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1063 lines (827 loc) · 61.7 KB

File metadata and controls

1063 lines (827 loc) · 61.7 KB

see releases

v3.0. (2022-02-14)

v2.1.3 (2021-04-18)

v2.1.2 (2021-04-17)

v2.1.1 (2021-04-17)

v2.1.0 (2021-01-01)

v2.0.1 (2020-10-06)

  • can disable expensive suggestions (#517)
  • Faster suggestion list (#521)

v2.0.0 (2020-06-07)

v1.4.2 (2018-08-13)

  • Removed InterfaceMustHaveImplementationValidationRule validation rule (spec change) (#379). Since its introduction in previous release, it caused some issues (to sangria users as well users of other implementations). So it was removed from the GraphQL spec and sangria for now.
  • Exposed more contextual information to a fetcher, including fetcher cache (#377). Fetcher now can be created with a set of new helper methods *WithContext which provide FetcherContext as an argument to fetch functions.
  • AstSchemaMaterializer now re-creates existing field argument types (thus able to use newly created input types)
  • Added visitor helpers in AstNode (they just delegate all functionality to AstVisitor)
  • More minor improvements for better compatibility with GraalVM native-image.
  • Continued work on GraphQL CATs (Compatibility Acceptance Tests). Most recent changes and validation scenarios were added. Some Violations now implement SpecViolation which provides CATSs-compliant error code and arguments.

v1.4.1 (2018-05-12)

  • Added support for extend schema in SDL (spec change) (#362). It adds following syntax in the SDL:

    extend schema @extraDirective {
      mutation: MutationType
  • Ambiguity with null variable values and default values (spec change) (#359).

  • Add optional 'extensions' entry to errors (spec change) (#358).

    CAUTION: breaking change. All additional error object fields that were provided via HandledException are now added to the extensions field

    Before v1.4.1:

      "data": {
        "books": null
      "errors": [{
        "message": "Can't access the database :'(",
        "path": ["books"],
        "locations": [{"line": 3, "column": 11}],
        "errorCode": "DATABASE_DOWN",
        "mitigationStrategy": "Panic!"

    After v1.4.1:

      "data": {
        "books": null
      "errors": [{
        "message": "Can't access the database :'(",
        "path": ["books"],
        "locations": [{"line": 3, "column": 11}],
        "extensions": {
          "errorCode": "DATABASE_DOWN",
          "mitigationStrategy": "Panic!"

    For backward-compatibility, HandledException now provides 2 additional fields: addFieldsInExtensions (by default true) and addFieldsInError (by default false). You can also set both flags to true in order to provide a migration path for the client applications.

  • Ensure interface has at least 1 concrete type (spec change) (#360). It is potentially a minor breaking change. If you have non-implemented interfaces in your schema, you can temporary remove InterfaceMustHaveImplementationValidationRule schema validation rule.

  • Added a small Cache abstraction and replaced TrieMap-based cache implementation with ConcurrentHashMap. This change introduces potential minor performance improvements and compatibility with GraalVM native-image.

  • Added toAst helper for different schema elements, like fields, enum values and types (#367)

  • Added macro setting to transform enum values' names with a macro setting (#350). Big thanks to @fehu for this contribution! The UppercaseValues macro setting is now deprecated in favour of more flexible TransformValueNames.

  • Fixed typo in BeforeFieldResult field name (#363). Big thanks to @Codier for this contribution!

  • Adjusted KnownTypeNames validation to not validate SDL definitions because they are validated in the schema materializer (#354).

  • Added option to disable parsing of AST locations and comments (#357)

  • Don't allow ObjectTypes derived from case classes to overwrite each other (#345) Big thanks to @simonsaffer for this contribution!

  • Improved query parsing performance by optimizing the AST location tracking (#351). Big thanks to @guymers for this contribution!

  • Fixed new line tracking when parsing block-strings

  • Ast schema builder now considers additionalTypes when it validates the type extensions

  • Updated sangria-marshalling-api to version 1.0.3 (should be backwards compatible with v1.0.0).

v1.4.0 (2018-02-20)

The v1.4.0 a lot of improvements and minor changes, in particular around SDL parsing and materialization. Although some of these changes a minor breaking changes, they can be divided in following 2 categories:

  • Simple routine refactorings with updated method signatures. For example most of the method signatures in AstSchemaBuilder are updated and now include more information (type extensions in particular). In all of these cases issues will manifest themselves as compilation errors and can be fixed by simple signature updates.
  • GraphQL query and SDL syntax updates. Based on the feedback from #308 and other sources, extra attention was put in ensuring that syntax is either backwards compatible or an option is available to enable support for a legacy GraphQL syntax. These options can be enabled though new ParserConfig which can be provided to QueryParser.

If you are facing unexpected issues with migration to the new Sangria version, please let us know by creating a new GH issue.


  • New "implements" syntax (old syntax can be enabled via ParserConfig.legacyImplementsInterface) (#337) (spec change). Example:

    # old syntax 
    type User implements Node, Profile {
      id: ID!
    # new syntax
    type User implements Node & Profile {
      id: ID!
  • All of the SDL types now support type extensions (#337) (spec change). Previously only object types supported this feature. Some examples:

    extend type Foo implements ExtraInterface1 & ExtraInterface2 {
     extraField: Int
    extend interface Bar @extraDirective {
      extraField: Int
    extend input Baz {
      extraField: Int = 123
    extend enum Color {
      "the best color"
    extend union Test @extraDirective = More | Types
    extend scalar Date @extraDirective
  • All SDL type definitions are now allowed to have empty field/value/member lists (#337) (spec change). Examples of now valid syntax:

    type User 
    union Pet
    enum Color

    All of the appropriate checks are now implemented as a SchemaValidationRule (instead of being part of the syntax).

