diff --git a/.github/scripts/write-binary-content-via-raw-data.sh b/.github/scripts/write-binary-content-via-raw-data.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..837bf63e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/scripts/write-binary-content-via-raw-data.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+# This script creates a large binary resource (8 MiB) and verifies that its binary content
+# * can be read correctly via direct binary upload, and that
+# * it's properly base64-encoded.
+# Create temporary files for original and downloaded data
+# Ensure cleanup of temporary files
+echo "Testing direct binary upload and download..."
+# Generate 8 MiB of random binary data
+dd if=/dev/urandom bs=8388608 count=1 2>/dev/null > "$TEMP_ORIGINAL"
+# Create Binary resource via direct binary upload
+ID=$(curl -s \
+ -H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' \
+ --data-binary "@$TEMP_ORIGINAL" \
+ "$BASE/Binary" | \
+ jq -r '.id')
+echo "Created Binary resource via direct binary upload with ID: $ID"
+# Download as JSON format to verify base64 encoding
+curl -s \
+ -H 'Accept: application/fhir+json' \
+ "$BASE/Binary/$ID" > "$TEMP_JSON"
+# Extract the base64 content and decode it
+jq -r '.data' "$TEMP_JSON" | base64 -d > "$TEMP_DOWNLOAD"
+# Compare files directly
+if [ -n "$ID" ] && cmp -s "$TEMP_ORIGINAL" "$TEMP_DOWNLOAD"; then
+ echo "✅ Direct Binary: Successfully verified 8 MiB binary content integrity and base64 encoding"
+ echo "🆘 Direct Binary: Content verification failed"
+ echo "Server response (JSON):"
+ cat "$TEMP_JSON"
+ echo "Original size: $(wc -c < "$TEMP_ORIGINAL") bytes"
+ echo "Downloaded size: $(wc -c < "$TEMP_DOWNLOAD") bytes"
+ # Show first few bytes of both files in hex for debugging
+ echo "First 32 bytes of original:"
+ hexdump -C "$TEMP_ORIGINAL" | head -n 2
+ echo "First 32 bytes of downloaded:"
+ hexdump -C "$TEMP_DOWNLOAD" | head -n 2
+ exit 1
diff --git a/.github/workflows/build.yml b/.github/workflows/build.yml
index e8716345c..7b5bb4509 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/build.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/build.yml
@@ -1074,6 +1074,9 @@ jobs:
- name: Binary Content Download - found (via XML)
run: .github/scripts/read-binary-content-via-xml-found.sh
+ - name: Binary Content Upload (via raw data)
+ run: .github/scripts/write-binary-content-via-raw-data.sh
- name: Conditional Delete - Check Referential Integrity Violated
run: .github/scripts/conditional-delete-type/check-referential-integrity-violated.sh
diff --git a/modules/rest-api/src/blaze/rest_api/routes.clj b/modules/rest-api/src/blaze/rest_api/routes.clj
index 61240f7b8..43de62e10 100644
--- a/modules/rest-api/src/blaze/rest_api/routes.clj
+++ b/modules/rest-api/src/blaze/rest_api/routes.clj
@@ -35,6 +35,10 @@
{:name :auth-guard
:wrap auth-guard/wrap-auth-guard})
+(def ^:private wrap-binary-data
+ {:name :binary-data
+ :wrap resource/wrap-binary-data})
(def ^:private wrap-resource
{:name :resource
:wrap resource/wrap-resource})
@@ -111,7 +115,9 @@
(contains? interactions :create)
(assoc :post {:interaction "create"
- :middleware [wrap-resource]
+ :middleware (if (= name "Binary")
+ [wrap-binary-data]
+ [wrap-resource])
:handler (-> interactions :create
(contains? interactions :conditional-delete-type)
@@ -179,7 +185,9 @@
(contains? interactions :update)
(assoc :put {:interaction "update"
- :middleware [wrap-resource]
+ :middleware (if (= name "Binary")
+ [wrap-binary-data]
+ [wrap-resource])
