This lab will walk you through provisioning the compute instances required for running a H/A Kubernetes cluster. A total of 6 virtual machines will be created.
After completing this guide you should have the following compute instances:
nova list
| ID | Name | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks |
| e676bf30-8904-4ba0-b7c2-010aaea2549b | master0 | ACTIVE | - | Running | kthw-net= |
| 9c493e8c-ae6f-4898-b994-b93197d961a8 | master1 | ACTIVE | - | Running | kthw-net= |
| e4885d23-0e31-46ec-afe1-73beeffae75c | master2 | ACTIVE | - | Running | kthw-net= |
| e3d30d4d-9434-4aec-8287-7df757e8709f | minion0 | ACTIVE | - | Running | kthw-net= |
| 7856b972-53de-40d0-9f2d-854b93a53d30 | minion1 | ACTIVE | - | Running | kthw-net= |
| 276ee9cf-c10d-4060-9108-af1274ce20a8 | minion2 | ACTIVE | - | Running | kthw-net= |
| a401b016-5f96-4d5b-8398-ca259f755844 | gateway | ACTIVE | - | Running | kthw-net= |
All machines will be provisioned with fixed private IP addresses to simplify the bootstrap process.
To make our Kubernetes control plane remotely accessible, a public IP address will be provisioned and assigned to a Load Balancer that will sit in front of the 3 Kubernetes masters.
Create a project in Openstack and configure your CLI tools:
docker run -ti --env-file lab_rc -- bash
We're going to be using the following network ranges: VMs: Services: Pods:
Create a custom network:
neutron net-create kthw-net
Create a subnet for the Kubernetes cluster:
neutron subnet-create --name kthw-subnet kthw-net
Create a router for the kubernetes network:
neutron router-create kthw-router
neutron router-interface-add kthw-router subnet=kthw-subnet
Connect it to the gateway of the external network:
neutron router-gateway-set kthw-router FloatingIP-external-monsoon3
Create a public IP address that will be used by remote clients to connect to the Kubernetes control plane:
neutron floatingip-create FloatingIP-external-monsoon3
neutron security-group-create kthw-secgroup
Allow TCP/UDP/ICMP between instances on the private network:
neutron security-group-rule-create --description allow-internal --direction ingress --protocol tcp --remote-ip-prefix kthw-secgroup
neutron security-group-rule-create --description allow-internal --direction ingress --protocol udp --remote-ip-prefix kthw-secgroup
neutron security-group-rule-create --description allow-internal --direction ingress --protocol icmp --remote-ip-prefix kthw-secgroup
Allow TCP/UDP/ICMP between containers on the pod network:
neutron security-group-rule-create --description allow-internal --direction ingress --protocol tcp --remote-ip-prefix kthw-secgroup
neutron security-group-rule-create --description allow-internal --direction ingress --protocol udp --remote-ip-prefix kthw-secgroup
neutron security-group-rule-create --description allow-internal --direction ingress --protocol icmp --remote-ip-prefix kthw-secgroup
Allow external traffic:
neutron security-group-rule-create --description allow-external --direction ingress --protocol tcp --port-range-min 22 --port-range-max 22 --remote-ip-prefix kthw-secgroup
neutron security-group-rule-create --description allow-external --direction ingress --protocol tcp --port-range-min 6443 --port-range-max 6443 --remote-ip-prefix kthw-secgroup
neutron security-group-rule-create --description allow-external --direction ingress --protocol icmp --remote-ip-prefix kthw-secgroup
neutron security-group-show kthw-secgroup
| Field | Value |
| description | |
| id | f5c7a0f1-95c5-4cf6-b79c-c3eec080cb5f |
| name | kthw-secgroup |
| security_group_rules | { |
| | "remote_group_id": null, |
| | "direction": "ingress", |
| | "protocol": "icmp", |
| | "description": "allow-external", |
| | "ethertype": "IPv4", |
| | "remote_ip_prefix": "", |
| | "port_range_max": null, |
| | "security_group_id": "f5c7a0f1-95c5-4cf6-b79c-c3eec080cb5f", |
| | "port_range_min": null, |
| | "tenant_id": "51e81a318003442a8c232592166f0e8b", |
| | "id": "1e8a081d-cd54-44c9-b559-9554a400eb3a" |
| | } |
| | { |
| | "remote_group_id": null, |
| | "direction": "ingress", |
| | "protocol": "tcp", |
| | "description": "allow-external", |
| | "ethertype": "IPv4", |
| | "remote_ip_prefix": "", |
| | "port_range_max": 6443, |
| | "security_group_id": "f5c7a0f1-95c5-4cf6-b79c-c3eec080cb5f", |
| | "port_range_min": 6443, |
| | "tenant_id": "51e81a318003442a8c232592166f0e8b", |
| | "id": "b4ce59c6-dce9-4748-8daa-d63e2d3672b8" |
| | } |
All the VMs in this lab will be provisioned using Container Linux.