    Moreover, old syntax for this is now deprecated and can be enabled with ParserConfig.legacyEmptyFields. Example of the old syntax:

    # don't do it! it is now deprecated
    type User {} 
  • Add experimental support for parsing variable definitions in fragments (#313). Primary goal of it is to enable the experimentation. The support for this syntax needs to be explicitly enabled via ParserConfig. Here is how new syntax look like:

    query q () {
    fragment a on t ($size: Int = 0) {
      f(size: $size)
  • Improved AST location handling and support for multi-source AST Documents (#343). These improvements might be quite helpful for recently discussed "import" functionality where the schema SDL is defined in multiple files. Improvements include:

    • Different schema elements retain the information about SDL AstNodes that were used to create them (in addition to the directives). This might be quite helpful in multiple scenarios. It was already used to greatly improve the quality of the error messages.
    • AstLocation now replaces the Position and holds additional field: sourceId.
    • Introduced AggregateSourceMapper and improved Document merge. It is now possible to show proper error messages and source locations even for AST that was parsed from different sources (files, URLs, etc.).
  • A lot of improvement to the schema validation (#312, #315). All of the validations are now implemented as SchemaValidationRule (no in-place runtime checks anymore). This can be quite helpful if you, for instance, need to customize the validation rules or disable the validations altogether.

  • Validate literals in a single rule with finer precision (#314). This generalizes the "arguments of correct type" and "default values of correct type" to a single rule "values of correct type" which has been re-written to rely on a traversal rather than the utility function isValidLiteralValue. isValidLiteralValue is now deprecated.

  • AstSchemaMaterializer now fully supports all of the new type extensions (#309) .

  • SchemaComparator is improved and now includes information about "dangerous" changes (#335).

  • Simplify Unknown Args Validation (#316).

  • Added new validation rule SingleFieldSubscriptions (#254) (spec change).

  • Resolve type info for fragment spreads (#278). Big thanks to @jonas for this contribution!

  • Allow to rename, describe and set default arguments using DeriveObjectSettings (#339). Big thanks to @fehu for this contribution!

  • Replaced Exception with Throwable to match all possible results of Future.failed (#329, #327). Big thanks to @lgmyrek for this contribution!

  • Initialize symbols before checking their annotations (#317). This will improve derive* macros in same edge-cases. Big thanks to @dragos for this contribution!

  • Added support for rendering SDL with legacy comment-based descriptions (#334). You can use it with SchemaFilter.default.withLegacyCommentDescriptions.

  • Improved ResolverBasedAstSchemaBuilder and introduced InputTypeResolver/OutputTypeResolver.

  • Updated sangria-marshalling-api to version 1.0.1 (should be backwards compatible with v1.0.0)

  • Other minor improvements coming from the reference implementation (#336, #311).

  • Removed previously deprecated methods:

    • SchemaRenderer.renderIntrospectionSchema
    • AstVisitor.visitAst

v1.3.3 (2017-12-03)

  • Added support for string-based descriptions in SDL and implement most recent SDL-related changes (#303, #304, #305) (spec change). Breaking change for all SDL users. The type, field and enum value descriptions are now handled differently in the SDL.

    Old format (comment-based):

    # This is a description
    # of the `Foo` type.
    type Foo implements Bar {
      # another description
      one: Type

    New format (string-based):

    This is a description
    of the `Foo` type.
    type Foo implements Bar {
      "another description"
      one: Type

    Migration path: by default (and after the update) only new description format is used. The old (comment-based) format is still will be supported for several version. In order to enable description handling in the old format, please override DefaultAstSchemaBuilder.useLegacyCommentDescriptions or use AstSchemaBuilder.defaultWithLegacyCommentDescriptions.

  • Added block string support (#260, #301) (spec change). Here is an example of the new multi-line string syntax:

    mutation {
      sendEmail(message: """
  • Added relOnly and relOnlyCaching methods to Fetcher. Thanks to @kuppuswamy for this contribution!

  • Fixed a validation of nested InputObjectType with same property names (#292).

  • Improved performance of Document.hashCode which had a big influence on performance of the AST-based schema builder.

v1.3.2 (2017-11-01)

  • Fix regression where variables aren't passed to query reducers (#291). Thanks to @msolomon for a quick fix!

v1.3.1 (2017-10-29)

  • High-level API for SDL-based schema materialization (#288). It provides much more simple and robust API for building an executable schema based on SDL definitions. For more info see "High-level SDL-based Schema Builder" section of the documentation.

    As a part of this feature, new functionality was introduced in AstSchemaBuilder which provides even more flexibility for schema materialization.

    Minor breaking change: most of the methods in AstSchemaBuilder got new argument origin: MatOrigin. In order to migrate, you need to adjust the signatures of affected methods and add origin: MatOrigin argument.

  • Prepared queries without known variables (#281, #277). Huge thanks to @msolomon for making this contribution! This feature adds QueryReducerExecutor.reduceQueryWithoutVariables. In its signature it is similar to Executor.prepare, but it does not require variables and designed to validate and execute query reducers for queries that are being analyzed ahead of time (e.g. in the context of persistent queries).

  • Ability to provide a partial error for deferred values (#290). DeferredValue and DeferredFutureValue now has a method mapWithErrors. This works similar to the PartialValue, so you can still have a successful result and at the same time indicate errors that happened during deferred value resolution.

  • Ability to provide additional values from Middleware (#289). beforeField now returns BeforeFieldResult (instead of just a tuple) which allows you to add a MiddlewareAttachment. This attachment then can be used in resolve function via Context.attachment/Context.attachments.

v1.3.0 (2017-08-19)

  • Experimental Batch Executor (#273). For more info see the "Batch Executor" section of the documentation.

  • Allow Violations and UserFacingErrors to be handled by custom exception handler (#252).

    Refactored exception handling mechanism:

    • Now it is able to handle Violations as well as UserFacingErrors.
    • HandledException is now able to capture multiple errors and additional AST node positions.
    • Since it is now a standalone class, it would be easier to expand on error handling in future.

    Minor breaking change. It's just a small syntax change. Migration strategy:

    // Before
    val exceptionHandler: Executor.ExceptionHandler = {
      case (m, ...) => ...
    // After
    val exceptionHandler = ExceptionHandler {
      case (m, ...) => ...

    ExceptionHandler is now a standalone class that allows you to provide following handlers:

    • onException - all unexpected exceptions coming from the resolve functions (behaves exactly like in earlier versions)
    • onViolation - handles violations (things like validation errors, argument/variable coercion, etc.)
    • onUserFacingError - handles standard sangria errors (errors like invalid operation name, max query depth, etc.)

