toolkit for Hydrogen. Requires @shopify/hydrogen >= 2023.7.0
- Cacheable queries to Sanity APICDN
- Client-side live real-time preview using an API token
Using this package isn't strictly required for working with Sanity in a Hydrogen storefront. If you'd like to use
directly, see Using@sanity/client
directly below.
npm install hydrogen-sanity
yarn add hydrogen-sanity
pnpm install hydrogen-sanity
Update the server file to include the Sanity client:
// ./server.ts
// ...all other imports
import {createSanityClient, PreviewSession} from 'hydrogen-sanity';
// Inside the default export
export default () => {
// 1. Add check for Preview Session
const [cache, session, previewSession] = await Promise.all(['hydrogen'),
HydrogenSession.init(request, [env.SESSION_SECRET]),
// 👇 Add preview session
PreviewSession.init(request, [env.SESSION_SECRET]),
// Leave all other functions like the storefront client as-is
const {storefront} = createStorefrontClient({ ... })
// 2. Add the Sanity client
const sanity = createSanityClient({
// Optionally, pass session and token to enable live-preview
? {
session: previewSession,
token: env.SANITY_API_TOKEN,
// Optionally, provide an alternative to the default `previewDrafts` perspective when in preview mode
// See
// perspective: "raw"
: undefined,
// Pass configuration options for Sanity client
config: {
projectId: env.SANITY_PROJECT_ID,
dataset: env.SANITY_DATASET,
apiVersion: env.SANITY_API_VERSION ?? '2023-03-30',
useCdn: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
// 3. Add Sanity client to the request handler inside getLoadContext
const handleRequest = createRequestHandler({
// ...other settings
getLoadContext: () => ({
// ...other providers
Update your environment variables with settings from your Sanity project. Copy these from or run npx sanity@latest init --env
to fill the minimum required values from a new or existing project.
# Project ID
# Dataset name
# (Optional) Sanity API version
# Sanity token to authenticate requests in "preview" mode,
# with `viewer` role or higher access
# Secret for authenticating preview mode
Update the environment variables in Env
// ./remix.env.d.ts
import type {Sanity} from 'hydrogen-sanity'
declare global {
// ...other Types
interface Env {
// ...other variables
declare module '@shopify/remix-oxygen' {
export interface AppLoadContext {
// ...other Types
sanity: Sanity
Query Sanity API and cache the response (defaults to CacheLong
caching strategy):
export async function loader({context, params}: LoaderArgs) {
const homepage = await context.sanity.query({
query: `*[_type == "page" && _id == $id][0]`,
params: {
id: 'home',
// optionally pass a caching strategy
// cache: CacheShort()
return json({
To use other client methods, or to use fetch
without caching, the Sanity client is also available:
export async function loader({context, params}: LoaderArgs) {
const homepage = await context.sanity.client.fetch(
`*[_type == "page" && _id == $id][0]`,
{id: 'home'}
return json({
Enable real-time, live preview by streaming dataset updates to the browser.
First setup your root route to enable preview mode across the entire application, if the preview session is found:
// ./app/root.tsx
// ...other imports
import {PreviewProvider, getPreview} from 'hydrogen-sanity'
export async function loader({context}: LoaderArgs) {
const preview = getPreview(context)
return json({
// ... other loader data
export default function App() {
const {preview,} = useLoaderData<typeof loader>()
return (
<meta charSet="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" />
<Meta />
<Links />
{/* 👇 Wrap <Outlet /> in PreviewProvider component */}
<PreviewProvider {...preview}>
<Outlet />
<ScrollRestoration />
<Scripts />
wraps the LiveQueryProvider
component of @sanity/preview-kit
- props passed to PreviewProvider
will be passed to LiveQueryProvider
. For more information, see the @sanity/preview-kit
By default, PreviewProvider
will passthrough rendering to its children if you don't provide a fallback; however you can also pass a ReactNode
to render a loading indicator or message:
import {PreviewLoading} from '~/components/PreviewLoading';
// (Optional) pass a string or your own React component to show while data is loading
<PreviewProvider {...preview} fallback={<PreviewLoading />}>
Next, for any route that needs to render a preview, wrap it in a SanityPreview
component which re-runs the same query client-side but will render draft content in place of published content, if it exists. Updating in real-time as changes are streamed in.
