diff --git a/src/pages/explore_paths.py b/src/pages/explore_paths.py
index a62173e..b3c307a 100644
--- a/src/pages/explore_paths.py
+++ b/src/pages/explore_paths.py
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import dash
-from dash import Dash, dash_table, dcc, html
+from dash import Dash, html, dcc, Input, Output, Patch, callback, State, ctx, dash_table, dcc, html
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
-from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
@@ -12,8 +11,6 @@
from model.Alarms import Alarms
from utils.parquet import Parquet
-from utils.helpers import timer
def title():
return f"Search & explore"
@@ -21,9 +18,18 @@ def title():
def description(q=None):
- return f"Explore the 'Path changed' alarms"
+ return f"Explore the alarms related to traceroute paths"
pq = Parquet()
+alarmsInst = Alarms()
+# that period should match the one in the layout,
+# as well as the range of the cached data + the period on /site page
+dateFrom, dateTo = hp.defaultTimeRange(2)
+frames, pivotFrames = alarmsInst.loadData(dateFrom, dateTo)
+selected_keys = ['path changed between sites', 'path changed', 'ASN path anomalies']
+changeDf = pq.readFile('parquet/prev_next_asn.parquet')
+asn_anomalies = pq.readFile('parquet/frames/ASN_path_anomalies.parquet')
@@ -34,17 +40,20 @@ def description(q=None):
def layout(**other_unknown_query_strings):
- period = hp.defaultTimeRange(days=3, datesOnly=True)
+ global frames, pivotFrames, alarmsInst, selected_keys, changeDf
+ period_to_display = hp.defaultTimeRange(days=2, datesOnly=True)
+ sitesDropdownData, asnsDropdownData, sankey_fig, dataTables = load_initial_data(selected_keys, changeDf)
+ heatmap_fig = create_anomalies_heatmap()
return dbc.Row([
html.H1(f"Short term path deviations between sites"),
- html.P('The data is based on the alarms of type "path changed"', style={"font-size": "1.2rem"})
+ html.P('The plot shows how ASNs were replaced in the period of 2 days. The data is based on the alarms of type "path changed"', style={"font-size": "1.2rem"})
], className="l-h-3 p-2"),
- html.Div(id="asn-sankey"), color='#00245A'),
+ dcc.Graph(figure=sankey_fig, id="asn-sankey"), color='#00245A'),
], className="boxwithshadow page-cont ml-1 p-1")
], xl=6, lg=12, md=12, sm=12, className=" mb-1 flex-grow-1",
@@ -52,10 +61,10 @@ def layout(**other_unknown_query_strings):
html.Div(id="asn-alarms-container", children=[
html.H1(f"ASN path anomalies"),
- html.P('The data is based on the alarms of type "ASN path anomalies', style={"font-size": "1.2rem"})
+ html.P('The plot shows new ASNs that appeared between two sites. The data is based on the alarms of type "ASN path anomalies"', style={"font-size": "1.2rem"})
], className="l-h-3 p-2"),
- html.Div(create_anomalies_heatmap(period), id="asn-alarms-heatmap", style={"max-width": "1000px", "margin": "0 auto"}),
+ dcc.Graph(figure=heatmap_fig, id="asn-heatmap", style={"max-width": "1000px", "margin": "0 auto"}),
], className="boxwithshadow page-cont ml-1 p-1")
], xl=6, lg=12, md=12, sm=12, className="mb-1 flex-grow-1")
@@ -67,7 +76,7 @@ def layout(**other_unknown_query_strings):
html.H1(f"Search the \"Path changed\" alarms",
className="l-h-3 pl-2"),
- f'Alarms generated in the period: {period[0]} - {period[1]} ',
+ f'Alarms generated in the period: {period_to_display[0]} - {period_to_display[1]} ',
style={"padding-left": "1.5%", "font-size": "14px"})
], align="center", className="text-left pair-details rounded-border-1"),
], justify="start", align="center"),
@@ -76,14 +85,14 @@ def layout(**other_unknown_query_strings):
- dcc.Dropdown(multi=True, id='paths-sites-dropdown',
+ dcc.Dropdown(multi=True, id='paths-sites-dropdown', options=sitesDropdownData,
placeholder="Search for a site"),
- dcc.Dropdown(multi=True, id='paths-asn-dropdown',