:handler (-> interactions :update
(contains? interactions :delete)
diff --git a/modules/rest-util/src/blaze/middleware/fhir/resource.clj b/modules/rest-util/src/blaze/middleware/fhir/resource.clj
index 9e391d770..5d345725c 100644
--- a/modules/rest-util/src/blaze/middleware/fhir/resource.clj
+++ b/modules/rest-util/src/blaze/middleware/fhir/resource.clj
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
[blaze.anomaly :as ba :refer [if-ok when-ok]]
[blaze.async.comp :as ac]
[blaze.fhir.spec :as fhir-spec]
+ [blaze.fhir.spec.type :as type]
[clojure.data.xml.jvm.parse :as xml-jvm]
[clojure.data.xml.tree :as xml-tree]
[clojure.java.io :as io]
@@ -16,7 +17,10 @@
[ring.util.request :as request])
[com.ctc.wstx.api WstxInputProperties]
+ [java.io InputStream]
[java.io Reader]
+ [java.util Base64$Encoder]
+ [java.util Base64]
[javax.xml.stream XMLInputFactory]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
@@ -95,6 +99,23 @@
(assoc request :body resource))
(ba/incorrect "Missing HTTP body.")))
+(defn- get-binary-data [body]
+ (with-open [_ (prom/timer parse-duration-seconds "binary")]
+ (.encodeToString ^Base64$Encoder (Base64/getEncoder) (.readAllBytes ^InputStream body))))
+(defn- resource-request-binary-data [{:keys [body headers] :as request}]
+ (if body
+ ;; `when-ok` is not needed here because:
+ ;; * Binary data is not parsed nor validated, and
+ ;; * Base64-encoding should not fail under normal circumstances.
+ (let [b64-encoded-data (get-binary-data body)
+ content-type (get headers "content-type")]
+ (assoc request :body
+ {:fhir/type :fhir/Binary
+ :contentType (type/code content-type)
+ :data (type/base64Binary b64-encoded-data)}))
+ (ba/incorrect "Missing HTTP body.")))
(defn- unsupported-media-type-msg [media-type]
(format "Unsupported media type `%s` expect one of `application/fhir+json` or `application/fhir+xml`."
@@ -109,19 +130,43 @@
:http/status 415))
(if (str/blank? (slurp (:body request)))
(assoc request :body nil)
- (ba/incorrect "Content-Type header expected, but is missing."))))
+ (ba/incorrect "Missing Content-Type header for FHIR resources."))))
+(defn- binary-resource-request [request]
+ (if-let [content-type (request/content-type request)]
+ (cond
+ (str/starts-with? content-type "application/fhir+json") (resource-request-json request)
+ (str/starts-with? content-type "application/fhir+xml") (resource-request-xml request)
+ :else
+ (resource-request-binary-data request))
+ (ba/incorrect "Missing Content-Type header for binary resources.")))
(defn wrap-resource
"Middleware to parse a resource from the body according the content-type
- Updates the :body key in the request map on successful parsing and conforming
- the resource to the internal format.
+ If the resource is successfully parsed and conformed to the internal format,
+ updates the :body key in the request map.
- Returns an OperationOutcome in the internal format, skipping the handler, with
- an appropriate error on parsing and conforming errors."
+ In case on errors, returns an OperationOutcome in the internal format with the
+ appropriate error and skips the handler."
(fn [request]
(if-ok [request (resource-request request)]
(handler request)
+(defn wrap-binary-data
+ "Middleware to parse binary data from the body according the content-type
+ header.
+ If the resource is successfully parsed and conformed to the internal format,
+ updates the :body key in the request map.
+ In case on errors, returns an OperationOutcome in the internal format with the
+ appropriate error and skips the handler."