    For more info see the updated "Custom ExceptionHandler" section of the documentation.

  • Improved input document validation and deserialization (#272). For more info see "Input Document Validation" section of the documentation and updated "Query AST Marshalling" section. Improvements include:

    • Added InputDocument which is used in validation, materialization, etc.
    • New macros gqlInpDoc/graphqlInputDoc that produces an InputDocument instead of just sangria.ast.Value.
    • Added RuleBasedQueryValidator.validateInputDocument that validates InputDocument against the schema.
    • provide a convenient way to deserialize/materialize an input document based on the FromInput type-class.
    • Improved a lot of validation messages related to input value validations.
  • Add support for leading vertical bar in union types and directive definitions (#253) (spec change).

  • Fixed infinite loop on invalid queries in OverlappingFields (#266, #238).

  • Information about type extensions is now available in the field resolve function builder (#267). Minor breaking change. The signature of DefaultAstSchemaBuilder.buildField and DefaultAstSchemaBuilder.resolveField has changed. You need to add extensions: Vector[ast.TypeExtensionDefinition] as a second argument.

  • Fixed directive definition rendering in query renderer (#274). Thanks to @alexeygolev for this contribution!

  • Built-in scalars will now only be added to the schema if they are used (#271, #270). Thanks to @jlawrienyt for this contribution!

  • Improve error message when an appropriate implementation of an abstract type cannot be found (#259).

v1.2.2 (2017-06-17)

  • Added new middleware traits MiddlewareFromScalar and MiddlewareToScalar. They provide a way to transform all scalar values from middleware (#249, #248). This have some advantages since middleware can be disable, chained together and has access to context information. Huge thanks to @BjRo and @Axxiss for helping with the feature design and implementation!
  • Added new middleware trait MiddlewareExtension (#256). It provides an easy way to add extensions from middleware.
  • Improved error message for All fields within a Type should have unique names! (#247). It now includes type and field information.
  • Fixed helper methods for operation lookup in ast.Document.

v1.2.1 (2017-05-18)

  • Fixed MeasureQueryDepth reducer not keeping the largest depth found (#245, #246). Big thanks @Eluinhost for this contribution!
  • Easier way to create Args (#243). Big thanks @vishalkuo for this contribution!
  • More options to render a schema (#241). This improvement is especially useful for apps that use relay modern.

v1.2.0 (2017-04-29)

  • Provide convenient functions for IDL-based schema materialization and validation (#240). For more info see the "Query Validation" section of documentation. Improvements include:
    • Introduced Schema.buildStubFromAst that builds a schema with a stub Query type
    • Introduced Schema.buildDefinitions that builds a list of definitions based on IDL AST (without a schema)
    • Introduced Document.emptyStub as a most basic, but valid document stub
    • Introduced alias query1 + query2 for document merge
  • Add Fetcher.deferSeqOptExplicit or similar to explicitly get Seq[Option[T]] in the result (#230)
  • Fixed scalar aliases when they are used with variables or schema is extended (#237)
  • Preserve IDL directives at schema materialization time and use them in schema comparator (#236). This also adds Vector[ast.Directive] to all relevant schema definitions which may be extremely useful for future features and schema analysis
  • Improve syntax error reporting for graphql macro (#235)
  • Improve Int, BigInt and Long scalar value handling (#234)
  • Propagate updated value through middleware's afterField (#233). For more info see the "Middleware" section of documentation.
  • Forbid 'true', 'false' and 'null' as names for Enum value (#239)

v1.1.0 (2017-03-11)

  • Added scalar type alias support (#225, #210). For more info see the "Scalar Type Alias" section of documentation.
  • Greatly improved AstVisitor (#214). It now includes helper methods to traverse and transform an AST with type info and state. Sangria now integrates with macro-visit which was specifically written to traverse and transform ASTs which are similar to sangria's. For more info see the "AstVisitor" section of documentation.
  • Added DocumentAnalyzer and SchemaBasedDocumentAnalyzer that contain a lot of helper methods to analyze query. This includes newly introduced deprecatedUsages and introspectionUsages (#211, #207, #212). For more info see brand new "Query And Schema Analysis" section of documentation.
  • Added QueryReducer.hasIntrospection and QueryReducer.rejectIntrospection that rejects queries which contain introspection fields (#211). This may be useful for production environments where introspection can potentially be abused.
  • Added Context.isIntrospection and sangria.introspection.isIntrospection helper methods to easily distinguish between introspection types and fields in middleware and query reducers.
  • Added QueryReducer.measureDepth and QueryReducer.rejectMaxDepth rejects queries that are deeper than provided threshold (In contrast to Executor.execute(maxQueryDepth = ...), query reducer does it at query analysis time before actual execution).
  • Added derive* macro settings (TransformFieldNames and TransformInputFieldNames) to transform field names. (#215) Big thanks to @ostronom for this contribution.
  • Added ability to represent complex relations in Fetch API (#220).
  • ExecutionScheme.Extended now returns updated user context for mutations (#209).
  • Improved handling of tailing comments when rendering query AST (#219).
  • Added aliases for graphql/graphqlInput macros: gql/gqlInp
  • Using Vector instead of List for all AST nodes now. This is a minor breaking change.

v1.0.0 (2017-01-16)

  • Added Action.sequence combinator to compose a list of LeafActions in a single LeadAction that can be returned from a resolve function (#206)
  • Support of Option[Id] in Fetcher.deferOpt (#205)
  • Implicit conversion from Future[Deferred[A]] to Action does not work (#201)
  • Disallow creation of object types with empty list of fields (#200)
  • SimpleFetcherCache does not cache Relation (#194)
  • Fetching Relation Typing (#193)
  • Helper method sangria.schema.action is replaced with Action.apply and LeafAction.apply

v1.0.0-RC5 (2016-11-28)

  • Uphold spec for non-validation names not beginning with __ (spec-change) (#189)
  • Field cache does not consider output object polymorphism (#190)
  • Added QueryReducer.measureDepth and QueryReducer.rejectMaxDepth query reducers (#191). maxQueryDepth argument was available for a long time on Executor, but in contrast to new query reducers, it measures depth along side of the execution. With query reducers it happens before query execution, thus allow to reject the query execution entirely.
  • FetcherDeferredOpt does not extends DeferredOpt (#188)
  • Invalid operation name now be considered a client-side error and now implements QueryAnalysisError (#186, #187). Big thanks to @mattfenwick for working on this one!

v1.0.0-RC4 (2016-11-20)

Sangria v1.0.0-RC4 is fully compliant with "October 2016" version of the GraphQL specification.