+ dcc.Dropdown(multi=True, id='paths-asn-dropdown', options=asnsDropdownData,
placeholder="Search ASNs"),
@@ -104,7 +113,7 @@ def layout(**other_unknown_query_strings):
- html.Div(id='paths-results-table'),
+ html.Div(id='paths-results-table', children=dataTables),
style={'height': '0.5rem'}, color='#00245A')
], className="m-2"),
], className="p-2 site boxwithshadow page-cont mb-1 g-0", justify="center", align="center"),
@@ -127,95 +136,195 @@ def colorMap(eventTypes):
return paletteDict
+def load_initial_data(selected_keys, changeDf):
+ sitesDropdownData = []
+ asnsDropdownData = []
+ anomalous_asns = []
+ dataTables = []
+ print(len(changeDf))
+ for event in sorted(selected_keys):
+ if event in frames.keys():
+ dataTables.append(generate_tables(frames[event], pivotFrames[event], event, alarmsInst))
+ changeDf['jumpedFrom'] = changeDf['jumpedFrom'].fillna(0).astype(int)
+ changeDf['diff'] = changeDf['diff'].astype(int)
+ for event in sorted(selected_keys):
+ df = pivotFrames[event]
+ if 'asn_list' in df.columns:
+ anomalous_asns = list(df['asn_list'].explode().unique())
+ if len(df) > 0:
+ dataTables.append(generate_tables(frames[event], df, event, alarmsInst))
+ sortedDf = changeDf[changeDf['jumpedFrom'] > 0].sort_values('count')
+ asnsDropdownData = list(set(sortedDf['diff'].unique().tolist() +
+ sortedDf['jumpedFrom'].unique().tolist()))
+ asnsDropdownData = list(set(asnsDropdownData + anomalous_asns)) if 'anomalous_asns' in locals() else asnsDropdownData
+ asnsDropdownData = sorted(asnsDropdownData)
+ for s in sorted(pivotFrames['path changed'].tag.unique().tolist()):
+ sitesDropdownData.append({"label": s.upper(), "value": s.upper()})
+ changeDf.loc[changeDf['jumpedFrom'] == 0] = 'No data'
+ fig = buildSankey([], [], changeDf)
+ return [sitesDropdownData, asnsDropdownData, fig, dataTables]
- [
- Output("paths-sites-dropdown", "options"),
- Output("paths-asn-dropdown", "options"),
- Output('asn-sankey', 'children'),
+ Output('asn-sankey', 'figure'),
+ Output('asn-heatmap', 'figure'),
Output('paths-results-table', 'children'),
- Output('asn-alarms-container', 'style')
- ],
Input("search-button", "n_clicks"),
- Input("paths-asn-dropdown", "search_value"),
- Input("paths-asn-dropdown", "value"),
- Input("paths-sites-dropdown", "search_value"),
- Input("paths-sites-dropdown", "value"),
- State("paths-sites-dropdown", "value"),
- State("paths-asn-dropdown", "value")
+ [
+ State("paths-asn-dropdown", "value"),
+ State("paths-sites-dropdown", "value"),
+ ],
+ prevent_initial_call=True
-def update_output(n_clicks, asn, asnState, sites, sitesState, sitesStateValue, asnStateValue):
+def update_figures(n_clicks, asnStateValue, sitesStateValue):
+ if n_clicks is not None:
+ sitesState = sitesStateValue if sitesStateValue else []
+ asnState = asnStateValue if asnStateValue else []
+ global changeDf, asn_anomalies
- # that period should match the one in the layout,
- # as well as the range of the cached data
- period = hp.defaultTimeRange(3)
+ sankey_fig = buildSankey(sitesState, asnState, changeDf)
+ heatmap_fig = create_anomalies_heatmap(selected_asns=asnState, selected_sites=sitesState)
+ datatables = create_data_tables(sitesState, asnState)
+ return sankey_fig, heatmap_fig, datatables
- # Load all data initially
- if n_clicks is None:
- sitesState = []
- asnState = []
- else:
- sitesState = [] if sitesStateValue is None else sitesStateValue
- asnState = [] if asnStateValue is None else asnStateValue
+ return dash.no_update
+def filterASN(df, selected_asns=[], selected_sites=[]):
- alarmsInst = Alarms()
- frames, pivotFrames = alarmsInst.loadData(period[0], period[1])
+ if selected_asns:
+ s = df.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x['asn_list']), axis=1).stack().reset_index(level=1, drop=True)
+ s.name = 'asn'
+ df = df.join(s)
+ df = df[df['asn'].isin(selected_asns)]
