+ This app will load Geo11 files, without harming the game's files. The best display method is currently via VR Screen Cap by Artum.
It creates a desktop shortcut, when clicked, it will move the game's original "dxd11.dll" files to "/originaldx" and load geo11 dxd11 files. Creating a VR specific launcher/shortcut. On game close, the files will return
+ to original locations. This is a 3rd party mod loader, I am not affiliated with the Geo11 team. Just a fan.
Select Game Location and version. 'Generate' will push the Geo11 files to a folder in the game's
+ directory and a Geo11 desktop shortcut.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Simple1.ahk b/Simple1.ahk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e96b890
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Simple1.ahk
@@ -0,0 +1,1117 @@
+; Generated by Auto-GUI 3.0.1
+SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
+SetBatchLines -1
+; Include the Neutron library
+#Include %A_ScriptDir%\lib\Neutron.ahk
+#Include %A_ScriptDir%\lib\tf.ahk
+#Include %A_ScriptDir%\lib\csv.ahk
+#Include %A_ScriptDir%\lib\browse.ahk
+HTMLFile := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\HTMLfile.txt"
+; Create a new NeutronWindow and navigate to our HTML page
+ColumnNr = [1]
+global delimiter = ","
+global LogGames := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\Gamename.txt"
+global NextInstall := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\NextInstall.txt"
+global GamesUpdate := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\GamesUpdate.csv"
+global HelixLauncherBat := "vrapplauncher.bat"
+global HelixBatPath := A_ScriptDir "\vrapplauncher.bat"
+global Logdir := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11"
+global HelixLocal := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\HelixLocal.txt"
+global UninstallLog := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\uninstall.txt"
+global CustomShaderLog := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\customshaderlog.txt"
+global Zipfile := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\ziplocation.txt"
+global ZipExtract := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\zipextract.txt"
+global SomePath := A_ScriptDir "\Custom_Shaders"
+FileCreateDir, %Logdir%
+Loop, read, %GamesUpdate%
+ if (A_LoopReadLine="")
+ continue
+ else
+ {
+ CurrentGame := % A_LoopReadLine
+ }
+if FileExist(Helix)
+ BinaryHelixFile := 1
+ Loop, read, %Helix%
+ {
+ if (A_LoopReadLine="")
+ continue
+ else
+ {
+ HelixPath := % A_LoopReadLine
+ }
+ }
+ BinaryHelixFile := 0
+If (HelixPath ="")
+ BinaryHelixFile := 0
+SelectedGame := CurrentGame
+ColumnNr := [1]
+delimiter := ","
+neutron := new NeutronWindow()
+FileInstall, lib\bootstrap.min.css, lib\bootstrap.min.css
+FileInstall, lib\bootstrap.min.js, lib\bootstrap.min.js
+FileInstall, lib\jquery.min.js, lib\jquery.min.js
+FileInstall, Untitled-1.png, Untitled-1.png
+FileInstall, lib\configure.exe, lib\configure.exe
+; Use the Gui method to set a custom label prefix for GUI events. This code is
+; equivalent to the line `Gui, name:+LabelNeutron` for a normal GUI.
+; Insert example 4 table 1 contents
+Ex4_Table1 := [["Apple", 1], ["Orange", 2]]
+html := ""
+for row, data in Ex4_Table1
+ html .= "
+ for col, cell in data
+ html .= neutron.FormatHTML("
", cell)
+ html .= "
+neutron.qs("#ex4_table1>tbody").innerHTML := html
+; Insert example 4 table 2 contents
+Ex4_Table2 := [["Apple", 1], ["Orange", 2]]
+for row, data in Ex4_Table2
+ tr := neutron.doc.createElement("tr")
+ for col, cell in data
+ {
+ td := neutron.doc.createElement("td")
+ td.innerText := cell
+ tr.appendChild(td)
+ }
+ neutron.qs("#ex4_table2>tbody").appendChild(tr)
+; Show the GUI, with an initial size of 800 x 600. Unlike with a normal GUI
+; this size includes the title bar area, so the "client" area will be slightly
+; shorter vertically than if you were to make this GUI the normal way.
+neutron.Show("w800 h700")
+;SetTimer, DynamicContent, 2000
+; FileInstall all your dependencies, but put the FileInstall lines somewhere
+; they won't ever be reached. Right below your AutoExecute section is a great
+; location!