The component will be rendered with live preview if the preview session is found, otherwise, it renders the component with static content.
// Any route file, such as ./app/routes/index.tsx
// ...all other imports
import {SanityPreview} from 'hydrogen-sanity'
// ...all other exports like `loader` and `meta`
// Tip: In preview mode, pass "query" and "params" from the loader to the component
// Default export where content is rendered
export default function Index() {
// Get initial data, passing it as snapshot to render preview...
const {homepage} = useLoaderData<typeof loader>()
// Render preview-enabled component, fetches
// content client-side and renders live updates
// of draft content
return (
query={`*[_type == "page" && _id == $id][0]`}
params={{id: 'home'}}
{(homepage) => <>{/* ...render homepage using data */}</>}
For users to enter preview mode, they will need to visit a route that sets a preview cookie. The logic of what routes should set the preview cookie is up to you, in this example, it checks if a parameter in the URL matches one of your environment variables on the server.
// ./app/routes/api.preview.tsx
import {LoaderFunction, redirect} from '@shopify/remix-oxygen'
export const loader: LoaderFunction = async function ({request, context}) {
const {env, sanity} = context
const {searchParams} = new URL(request.url)
if (
!sanity.preview?.session ||
!searchParams.has('secret') ||
searchParams.get('secret') !== env.SANITY_PREVIEW_SECRET
) {
throw new Response('Invalid secret', {
status: 401,
statusText: 'Unauthorized',
sanity.preview.session.set('projectId', env.SANITY_PROJECT_ID)
return redirect(`/`, {
status: 307,
headers: {
'Set-Cookie': await sanity.preview.session.commit(),
If you need to pass any additional options to the request, provide queryOptions
like so:
const page = await context.sanity.query<HomePage>({
// These additional options will be passed to `sanity.fetch`
queryOptions: {
tag: 'home',
headers: {
'Accept-Encoding': 'br, gzip, *',
The real-time preview comes with a configured limit of 3000 documents. You can experiment with larger datasets by configuring cache.maxDocuments: <Integer>
in your PreviewProvider
. Be aware that this might affect the preview performance.
You can also use the cache.includeTypes
option to reduce the amount of documents and reduce the risk of hitting the document limit.
If you're a Sanity Enterprise user with Content Source Maps enabled, you can optimize further by enabling turboSourceMap
which opts-in to a faster and smarter cache. It'll only listen for mutations on the documents that you are using in your queries, and apply the mutations to the cache in real-time.
For whatever reason, if you choose not to use hydrogen-sanity
you can still use @sanity/client
to get Sanity content into your Hydrogen storefront:
// ./server.ts
// ...all other imports
import {createClient} from '@sanity/client';
export default {
// ... all other functions
// Create the Sanity Client
const sanity = createClient({
projectId: env.SANITY_PROJECT_ID,
dataset: env.SANITY_DATASET,
apiVersion: env.SANITY_API_VERSION ?? '2023-03-30',
useCdn: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
// Pass it along to every request by
// adding it to `handleRequest`
const handleRequest = createRequestHandler({
// ...other settings
getLoadContext: () => ({
// ...other context items
Then, in your loaders you'll have access to the client in the request context:
export async function loader({context, params}: LoaderArgs) {
const homepage = await context.sanity.fetch(
`*[_type == "page" && _id == $id][0]`,
{id: 'home'}
return json({
MIT © [email protected]
This plugin uses @sanity/pkg-utils with default configuration for build & watch scripts.
Run "CI & Release" workflow. Make sure to select the main branch and check "Release new version".
Semantic release will only release on configured branches, so it is safe to run release on any branch.