+ [handler]
+ (fn [request]
+ (if-ok [request (binary-resource-request request)]
+ (handler request)
+ ac/completed-future)))
diff --git a/modules/rest-util/test/blaze/middleware/fhir/resource_test.clj b/modules/rest-util/test/blaze/middleware/fhir/resource_test.clj
index d17f6df1f..592ad954a 100644
--- a/modules/rest-util/test/blaze/middleware/fhir/resource_test.clj
+++ b/modules/rest-util/test/blaze/middleware/fhir/resource_test.clj
@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
[blaze.async.comp :as ac]
[blaze.fhir.spec :as fhir-spec]
+ [blaze.fhir.spec.type :as type]
[blaze.handler.util :as handler-util]
- [blaze.middleware.fhir.resource :refer [wrap-resource]]
+ [blaze.middleware.fhir.resource :refer [wrap-binary-data wrap-resource]]
[blaze.test-util :as tu :refer [satisfies-prop]]
[clojure.spec.test.alpha :as st]
[clojure.string :as str]
@@ -15,7 +16,9 @@
[taoensso.timbre :as log])
[java.io ByteArrayInputStream]
- [java.nio.charset StandardCharsets]))
+ [java.nio.charset StandardCharsets]
+ [java.util Base64$Encoder]
+ [java.util Base64]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
@@ -23,18 +26,24 @@
(test/use-fixtures :each tu/fixture)
-(defn wrap-error [handler]
+(defn- wrap-error [handler]
(fn [request]
(-> (handler request)
(ac/exceptionally handler-util/error-response))))
-(def resource-handler
- "A handler which just returns the :body from the request."
+(def ^:private resource-handler
+ "A handler which just returns the :body from a non-binary resource request."
(-> (comp ac/completed-future :body)
-(defn input-stream
+(def ^:private binary-resource-handler
+ "A handler which just returns the :body from a binary resource request."
+ (-> (comp ac/completed-future :body)
+ wrap-binary-data
+ wrap-error))
+(defn- string-input-stream
([^String s]
(ByteArrayInputStream. (.getBytes s StandardCharsets/UTF_8)))
([^String s closed?]
@@ -42,20 +51,40 @@
(close []
(reset! closed? true)))))
+(defn- binary-input-stream
+ ([^bytes data]
+ (ByteArrayInputStream. data))
+ ([^bytes data closed?]
+ (proxy [ByteArrayInputStream] [data]
+ (close []
+ (reset! closed? true)))))
+(defn- encode-binary-data [^bytes data]
+ (.encodeToString ^Base64$Encoder (Base64/getEncoder) data))
+(defn- bytes-of-random-binary-data [lenght]
+ (byte-array (repeatedly lenght #(rand-int 256))))
+(defn- resource-as-json [b64-encoded-binary-data content-type]
+ (str "{\"data\" : \"" b64-encoded-binary-data "\", \"resourceType\" : \"Binary\", \"contentType\" : \"" content-type "\"}"))
+(defn- resource-as-xml [b64-encoded-binary-data content-type]
+ (str ""))
(deftest json-test
(testing "possible content types"
(doseq [content-type ["application/fhir+json" "text/json" "application/json"]]
(let [closed? (atom false)]
(given @(resource-handler
{:headers {"content-type" content-type}
- :body (input-stream "{\"resourceType\": \"Patient\"}" closed?)})
+ :body (string-input-stream "{\"resourceType\": \"Patient\"}" closed?)})
fhir-spec/fhir-type := :fhir/Patient)
(is (true? @closed?)))))
(testing "empty body"
(given @(resource-handler
{:headers {"content-type" "application/fhir+json"}
- :body (input-stream "")})
+ :body (string-input-stream "")})
:status := 400
[:body fhir-spec/fhir-type] := :fhir/OperationOutcome
[:body :issue 0 :severity] := #fhir/code"error"
@@ -65,7 +94,7 @@
(testing "body with invalid JSON"
(given @(resource-handler
{:headers {"content-type" "application/fhir+json"}
- :body (input-stream "x")})
+ :body (string-input-stream "x")})
:status := 400
[:body fhir-spec/fhir-type] := :fhir/OperationOutcome
[:body :issue 0 :severity] := #fhir/code"error"
@@ -76,7 +105,7 @@
;; There is no XML analogy to this JSON test, since XML has no objects.