+FileInstall, Simple.html, Simple.html
+; The built in GuiClose, GuiEscape, and GuiDropFiles event handlers will work
+; with Neutron GUIs. Using them is the current best practice for handling these
+; types of events. Here, we're using the name NeutronClose because the GUI was
+; given a custom label prefix up in the auto-execute section.
+ filedelete, %CustomShaderLog%
+; above is before load
+; --- Trigger AHK by page events ---
+ FileSelectFile, Selectgame, 32, , Select a game, Application (*.exe)
+ if (Selectgame = "")
+ MsgBox, You didn't select anything.
+ else
+ {
+ SplitPath, Selectgame, Gameexe, Gamepath, Gameextenstion, Gamenameonly
+ if !FileExist(LogGames)
+ {
+ FileAppend,%Selectgame%,%LogGames%
+ GameError := 0
+ }
+ Else
+ {
+ Loop, read, %LogGames%
+ {
+ Currentline := A_LoopReadLine
+ If InStr(Currentline, Gameexe)
+ {
+ LineRead := StrSplit(Currentline,delimiter)
+ Gamename := LineRead[2]
+ Msgbox, Error. %Gameexe% already has Geo11.
+ GameError := 1
+ break
+ }
+ Else
+ {
+ GameError := 0
+ FileAppend, %Gameexe%, %GamesUpdate%
+ }
+ }
+ ;Gui Add, ComboBox, vcbx w200 vVersChoice, x32||x64
+ }
+ } ;Gui Add, ComboBox, vcbx w200 vVersChoice, x32||x64
+Example1_MouseMove(neutron, event)
+ ; Some events, like MouseMove, have custom attributes that can be read.
+ ; offsetX and offsetY contain the mouse position relative to the event that
+ ; fired the event.
+ event.target.innerText := Format("({:i}, {:i})", event.offsetX, event.offsetY)
+Example1_MouseLeave(neutron, event)
+ ; Reset the text of the MouseMove example when the mouse is no longer over
+ ; it.
+ event.target.innerText := %Gameexe%
+Ex4_Submit2(neutron, event)
+ event.preventDefault()
+ formData := neutron.GetFormData(event.target)
+ ; Create the row element to add cells to
+ tr := neutron.doc.createElement("tr")
+ ; Create the first column cell and add it to the row
+ td := neutron.doc.createElement("td")
+ td.innerText := formData.ex4_item2
+ tr.appendChild(td)
+ ; Create the second column cell and add it to the row
+ td := neutron.doc.createElement("td")
+ td.innerText := formData.ex4_cost2
+ tr.appendChild(td)
+ ; Add the row to the table
+ neutron.qs("#ex4_table2>tbody").appendChild(tr)
+; --- Update page by Hotkey ---
+; Limit this hotkey to only fire while our Neutron window is the active window.
+#if WinActive("ahk_id" neutron.hWnd)
+~1::UpdateKeyExample(neutron, "1", "active")
+~2::UpdateKeyExample(neutron, "2", "active")
+~3::UpdateKeyExample(neutron, "3", "active")
+~4::UpdateKeyExample(neutron, "4", "active")
+~1 Up::UpdateKeyExample(neutron, "1", "")
+~2 Up::UpdateKeyExample(neutron, "2", "")
+~3 Up::UpdateKeyExample(neutron, "3", "")
+~4 Up::UpdateKeyExample(neutron, "4", "")
+UpdateKeyExample(neutron, keyName, className)
+ ; Use the JavaScript function document.querySelectorAll to find elements
+ ; based on a CSS selector.
+ keyDivs := neutron.doc.querySelectorAll(".keys > div")
+ ; Use Neutron's .Each() method to iterate through the HTMLCollection in a
+ ; for loop.
+ for i, div in neutron.Each(keyDivs)
+ {
+ ; Check if the div's innerText matches the key that was pressed
+ if (div.innerText == keyName)
+ {
+ ; Update the div's className property to change its style on the fly
+ div.className := className
+ }
+ }
+Submitter(neutron, event)
+ ; Some events have a default action that needs to be prevented. A form will
+ ; redirect the page by default, but we want to handle the form data ourself.
+ event.preventDefault()
+ ; Use Neutron's GetFormData method to process the form data into a form that
+ ; is easily accessed. Fields that have a 'name' attribute will be keyed by
+ ; that, or if they don't they'll be keyed by their 'id' attribute.
