57.0.0 (2020-07-27)
- sasportal: This release has breaking changes.
- pubsub: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudfunctions: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: update the API (40573c6)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (6445eb8)
- dfareporting: update the API (58fb0df)
- displayvideo: update the API (244afe6)
- pubsub: update the API (f9a69a8)
- redis: update the API (39ca367)
- sasportal: update the API (09688c5)
- regenerate index files (cfbbf9c)
- regenerate index files (a619a9c)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (932a461)
- customsearch: update the API (6e25475)
- dataflow: update the API (13c8527)
56.0.0 (2020-07-24)
- redis: This release has breaking changes.
- toolresults: This release has breaking changes.
- sql: This release has breaking changes.
- prod_tt_sasportal: This release has breaking changes.
- dns: This release has breaking changes.
- books: update the API (3b8f8e7)
- chat: update the API (3e584db)
- chromeuxreport: update the API (e31415f)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (78e233d)
- container: update the API (09522c5)
- content: update the API (6994cea)
- datacatalog: update the API (0522b96)
- dialogflow: update the API (faff33a)
- displayvideo: update the API (508f6f7)
- dns: update the API (29ecce8)
- firebaseml: update the API (a0834b5)
- games: update the API (63e7160)
- gmailpostmastertools: update the API (ee1894a)
- healthcare: update the API (c89f959)
- osconfig: update the API (bd53832)
- regenerate index files (bd0909c)
- regenerate index files (c4f9d37)
- people: update the API (e43a67b)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (9cc3327)
- pubsub: update the API (122fffb)
- redis: update the API (19469bb)
- redis: update the API (ff00073)
- sql: update the API (3274cfd)
- testing: update the API (fdebf10)
- toolresults: update the API (24a7247)
- admob: update the API (b0e685b)
- chat: update the API (4ee0fc1)
- cloudasset: update the API (043c8c5)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (657cc93)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (ab81b4d)
- dataproc: update the API (1747789)
- doubleclicksearch: update the API (87547df)
- fcm: update the API (77f6b10)
- firebase: update the API (bfef3d7)
- gamesConfiguration: update the API (2070ebc)
- gamesManagement: update the API (ac06340)
- gmail: update the API (9f021f4)
- ml: update the API (cdff9ac)
- monitoring: update the API (0b18bc5)
- monitoring: update the API (783aca9)
- run: update the API (374d759)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (188b437)
- servicecontrol: update the API (f625c90)
- servicenetworking: update the API (346a0d2)
- serviceusage: update the API (2093fce)
- vision: update the API (e4e2917)
- webfonts: update the API (e404e51)
55.0.0 (2020-07-17)
- doubleclicksearch: This release has breaking changes.
- bigtableadmin: update the API (a26ca35)
- billingbudgets: update the API (e476479)
- datacatalog: update the API (c6406bf)
- doubleclicksearch: update the API (8d5c13e)
- regenerate index files (8dd6865)
- regenerate index files (2037fce)
- admob: update the API (36ff967)
- appengine: update the API (fe79bcf)
- classroom: update the API (91b4aee)
- cloudbuild: update the API (c2212f0)
- cloudtrace: update the API (84f2be8)
- customsearch: update the API (ae136da)
- dataproc: update the API (060cec8)
- dataproc: update the API (c1dc387)
- displayvideo: update the API (f0da5ea)
- dlp: update the API (e6e9a36)
- gmail: update the API (f8670e9)
- iam: update the API (ca62f87)
- ml: update the API (6d58831)
- networkmanagement: update the API (6b31fbc)
- servicemanagement: update the API (3927a7a)
54.1.0 (2020-07-15)
- chat: update the API (9612338)
- regenerate index files (be89b61)
- cloudasset: update the API (a963672)
- regenerate index files (d1f97b8)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (381c112)
- cloudidentity: update the API (0d38f27)
- compute: update the API (c2857fe)
- dataflow: update the API (4e9d303)
- drive: update the API (ec834d3)
- file: update the API (7c126f7)
- firestore: update the API (c6a9a80)
- run: update the API (128f5e2)
- androidpublisher: update the API (ef6a188)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (33a768d)
- cloudtrace: update the API (dfd4140)
- content: update the API (c9d8e3d)
- datastore: update the API (e3fd2f7)
- displayvideo: update the API (c8b851d)
- dns: update the API (2df0278)
- drive: update the API (b746e24)
- memcache: update the API (feb2917)
- osconfig: update the API (b176e11)
- recommendationengine: update the API (02bf96c)
- searchconsole: update the API (f016b92)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (beb5b1a)
- servicenetworking: update the API (2da20f8)
- serviceusage: update the API (e765eb5)
- sheets: update the API (ae10fd4)
54.0.0 (2020-07-10)
- webfonts: This release has breaking changes.