  • In presence of explicit null value, the default will not be used (#185) (spec change). Breaking change! Arguments with default values are no longer treated as non-optional arguments. Though Args still preserves existing semantics (default is still applied, even in presence of explicit null). The same is true for input objects and optional input object fields with default values.
  • Added Args.withArgs and Args.argDefinedInQuery convenience methods.
  • Validation rule for unique directives per location (#179).
  • Enforces input coercion rules (#177).
  • MiddlewareQueryContext and ExecutionResult now contain information about validation and query reducers' execution time (validationTiming, queryReducerTiming)
  • Middleware.fieldError was not called in all possible exceptional situations (#184).
  • New QueryParser.parseInputWithVariables provides a way to parse input values with variables.
  • Various bugfixes in error handing of deferred values and null/undefined value handling.

v1.0.0-RC3 (2016-11-05)

  • Cross compile to scala 2.12 and scala 2.11 (#182, #183)
  • Schema comparator (#169, #165). It helps to compare different schemas or different versions of the same schema. It also provides an information whether particular change is a breaking change. This is a great example of GraphQL type system potential. For more info see the "Schema Comparator" section of documentation.
  • Improve handling of NaN and infinity values (#167, #168)

v1.0.0-RC2 (2016-10-10)

  • Capture original exceptions only if necessary (based on the ExecutionScheme)
  • Fixed issue with duplicate errors appearing during sequential query execution (mutations)

v1.0.0-RC1 (2016-10-08)

Towards 1.0!

  • Stream-based subscriptions (#98, #166). For more info see the "Stream-based Subscriptions" section of documentation.
  • High-level Fetch API for deferred value resolution (#164). For more info see the "High-level Fetch API" section of documentation.
  • Huge improvements in deferred value resolution (#161). Here is just an example of how batching algorithm is improved in comparison to previous version. For more info see the "Deferred Value Resolution" section of documentation. It got a lot of new content.
  • Introduced ExecutionScheme. It allows to change the result type of an exaction. So now you can get some meta-information about a query execution itself, and not only the Future of marshaled result. For more info see the "Alternative Execution Scheme" section of documentation.
  • Minor breaking changes:
    • DeferredResolver and Deferred are moved to sangria.execution.deferred package.

    • DeferredResolver.resolve method signature is changes a bit (2 new arguments were added). Here is the new signature:

      def resolve(deferred: Vector[Deferred[Any]], ctx: Ctx, queryState: Any)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Vector[Future[Any]]

v0.7.3 (2016-08-26)

  • Description formatting/parsing is updated based in the changes in the reference implementation (#155). More places of the query now preserve the comments. For instance all trailing comments within a section set and at the end of the document are preserved and rendered.
  • Ensure that the result of deferred value resolution has the same size as the deferred list (#154).
  • During macro-based derivation, default value should never be a null for an optional arguments (#153).
  • Executor now properly handles undefined values (like null and None) even if GraphQL type is not null (#152)

v0.7.2 (2016-08-01)

  • Transitive types are now collected for all types provided via additionalTypes to a schema definition (#149).
  • ObjectType.withInstanceCheck provides an easier way to customize an instance check on ObjectType (#148).
  • Enumeration derivation macro should now only collects instances of Enumeration#Value (#151).
  • Ensure that all unreferenced types are collected during the schema extension.
  • sangria.ast.Type.namedType helper method.

v0.7.1 (2016-07-02)

  • Provide extendSchema utility function (#113). This feature allows you to extend existing schema with additional types and existing types with additional fields. It may be very useful for client-side tools and for server implementations in cases where parts of a schema are dynamically generated or coming from external sources (like database).

    Here is a small example of how you can use it:

    val schema: Schema[Ctx, Val] = Schema(...)
    val schemaExtensions =
        extend type Human {
          pet: Animal @loadPetInfo
        interface Animal {
          name: String!
        type Dog implements Animal {
          name: String!
          nickname: String
        type Cat implements Animal {
          name: String!
          age: Int
    val myCustomBuilder = new DefaultAstSchemaBuilder[Ctx] {...}
    val extendedSchema = 
      schema.extend(schemaExtensions, myCustomBuilder)  

    Just like with AST-based schema materialization, you can provide a custom schema builder which allows you to control most of the aspects of generated parts of the schema.

  • Handling of more than one ProjectionName for one field (#146).

  • Updated context propagated only to siblings (#145).

v0.7.0 (2016-06-12)

  • Initial CATs (Compatibility Acceptance Tests) support (#142). The test suite itself is still work-in-progress, but sangria includes an integration which executes all currently available test cases.
  • IDL (schema definition) syntax parsing and rendering (#137, #62)
  • AST-based schema materializer (#139, #115). This feature may be very useful for different tools that need to create an executable schema based on IDL definitions. Almost any aspect of generated in-memory schema representation can be customized via custom implementation of AstSchemaBuilder. This feature is already used in sangria itself for CATs (Compatibility Acceptance Tests) integration. At the moment default implementation of AstSchemaBuilder treats comments that start with ## as a field/object/argument description.
  • Partial resolve Actions (#140). This change introduces 2 new Actions that can be returned back from a resolve function: PartialValue and PartialFutureValue. This allows you to return a list of errors in addition to a successfully resolved value (which may contain only partial result due to the errors).
  • Preserve comments during the AST parsing (#105). Most of the AST classes got comment Option[Comment] field. It can be very useful for query formatting because QueryRenderer also got support for comments and able to render them.
  • Include execution path in error objects (#143). This may be helpful for client side tools that would like to analyze error messages and programmatically use them in some way. This is a minor braking change since field property on error is removed in favor of new path property which is a list.
  • Introspection-based schema materializer now also uses more advanced IntrospectionSchemaBuilder (similar to the AST-based one) instead of MaterializationLogic, which is now removed. This introduces a minor breaking change, but in a long run IntrospectionSchemaBuilder will provide much more flexibility.
  • Add comment/directive support in the introspection-based schema renderer (#136).
  • Validation: improving overlapping fields quality (#133)
  • Deprecated directive (#132)
  • New directive locations (#131)
  • Default values should be in GraphQL format (introspection) (#141)
  • Added support for case objects defined in companion object (#135). Big thanks to @joprice for contributing this improvement!
  • SchemaRenderer now has improved default value rendering
  • Execution path now got it's own class ExecutionPath (which is now used instead of simple Vector[String]). This introduces a minor breaking change.

v0.6.3 (2016-05-01)

  • Marshaling for Amazon Ion data format is introduced. Amazon Ion is a richly-typed, self-describing, hierarchical data serialization format offering interchangeable binary and text representations.