+ formData := neutron.GetFormData(event.target)
+ ; You can access all of the form fields by iterating over the FormData
+ ; object. It will go through them in the order they appear in the HTML.
+ out := "Access all fields by iterating:`n"
+ for name, value in formData
+ out .= name ": " value "`n"
+ out .= "`n"
+ ; You can also get field values by name directly. Use object dot notation
+ ; with the field name/id.
+ out .= "Or access individual fields directly:`n"
+ out .= "Hello " formData.firstName " " formData.lastName "!`n"
+ if formData.remember
+ out .= ""
+ else
+ out .= "You forgot to check the 'Remember Me' box :("
+ ; Show the output
+ MsgBox, %out%
+Submit2(neutron, event)
+ event.preventDefault()
+ formData := neutron.GetFormData(event.target)
+ ; When you iterate over a FormData object with multi-selected checkboxes or
+ ; select elements, it will act like an object with duplicate keys. The same
+ ; name will appear multiple times, once per selected item.
+ out := "Access all fields by iterating:`n"
+ for name, value in formData
+ out .= name ": " value "`n"
+ out .= "`n"
+ ; Iterating over the entire set of form fields is useful in some situations,
+ ; but often you'll want to just get all the options selected for a single
+ ; multi-select form field. Use the FormData's .All() method to get all the
+ ; values associated with one field name as a standard array.
+ out .= "Or individually:`n"
+ out .= "Foods: [ "
+ for i, food in formData.All("food")
+ out .= food " "
+ out .= "]`n"
+ out .= "Languages: [ "
+ for i, language in formData.All("favLangs")
+ out .= language " "
+ out .= "]`n"
+ ; The FormData object will combine a group of Radios with the same name
+ ; under a single entry. Grab a Radio group's value using dot or bracket
+ ; notation.
+ out .= "Contact: " formData.contact "`n"
+ ; Show the output
+ MsgBox, %out%
+; --- Dynamic Content Generation ---
+Ex4_Submit1(neutron, event)
+ event.preventDefault()
+ formData := neutron.GetFormData(event.target)
+ ; Generate the HTML we're going to add to the page. To do this, we use the
+ ; FormatHTML static method, which will run the values through an HTML escape
+ ; function before passing them on to the AHK Format function. This will
+ ; take care of any special sequences such as angle brackets or quotes that
+ ; exist in the data and keep them from breaking the page.
+ html := neutron.FormatHTML("
", formData.ex4_item1, formData.ex4_cost1)
+ ; Add our HTML to the page, as part of the table body. To do this, we'll be
+ ; using the element.insertAdjacentHTML function. However, if we wanted to
+ ; replace the body contents instead of adding to them, we could instead use
+ ; `.innerHTML := html`.
+ ;
+ ; Read more about element.insertAjacentHTML here:
+ ; https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/insertAdjacentHTML
+ neutron.qs("#ex4_table1>tbody").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", html)
+; similar to above
+; X := Neutron.qs("#ex4_table1>tbody")
+; x.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend")
+Ex4_Submit3(neutron, event)
+ Global
+ delimiter = ","
+ /*
+ ; := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\Gamename.csv"
+ NextInstall := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\NextInstall.txt"
+ GamesUpdate := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\GamesUpdate.txt"
+ Logdir := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11"
+ Helix := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\HelixLocal.txt"
+ Helix := A_ScriptDir "\Simple.html"