- run: This release has breaking changes.
- playcustomapp: This release has breaking changes.
- groupssettings: This release has breaking changes.
- games: This release has breaking changes.
- dns: This release has breaking changes.
- dialogflow: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudbuild: This release has breaking changes.
- civicinfo: This release has breaking changes.
- books: This release has breaking changes.
- admin: update the API (b58f001)
- androidpublisher: update the API (a39978c)
- artifactregistry: update the API (d3e6b4e)
- bigquery: update the API (801f29a)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (47b9da6)
- books: update the API (bbbed18)
- civicinfo: update the API (a164b5c)
- cloudasset: update the API (e74b3bf)
- cloudbilling: update the API (c174f6e)
- cloudbuild: update the API (9016438)
- cloudidentity: update the API (747850e)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (6394bec)
- compute: update the API (02cce0d)
- container: update the API (e221ff5)
- content: update the API (00012b6)
- dataproc: update the API (2ff7db7)
- dialogflow: update the API (e92b84e)
- displayvideo: update the API (8691bdd)
- dns: update the API (639a258)
- drive: update the API (4b468b7)
- playcustomapp: update the API (df4618d)
- regenerate index files (e15df98)
- fcm: update the API (1251fb8)
- games: update the API (c93cb30)
- groupssettings: update the API (81cd81d)
- healthcare: update the API (3083559)
- lifesciences: update the API (7feb073)
- managedidentities: update the API (48b16fe)
- ml: update the API (51eb5c5)
- monitoring: update the API (08334a3)
- people: update the API (3b82224)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (75b7e2d)
- recommender: update the API (8d1a4b8)
- run: update the API (5f57e3c)
- sasportal: update the API (355fe63)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (a1c8bac)
- servicecontrol: update the API (7c069fe)
- serviceusage: update the API (1d635b8)
- testing: update the API (29b315e)
- webfonts: update the API (1cb38af)
- accessapproval: update the API (cd856eb)
- admob: update the API (571c96a)
- androiddeviceprovisioning: update the API (265d4c0)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (309be47)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (68c4a0d)
- billingbudgets: update the API (9089b8f)
- chat: update the API (ed14465)
- classroom: update the API (3c73d57)
- clouderrorreporting: update the API (ed135f3)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (54c8b57)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (ed2f240)
- composer: update the API (07c95c0)
- containeranalysis: update the API (a2fdc43)
- dlp: update the API (c18496b)
- documentai: update the API (d09d2f3)
- doubleclicksearch: update the API (8fbbc3f)
- firebase: update the API (6354956)
- firebasehosting: update the API (dce4929)
- gameservices: update the API (d23d5f1)
- gmailpostmastertools: update the API (7a88976)
- groupsmigration: update the API (414e50a)
- iam: update the API (653d902)
- iamcredentials: update the API (880c339)
- logging: update the API (b2a1eb1)
- pagespeedonline: update the API (fef4e3d)
- playablelocations: update the API (3c0a75c)
- pubsub: update the API (b7c4d93)
- realtimebidding: update the API (4295587)
- redis: update the API (6685609)
- remotebuildexecution: update the API (7853b30)
- safebrowsing: update the API (59295a6)
- securitycenter: update the API (1be3b58)
- servicemanagement: update the API (e2e63ad)
- servicenetworking: update the API (43840be)
- sheets: update the API (9c10fe8)
- spanner: update the API (5c7ecc5)
- storage: update the API (3c12d1a)
- vectortile: update the API (9a11146)
- vision: update the API (d100bc6)
53.0.0 (2020-07-09)
- run: This release has breaking changes.
- androidenterprise: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudasset: This release has breaking changes.
- books: This release has breaking changes.
- servicemanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- people: This release has breaking changes.
- gmail: This release has breaking changes.
- file: This release has breaking changes.
- fcm: This release has breaking changes.
- datafusion: This release has breaking changes.
- displayvideo: This release has breaking changes.
- books: This release has breaking changes.
- androidenterprise: This release has breaking changes.
- serviceusage: This release has breaking changes.
- servicenetworking: This release has breaking changes.
- serviceconsumermanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- file: This release has breaking changes.
- androidpublisher: This release has breaking changes.
- dialogflow: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudresourcemanager: This release has breaking changes.
