choiceArray[@]}" \
> 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | sed -e 's/" "/"\n"/')
[root@arch mar]# 
[root@arch mar]# echo "-----------------"
[root@arch mar]# echo " ✔️ Selection: "
 ✔️ Selection: 
[root@arch mar]# echo "-----------------"
[root@arch mar]# [[ -z "$user_selection" ]] && {
> echo "❌ No selection, exiting..."
> exit 1
> } || {
> echo "$user_selection"
> }
[root@arch mar]# 
[root@arch mar]# # Create directories
[root@arch mar]# echo "-----------------"
[root@arch mar]# echo " ⚙️ Configuration"
 ⚙️ Configuration
[root@arch mar]# echo "-----------------"
[root@arch mar]# echo "- Walpapers destionation: $WALPAPER_DEST"
- Walpapers destionation: /usr/share/backgrounds/Dynamic_Wallpapers
[root@arch mar]# echo "- XML slideshows destination: $XML_DEST"
- XML slideshows destination: /usr/share/gnome-background-properties/
[root@arch mar]# sudo mkdir -p "$WALPAPER_DEST"
[root@arch mar]# echo "✅ Created $WALPAPER_DEST"
✅ Created /usr/share/backgrounds/Dynamic_Wallpapers
[root@arch mar]# sudo mkdir -p "$XML_DEST"
[root@arch mar]# echo "✅ Created $XML_DEST"
✅ Created /usr/share/gnome-background-properties/
[root@arch mar]# 
[root@arch mar]# echo "-------------------------"
[root@arch mar]# echo " 🚀 Installing walpapers"
 🚀 Installing walpapers
[root@arch mar]# echo "-------------------------"
[root@arch mar]# while IFS= read -r to_install; do
> # Delete quotes in name
> name=$(echo "$to_install" | tr -d '"')
> echo "- Installing $name"
> # List jpeg files to install
> list_to_install=$(git --no-pager --git-dir Linux_Dynamic_Wallpapers/.git show "main:Dynamic_Wallpapers/$name" | \
Display all 2101 possibilities? (y or n)
!                                   glewinfo                            modprobe                            setpgid
./                                  glib-compile-resources              modutil                             setpriv
:                                   glib-compile-schemas                more                                setsid
[                                   glib-gettextize                     mount                               setterm
[[                                  glilypond                           mount.cifs                          setvesablank
]]                                  glslang                             mount.composefs                     setvtrgb
{                                   glslangValidator                    mount.ddi                           setxkbmap
}                                   glslc                               mount.fuse                          sexp-conv
a52dec                              glxewinfo                           mount.fuse3                         sfdisk
accessdb                            gmenudbusmenuproxy                  mountpoint                          sg
aclocal                             gnutls-cli                          mount.smb3                          sh
aclocal-1.17                        gnutls-cli-debug                    mouse-dpi-tool                      sha1sum
addftinfo                           gnutls-serv                         mouse-test                          sha224sum
addgnupghome                        go                                  mp3rtp                              sha256sum
addpart                             gobject-query                       mpeg2dec                            sha384sum
addr2line                           gofmt                               mpg123                              sha512sum
affixcompress                       gp-archive                          mpg123-id3dump                      shift
afmtodit                            gpasswd                             mpg123-strip                        shlibsign
agetty                              gp-collect-app                      mpicalc                             shopt
alias                               gp-display-html                     msgattrib                           showconsolefont
amdgpu_stress                       gp-display-src                      msgcat                              showdb
amrnb-dec                           gp-display-text                     msgcmp                              showjournal
amrnb-enc                           gperl                               msgcomm                             showkey
amrwb-dec                           gpg                                 msgconv                             showshm
analyze                             gpg2                                msgen                               showstat4
androiddeployqt6                    gpg-agent                           msgexec                             showwal
anim_diff                           gpg-card                            msgfilter                           shred
anim_dump                           gpgconf                             msgfmt                              shtab
aomdec                              gpg-connect-agent                   msggrep                             shuf
aomenc                              gpg-error                           msginit                             shutdown