+ HTMLFile := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\HTMLfile.txt"
+ msgbox, f yourself %LogGames%
+ */
+ html:=LoadInstalled(html)
+ /*
+ CSV_Load(LogGames, "data")
+ Rows:=CSV_TotalRows("data")
+ html:=""
+ Loop, % Rows
+ {
+ Row:=A_Index
+ Rowdata:=CSV_ReadCell("data",Row,2)
+ if (Rowdata!="")
+ {
+ html=
+ (
+ %html%
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ /*
+ Loop, Read, %HTMLFile%
+ {
+ html=
+ }
+ */
+ neutron.qs("#myH2data").innerHTML:=""
+ neutron.qs("#myH2data").innerHTML:=html
+Model:=CSV_ReadCell("data", 2,2)
+CSV_ModifyCell("data", "Mustang", 2, 2) ; change E350 to Mustang
+MsgBox % CSV_Search("data", "name")
+Result:=CSV_Search("data", "street")
+MsgBox % CSV_ReadCell("data", Result[1],Result[2])
+Loop, % Columns
+ {
+ found:=CSV_Search("data", "street", A_Index)
+ if found=0
+ break
+ Results .= found "`n"
+ msgbox, %Results%
+ }
+MsgBox % Results
+ */
+ /*
+CSV_ReadCol(CSV_Identifier, ColNumber)
+ For index, value in Stored1
+ {
+ geo .= Stored1[index]
+ html .=
+ FileCopy, %DllLocal%\%geo%, %Gamepath%\geo\%geo%, 1
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Stored := Cell[2]
+ Stringer=
+ `n
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FileAppend, %Stringer%, %HTMLFile%
+ html := Stringer
+ msgbox, %html%
+ document.getElementById("myList").appendChild(node);
+ neutron.qs("#ex4_table2>tbody").appendChild(tr)
+ */
+;above is submit3
+;above is submit3
+;above is submit3
+CustomShaderSelect(neutron, event) ;.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ Global
+ event.preventDefault()
+ SomePath := A_ScriptDir "\Custom_Shaders"
+ FileRemoveDir, %SomePath%, 1
+ FileCreateDir, %SomePath%
+ FileDelete, %ZipExtract%
+ FileAppend,
+ (
+ %A_ScriptDir%\Custom_Shaders\
+ ), %ZipExtract%
+ run, %A_ScriptDir%\dragdrop.exe, %A_ScriptDir%
+ Loop, 30
+ {
+ if ProcessExist("dragdrop.exe")
+ Sleep 1000
+ else
+ break
+ }
+ delimiter = ","
+ Loop, read, %Zipfile%
+ {
+ ZipGet := A_LoopReadLine
+ break
+ }
+ FileCopy, %ZipGet%, %SomePath%, 1
+ FileCopy, %A_ScriptDir%\lib\7za.exe, %A_ScriptDir%\Custom_Shaders\7za.exe, 1
+ SplitPath, ZipGet, FilenameZip
+ Sleep, 200
+ ;Filecopy, 1.7z, %A_ScriptDir%\CustomShaders\1.7z, 1
+ ;Send 7za.exe x %FilenameZip% {Enter}
+ FileDelete, %A_ScriptDir%\lib\7z.bat
+ FileDelete, %Somepath%\7z.bat
+ FileAppend,
+ (
+Run %ComSpec% /c "C:\My Utility.exe"
+ ), %A_ScriptDir%\lib\7z.bat
+ filemove, %A_ScriptDir%\lib\7z.bat, %Somepath%\7z.bat, 1
+ Sleep, 1500
+ Run %ComSpec% /c "C:\My Utility.exe"
+ Run, 7z.bat, %SomePath%
+ Loop, 2
+ {
+ If WinExist("ahk_exe cmd.exe")
+ ControlSend,, exit{Enter}, ahk_exe cmd.exe
+ Sleep, 500
+ }
+ /*
+ file1:="d3dx.ini"
+ file2:="d3d11.dll"
+ file3:="ps_replace.bin"
+ file4:="ps_regex.dat"
+ dxfound:="0"
+ shaderfound:="0"
+ customshader:="0"
+ Loop, Files, %SomePath%\*.*, R
+ {
+ if instr(A_LoopFileName, file1)
+ {
+ dxfound:=1
+ SplitPath, A_LoopFileName, yt, ShaderLogLocal
+ ShaderPather := ShaderLogLocal
+ filedelete, %CustomShaderLog%
+ fileappend, %ShaderLogLocal%, %CustomShaderLog%
+ }
+ if instr(A_LoopFileName, file2)
+ {
+ dxfound:=1
+ }
+ if instr(A_LoopFileName, file3)
+ {
+ shaderfound:=1
+ }
+ if instr(A_LoopFileName, file4)
+ {
+ shaderfound:=1
+ }
+ if (shaderfound="1" and dxfound="1")
+ break
+ }
+ if (shaderfound="0")
+ {
+ Msgbox, No files matching shaders found.
+ goto, escaper
+ }
+ if (shaderfound="1" and dxfound="1")
+ {
+ Msgbox, Shaders identified. These will be installed with your game next time you click generate. If you have installed a game without the custom shader, uninstall it first.
