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196 lines (155 loc) · 4.35 KB

File metadata and controls

196 lines (155 loc) · 4.35 KB


This one line script will eventually replace most of the manual install listed right below.


Install iTerm2

  • Install Xcode first
  • Download iTerm here
  • Launch iTerm2
  • Copy/paste iterm/Meslo Slashed/ fonts into your system font directory
  • In iTerm2 go to Preferences > Profiles > Text > Font > Change Font and change to:
    • SourceCodePro Powerline Awesome Regular
    • 14 pt font size
  • Go to Preferences and check "Load preferences from a custom folder or URL"
  • Click "Browse" next to the checkbox above and load the plist in this repo: iterm2/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist

Install Homebrew

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Note: might need to install the Homebrew Bundler manually before running the next step. If so, run: brew tap Homebrew/bundle

Install Brew Bundles

This will install NVM, Yarn, Zsh, Zsh Completions, etc

brew bundle

Copy Bash Profile

cp .bash_profile ~/.bash_profile
. ~/.bash_profile

Install Oh My ZSH

curl -L | sh

Install Vundle for VIM

git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim

Configure Tmux

Open vim ~/.tmux.conf and add

> set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"

Migrate any exports from Bash Profiles to Zshrc

Migrate any exports from ~/.bash_profiles to ~/.zshrc

Copy Vimrc

cp .vimrc ~/.vimrc

Install Vundle plugins

vim +PluginInstall +qall (execute from the terminal. not from inside vim)

Useful Commands

Search with FZF (fuzzy finder)

Toggle Search

Ctl t


Split Pane Horizontally


Split Pane Vertically


Move Between Panes

Cmd+[ to move to the left pane Cmd+] to move to the right pane

Pane Fullscreen



find and open file by name anywhere in the tree directory

vi **/News.js

CD with fuzzy matching

Say that you have the following structure in your current directory: toolbox/iterm/docs. You can type shorthands and they will get auto completed after pressing TAB

cd tool/term/doc

List every file in the current dir or below in a variety of ways

ls src/**/
ls src/**/*.js

Expand environment variables

This will expand your env var

$PATH <kbd>Tab</kbd>

Search and Kill Processes

You can start typing kill and then name of process and Zsh will give you a list of possible processes to kill and their respective PID.

kill nod<kbd>Tab</kbd>

List Help Manual after starting to type a command

Say you wanted to invoke the Help guide for ls

ls -<kbd>Tab</kbd>

List Git shortcuts created by Zsh

alias | grep git


Read more about cool stuff we can do in VIM here:

Search for files using Fizz Fuzz Finder (fzf)

,t This will open up the search at the bottom of the screen. Simply start searching.

Search buffers (files currently loaded in memory)

; This will open up the search at the bottom of the screen. Simply start searching.

Open File in Nerdtree as a Tab


Toggle Nerdtree tabs


Open Nerdtree


Toggle Nerdtree Focus


Find Var/Func Definition/Origin


Bashmarks' Directory Bookmarks

Please note that you need to make sure has been patch with the local copy of which adds two new functions: _d and bashmarks as there were name collisions when used within oh-my-zsh

print bashmarks help/options


Save a New Directory

cd /directory/to/bookmark/my_project
s my_proj

Go to Bookmark Directory

g my_proj

Show Directory Path to a Bookmark Name

p my_proj

List Bookmarks


Delete Bookmark

_d my_proj


  • copy ~/.oh-myzsh
  • copy ~/.vimrc
  • copy ~/.zshrc