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153 lines (82 loc) · 5.57 KB

File metadata and controls

153 lines (82 loc) · 5.57 KB

It is a simple cms project. I have used LARAVEL framework and MySql database for this project.

Features : login, registration, admin/user panel, email verification, password reset, forget password, view count, manage tags, manage categories, email notification sending realtime, admin approval setting, post publishing schedule wise, profile update, subscriber handling, comment system etc...

For Admin:

  1. Category wise post publishes ability and sees number of post on that category.

  2. Tag wise post publishes ability and sees number of post on that tag. (multiple tags are allowed with a single post)

  3. Ability to approve and publish post.

  4. See all category types and ability to create new category & edit/remove them.

  5. See all tags and ability to create new tag & edit/remove them.

  6. See all pending post.

  7. Control all author activity.

  8. Admin can change his profile information.

  9. Admin can reset his password.

  10. Admin can see all subscriber list and delete subscriber.

  11. Sign in/sign out

  12. Comment on a post

For Author:

  1. User can post an article.

  2. Sign in/sign out

  3. User can view all his own created post

  4. User can see his pending post list

  5. User can edit and delete his post

  6. User has ability to change his profile info

  7. Can ability to reset his password

  8. Can see all category and number of posts of that category

  9. Have profile option for change his profile information

  10. Have a nice dashboard where he sees his profile information etc....

  11. Comment on a post

For Guest user:

  1. User can see all post.

  2. User can see category wise post

  3. User can see tag wish post

  4. User can search for a post

  5. User can subscribe our website.


--> HTML
--> CSS
--> Bootstrap
--> JQuery 
--> Few Javascript
--> Mysql
--> Laravel Framework

Home Page for Guest User

Category Wist post show for Guest User

Tag Wist post show for Guest User

Tag Wist post show for Guest User

Search Posts for Guest User

Admin Dashboard

Admin - Users List. Can able to make an user Admin

Admin - See All Posts. He can edit only his own created post, not users post. But able to delete every post

Admin - See All Pending Posts. Users post require admin approval for publish our site.

Admin - Can See All Subscriber & Managed Them Easily.

Admin - Manage All Tags & see number of posts in each tags

Admin - Manage All Categories & see number of posts in each categories

Admin - See all trashed posts

User Panel - Dashboard

User Panel - See all his own created posts

User Panel - See all his own pending posts

User Panel - See all tags but not able to add/edit/delete this.

User Panel - See all categories but not able to add/edit/delete this.

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