applygnupgdefaults                  gpg-mail-tube                       msgmerge                            signtool
appstreamcli                        gpgme-json                          msgunfmt                            signver
apropos                             gpgme-tool                          msguniq                             sim_client
>  +3)
> # Install jpeg files
> while IFS= read -r file; do
Display all 2101 possibilities? (y or n)
!                                   glewinfo                            modprobe                            setpgid
./                                  glib-compile-resources              modutil                             setpriv
:                                   glib-compile-schemas                more                                setsid
[                                   glib-gettextize                     mount                               setterm
[[                                  glilypond                           mount.cifs                          setvesablank
]]                                  glslang                             mount.composefs                     setvtrgb
{                                   glslangValidator                    mount.ddi                           setxkbmap
}                                   glslc                               mount.fuse                          sexp-conv
a52dec                              glxewinfo                           mount.fuse3                         sfdisk
accessdb                            gmenudbusmenuproxy                  mountpoint                          sg
aclocal                             gnutls-cli                          mount.smb3                          sh
aclocal-1.17                        gnutls-cli-debug                    mouse-dpi-tool                      sha1sum
addftinfo                           gnutls-serv                         mouse-test                          sha224sum
addgnupghome                        go                                  mp3rtp                              sha256sum
addpart                             gobject-query                       mpeg2dec                            sha384sum
addr2line                           gofmt                               mpg123                              sha512sum
affixcompress                       gp-archive                          mpg123-id3dump                      shift
afmtodit                            gpasswd                             mpg123-strip                        shlibsign
agetty                              gp-collect-app                      mpicalc                             shopt
alias                               gp-display-html                     msgattrib                           showconsolefont
amdgpu_stress                       gp-display-src                      msgcat                              showdb
amrnb-dec                           gp-display-text                     msgcmp                              showjournal
amrnb-enc                           gperl                               msgcomm                             showkey
amrwb-dec                           gpg                                 msgconv                             showshm
analyze                             gpg2                                msgen                               showstat4
androiddeployqt6                    gpg-agent                           msgexec                             showwal
anim_diff                           gpg-card                            msgfilter                           shred
anim_dump                           gpgconf                             msgfmt                              shtab
aomdec                              gpg-connect-agent                   msggrep                             shuf
aomenc                              gpg-error                           msginit                             shutdown
applygnupgdefaults                  gpg-mail-tube                       msgmerge                            signtool
appstreamcli                        gpgme-json                          msgunfmt                            signver
apropos                             gpgme-tool                          msguniq                             sim_client
ar                                  gpgparsemail                        msidb                               sim_server
archlinux-keyring-wkd-sync          gpgrt-config                        msiexec                             size
ardour8                             gpgscm                              mtdev-test                          skdump
ardour8-copy-mixer                  gpgsm                               mtp-albumart                        sktest
ardour8-export                      gpgsplit                            mtp-albums                          slabtop
ardour8-lua                         gpgtar                              mtp-connect                         sleep
ardour8-new_empty_session           gpgv                                mtp-delfile                         sln
ardour8-new_session                 gpgv2                               mtp-detect                          slop
