This file contains instructor notes for the STRESS 2024 lectures on Logika
Slang Overview (10 mins)
- Slang purpose and design goals
- Slang use (implemenenting Sireum, HAMR context)
- Slang language features (example based)
- Pointers to more information
Logika Overview (10 mins - 20 mins total)
- Logika purpose and design goals
- Logika use (Slang stand alone, HAMR context)
- Logika GUI illustration
- Logika scalability
- Contract example (just viewing)
- Deduce examples (just viewing)
- Advanced manual proof with rewriting examples (just viewing)
- Teaching material
Logika UI Principles -- Interactive (15 mins - 35 minutes total)
- idea:
- students click around on bolts and bulbs in various examples, they seed various errors and show them being detected, etc.
- this could be based on the Waypoint Example. Note, if this is converted to Presentasi, then it could be broken into three sections
Logika Checking for Conditional Statements (15 mins - 50 minutes total)
Logika Checking for Compositional Reasoning (15 mins - 1:05 minutes total)
- idea:
- students are given partial program and the goal is to add method implementation, method clients, and contracts to illustrate compositional reasoning
- guided exercise
Features Overview
- datatypes / records
- ???
- point them to folder of examples
Extended exercise
- idea:
- students are given a description of code and specifications to write, potentially along with some starting content
- possible example:
- parts of Stefan's fibonacci example
- max3 directly, and max3 in terms of max2
- slang/logika features
- conditionals
- contracts
- method calls
- pitfalls: need to make sure that students have enough documentation.
- What example should be used for this?
Solution walkthrough of exercise given before break (5 mins) (John)
Logika Checking for Loops, Loop Invariants -- Interactive -- Stefan (15 mins)
- idea:
- students are presented with loops for integer calculations (summing, factorial)
Logika Checking for Sequences, Quantification -- Interactive -- Stefan (15 mins)
- idea:
- students are presented with examples of sequences, quantification, index bounds checking, etc.
- consider example to find max or min element in a sequence (as needed for insertion sort)
Extended exercise - Stefan (25 mins)
- idea:
- students are given a description of code and specifications to write, potentially along with some starting content
- if we give the students the code for selection sort (as built up in previous activties, they could be asked to do bubble sort)
- slang/logika features
- loops, sequences, quantification
- What example should be used for this?
Possible progression
- findMin - sequences, quantification
- swap - mutable
- selection sort ==>
- bubble sort
Manual Proofs / Rewriting Overview -- John or Stefan
- idea:
- students are given completed examples of rewriting, etc.
- slang/logika features
- rewriting, rules
- What example should be used for this?
Extended exercise
Other Verificaton Concepts Supported in Logika (?? where exactly would this go ??)
- in the logika example of conformance-swap, there is a proof of equivalence between swapping by arithemetic and swapping by updates
HAMR / GUMBO Overview -- John
Extended exercise (based on Isolette)