    You need following dependency to use it:

    "org.sangria-graphql" %% "sangria-ion" % "0.1.0"

    In order to use Ion marshalling, you need an implicit instance of IonSystem in scope as well:

    import sangria.marshalling.ion._
    implicit val ionSystem = IonSystemBuilder.standard().build()
    val result: Future[IonValue] = Executor.execute(schema, query)
  • Marshalling API is updated to v0.2.1. It introduces a minor breaking change. This change introduces performance improvements to scalar value marshalling and gives much more flexibility in terms of the type of marshaled values.

    ResultMarshaller now able to communicate it's natively supported capabilities to a ScalarType via MarshallerCapability. A set of standard marshaller capabilities were introduced:

    • DateSupport - Marshaller supports java.util.Date natively.
    • CalendarSupport - Marshaller supports java.util.Calendar natively.
    • BlobSupport - Marshaller supports large binary objects in form of Array[Byte] natively.

    This still requires you to create a custom scalar types (for dates, blobs, etc.), but it gives you an ability to generically use native features of underlying data format.

    ScalarType now also able to communicate back to marshaller via ScalarValueInfo. This can be used, for instance, to represent an Array[Byte] as a clob type instead of blob in formats that support both of them (like Amazon Ion).

  • Include possible field, argument, type names when validation fails (#126).

  • Deepen introspection query from 3 levels to 7 (#128).

  • Improve validation error message when field names conflict (#130).

  • Interface hierarchies are not correctly rendered with SchemaRenderer (#125).

  • Updated parboiled to v2.1.3

v0.6.2 (2016-04-10)

This release is fully compatible with "April 2016" version of the GraphQL specification.

  • Return type overlap validation (#124) (spec change).
  • deriveContextObjectType/deriveObjectType do not work with Option arguments in some cases (#123)

v0.6.1 (2016-04-02)

A minor maintenance release to keep up with the spec changes.

  • Field order in the result now reflects field order in the query (according to the spec) for all marshalling libraries that support field ordering (#99) (spec change).
  • Directive locations field replaces onOperation, onFragment and onField (#119) (spec change).
  • Low-level marshalling API is improved: it's now possible to use efficient map builders (which also able to preserver an order of the fields). This improves serialization performance and minimizes memory footprint. All marshalling libraries already take advantage of this API.
  • SchemaRenderer prints duplicated fields for a type that implements an interface (#122)

v0.6.0 (2016-03-19)

  • Macro-Based GraphQL Type Derivation (#120). See "Macro-Based GraphQL Type Derivation" section of the documentation for more info.

  • Prepared Queries (#118). See "Prepared Queries" section of the documentation for more info.

  • Executor.execute now returns Future with failure if error happened before query execution (#109). It can be extremely helpful when you need to take some action or produce different result in case of error. Typical example is returning different HTTP status code.

    CAUTION: breaking change and action needed! Since things like validation errors and errors in query reducers are now explicitly returned as a Future failure and not as a successful result, you need to take some action to handle them. In order to migrate, all you need to do is to add following recover:

    Executor.execute(schema, query).recover {
      case error: ErrorWithResolver => error.resolveError

    recover function will make sure that all of the errors, that were previously handled internally in Executor, are now properly handled. Code above will produce exactly the same result as before. resolveError produces a valid GraphQL response JSON and will use custom exception handler, if you have provided one.

    This new approach to error handling gives you much more flexibility. For example in most cases it makes a lot of sense to return 400 HTTP status code if query validation failed. It was not really possible to do this before. Now you able to do something like this (using playframework in this particular example):

    executor.execute(query, ...)
      .recover {
        case error: QueryAnalysisError => BadRequest(error.resolveError)
        case error: ErrorWithResolver => InternalServerError(error.resolveError)

    This code will produce status code 400 in case of any error caused by client (query validation, invalid operation name, etc.).

    Errors that happened in a query reducer would be wrapped in QueryReducingError. Here is an example of returning custom status code in case of error in the query reducer:

    val authReducer = QueryReducer.collectTags[MyContext, String] {
      case Permission(name) => name
    } { (permissionNames, ctx) =>
      if (ctx.isUserAuthorized(permissionNames)) ctx
      else throw AuthorizationException("User is not authorized!")
    Executor.execute(schema, queryAst, userContext = new MyContext, queryReducers = authReducer :: Nil)
      .recover {
        case QueryReducingError(error: AuthorizationException) => Unauthorized(error.getMessage)
        case error: QueryAnalysisError => BadRequest(error.resolveError)
        case error: ErrorWithResolver => InternalServerError(error.resolveError)

    HTTP status code would be 401 for unauthorized users.

    If you have issues with the migration, please raise an issue so that we can find a good solution together.

  • Minor breaking change. userContext and root arguments of Executor are moved in Executor.execute method.

  • Detect name collisions with incompatible types during schema definition (#117)

  • Introduced a type alias Executor.ExceptionHandler for exception handler partial function

v0.5.2 (2016-02-28)

  • Added introspection-based schema materializer (#21). This feature has a lot of potential for clint-side tools, testing, mocking, creating facade GraphQL servers, etc.