+ df = df.drop('asn', axis=1).drop_duplicates(subset=['alarm_id'])
+ if selected_sites:
+ df = df[(df['src_netsite'].isin(selected_sites)) | (df['dest_netsite'].isin(selected_sites))]
+ return df
+def create_data_tables(sitesState, asnState):
+ global selected_keys, pivotFrames
dataTables = []
- sitesDropdownData = []
+ for event in sorted(selected_keys):
+ df = pivotFrames[event]
+ df = df[df['tag'].isin(sitesState)] if len(sitesState) > 0 else df
+ if 'diff' in df.columns and len(asnState) > 0:
+ df = df[df['diff'].isin(asnState)]
+ elif 'asn' in df.columns and len(asnState) > 0:
+ df = df[df['asn'].isin(asnState)]
+ elif 'asn_list' in df.columns and len(asnState) > 0:
+ df = df[df['asn_list'].isin(asnState)]
+ if 'src_site' in df.columns and 'dest_site' in df.columns and len(sitesState) > 0:
+ df = df[(df['src_site'].isin(sitesState)) | (df['dest_site'].isin(sitesState))]
- if 'path changed between sites' in frames.keys() and 'path changed' in frames.keys():
- selected_keys = ['path changed between sites', 'path changed', 'ASN path anomalies']
- frames = {key: frames[key] for key in selected_keys if key in frames}
- pivotFrames = {key: pivotFrames[key] for key in selected_keys if key in pivotFrames}
+ if len(df) > 0:
+ dataTables.append(generate_tables(frames[event], df, event, alarmsInst))
- df = pivotFrames['path changed between sites']
- scntdf = df[df['tag'] != ''].groupby('tag')[['id']].count().reset_index().rename(columns={'id': 'cnt', 'tag': 'site'})
+ if len(dataTables)==0:
+ dataTables.append(html.P(f'There are no alarms related to the selected criteria',
+ style={"padding-left": "1.5%", "font-size": "14px"}))
- # sites
- graphData = scntdf.copy()
- graphData = graphData[graphData['site'].isin(sitesState)]
+ return html.Div(dataTables)
- for s in sorted(pivotFrames['path changed'].tag.unique().tolist()):
- sitesDropdownData.append({"label": s.upper(), "value": s.upper()})
- # data tables
- for event in sorted(['path changed', 'path changed between sites', 'ASN path anomalies']):
- df = pivotFrames[event]
+def create_anomalies_heatmap(selected_asns=[], selected_sites=[]):
+ global asn_anomalies, dateFrom, dateTo
+ df = asn_anomalies.copy()
+ df = df[df['to_date'] >= dateFrom]
+ df = filterASN(df, selected_asns=selected_asns, selected_sites=selected_sites)
+ if len(df) > 0:
+ # Create a summary table with counts and ASN list per IPv6 and IPv4
+ heatmap_summary = df.groupby(['src_netsite', 'dest_netsite', 'ipv6']).agg(
+ asn_details=('asn_list', lambda x: [item for sublist in x for item in set(sublist)])
+ ).reset_index()
+ # heatmap_summary['asn_details'] = heatmap_summary['asn_details'].apply(lambda x: ', '.join(map(str, x)))
+ heatmap_summary['asn_details'] = heatmap_summary['asn_details'].apply(lambda x: list(set(x)))
+ heatmap_summary['count'] = heatmap_summary['asn_details'].apply(len)
+ distinct_pairs = heatmap_summary[['src_netsite', 'dest_netsite']].drop_duplicates()
+ # Function to create a formatted string with ASN details and count the total unique ASNs
+ def format_asn_string_and_total_count(group):
+ ipv4_asns = group[group['ipv6'] == False]['asn_details'].explode().unique().tolist()
+ ipv6_asns = group[group['ipv6'] == True]['asn_details'].explode().unique().tolist()
- df = df[df['tag'].isin(sitesState)] if len(sitesState) > 0 else df
- if 'diff' in df.columns and len(asnState) > 0:
- df = df[df['diff'].isin(asnState)]
- elif 'asn' in df.columns and len(asnState) > 0:
- df = df[df['asn'].isin(asnState)]
- elif 'asn_list' in df.columns and len(asnState) > 0:
- df = df[df['asn_list'].isin(asnState)]
- anomalous_asns = list(df['asn_list'].explode().unique())
+ # Create formatted ASN strings
+ formatted_str = ""
+ if ipv4_asns:
+ formatted_str += f"IPv4 -> {ipv4_asns}, \n "
+ if ipv6_asns:
+ formatted_str += f"IPv6 -> {ipv6_asns}"