(given @(resource-handler
{:headers {"content-type" "application/fhir+json"}
- :body (input-stream "1")})
+ :body (string-input-stream "1")})
:status := 400
[:body fhir-spec/fhir-type] := :fhir/OperationOutcome
[:body :issue 0 :severity] := #fhir/code"error"
@@ -88,7 +117,7 @@
(testing "body with invalid resource"
(given @(resource-handler
{:headers {"content-type" "application/fhir+json"}
- :body (input-stream "{\"resourceType\": \"Patient\", \"gender\": {}}")})
+ :body (string-input-stream "{\"resourceType\": \"Patient\", \"gender\": {}}")})
:status := 400
[:body fhir-spec/fhir-type] := :fhir/OperationOutcome
[:body :issue 0 :severity] := #fhir/code"error"
@@ -99,7 +128,7 @@
(testing "body with bundle with null resource"
(given @(resource-handler
{:headers {"content-type" "application/fhir+json"}
- :body (input-stream "{\"resourceType\": \"Bundle\", \"entry\": [{\"resource\": null}]}")})
+ :body (string-input-stream "{\"resourceType\": \"Bundle\", \"entry\": [{\"resource\": null}]}")})
:status := 400
[:body fhir-spec/fhir-type] := :fhir/OperationOutcome
[:body :issue 0 :severity] := #fhir/code"error"
@@ -110,7 +139,7 @@
(testing "body with bundle with invalid resource"
(given @(resource-handler
{:headers {"content-type" "application/fhir+json"}
- :body (input-stream "{\"resourceType\": \"Bundle\", \"entry\": [{\"resource\": {\"resourceType\": \"Patient\", \"gender\": {}}}]}")})
+ :body (string-input-stream "{\"resourceType\": \"Bundle\", \"entry\": [{\"resource\": {\"resourceType\": \"Patient\", \"gender\": {}}}]}")})
:status := 400
[:body fhir-spec/fhir-type] := :fhir/OperationOutcome
[:body :issue 0 :severity] := #fhir/code"error"
@@ -121,7 +150,7 @@
(testing "long attribute values are allowed (JSON-wrapped Binary data)"
(given @(resource-handler
{:headers {"content-type" "application/fhir+json"}
- :body (input-stream (str "{\"data\" : \"" (apply str (repeat (* 8 1024 1024) \a)) "\", \"resourceType\" : \"Binary\"}"))})
+ :body (string-input-stream (str "{\"data\" : \"" (apply str (repeat (* 8 1024 1024) \a)) "\", \"resourceType\" : \"Binary\"}"))})
fhir-spec/fhir-type := :fhir/Binary)))
(deftest xml-test
@@ -130,14 +159,14 @@
(let [closed? (atom false)]
(given @(resource-handler
{:headers {"content-type" content-type}
- :body (input-stream "" closed?)})
+ :body (string-input-stream "" closed?)})
fhir-spec/fhir-type := :fhir/Patient)
(is (true? @closed?)))))
