💼 This rule is enabled in the ✅ recommended
🔧 This rule is automatically fixable by the --fix
CLI option.
It is preferred to use Ember's computed property macros as opposed to manually writing out logic in a computed property function. Reasons include:
- Conciseness
- Readability
- Reduced chance of typos
- Reduced chance of missing dependencies
Note that by default, this rule only applies in classic classes (i.e. Component.extend({})
) and not in native JavaScript classes with decorators (read more about the includeNativeGetters
option in the configuration section of this doc).
This rule requires using Ember's computed property macros when possible.
Examples of incorrect code for this rule:
import Component from '@ember/component';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';
export default Component.extend({
propReads: computed('x', function () {
return this.x;
propAnd: computed('x', 'y', function () {
return this.x && this.y;
propOr: computed('x', 'y', function () {
return this.x || this.y;
propGt: computed('x', function () {
return this.x > 123;
propGte: computed('x', function () {
return this.x >= 123;
propLt: computed('x', function () {
return this.x < 123;
propLte: computed('x', function () {
return this.x <= 123;
propNot: computed('x', function () {
return !this.x;
propEqual: computed('x', function () {
return this.x === 123;
propFilterBy: computed('[email protected]', function () {
return this.chores.filterBy('done', true);
propMapBy: computed('[email protected]', function () {
return this.children.mapBy('age');
Examples of correct code for this rule:
import Component from '@ember/component';
import {
} from '@ember/object/computed';
export default Component.extend({
propReads: reads('x'),
propAnd: and('x', 'y'),
propOr: or('x', 'y'),
propGt: gt('x', 123),
propGte: gte('x', 123),
propLt: lt('x', 123),
propLte: lte('x', 123),
propNot: not('x'),
propEqual: equal('x', 123),
propFilterBy: filterBy('chores', 'done', true),
propMapBy: mapBy('children', 'age')
This rule takes an optional object containing:
-- whether the rule should check and autofix computed properties with native getters (i.e.@computed() get someProp() {}
) to use computed property macros (defaultfalse
). This is off by default because in the Ember Octane world, the better improvement would be to keep the native getter and use tracked properties instead of computed properties.