- if 'src_site' in df.columns and 'dest_site' in df.columns and len(sitesState) > 0:
- df = df[(df['src_site'].isin(sitesState)) | (df['dest_site'].isin(sitesState))]
+ # Calculate total unique ASNs across both versions
+ total_unique_asns = len(set(ipv4_asns).union(set(ipv6_asns)))
- if len(df) > 0:
- dataTables.append(generate_tables(frames[event], df, event, alarmsInst))
- if len(dataTables)==0:
- dataTables.append(html.P(f'There are no alarms related to the selected criteria',
- style={"padding-left": "1.5%", "font-size": "14px"}))
- dataTables = html.Div(dataTables)
+ return formatted_str.strip(), total_unique_asns
+ # Apply function to calculate ASNs and total count
+ distinct_pairs[['asn_details_str', 'total_count']] = distinct_pairs.apply(
+ lambda row: format_asn_string_and_total_count(
+ heatmap_summary[(heatmap_summary['src_netsite'] == row['src_netsite']) &
+ (heatmap_summary['dest_netsite'] == row['dest_netsite'])]
+ ), axis=1, result_type='expand'
+ )
- # graph
- changeDf = pq.readFile('parquet/prev_next_asn.parquet')
- asnsDropdownData = []
- container_style = {"display": "none"}
+ heatmap_pivot = distinct_pairs.pivot(index='src_netsite', columns='dest_netsite', values='total_count').fillna(0)
- if len(changeDf) == 0:
- fig = go.Figure()
+ # Create a custom data matrix for ASNs grouped by IPv6 for hover display
+ custom_data = distinct_pairs.pivot(index='src_netsite', columns='dest_netsite', values='asn_details_str').fillna('')
+ # Create the heatmap using Plotly
+ fig = px.imshow(
+ heatmap_pivot,
+ labels=dict(x="Destination", y="Source", color="Count"),
+ color_continuous_scale="BuPu",
+ text_auto=True
+ )
+ fig.update_traces(customdata=custom_data.values)
+ fig.update_traces(
+ hovertemplate="
+ "Source: %{y}",
+ "Destination: %{x}",
+ "ASNs: %{customdata}"
+ ])
+ )
+ # Update layout for better appearance
+ fig.update_layout(
+ # title="ASN path anomalies summary",
+ xaxis_title="Destination",
+ yaxis_title="Source",
+ xaxis=dict(title=dict(text="Destination", standoff=20, font=dict(size=16))),
+ height=600,
+ plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)',
+ )
+ else:
+ fig = px.imshow(pd.DataFrame())
+ plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)',
- text="No data available for the selected criteria.",
+ text="No data available for the selected criteria",
@@ -225,53 +334,9 @@ def update_output(n_clicks, asn, asnState, sites, sitesState, sitesStateValue, a
- else:
- changeDf['jumpedFrom'] = changeDf['jumpedFrom'].astype(int)
- changeDf['diff'] = changeDf['diff'].astype(int)
- sortedDf = changeDf[changeDf['jumpedFrom'] > 0].sort_values('count')
- asnsDropdownData = list(set(sortedDf['diff'].unique().tolist() +
- sortedDf['jumpedFrom'].unique().tolist()))
- asnsDropdownData = list(set(asnsDropdownData + anomalous_asns)) if 'anomalous_asns' in locals() else asnsDropdownData
- changeDf.loc[changeDf['jumpedFrom'] == 0] = 'No data'
- fig = buildSankey(sitesState, asnState, changeDf)
- container_style = {"display": "block"}
- return [sitesDropdownData, asnsDropdownData, dcc.Graph(figure=fig), dataTables, container_style]
-def create_anomalies_heatmap(period):
- df = pq.readFile('parquet/frames/ASN_path_anomalies.parquet')
- # df = df[df['to_date'] >= period[0]]
- print(period, len(df))
- # Aggregate the number of connections for the heatmap
- heatmap_data = df.groupby(['src_netsite', 'dest_netsite'])['asn_count'].sum().reset_index(name='count')
- # Pivot the data to create a matrix
- heatmap_pivot = heatmap_data.pivot(index='src_netsite', columns='dest_netsite', values='count').fillna(0)
- # Plot with the custom color scale
- fig = px.imshow(
- heatmap_pivot,
- labels=dict(x="Destination", y="Source", color="Count"),
- color_continuous_scale="BuPu",
- text_auto=True
- )
- # Update layout for better appearance
- fig.update_layout(
- xaxis_title="Destination",