+ */
+ customshader:="1"
+ shaderfound:="0"
+BrowseButton(neutron, event)
+ Global
+ event.preventDefault()
+ delimiter = ","
+ /*
+ LogGames := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\Gamename.txt"
+ NextInstall := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\NextInstall.txt"
+ GamesUpdate := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\GamesUpdate.txt"
+ Logdir := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11"
+ Helix := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\HelixLocal.txt"
+ HTMLFile := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\HTMLfile.txt"
+ ; event.target will contain the HTML Element that fired the event.
+ ; Show a message box with its inner text.
+ */
+ FileSelectFile, Selectgame, 32, , Select a game, Application (*.exe)
+ if (Selectgame = "")
+ MsgBox, You didn't select anything.
+ else
+ {
+ SplitPath, Selectgame, Gameexe, Gamepath, Gameextenstion, Gamenameonly
+ if !FileExist(LogGames)
+ {
+ Games=
+ FileAppend,%Games%,%LogGames%
+ GameError := 0
+ }
+ Else
+ {
+ Loop, read, %LogGames%
+ {
+ Currentline := A_LoopReadLine
+ LineRead := StrSplit(Currentline,delimiter)
+ Gamename := LineRead[2]
+ If InStr(Gamename, Gamenameonly)
+ {
+ Msgbox, Error. %Gameexe% already has Geo11.
+ GameError := 1
+ break
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ If (GameError!=1)
+ {
+ GameError:=0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ MsgBox % TF_Find(LogGames, "", "", Gamenameonly, returnfirst=1,returntext=1)
+ CSV_Load(LogGames, "data")
+ Rows:=CSV_TotalRows("data")
+ Loop, % Rows
+ {
+ Row:=A_Index
+ Rowdata:=CSV_ReadCell("data",Row,2)
+ If InStr(Rowdata,Gamenameonly)
+ Msgbox, FOUND
+ }
+ msgbox, 3
+ Loop, read, %LogGames%
+ {
+ Currentline := A_LoopReadLine
+ If InStr(Currentline, Gameexe)
+ {
+ LineRead := StrSplit(Currentline,delimiter)
+ Gamename := LineRead[2]
+ Msgbox, Error. %Gamename% already has Geo11.
+ GameError := 1
+ break
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ If (GameError!=1)
+ GameError:=0
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ If (GameError="0")
+ {
+ HTMLPretext=
+ (
+ )
+ FileDelete, %GamesUpdate%
+ FileAppend, %HTMLPretext%, %GamesUpdate%
+ GameError := 0
+ FileDelete, %HTMLFile%
+ FileAppend, %HTMLPretext%, %HTMLFile%
+ Msgbox, Game Selected: %Gameexe%
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ;Gui Add, ComboBox, vcbx w200 vVersChoice, x32||x64
+ ;Gui Add, ComboBox, vcbx w200 vVersChoice, x32||x64
+ ;html := Gameexe
+Warning(neutron, event)
+ Msgbox, For now, browse for your game first and then select your VR app location. For configure, that feature will be enabled later this weekend.
+ }
+SubmitGen(neutron, event)
+ Global
+ event.preventDefault()
+ ; Some events have a default action that needs to be prevented. A form will
+ ; redirect the page by default, but we want to handle the form data ourself.
+ ; Use Neutron's GetFormData method to process the form data into a form that
+ ; is easily accessed. Fields that have a 'name' attribute will be keyed by
+ ; that, or if they don't they'll be keyed by their 'id' attribute.
+ formData := neutron.GetFormData(event.target)
+ if (Selectgame="")
+ {
+ msgbox, Select a game
+ goto, leaver
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Loop, read, %GamesUpdate%
+ {
+ Currentline := A_LoopReadLine
+ if (Currentline="")
+ continue
+ else
+ {
+ LineRead := StrSplit(Currentline,delimiter)
+ Gameexe := LineRead[2]
+ Selectgame := LineRead[1]
+ }
+ }
+ ; You can access all of the form fields by iterating over the FormData
+ ; object. It will go through them in the order they appear in the HTML.
+ ; You can also get field values by name directly. Use object dot notation
+ ; with the field name/id.