arpd                                gpg-wks-client                      mtp-emptyfolders                    slsh
arping                              gpg-wks-server                      mtp-files                           smb2-quota
arptables-nft                       gpinyin                             mtp-filetree                        smbcacls
arptables-nft-restore               gpm                                 mtp-folders                         smbclient
arptables-nft-save                  gpm-root                            mtp-format                          smbcquotas
as                                  gprof                               mtp-getfile                         smbget
aserver                             gprofng                             mtp-getplaylist                     smbinfo
asn1Coding                          gr2fonttest                         mtp-hotplug                         smbspool
asn1Decoding                        grap2graph                          mtp-newfolder                       smbtar
asn1Parser                          grep                                mtp-newplaylist                     smbtree
assistant6                          grim                                mtp-playlists                       sndfile-cmp
attr                                grn                                 mtp-reset                           sndfile-concat
aubiomfcc                           grodvi                              mtp-sendfile                        sndfile-convert
aubionotes                          groff                               mtp-sendtr                          sndfile-deinterleave
aubioonset                          grog                                mtp-thumb                           sndfile-info
aubiopitch                          grolbp                              mtp-tracks                          sndfile-interleave
aubioquiet                          grolj4                              mtp-trexist                         sndfile-metadata-get
aubiotrack                          gropdf                              mtrace                              sndfile-metadata-set
audisp-af_unix                      grops                               munch                               sndfile-play
audispd-zos-remote                  grotty                              muxer                               sndfile-salvage
audisp-filter                       groupadd                            mv                                  socat
audisp-remote                       groupdel                            mysofa2json                         socat1
audisp-syslog                       groupmems                           namei                     
auditctl                            groupmod                            nano                      
auditd                              groups                              ncursesw6-config          
> loading Dynamic_Wallpapers/$name/$file"
.10moonsDriver/           .cache/                   .gitconfig                .pki/                     Vídeos/
2025-01-09 14-47-13.mkv   .cargo/                   .gnupg/                   Plantillas/               .vscode-oss/
Apps/                     .config/                  Godot/                    .profile                  .vst/
Archivo/                  copia/                    .gradle/                  Público/                  .wine/
Ardour/                   .cursor/                  .ICEauthority             .pulse-cookie             .Xauthority
Audio/                    custom-extra/             .icons/                   .scripts/                 .xprofile
Baks/                     default/                  Imágenes/                 .SoulseekQt/              .Xresources
.bash_history             Descargas/                      .spicetify/               .xsession-errors
.bash_history-00541.tmp   Desktop/                  .jackdrc                  .ssh/                     .xsession-errors.old
.bash_history-00549.tmp   Dev/                      .java/                    .steam/                   .yarn/
.bash_history-00567.tmp   .directory                Juegos/                   .steampath                .yarnrc
.bash_history-00846.tmp   .dmrc                     Linux_Dynamic_Wallpapers/ .steampid                 Yay/
.bash_history-01839.tmp   Documentos/               .local/                   .stremio-server/          
.bash_history-71831.tmp   download/                 .mozilla/                 .themes/                  
.bash_profile             .face                     Música/                   Torrents/                 
.bashrc                   Git/                      .npm/                     .var/                     
> sudo mkdir -p "$WALPAPER_DEST/$name"
.10moonsDriver/           .cache/                   .gitconfig                .pki/                     Vídeos/
2025-01-09 14-47-13.mkv   .cargo/                   .gnupg/                   Plantillas/               .vscode-oss/
Apps/                     .config/                  Godot/                    .profile                  .vst/
Archivo/                  copia/                    .gradle/                  Público/                  .wine/
