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Ubuntu Shell Commands Documentation

Command Description
scp /path/to/file user@server:/path/to/destination Copy file from local to server.
df -h Check the amount of free space.
sudo ufw status Check the status of the firewall.
sudo ufw allow from remote_IP_address to any port 3306 Allow external IP to access port 3306.
scp user@remote_host:remote_file local_file Download file from remote to local.
scp local_file user@remote_host:remote_file Upload file from local to remote.
service elasticsearch restart Restart the Elasticsearch service.
sudo -s Log in as root.
cat /proc/<process_id>/maps Show the current virtual memory usage of a Linux process.
ip r Display IP of the server.
lsof -i :9000 List the process running on port 9000.
journalctl -u minio.service -n 100 --no-pager List the last 100 logs for a specific service.
sudo resize2fs /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0DO_example Resize a volume.
`ps -ax grep myprocessname`
kill -9 PROCESS_ID Kill a process by its PID.