+ vrapp := formData.vrapp
+ gamevers := formData.gamevers
+ if FileExist(HelixLocal)
+ {
+ BinaryHelixFile := 1
+ Loop, read, %HelixLocal%
+ {
+ CurrLine:=A_LoopReadLine
+ if (CurrLine="")
+ continue
+ else
+ {
+ HelixPath := CurrLine
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Else
+ BinaryHelixFile := "0"
+ If (HelixPath="")
+ {
+ BinaryHelixFile := "0"
+ }
+ ; Show the output
+ if (customshader="1")
+ {
+ MsgBox 0x1, Loading Custom Shaders, This can take a moment. Press okay to start.
+ customershader:="0"
+ IfMsgBox OK, {
+ FileMoveDir, %SomePath%\ShaderCache, %Gamepath%\ShaderCache, 1
+ FileMoveDir, %SomePath%\ShaderCacheDM, %Gamepath%\ShaderCacheDM, 1
+ FileMoveDir, %SomePath%\ShaderFixes, %Gamepath%\ShaderFixes, 1
+ FileMoveDir, %SomePath%\ShaderFixesDM, %Gamepath%\ShaderFixesDM, 1
+ FileMove, %SomePath%\d3d11.dll, %Gamepath%\geo\d3d11.dll, 1
+ FileMove, %SomePath%\d3dcompiler_47.dll, %Gamepath%\geo\d3dcompiler_47.dll, 1
+ FileMove, %SomePath%\d3dx.ini, %Gamepath%\geo\d3dx.ini, 1
+ FileMove, %SomePath%\d3dxdm.ini, %Gamepath%\geo\d3dxdm.ini, 1
+ FileMove, %SomePath%\nvapi64.dll, %Gamepath%\geo\nvapi64.dll, 1
+ Goto, AfterShaders
+ }
+ Else IfMsgBox Cancel, {
+ filedelete, %CustomShaderLog%
+ Msgbox, Custom Shader Log Erased
+ goto, leaver
+ }
+ }
+ if (gamevers="64x")
+ {
+ 64or32 := "\Geo11FilesGoHere\x64\"
+ }
+ Else
+ {
+ 64or32 := "\Geo11FilesGoHere\x32\"
+ }
+ DllLocal := A_ScriptDir 64or32
+ ChangeNames := DllLocal
+ ;arraygeo := ["d3d11.geo", "d3dcompiler_47.geo", "d3dx.geo", "d3dxdm.geo", "nvapi64.geo"]
+ FileCreateDir, %Gamepath%\geo
+ FileCreateDir, %Gamepath%\originaldx
+ ;arraygeo := ["d3d11.geo", "d3dcompiler_47.geo", "d3dx.geo", "d3dxdm.geo", "nvapi64.geo"]
+ array := ["d3d11.dll", "d3dcompiler_47.dll", "d3dx.ini", "d3dxdm.ini", "nvapi64.dll"]
+ For index, value in array
+ {
+ geo := % array[index]
+ FileCopy, %DllLocal%\%geo%, %Gamepath%\geo\%geo%, 1
+ }
+ aftershaders:
+ FileDelete, %Gamepath%\leaveingamedir.exe
+ FileDelete, %Gamepath%\pregame_move.bat
+ FileDelete, %Gamepath%\postgame_move.bat
+ FileCopy, %A_ScriptDir%\lib\leaveingamedir.exe, %Gamepath%\leaveingamedir.exe, 1
+ FileCopy, %A_ScriptDir%\lib\pregame_move.bat, %Gamepath%\pregame_move.bat, 1
+ FileCopy, %A_ScriptDir%\lib\postgame_move.bat, %Gamepath%\postgame_move.bat, 1
+ FileCopyDir, %DllLocal%\ShaderFixes, %Gamepath%\ShaderFixes, 1
+ Logfile := Gamepath "\Gamename.txt"
+ Random, rand, 1, 12
+ Localicon := A_ScriptDir "\ico\" rand ".ico"
+ TextforGamelog=
+ (
+ If (vrapp = "Helix Vision")
+ {
+ }
+ if (vrapp = "VRSCREENCAP")
+ {
+ FileCopy, %A_ScriptDir%\lib\vr-screen-cap.exe, %Logdir%\vr-screen-cap.exe
+ FileDelete, %Logfile% ;
+ tester1=
+ FileAppend, %tester1%, %Logfile%
+ Goto, VRSCdoer
+ }
+ if (vrapp="Other")
+ {
+ HV:="0"
+ VRL:="1"
+ }
+ if (vrapp="None")
+ {
+ msgbox, This was designed to integrate with HelixVision, other VR apps won't have full resolution.