Ardour/                   .cursor/                  .ICEauthority             .pulse-cookie             .Xauthority
Audio/                    custom-extra/             .icons/                   .scripts/                 .xprofile
Baks/                     default/                  Imágenes/                 .SoulseekQt/              .Xresources
.bash_history             Descargas/                      .spicetify/               .xsession-errors
.bash_history-00541.tmp   Desktop/                  .jackdrc                  .ssh/                     .xsession-errors.old
.bash_history-00549.tmp   Dev/                      .java/                    .steam/                   .yarn/
.bash_history-00567.tmp   .directory                Juegos/                   .steampath                .yarnrc
.bash_history-00846.tmp   .dmrc                     Linux_Dynamic_Wallpapers/ .steampid                 Yay/
.bash_history-01839.tmp   Documentos/               .local/                   .stremio-server/          
.bash_history-71831.tmp   download/                 .mozilla/                 .themes/                  
.bash_profile             .face                     Música/                   Torrents/                 
.bashrc                   Git/                      .npm/                     .var/                     
> git --no-pager --git-dir Linux_Dynamic_Wallpapers/.git show "main:Dynamic_Wallpapers/$name/$file" | \
.10moonsDriver/           .cache/                   .gitconfig                .pki/                     Vídeos/
2025-01-09 14-47-13.mkv   .cargo/                   .gnupg/                   Plantillas/               .vscode-oss/
Apps/                     .config/                  Godot/                    .profile                  .vst/
Archivo/                  copia/                    .gradle/                  Público/                  .wine/
Ardour/                   .cursor/                  .ICEauthority             .pulse-cookie             .Xauthority
Audio/                    custom-extra/             .icons/                   .scripts/                 .xprofile
Baks/                     default/                  Imágenes/                 .SoulseekQt/              .Xresources
.bash_history             Descargas/                      .spicetify/               .xsession-errors
.bash_history-00541.tmp   Desktop/                  .jackdrc                  .ssh/                     .xsession-errors.old
.bash_history-00549.tmp   Dev/                      .java/                    .steam/                   .yarn/
.bash_history-00567.tmp   .directory                Juegos/                   .steampath                .yarnrc
.bash_history-00846.tmp   .dmrc                     Linux_Dynamic_Wallpapers/ .steampid                 Yay/
.bash_history-01839.tmp   Documentos/               .local/                   .stremio-server/          
.bash_history-71831.tmp   download/                 .mozilla/                 .themes/                  
.bash_profile             .face                     Música/                   Torrents/                 
.bashrc                   Git/                      .npm/                     .var/                     
.10moonsDriver/           .cache/                   .gitconfig                .pki/                     Vídeos/
2025-01-09 14-47-13.mkv   .cargo/                   .gnupg/                   Plantillas/               .vscode-oss/
Apps/                     .config/                  Godot/                    .profile                  .vst/
Archivo/                  copia/                    .gradle/                  Público/                  .wine/
Ardour/                   .cursor/                  .ICEauthority             .pulse-cookie             .Xauthority
Audio/                    custom-extra/             .icons/                   .scripts/                 .xprofile
Baks/                     default/                  Imágenes/                 .SoulseekQt/              .Xresources
.bash_history             Descargas/                      .spicetify/               .xsession-errors
.bash_history-00541.tmp   Desktop/                  .jackdrc                  .ssh/                     .xsession-errors.old
.bash_history-00549.tmp   Dev/                      .java/                    .steam/                   .yarn/
.bash_history-00567.tmp   .directory                Juegos/                   .steampath                .yarnrc
.bash_history-00846.tmp   .dmrc                     Linux_Dynamic_Wallpapers/ .steampid                 Yay/
.bash_history-01839.tmp   Documentos/               .local/                   .stremio-server/          
.bash_history-71831.tmp   download/                 .mozilla/                 .themes/                  
.bash_profile             .face                     Música/                   Torrents/                 
.bashrc                   Git/                      .npm/                     .var/                     
> sudo tee "$WALPAPER_DEST/$name/$file" >/dev/null
> done <<< "$list_to_install"
> # Install xml
> echo " Downloading Dynamic_Wallpapers/$name.xml"
> git --no-pager --git-dir Linux_Dynamic_Wallpapers/.git show "main:Dynamic_Wallpapers/$name.xml" | \