    Here is simple example of how you can use this feature (Using circe in this particular example):

    import io.circe._
    import sangria.marshalling.circe._
    val introspectionResults: Json = ??? // coming from other server or file
    val clientSchema: Schema[Unit, Unit] = 

    It takes a results of full introspection query (loaded from the server, file, etc.) and recreates the schema definition with stubs for resolve methods. You can customize a lot of aspects of materialization by providing custom MaterializationLogic implementation (you can also extend DefaultMaterializationLogic class). This means that you can, for instance, plug in some generic field resolution logic (resolveField method) or provide generic logic for custom scalars (coerceScalar* methods). Without these customisations schema only would be able to execute introspection queries.

    By default, default values (for input object fields and arguments) would be ignored because it's just a string as far as introspection API is concerned. However you can enable default value support if you know the format of the default values (in many cases it would be JSON). There is even a helper function for this:

    import spray.json._
    import sangria.marshalling.sprayJson._
    val clientSchema: Schema[Unit, Unit] = 
        MaterializationLogic.withDefaultValues[Unit, JsValue])

    This will inform schema materializer that default values are serialized as JSON and that spray-json should be used to work with them (please note, that circe does not have a built-in JSON parsing support, so it can't be used out-of-the-box here. On the other hand, it's pretty easy to add support for particular circe parser by defining an implicit instance of InputParser type class).

  • SchemaRenderer.renderSchema is now able to render Schema objects and only introspection results (#114). This can be useful if you already have schema in memory and don't want to execute an introspection query against the schema in order to render it.

  • Query validation rule: Unique variable names (#112)

  • Add suggested types to incorrect field message (#111)

  • Introspection result now has a parser which deserializes a JSON (or any other format) to a set of case classes. This may simplify client-side tools that work with introspection queries. Please use sangria.introspection.IntrospectionParser.parse to parse an introspection query results.

  • Introduced InputParser type class in order provide optional support for default value parsing in schema materialization.

  • Updated descriptions of a scalar values

  • Updated dependencies

  • Minor improvements

v0.5.1 (2016-01-23)

  • JSON library integration is extracted to separate libraries (#38). Evey integration library will have a separate and independent versioning and release cycle. Following new libraries were introduced:

    • sangria-marshalling-api now includes all of the interfaces that marshalling library needs to implement.

    • sangria-marshalling-testkit contains a set of generic test cases that can be used to test a concrete marshalling library integration.

    • sangria-spray-json contains an integration with spray-json library. From now on, please use following dependency if you would like to use spray-json support:

      libraryDependencies += "org.sangria-graphql" %% "sangria-spray-json" % "0.1.0"

      The package is changed for the sake of consistency. From now on please use following import:

      import sangria.marshalling.sprayJson._
    • sangria-play-json contains an integration with play-json library. From now on, please use following dependency if you would like to use play-json support:

      libraryDependencies += "org.sangria-graphql" %% "sangria-play-json" % "0.1.0"

      The package is changed for the sake of consistency. From now on please use following import:

      import sangria.marshalling.playJson._
    • sangria-json4s-native contains an integration with json4s-native library. From now on, please use following dependency if you would like to use json4s-native support:

      libraryDependencies += "org.sangria-graphql" %% "sangria-json4s-native" % "0.1.0"

      The package is changed for the sake of consistency. From now on please use following import:

      import sangria.marshalling.json4s.native._
    • sangria-json4s-jackson contains an integration with json4s-jackson library. From now on, please use following dependency if you would like to use json4s-jackson support:

      libraryDependencies += "org.sangria-graphql" %% "sangria-json4s-jackson" % "0.1.0"

      The package is changed for the sake of consistency. From now on please use following import:

      import sangria.marshalling.json4s.jackson._
    • sangria-circe contains an integration with circe library. From now on, please use following dependency if you would like to use circe support:

      libraryDependencies += "org.sangria-graphql" %% "sangria-circe" % "0.1.0"

      The package is changed for the sake of consistency. From now on please use following import:

      import sangria.marshalling.circe._
  • Argonaut scala JSON library is now supported via sangria-argonaut (#59). Please use following dependency if you would like to use argonaut support:

    libraryDependencies += "org.sangria-graphql" %% "sangria-argonaut" % "0.1.0"

    And here is an import statement:

    import sangria.marshalling.argonaut._
  • Added operationType and operation on ast.Document to easily identify the operation type (#110)

  • Added a utility function to convert between different input representations (#108). This functionality is available though sangria.marshalling.MarshallingUtil.

v0.5.0 (2015-12-03)

  • A lot of performance improvements across the whole library

  • Added basic subscription support as defined in the spec (graphql/graphql-spec#109) and reference implementation (#89). At the moment subscriptions are pretty basic, so it's meant more for experiments rather than for use in real applications. It is very likely that this feature will experience breaking changes in the near future (spec change)

  • Much better handling of input objects (#37, #70). A new type-class is introduced: FromInput. It provides high-level and low-level way to deserialize arbitrary input objects, just like ToInput.

    In order to use this feature, you need to provide a type parameter to the InputObjectType:

    case class Article(title: String, text: Option[String])
    val ArticleType = InputObjectType[Article]("Article", List(
      InputField("title", StringType),
      InputField("text", OptionInputType(StringType))))
    val arg = Argument("article", ArticleType)

    This code will not compile unless you define an implicit instance of FromInput for Article case class:

    implicit val manual = new FromInput[Article] {
      val marshaller = CoercedScalaResultMarshaller.default
      def fromResult(node: marshaller.Node) = {
        val ad = node.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]]
          title = ad("title").asInstanceOf[String],
          text = ad.get("text").flatMap(_.asInstanceOf[Option[String]])

    As you can see, you need to provide a ResultMarshaller for desired format and then use a marshaled value to create a domain object based on it. Many instances of FromInput are already provided out-of-the-box. For instance FromInput[Map[String, Any]] was added to support existing map-like data-structure format. All supported Json libraries also provide FromInput[JsValue] so that you can use Json AST instead of working with Map[String, Any].