- androidenterprise: update the API (b9dd62a)
- androidenterprise: update the API (fe47e5f)
- add disclaimers for services with GAPICs/Veneers (#2242) (88cc4bd)
- enable experimental HTTP/2 support (#2246) (9a3150b)
- export bundled types for TypeScript (#2250) (62f8193)
- servicenetworking: update the API (092ebef)
- regenerate index files (7c3c305)
- regenerate index files (a67796a)
- regenerate index files (61cef87)
- regenerate index files (227078e)
- androidmanagement: update the API (dcc0e88)
- androidpublisher: update the API (bc6f3f8)
- androidpublisher: update the API (fa57e04)
- artifactregistry: update the API (6214dde)
- books: update the API (124978c)
- books: update the API (66842f3)
- cloudasset: update the API (423ea12)
- cloudbuild: update the API (4cba781)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (d60380a)
- cloudtasks: update the API (d5b01a7)
- compute: update the API (4590a48)
- compute: update the API (fc97385)
- container: update the API (b88e7de)
- content: update the API (71960a2)
- datafusion: update the API (b5ab2e1)
- dialogflow: update the API (979ad5a)
- displayvideo: update the API (b528060)
- displayvideo: update the API (5b9ce8e)
- fcm: update the API (7b137fa)
- file: update the API (15937c1)
- file: update the API (c3fb5e9)
- genomics: update the API (cb17c59)
- gmail: update the API (b6d3024)
- memcache: update the API (cca8a40)
- monitoring: update the API (ef6f4b2)
- pagespeedonline: update the API (dec6844)
- people: update the API (81cd993)
- people: update the API (ab1285e)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (8a3fbc3)
- pubsub: update the API (42a8ee5)
- pubsub: update the API (92ae41c)
- run: update the API (b49f12d)
- run: update the API (5e55acf)
- sasportal: update the API (12dcfcd)
- securitycenter: update the API (1d2a61a)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (a294350)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (7e785b1)
- servicemanagement: update the API (ccf2606)
- serviceusage: update the API (6914841)
- serviceusage: update the API (177d160)
- serviceusage: update the API (196fee9)
- sql: update the API (6ee5890)
- videointelligence: update the API (d1c3570)
- admob: update the API (4512da0)
- bigquery: update the API (cba7b81)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (44d4299)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (9acb1ae)
- cloudbuild: update the API (fb83f71)
- cloudkms: update the API (33fe343)
- cloudsearch: update the API (11e33e0)
- dataproc: update the API (d04d55a)
- deps: update dependency @google-cloud/local-auth to v1 (#2240) (26c64f5)
- dlp: update the API (6a06dfc)
- docs: fix inline jsdoc samples (#2224) (9ae4149)
- firebasehosting: update the API (dbd1c7d)
- fitness: update the API (9bee744)
- healthcare: update the API (63fb234)
- iam: update the API (2de643a)
- iamcredentials: update the API (83bd08d)
- memcache: update the API (f9195c5)
- osconfig: update the API (3c3c944)
- policytroubleshooter: update the API (9d9db0f)
- recommender: update the API (98a816a)
- secretmanager: update the API (fc6a878)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (545a557)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (42a3f57)
- servicecontrol: update the API (0cb6a5e)
- servicenetworking: update the API (2468829)
- servicenetworking: update the API (9d9d7b4)
- serviceusage: update the API (1bda652)
- slides: update the API (a8fc1fb)
- storagetransfer: update the API (bf027a7)
- only generated docs (#2244) (f581297)
- testing: update the API (193c575)
- texttospeech: update the API (d179cd1)
- youtube: update the API (1910ca9)
- youtube: update the API (c1bdc70)
52.1.0 (2020-06-03)
- ensure params are not deleted from global options (#2190) (787e296)
- deps: update dependency googleapis to v52 (#2213) (78ff014)
52.0.0 (2020-06-01)
- This release has breaking changes.
- run the generator (#2104)
- run the generator (#2104) (dca679d), closes /github.com/googleapis/google-api-nodejs-client/pull/2104/files#diff-aa33c994c0faf2308b6f3b52e9774a95 /github.com/googleapis/google-api-nodejs-client/pull/2104/files#diff-7a149e24d8a857d58df585d4560b602bL785 /github.com/googleapis/google-api-nodejs-client/pull/2104/files#diff-fb190556a259ff0d91cd366665703b05
- run the generator (#2122) (7b306a8)
- run the generator (#2197) (9ae8d42)
- run the generator (#2109) (c12710a)
- types: augment types to manage response streams (#2188) (46ac8ba)
51.0.0 (2020-05-13)
- run the generator (#2096)
50.0.0 (2020-05-05)
- upgrade to gts@2 (#2062)
- run the generator (#2053)
- add Blunderbussconfig (#2065) (e293188)
- run the generator (#2053) (1124249)
- run the generator (#2081) (0c06d1c)
49.0.0 (2020-04-15)
- regenerate the API (#2028)
- dep: deprecate node 8 (#2021)
48.0.0 (2020-03-11)
- removes toolresults_v1.