(testing "empty body"
(given @(resource-handler
{:headers {"content-type" "application/fhir+xml"}
- :body (input-stream "")})
+ :body (string-input-stream "")})
:status := 400
[:body fhir-spec/fhir-type] := :fhir/OperationOutcome
[:body :issue 0 :severity] := #fhir/code"error"
@@ -150,7 +179,7 @@
(given @(resource-handler
{:request-method :post
:headers {"content-type" "application/fhir+xml"}
- :body (input-stream input-string)})
+ :body (string-input-stream input-string)})
:status := 400
[:body fhir-spec/fhir-type] := :fhir/OperationOutcome
[:body :issue 0 :severity] := #fhir/code"error"
@@ -160,7 +189,7 @@
(testing "body with invalid resource"
(given @(resource-handler
{:headers {"content-type" "application/fhir+xml"}
- :body (input-stream "")})
+ :body (string-input-stream "")})
:status := 400
[:body fhir-spec/fhir-type] := :fhir/OperationOutcome
[:body :issue 0 :severity] := #fhir/code"error"
@@ -170,7 +199,7 @@
(testing "body with bundle with empty resource"
(given @(resource-handler
{:headers {"content-type" "application/fhir+xml"}
- :body (input-stream "")})
+ :body (string-input-stream "")})
:status := 400
[:body fhir-spec/fhir-type] := :fhir/OperationOutcome
[:body :issue 0 :severity] := #fhir/code"error"
@@ -180,7 +209,7 @@
(testing "body with bundle with invalid resource"
(given @(resource-handler
{:headers {"content-type" "application/fhir+xml"}
- :body (input-stream "")})
+ :body (string-input-stream "")})
:status := 400
[:body fhir-spec/fhir-type] := :fhir/OperationOutcome
[:body :issue 0 :severity] := #fhir/code"error"
@@ -190,9 +219,45 @@
(testing "long attribute values are allowed (XML-wrapped Binary data)"
(given @(resource-handler
{:headers {"content-type" "application/fhir+xml"}
- :body (input-stream (str ""))})
+ :body (string-input-stream (str ""))})
fhir-spec/fhir-type := :fhir/Binary)))
+(deftest binary-test
+ (testing "when sending FHIR-wrapped Binary data"
+ (testing "both handlers should return the same for both wrappers (JSON and XML)"
+ (let [b64-encoded-binary-data "MTA1NjE0Cg=="
+ binary-resource-data (type/base64Binary b64-encoded-binary-data)
+ binary-resource-content-type "text/plain"]
+ (doseq [handler [resource-handler binary-resource-handler]
+ [fhir-content-type resource-string-representation]
+ [["application/fhir+json;charset=utf-8" (resource-as-json b64-encoded-binary-data binary-resource-content-type)]
+ ["application/fhir+xml;charset=utf-8" (resource-as-xml b64-encoded-binary-data binary-resource-content-type)]]]
+ (let [closed? (atom false)]
+ (given @(handler
+ {:headers {"content-type" fhir-content-type}
+ :body (string-input-stream resource-string-representation closed?)})
+ {:fhir/type :fhir/Binary
+ :contentType (type/code binary-resource-content-type)
+ :data binary-resource-data})
+ (is closed?))))))
+ (testing "when sending raw binary resource handling"
+ (let [small-data (bytes-of-random-binary-data 16)
+ large-data (bytes-of-random-binary-data (* 8 1024 1024))]
+ (doseq [[content-type raw-data]
+ [["text/plain" small-data]
+ ["application/octet-stream" large-data]]]
+ (let [closed? (atom false)
+ encoded-data (encode-binary-data raw-data)]
+ (given @(binary-resource-handler
+ {:headers {"content-type" content-type}
+ :body (binary-input-stream raw-data closed?)})
+ {:fhir/type :fhir/Binary
+ :resourceType "Binary"
+ :contentType content-type
+ :data (type/base64Binary encoded-data)}
+ (is @closed?)))))))
(def ^:private whitespace
(gen/fmap str/join (gen/vector (gen/elements [" " "\n" "\r" "\t"]))))
@@ -200,11 +265,11 @@
(testing "blank body without content type header results in a nil body"
(satisfies-prop 10
(prop/for-all [s whitespace]
- (nil? @(resource-handler {:body (input-stream s)})))))
+ (nil? @(resource-handler {:body (string-input-stream s)})))))
(testing "other content is invalid"
(testing "with unknown content-type header"
- (given @(resource-handler {:headers {"content-type" "text/plain"} :body (input-stream "foo")})
+ (given @(resource-handler {:headers {"content-type" "text/plain"} :body (string-input-stream "foo")})
:status := 415
[:body fhir-spec/fhir-type] := :fhir/OperationOutcome
[:body :issue 0 :severity] := #fhir/code"error"