    Moreover, play-json and spray-json integration provide support for Reads and JsonFormat. This means that your domain objects are automatically supported as long as you have Reads or JsonFormat defined for them. For instance this example should compile and work just fine without explicit FromInput declaration:

    import sangria.integration.playJson._
    import play.api.libs.json._
    case class Article(title: String, text: Option[String])
    implicit val articleFormat = Json.format[Article]
    val ArticleType = InputObjectType[Article]("Article", List(
      InputField("title", StringType),
      InputField("text", OptionInputType(StringType))))
    val arg = Argument("article", ArticleType)

    CAUTION: this is minor breaking change. Together with null value support, this feature changes the way input objects are deserialized into map-like structures (which still happens by default). Optional input fields will now produce input objects like:

    // for JSON input: {"op1": "foo", "opt2": null} 
    Map("opt1" -> Some("foo"), "opt2" -> None)
    // for JSON input: {"op1": "foo"} 
    Map("opt1" -> Some("foo"))

    instead of (old format):

    // for JSON input: {"op1": "foo", "opt2": null} 
    Map("opt1" -> "foo")
    // for JSON input: {"op1": "foo"} 
    Map("opt1" -> "foo")

    As you can see, this allows you to distinguish between "undefined" json object fields and json object fields that are set to null.

  • null value support (as defined in the spec change: graphql/graphql-spec#83) (#55) (spec change)

  • Extracted input value parsing and made it a first-class citizen (#103). So now you can parse and render any ast.Value independently from GraphQL query. There is even a new graphqlInput macros available:

    import sangria.renderer.QueryRenderer
    import sangria.macros._
    import sangria.ast
    val parsed: ast.Value =
          id: "1234345"
          version: 2 # changed 2 times
          deliveries: [
            {id: 123, received: false, note: null, state: OPEN}
    val rendered: String =
      QueryRenderer.render(parsed, QueryRenderer.PrettyInput)

    It will print something like this:

      id: "1234345"
      version: 2
      deliveries: [{
        id: 123
        received: false
        note: null
        state: OPEN

    InputUnmarshaller and ResultMarshaller are also now available for it, so you can use ast.Value as a variables or it can be a result of GraphQL query execution (instead of more traditional JSON).

  • ToInput, InputUnmarshaller and ResultMarshaller are moved to sangria.marshalling package.

  • Improved error messages for input values (#86). Now they will contain the reason why particular value is invalid.

  • Implementations of interfaces can include additional field args (#90) (spec change)

  • Loosen overlapping field validation rules (#94) (spec change)

  • False positive validation error from fragment cycle when unknown fragment (#95)

  • Interfaces with covariant return types (#96)

  • A lot of minor changes and performance improvements in validation rules and query validator (#97) (spec change)

  • Add error handling in the SchemaRenderer (#100)

  • Ambiguous implicit when using a UnionType bug (#101)

  • A lot of internal refactorings (especially in variable and argument processing) to make everything above possible

v0.4.3 (2015-10-16)

  • QueryReducer is introduced. It allows you to analyze a query and take an action before it's executed. It provides very similar functionality to complexity analysis (introduced in previous release), but in much more generic form. That's because complexity analysis is now rewritten as a QueryReducer. In order to migrate, you need to replace measureComplexity function with QueryReducer.measureComplexity. Here is an example:
    val complReducer = QueryReducer.measureComplexity[MyCtx] { (c, ctx) =>
      complexity = c
    Executor.execute(schema, query,
      userContext = new MyCtx,
      queryReducers = complReducer :: Nil)
    Since rejection of complex queries is such a common use-case, there is now a helper function to create a reducer for it:
    val rejectComplexQuery = QueryReducer.rejectComplexQueries[MyCtx](14, (c, ctx) =>
      new IllegalArgumentException(s"Too complex query: max allowed complexity is 14.0, but got $c"))
  • Middleware got a type parameter for Ctx. This is a minor breaking change. If you don't use the userContext inside of the Middleware, then you can just parametrize it with Any.
  • Complexity function on field should also be given the Ctx (#87)

v0.4.2 (2015-10-12)

  • Query complexity calculation mechanism is implemented (#85). This mechanism makes a rough estimation of the query complexity before it is executed. Every field in the query gets a default score 1.0. The "complexity" of the query is the sum of all field scores. You can customize the field score with complexity argument:
    Field("pets", OptionType(ListType(PetType)),
      arguments = Argument("limit", IntType) :: Nil,
      complexity = Some((args, childrenScore) => 25.0D + args.arg[Int]("limit") * childrenScore),
      resolve = ctx => ...)
    If you would like to use this feature, you need to provide measureComplexity argument to the Executor. For example:
    val rejectComplexQueries = (c: Double) =>
      if (c > 1000)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Too complex query: max allowed complexity is 1000.0, but got $c")
      else ()
    val exceptionHandler: Executor.ExceptionHandler = {
      case (m, e: IllegalArgumentException) => HandledException(e.getMessage)
    Executor.execute(schema, query,
      exceptionHandler = exceptionHandler,
      measureComplexity = Some(rejectComplexQueries))
    The complexity of full introspection query (used by tools like GraphiQL) is 102.0.
  • json4s-jackson is now supported in addition to native (#84). This results in minor import change:
    // before
    // after
    // either (same behaviour as before)
  • json4s is updated to version 3.3.0 (#84)
  • Provide a helpful error messages if schema has a broken circular references (which cause fields to be null) (#83)

v0.4.1 (2015-10-03)

For the most part implemented spec changes. Now compatible with "October 2015" version of the GraphQL spec.

  • Type condition optional on inline fragments. (#82) (spec change)
  • Make operation name optional (#81) (spec change)
  • Introspection descriptions for scalars and introspection (#80)
  • beforeField now able to replace value and prevent resolve call (#79). This can be useful for things like caching. It contains minor breaking change - return type of beforeField has changed. If you are implementing it, just return continue if your FieldVal was Unit or continue(someFieldVal).
  • Projection and NoProjection should be tags instead of resolve function wrappers (#78). Backwards-incompatible change: you need to replace Projection with ProjectionName tag and NoProjection with ProjectionExclude tag. here is an example:
    // before
    Field("id", StringType,
      Some("The id of the droid."),
      resolve = Projection("_id",,
    // after
    Field("id", StringType,
      Some("The id of the droid."),
      tags = ProjectionName("_id") :: Nil,
      resolve =

v0.4.0 (2015-09-27)

This release contains quite a few backwards-incompatible changes, but fear not - all of them are renames and similar minor changes which should be easy to migrate. I collected all of them in the change list below. They were necessary in order to ensure consistent naming and improve the structure and flexibility of the library.