neutron port-create --fixed-ip subnet_id=kthw-subnet,ip_address= --name master0 --dns-name master0 kthw-net
neutron port-create --fixed-ip subnet_id=kthw-subnet,ip_address= --name master1 --dns-name master1 kthw-net
neutron port-create --fixed-ip subnet_id=kthw-subnet,ip_address= --name master2 --dns-name master2 kthw-net
neutron port-create --fixed-ip subnet_id=kthw-subnet,ip_address= --name minion0 --dns-name minion0 kthw-net
neutron port-create --fixed-ip subnet_id=kthw-subnet,ip_address= --name minion1 --dns-name minion1 kthw-net
neutron port-create --fixed-ip subnet_id=kthw-subnet,ip_address= --name minion2 --dns-name minion2 kthw-net
neutron port-create --fixed-ip subnet_id=kthw-subnet,ip_address= --name gateway --dns-name gateway kthw-net
neutron port-list
| id | name | mac_address | fixed_ips |
| 1c4df28e-69ee-43bd-9f4d-202406a3fcd1 | | fa:16:3e:5f:0b:c8 | {"subnet_id": "b279046b-baaa-490b-a8be-f23a917c6766", "ip_address": ""} |
| 30398f39-2a0c-450a-a11a-f387190c1ca7 | master2 | fa:16:3e:6a:15:4b | {"subnet_id": "b279046b-baaa-490b-a8be-f23a917c6766", "ip_address": ""} |
| 374eb1bd-c612-4e36-a2c9-8476f7fae12a | master0 | fa:16:3e:fd:b5:58 | {"subnet_id": "b279046b-baaa-490b-a8be-f23a917c6766", "ip_address": ""} |
| 773cb1aa-d2d9-4f5c-87bd-6d799892a53e | | fa:16:3e:d8:18:d3 | {"subnet_id": "b279046b-baaa-490b-a8be-f23a917c6766", "ip_address": ""} |
| 848e0e6b-67f9-4a88-b956-e68806ce5dd6 | master1 | fa:16:3e:c5:a9:22 | {"subnet_id": "b279046b-baaa-490b-a8be-f23a917c6766", "ip_address": ""} |
| 877abc10-1b3e-4224-96c0-d34067c6e2a1 | minion1 | fa:16:3e:2f:0f:36 | {"subnet_id": "b279046b-baaa-490b-a8be-f23a917c6766", "ip_address": ""} |
| 904dc7cd-c4ba-4857-b6e5-9971532262f9 | | fa:16:3e:e3:24:3b | {"subnet_id": "b279046b-baaa-490b-a8be-f23a917c6766", "ip_address": ""} |
| a92c2bfe-d757-43f4-9550-6514c8f41189 | minion2 | fa:16:3e:2f:0f:13 | {"subnet_id": "b279046b-baaa-490b-a8be-f23a917c6766", "ip_address": ""} |
| b013b962-8cd0-4fe8-ba49-bbe06276b7b1 | | fa:16:3e:55:5a:5f | {"subnet_id": "b279046b-baaa-490b-a8be-f23a917c6766", "ip_address": ""} |
| c8fead6f-7d4e-4607-b113-2e07460d0a7b | minion0 | fa:16:3e:e6:62:2c | {"subnet_id": "b279046b-baaa-490b-a8be-f23a917c6766", "ip_address": ""} |
| d9537e69-7e29-4fdc-bd4b-9e56b8b90765 | gateway | fa:16:3e:12:39:83 | {"subnet_id": "b279046b-baaa-490b-a8be-f23a917c6766", "ip_address": ""} |
| df42584a-e323-4cd4-aa3e-d7a93481fd9d | | fa:16:3e:9f:d6:e3 | {"subnet_id": "b279046b-baaa-490b-a8be-f23a917c6766", "ip_address": ""} |
Note: You will see a few extra infrastructure ports.
nova keypair-add --pub-key id_rsa
This requires to look up the port-id in the port-list
. Names don't work here.
Be careful not to confuse names/ports.
nova boot --flavor m1.small --key-name id_rsa --image coreos-stable-amd64 --nic port-id=374eb1bd-c612-4e36-a2c9-8476f7fae12a master0
nova boot --flavor m1.small --key-name id_rsa --image coreos-stable-amd64 --nic port-id=848e0e6b-67f9-4a88-b956-e68806ce5dd6 master1
nova boot --flavor m1.small --key-name id_rsa --image coreos-stable-amd64 --nic port-id=30398f39-2a0c-450a-a11a-f387190c1ca7 master2
nova boot --flavor m1.small --key-name id_rsa --image coreos-stable-amd64 --nic port-id=c8fead6f-7d4e-4607-b113-2e07460d0a7b minion0
nova boot --flavor m1.small --key-name id_rsa --image coreos-stable-amd64 --nic port-id=877abc10-1b3e-4224-96c0-d34067c6e2a1 minion1
nova boot --flavor m1.small --key-name id_rsa --image coreos-stable-amd64 --nic port-id=a92c2bfe-d757-43f4-9550-6514c8f41189 minion2
nova boot --flavor m1.small --key-name id_rsa --image coreos-stable-amd64 --security-groups default,kthw-secgroup --nic port-id=d9537e69-7e29-4fdc-bd4b-9e56b8b90765 gateway
We can now associate a floatingip with the gateway to access the kubenet
neutron floatingip-create --fixed-ip-address --port-id=d9537e69-7e29-4fdc-bd4b-9e56b8b90765 FloatingIP-external-monsoon3
export GATEWAY=
nova add-secgroup master0 kthw-secgroup
nova add-secgroup master1 kthw-secgroup
nova add-secgroup master2 kthw-secgroup
nova add-secgroup minion0 kthw-secgroup
nova add-secgroup minion1 kthw-secgroup
nova add-secgroup minion2 kthw-secgroup
nova add-secgroup gateway kthw-secgroup