.10moonsDriver/           .cache/                   .gitconfig                .pki/                     Vídeos/
2025-01-09 14-47-13.mkv   .cargo/                   .gnupg/                   Plantillas/               .vscode-oss/
Apps/                     .config/                  Godot/                    .profile                  .vst/
Archivo/                  copia/                    .gradle/                  Público/                  .wine/
Ardour/                   .cursor/                  .ICEauthority             .pulse-cookie             .Xauthority
Audio/                    custom-extra/             .icons/                   .scripts/                 .xprofile
Baks/                     default/                  Imágenes/                 .SoulseekQt/              .Xresources
.bash_history             Descargas/                      .spicetify/               .xsession-errors
.bash_history-00541.tmp   Desktop/                  .jackdrc                  .ssh/                     .xsession-errors.old
.bash_history-00549.tmp   Dev/                      .java/                    .steam/                   .yarn/
.bash_history-00567.tmp   .directory                Juegos/                   .steampath                .yarnrc
.bash_history-00846.tmp   .dmrc                     Linux_Dynamic_Wallpapers/ .steampid                 Yay/
.bash_history-01839.tmp   Documentos/               .local/                   .stremio-server/          
.bash_history-71831.tmp   download/                 .mozilla/                 .themes/                  
.bash_profile             .face                     Música/                   Torrents/                 
.bashrc                   Git/                      .npm/                     .var/                     
> sudo tee "$WALPAPER_DEST/$name.xml" >/dev/null
> # Install slideshow xml
> echo " Downloading xml/$name.xml"
> git --no-pager --git-dir Linux_Dynamic_Wallpapers/.git show "main:xml/$name.xml" | \
.10moonsDriver/           .cache/                   .gitconfig                .pki/                     Vídeos/
2025-01-09 14-47-13.mkv   .cargo/                   .gnupg/                   Plantillas/               .vscode-oss/
Apps/                     .config/                  Godot/                    .profile                  .vst/
Archivo/                  copia/                    .gradle/                  Público/                  .wine/
Ardour/                   .cursor/                  .ICEauthority             .pulse-cookie             .Xauthority
Audio/                    custom-extra/             .icons/                   .scripts/                 .xprofile
Baks/                     default/                  Imágenes/                 .SoulseekQt/              .Xresources
.bash_history             Descargas/                      .spicetify/               .xsession-errors
.bash_history-00541.tmp   Desktop/                  .jackdrc                  .ssh/                     .xsession-errors.old
.bash_history-00549.tmp   Dev/                      .java/                    .steam/                   .yarn/
.bash_history-00567.tmp   .directory                Juegos/                   .steampath                .yarnrc
.bash_history-00846.tmp   .dmrc                     Linux_Dynamic_Wallpapers/ .steampid                 Yay/
.bash_history-01839.tmp   Documentos/               .local/                   .stremio-server/          
.bash_history-71831.tmp   download/                 .mozilla/                 .themes/                  
.bash_profile             .face                     Música/                   Torrents/                 
.bashrc                   Git/                      .npm/                     .var/                     
> sudo tee "$XML_DEST/$name.xml" >/dev/null
> done <<< "$user_selection"
> echo
> echo "Success !"
> echo "💜 Please support on"
> bash: EOF inesperado mientras se buscaba un `"' coincidente

splitting the command like this, which seems to work:

curl -s "" >
sudo bash

results of the above:

[sudo] contraseña para mar: 
fatal: la ruta de destino 'Linux_Dynamic_Wallpapers' ya existe y no es un directorio vacío.
 ✔️ Selection: 
 ⚙️ Configuration
- Walpapers destionation: /usr/share/backgrounds/Dynamic_Wallpapers
- XML slideshows destination: /usr/share/gnome-background-properties/
✅ Created /usr/share/backgrounds/Dynamic_Wallpapers
✅ Created /usr/share/gnome-background-properties/
 🚀 Installing walpapers
- Installing Monterey
 Downloading Dynamic_Wallpapers/Monterey/Monterey01.jpg
 Downloading Dynamic_Wallpapers/Monterey/Monterey02.jpg
 Downloading Dynamic_Wallpapers/Monterey/Monterey03.jpg
 Downloading Dynamic_Wallpapers/Monterey/Monterey04.jpg
 Downloading Dynamic_Wallpapers/Monterey/Monterey05.jpg
 Downloading Dynamic_Wallpapers/Monterey/Monterey06.jpg
 Downloading Dynamic_Wallpapers/Monterey/Monterey07.jpg
 Downloading Dynamic_Wallpapers/Monterey/Monterey08.jpg
 Downloading Dynamic_Wallpapers/Monterey.xml
 Downloading xml/Monterey.xml

Success !
💜 Please support on
@mardevour mardevour changed the title des not work Recommended way of running des not work Jan 23, 2025
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