  • #68 - Better handling of default input values. It's a part of ongoing effort to improve handling of input objects (#37). Default values should now have an instance of ToInput type-class which is defined for all supported input types like scala map-like data structures, different json ASTs, etc. It even supports things like Writes from play-json or JsonFormat from spray-json by default. This means that you can use your domain objects (like User or Apple) as a default value for input fields or arguments as long as you have Writes or JsonFormat defined for them. The mechanism is very extensible, of course: you just need to define implicit ToInput[T] for a class you want to use as a default value. This change makes it impossible to verify the default value type at compile time, since it can have any shape, like Json AST or maybe even some binary format. Don't worry though, at a schema creation time all default values would be validated according to the input type.
  • #77 - Middleware support. This addition has a huge potential: you can measure performance, collect metrics, enforce security, etc. on a field and query level. Moreover it makes it much easier for people to share standard middleware in a libraries (e.g. sangria-security, sangria-graphite, sangria-influxdb, etc.). In order to ensure generic classification of fields, every field now got a generic list or FieldTags which allow to provide user-defined meta information about this field (just to highlight a few examples: Permission("ViewOrders"), Authorized, Measured, etc.). You can find more info in docs and auth example
  • #76 - You can now provide maxQueryDepth to Executor. It will then enforce this constraint for all queries (very useful if query has recursive types) Docs
  • #69 - DeferredResolver now got userContext as an argument. (breaking change: you need to provide a type parameter and one extra argument in resolve for your DeferredResolvers. you you are not interested in userContext, you can just use Any type)
  • Renamed Json support objects in order to make more concise import syntax (breaking change: you need to rename imports as well):
    • sangria.integration.CirceSupport -> sangria.integration.circe
    • sangria.integration.Json4sSupport -> sangria.integration.json4s
    • sangria.integration.PlayJsonSupport -> sangria.integration.playJson
    • sangria.integration.SprayJsonSupport -> sangria.integration.sprayJson
  • ResultMarshaller and InputUnmarshaller are moved in the integration package
  • Renamed execution arguments to variables in order to be consistent with the spec (breaking change: you need to rename this argument as well, if you are using named arguments)
  • Refactored variables and InputUnmarshaller. In order to avoid extra complexity it now does not have a dependent type. Instead it uses "type tagging" for scala map variables. It's a minor breaking change. If you are providing execution variables as a scala map, then you need to use mapVars or emptyMapVars which are defined in InputUnmarshaller companion object (these functions do not wrap Map - they only needed to ensure type constraints):
    Executor.execute(mySchema, query, variables = mapVars(Map("someId" -> "1000")))
    // or
    Executor.execute(mySchema, query, variables = mapVars("someId" -> "1000"))
  • #72 - scala.util.Try now can be returned from resolve in order to indicate a successful or failed result
  • #65 - DeprecationTracker should be called even if deprecation is in the interface type
  • #66 - DeprecationTracker should provide more contextual information (breaking change: the signature of deprecatedFieldUsed is changed. It now provides much more contextual information, but you need to update the code that implements it)
  • #74 - Improved unicode handling (spec change)
  • #67 - circe integration throws NoSuchElementException during execution
  • #75 - Identical documents should be equal
  • #73 - Verify input field uniqueness (spec change - new validation rule)
  • Minor bugfixes

v0.3.1 (2015-08-27)

  • #58 - Implement CirceJsonSupport in order to be able to integrate with Circe
  • #53 - Add map in Action
  • #53 - Ensure Ctx proper inheritance behavior
  • #33 - graphql string context macro to create parsed document and verify query at compile time (big thanks to @dlreeves for implementing this feature). Here is an example how you can use it:
import sangria.macros._

val queryAst = graphql"""
  query FetchSomeIDQuery {
    human(id: "1000") {

If there is a syntax error in the query, you will see it at the compile time.

v0.3.0 (2015-08-16)

  • #45 - Added Long scalar type

  • #49 - UpdateCtxAction should also work for query types

  • #50 - Sanity check - fields should have unique name within the same type definition

  • #31, #32 - More test coverage for "projections" and "deferred" features

  • #51 - Custom exception handler now should return message and list of additional filed

  • The interfaces property syntax changed. In order to ensure type safety, improve type inference and allow type-class based relations between InterfaceType and ObjectType you now need to use following syntax:

    val PersonType = ObjectType("Person", interfaces = interfaces[Unit, Person](NamedType, BeingType), fields = ...)

    instead of old syntax

    val PersonType = ObjectType[Unit, Person]("Person", interfaces = NamedType :: BeingType :: Nil, fields = ...)
    // or
    val PersonType = ObjectType[Unit, Person]("Person", interfaces = List(NamedType, BeingType), fields = ...)
  • Fields in ObjectType and InterfaceType got small convenience method fields. You now can use it like this:

    val DogType = ObjectType("Dog", fields[Unit, Dog](
      Field("name", OptionType(StringType), resolve =,
      Field("barks", OptionType(BooleanType), resolve = _.value.barks)))
  • withPossibleTypes was introduced on InterfaceType and Field in order to provide a convenient way to the list of possible implementation types of interface

  • Added convenience method Executor.execute

  • Other minor improvements to make sangria-relay possible

v0.2.2 (2015-08-09)

  • #44 - Add ability to add types explicitly in schema, for cases when they are not referenced anywhere else
    • Schema now has additional argument additionalTypes which can be used like this: Schema(HeroOnlyQuery, additionalTypes = Human :: Droid :: Nil)

v0.2.1 (2015-08-07)

  • Spec changes - sew validation rules:
    • LoneAnonymousOperation
    • UniqueArgumentNames
    • UniqueFragmentNames
    • UniqueOperationNames

v0.2.0 (2015-08-02)

  • groupId is changed to org.sangria-graphql
  • Added missing query validation rules (#30 #29 #28 #27 #26 #25 #24 #23)
  • #36 - Change semantics of Projector feature
    • Projector now gets all of the fields, not only fields marked with Projection
    • Projection now allows to customize the name
    • NoProjection allows to remove field from projections list
    • Projector allows to specify how deep it should look (the level arg)

v0.1.0 (2015-07-26)

Initial feature-complete release