- yaxis_title="Source",
- autosize=True, # Enable responsive autosizing
- height=600, # Let the container height define the plot size
- width=None, # Let the container width define the plot size
- # margin=dict(t=10, b=180, l=70, r=0),
- coloraxis_showscale=True
- )
- return dcc.Graph(figure=fig)
+ return fig
# '''Takes the sites from the dropdown list and generates a Dash datatable'''
@@ -335,6 +400,8 @@ def addNetworkOwners(df, labels):
# ''' Prepares the data for the Sankey diagram'''
def data4Sankey(sandf):
+ print(len(sandf))
+ print(sandf)
typical = [f't{n}' for n in sandf['jumpedFrom'].unique().tolist()]
diff = [f'd{n}' for n in sandf['diff'].unique().tolist()]
src = [f'src_{n}' for n in sandf['src_site'].unique().tolist()]
@@ -376,7 +443,7 @@ def data4Sankey(sandf):
# '''Creates a Sankey diagram'''
def buildSankey(sitesState, asnState, df):
+ print(len(df), sitesState, asnState)
if len(sitesState) > 0 and len(asnState) > 0:
df = df[((df['src_site'].isin(sitesState)) |
(df['dest_site'].isin(sitesState))) & ((df['jumpedFrom'].isin(asnState)) |
@@ -391,52 +458,69 @@ def buildSankey(sitesState, asnState, df):
labels, sources, targets, vals, customdata = data4Sankey(df)
- fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Sankey(
- node=dict(
- pad=15,
- thickness=20,
- line=dict(color="grey", width=0.5),
- label=labels,
- customdata=customdata,
- hovertemplate='%{customdata}',
- color="rgb(4, 111, 137)"
- ),
- link=dict(
- # indices correspond to labels
- source=sources,
- target=targets,
- value=vals
- ))])
- for x_coordinate, column_name in enumerate(["Source site", "Previously used ASN", "New ASN", "Desination site"]):
- fig.add_annotation(
- x=x_coordinate,
- y=1.15,
- xref="x",
- yref="paper",
- text=column_name,
- showarrow=False,
- font=dict(
- size=16,
+ if len(df) > 0:
+ fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Sankey(
+ node=dict(
+ pad=15,
+ thickness=20,
+ line=dict(color="grey", width=0.5),
+ label=labels,
+ customdata=customdata,
+ hovertemplate='%{customdata}',
+ color="rgb(4, 111, 137)"
- # align="center",
- )
+ link=dict(
+ # indices correspond to labels
+ source=sources,
+ target=targets,
+ value=vals
+ ))])
+ for x_coordinate, column_name in enumerate(["Source site", "Previously used ASN", "New ASN", "Desination site"]):
+ fig.add_annotation(
+ x=x_coordinate,
+ y=1.15,
+ xref="x",
+ yref="paper",
+ text=column_name,
+ showarrow=False,
+ font=dict(
+ size=16,
+ ),
+ # align="center",
+ )
- fig.update_layout(
- height=600,
- # title_text=f"Short term path deviations between sites",
- xaxis={
- 'showgrid': False, # thin lines in the background
- 'zeroline': False, # thick line at x=0
- 'visible': False, # numbers below
- },
- yaxis={
- 'showgrid': False, # thin lines in the background
- 'zeroline': False, # thick line at x=0
- 'visible': False, # numbers below
- },
- # margin=dict(b=2, l=0, r=0),
- plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)',
- font_size=10)
+ fig.update_layout(
+ height=600,
+ # title_text=f"Short term path deviations between sites",
+ xaxis={
+ 'showgrid': False, # thin lines in the background
+ 'zeroline': False, # thick line at x=0
+ 'visible': False, # numbers below
+ },
+ yaxis={
+ 'showgrid': False, # thin lines in the background
+ 'zeroline': False, # thick line at x=0
+ 'visible': False, # numbers below
+ },
+ # margin=dict(b=2, l=0, r=0),
+ plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)',
+ font_size=10)
+ else:
+ fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Sankey()])
+ fig.update_layout(
+ annotations=[
+ dict(
+ text="No data available for the selected criteria or there was no AS number previuosly used at the position of the new ASN.",
+ showarrow=False,
+ font=dict(size=16),
+ xref="paper",
+ yref="paper",
+ x=0.5,
+ y=0.5,
+ )
+ ]
+ )
return fig