+ Goto, NoDesktopApp
+ }
+ if (vrapp="Other")
+ {
+ Goto, NoDesktopApp
+ msgbox, This was designed to integrate with HelixVision, other VR apps won't have full resolution.
+ }
+ if (BinaryHelixFile="1")
+ {
+ msgbox, 4,, Is this the right path to %vrapp%? `n%HelixPath%
+ IfMsgBox No
+ Goto, KatangaGo1
+ IfMsgBox Yes
+ Goto, KatangaYes1
+ }
+ KatangaGo1:
+ if (vrapp = "Helix Vision" or vrapp = "Other")
+ {
+ msgboxstored=
+Usually stored in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\HelixVision\Tools\Katanga\katanga.exe
+ Msgbox, Select Path to %vrapp%. %msgboxstored%
+ FileSelectFile, HelixPath, 32, , Select Katanga Path, Application (*.exe)
+ if (Selectgame = "")
+ MsgBox, You didn't select anything.
+ FileDelete, %Logfile% ;
+ tester1=
+ FileAppend, %tester1%, %Logfile%
+ /*
+ helix launcher batch for katanga
+ */
+ }
+ KatangaYes1:
+ If (vrapp = "Helix Vision")
+ {
+ filedelete, %HelixBatPath%
+ Fileappend,
+ (
+@echo off
+start "" "%HelixPath%" --game-path "%Selectgame%" --launch-type DX11Exe
+echo: Loading Katanga and Moving Mountains
+timeout /t 10
+), %HelixBatPath%
+ Filedelete, %HelixLocal%
+ FileAppend, %HelixPath%, %HelixLocal%
+ }
+ VRSCdoer:
+ If (vrapp = "VRSCREENCAP")
+ {
+ filedelete, %HelixBatPath%
+ Fileappend,
+ (
+@echo off
+start "" "%Logdir%\vr-screen-cap.exe"
+echo: Loading Artum's VR Screen Cap and Moving Mountains
+timeout /t 10
+), %HelixBatPath%
+ }
+ }
+ FileDelete, %Gamepath%\%HelixLauncherBat%
+ FileMove, %HelixBatPath%, %Gamepath%\%HelixLauncherBat%, 1
+ NoDesktopApp:
+ FileAppend, %TextforGamelog%, %LogGames%
+ html:=LoadInstalled(html)
+ Splitpath, Selectgame, FilenameGameexe
+ empty:=""
+ neutron.qs("#myH2data").innerHTML:=empty
+ sleep, 50
+ neutron.qs("#myH2data").innerHTML:=html
+ ShortcutMaker := A_Desktop "\" Gamenameonly " VR.lnk"
+ AHKLocal := Gamepath "\leaveingamedir.exe"
+ FileCreateShortcut, %AHKLocal%, %ShortcutMaker%, %Gamepath%,,,%Localicon%
+ Msgbox, Geo11 Shortcut sent to desktop.
+ FileDelete, %GamesUpdate%
+ FileAppend,
+ (
+ %Selectgame%,%FilenameGameexe%,%Gamenameonly%
+ ), %GamesUpdate%
+ /* html:=LoadInstalled(html)
+ neutron.doc.getElementById("myH2").insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin",html)
+ */
+ Selectgame:=""
+ Gameexe:=""
+ leaver:
+ }
+ Loop, read, %LogGames%
+ if (A_LoopReadLine="")
+ continue
+ else
+ {
+ Cell := StrSplit(A_LoopReadLine,delimiter)
+ If (Stored="")
+ {
+ Stored := Cell[2]
+ Stringer=
+ (
+ )
+ }
+ else
+ Stored := Cell[2]
+ Stringer=
+ (
+ )
+ return, %Stringer%
+ }
+ */
+ Configure(neutron, event)
+ {
+ Global
+ ; Some events have a default action that needs to be prevented. A form will
+ ; redirect the page by default, but we want to handle the form data ourself.
+ event.preventDefault()
+ GetAddresses()
+ ; Use Neutron's GetFormData method to process the form data into a form that
+ ; is easily accessed. Fields that have a 'name' attribute will be keyed by
+ ; that, or if they don't they'll be keyed by their 'id' attribute.
