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The traditional key exchange like TLS or SSL needs a CA to ensure key exchange run safely. But in DH-RPC I use a DHT to do that. The main idea is removing CA Cert from the whole system by using a DHT for Naming and Key Exchange.

DH-RPC is a secp256k1-ECDH-AES encrypted P2P RPC framework for decentralized applications written in golang.

CovenantSQL is built on DH-RPC, including:

  • Byzantine Fault Tolerance consensus protocol Kayak
  • Consistent Secure DHT
  • DB API
  • Metric Collect
  • Blocks sync


Alice Client:

// Init Key Management System

// Register Node public key, addr to Tracker
reqA := &proto.PingReq{
    Node: AliceNode,
respA := new(proto.PingResp)
rpc.NewCaller().CallNode(Tracker.NodeID, "DHT.Ping", reqA, respA)

pc := rpc.NewPersistentCaller(BobNodeID)
respSimple := new(string)
pc.Call("Test.Talk", "Hi there", respSimple)
fmt.Printf("Response msg: %s", *respSimple)

Bob Server:

// RPC logic
// TestService to be register to RPC server
type TestService struct {}

func (s *TestService) Talk(msg string, ret *string) error {
	resp := fmt.Sprintf("got msg %s", msg)
	*ret = resp
	return nil

// Init Key Management System

// Register DHT service
server, err := rpc.NewServerWithService(rpc.ServiceMap{
    "Test": &TestService{},

// Init RPC server with an empty master key, which is not recommend
server.InitRPCServer("", PrivateKeyFile, "")

// Start Node RPC server

Tracker stuff can refer to the Example section below


  • 100% compatible with Go net/rpc standard.
  • ID based routing and Key exchange built on Secure Enhanced DHT.
  • use MessagePack for serialization which support most types without writing Marshal and Unmarshal.
  • Crypto Schema
    • Use Elliptic Curve Secp256k1 for Asymmetric Encryption
    • ECDH for Key Exchange
    • PKCS#7 for padding
    • AES-256-CFB for Symmetric Encryption
    • Private key protected by master key
    • Annoymous connection is also supported
  • DHT persistence layer has 2 implementations:
    • SQLite3 based simple traditional DHT
    • Kayak based 2PC strong consistent DHT
  • Connection pool based on Yamux, make thousands of connections multiplexed over One TCP connection.


  • DH-RPC = TLS - Cert + DHT
    • RPC Layer: compatible with golang net/rpc
    • Naming Layer: Consistent Secure DHT
    • Pooling Layer: session pool built on Yamux
    • Multiplex Layer: Yamux by Hashicorp
    • Transport Security Layer: Enhanced TLS
    • Network Layer: TCP or KCP for optional later

How it worked

As we all know, Elliptic Curve Public Key is computed form Private Key

ECPubKey := ECPrivKey.Pub()

DH-RPC node is generated by hash of NodePublicKey and an Uint256 Nonce:

NodeID := sha256(blake2b-512(NodePublicKey + Uint256Nonce))

DHT is used to hold the NodeID:PublicKey NodeID:Addr map. A RPC connection will do ECDH to get shared secret after TCP connection established.

GenECDHSharedSecret(APub, BPriv) == GenECDHSharedSecret(BPub, APriv)

The main procedure is described as sequence chart below:

So anyone tries to fake NodeB by overwriting the address or public key on DHT without the private key of NodeB will be failed to get the correct shared secret.


The example below is 1 tracker and 2 nodes.

Complete code can be found here

Tracker Code

package main

import (


func main() {
	conf.GConf, _ = conf.LoadConfig(os.Args[1])
	log.Debugf("GConf: %#v", conf.GConf)

	// Init Key Management System

	// Creating DHT RPC with simple persistence layer
	dht, err := route.NewDHTService(conf.GConf.DHTFileName, new(consistent.KMSStorage), true)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("init dht failed: %v", err)

	// Register DHT service
	server, err := rpc.NewServerWithService(rpc.ServiceMap{route.DHTRPCName: dht})
	if err != nil {

	// Init RPC server with an empty master key, which is not recommend
	addr := conf.GConf.ListenAddr
	masterKey := []byte("")
	server.InitRPCServer(addr, conf.GConf.PrivateKeyFile, masterKey)

Node Code

package main

import (


// TestService to be register to RPC server
type TestService struct {

func NewTestService() *TestService {
	return &TestService{}

func (s *TestService) Talk(msg string, ret *string) error {
	resp := fmt.Sprintf("got %s", msg)
	*ret = resp
	return nil

func main() {
	conf.GConf, _ = conf.LoadConfig(os.Args[1])
	log.Debugf("GConf: %#v", conf.GConf)

	// Init Key Management System

	// Register DHT service
	server, err := rpc.NewServerWithService(rpc.ServiceMap{
		"Test": NewTestService(),
	if err != nil {

	// Init RPC server with an empty master key, which is not recommend
	addr := conf.GConf.ListenAddr
	masterKey := []byte("")
	server.InitRPCServer(addr, conf.GConf.PrivateKeyFile, masterKey)

	// Start Node RPC server
	go server.Serve()

	// Register Node public key, addr to Tracker(BP)
	for _, n := range conf.GConf.KnownNodes {
		client := rpc.NewCaller()
		reqA := &proto.PingReq{
			Node: n,
		respA := new(proto.PingResp)
		err = client.CallNode(conf.GConf.BP.NodeID, "DHT.Ping", reqA, respA)
		if err != nil {
		log.Debugf("respA: %v", respA)

	// Read target node and connect to it
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
	fmt.Print("Input target node ID: ")
	if scanner.Err() == nil {
		target := proto.NodeID(strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text()))
		pc := rpc.NewPersistentCaller(target)
		log.Debugf("connecting to %s", scanner.Text())

		fmt.Print("Input msg: ")
		for scanner.Scan() {
			input := scanner.Text()
			log.Debugf("get input %s", input)
			repSimple := new(string)
			err = pc.Call("Test.Talk", input, repSimple)
			if err != nil {
			log.Infof("resp msg: %s", *repSimple)

Start tracker and node1, node2

$ ./ &
$ ./ &
$ ./
$ Input target node ID: 000005aa62048f85da4ae9698ed59c14ec0d48a88a07c15a32265634e7e64ade #node2
$ Input msg: abcdefg