+ ;var x = document.getElementById("#myH2data").options.selectedIndex
+ msgboxer := neutron.qs("#myH2data").options.selectedIndex
+ y := neutron.qs("#myH2data").options
+ x:=y[msgboxer].text
+ Loop, Read, %LogGames%
+ {
+ word_array := StrSplit(A_LoopReadLine, delimiter)
+ string:=word_array[1]
+ if instr(string,x)
+ pathconfig:=A_LoopReadLine
+ if (string="")
+ continue
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ Filedelete, %NextInstall%
+ Fileappend, %pathconfig%, %NextInstall%
+ Template := A_ScriptDir "\" "configure.exe"
+ Run, %Template%, A_ScriptDir
+ }
+ Uninstaller(neutron, event)
+ {
+ Global
+ event.preventDefault()
+ ; Some events have a default action that needs to be prevented. A form will
+ ; redirect the page by default, but we want to handle the form data ourself.
+ ; Use Neutron's GetFormData method to process the form data into a form that
+ ; is easily accessed. Fields that have a 'name' attribute will be keyed by
+ ; that, or if they don't they'll be keyed by their 'id' attribute.
+ formData := neutron.GetFormData(event.target)
+ for name, value in formData
+ StoredGet:=value
+ ; You can access all of the form fields by iterating over the FormData
+ ; object. It will go through them in the order they appear in the HTML.
+ ; You can also get field values by name directly. Use object dot notation
+ ; with the field name/id.
+ /*
+ html=
+ (
+ )
+ */
+ Msgbox, 4,, Uninstall Geo11 for %StoredGet%?
+ IfMsgBox Yes
+ {
+ FSRemove(StoredGet)
+ html:=""
+ delimiter := ","
+ Loop, read, %LogGames%
+ {
+ if (A_LoopReadLine="")
+ continue
+ else
+ {
+ Cell := StrSplit(A_LoopReadLine,delimiter)
+ curgame := Cell[2]
+ html=
+ (
+ %html%
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ Loop, read, %GamesUpdate%
+ {
+ Currentline := A_LoopReadLine
+ If InStr(Currentline, StoredGet)
+ {
+ LineRead := Currentline
+ GameLocation := LineRead
+ SplitPath, GameLocation, OutFileName, OutDir, OutExtension, OutNameNoExt, OutDrive
+ Filedelete, %OutDir%\geo\*.dll
+ Filedelete, %OutDir%\ShaderCache\*.*
+ Filedelete, %OutDir%\ShaderCacheDM\*.*
+ Filedelete, %OutDir%\ShaderFixes\*.*
+ Filedelete, %OutDir%\ShaderFixesDM\*.*
+ Filedelete, %OutDir%\geo\*.ini
+ Filedelete, %OutDir%\leaveingamedir.exe
+ Filedelete, %OutDir%\pregame*.bat
+ Filedelete, %OutDir%\postgame*.bat
+ Filedelete, %OutDir%\VRLaun*.exe
+ Filedelete, %OutDir%\vrapplauncher.bat
+ Filedelete, %OutDir%\vr*.bat
+ ;FileAppend %A_LoopReadLine%`n
+ ;FileMove, %GamesUpdate%, %LogGames%, 1
+ LineNumber := A_Index - 1
+ EndLine := LineNumber + 1
+ }
+ else
+ Continue
+ }
+ */
+ Msgbox, Success `nThe UI will update when you restart.
+ Goto, Beginning
+ }
+ Else
+ Goto, Nevermind
+ Beginning:
+ /*
+ html:=""
+ LoadInstalled()
+ looper:=LooperHtml(looper)
+ msgbox, %html%
+ */
+ neutron.qs("#myH2data").innerHTML:=html
+ sleep, 20
+ /*
+ neutron.doc.getElementById("myH2data").insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin",html)
+ ;neutron.doc.getElementById("myH2data").insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin",html)
+ */
+ Nevermind:
+ }
+ SetLocations()
+ {
+ ColumnNr := [1]
+ delimiter := ","
+ LogGames := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\Gamename.txt"
+ NextInstall := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\NextInstall.txt"
+ GamesUpdate := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\GamesUpdate.csv"
+ Logdir := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11"
+ HelixLocal := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\HelixLocal.txt"
+ HTMLFile := A_AppDataCommon "\GameslistGeo11\HTMLfile.txt"
+ }