- regenerate all APIs (#1978)
- regenerate all APIs (#1978) (f0d4913)
- run the generator (adds: displayvideo, gamesConfiguration, managedidentities, networkmanagement) (#1989) (8bcb212)
- deps: update dependency uuid to v7 (#1970) (fdf096e)
- allow an empty requestBody to be provided for APIs that support multipart post (#1988) (074f641)
47.0.0 (2020-01-16)
- run the generator (#1935)
46.0.0 (2019-12-09)
- run the generator (#1892)
- deps: pin TypeScript below 3.7.0 (#1897) (5cdc823)
- docs: add jsdoc-region-tag plugin (#1879) (36635c7)
- docs: bloggerId should be a string (#1896) (a3e9285)
- docs: change JSDoc from
(#1864) (8803e77)
45.0.0 (2019-11-06)
- run the generator (#1873)
- deps: update dependency googleapis to v44 (#1854) (c9b253c)
- deps: update dependency open to v7 (#1858) (34c95dc)
44.0.0 (2019-10-12)
- accept null values in request bodies (#1824)
- example: sample exited before finishing write to disk (#1798) (26ac7d8)
- accept null values in request bodies (#1824) (de127eb)
43.0.0 (2019-09-06)
- This release has multiple breaking changes. The following APIs have been removed:
- appstate/v1
- compute/alpha
- run/v1beta1
In addition, the default rootUrl for the compute API has been switched from www.googleapis.com
to compute.googleapis.com
The following APIs have been added:
- bigqueryreservation/v1
- bigqueryreservation/v1alpha2
- domainsrdap/v1
- homegraph/v1
- speech/v2beta
- translate/v3beta1
- verifiedaccess/v1
42.1.0 (2019-09-06)
42.0.0 (2019-07-31)
- auth: pulling in updated idempotent google-auth-library (#1769)
- deps: pull in version of gts that does not OOM error (#1780) (c09e6f4)
- deps: update dependency googleapis-common to v3 (#1774) (9607c02)
41.0.1 (2019-07-16)
41.0.0 (2019-07-11)
- options when instantiating clients now expect correct
format rather than failingvx_x
format (effects only TypeScript). - auto generate libraries (#1759)
40.0.1 (2019-07-02)
- make webpack work on Windows (#1742) (cac269f)
- deps: update googleapis-common to most recent release. (#1739) (8bfa702)
- docs: make anchors work in jsdoc (#1747) (799e391)
- docs: move to new client docs URL (#1734) (4df71ed)
40.0.0 (2019-05-13)
- Incorrect case README (#1706) (3e17bd8)
- samples: fix readline args in youtube upload (#1676) (3db63d6)
- This release has a few breaking changes.
- Node.js 8.x is now the minimum required version
- The healthcare/v1alpha API has been removed
- Uses google-auth-library 4.0
- upgrade engines field to >=8.10.0 (#1691)
04-03-2019 16:17 PDT
This release has a few hot new APIs:
- healthcare_v1beta1
- run_v1
- run_v1alpha1
- securitycenter_v1
- securitycenter_v1beta1
- feat: run the generator (#1668)
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript to ~3.4.0
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/tmp to ^0.1.0
03-28-2019 16:17 PDT
This release has security fixes.. Versions 36.0.0 => 39.0.0 have a potential vulnerability where the scope of auth objects may be shared across different clients. This was addressed in #1660, and is part of this minor release. All clients should be updated to the latest version.
- fix: move context from namespace to class scope (#1660)
- feat: run the generator (#1659)
- fix: README should not be generated (#1657)
03-26-2019 22:05 PDT
This release had breaking changes. There have been a variety of TypeScript type changes. There have also been a variety of changes to the Google Plus API, and the OAuth2 API. Please take care!
There are also some sweet new APIs:
- cloudasset_v1
- cloudtasks_v2
- factchecktools_v1alpha1
- servicenetworking_v1
- websecurityscanner_v1beta
- docs: remove the plus samples (#1654)
- docs: Update typo in README.md (#1640)
- docs: fix typos in README files (#1642)
- chore(deps): update dependency tmp to ^0.1.0 (#1652)
- chore: publish to npm using wombat (#1645)
- build: update npm token (#1641)
- chore(deps): update dependency hard-rejection to v2 (#1643)
- build: use per-repo publish token (#1638)
03-12-2019 14:00 PDT
Greetings y'all! This release has some new APIs, says goodbye to a few older ones, and fixes a bunch of doc issues. Enjoy!
BREAKING CHANGES: The following APIs have been deleted:
- appengine_v1beta4
- appengine_v1beta5
The following APIs have been added:
- accesscontextmanager_v1
- bigtableadmin_v1
- cloudprivatecatalog_v1beta1
- cloudprivatecatalogproducer_v1beta1
- healthcare_v1alpha2
- videointelligence_v1p3beta1
- docs: fix npm install cmd in readme (#1635)
- docs: update contributing guide (#1615)
- docs: Remove "releasing" ToC from CONTRIBUTING.md (#1607)
- docs: update CONTRIBUTING link (#1603)
- docs: update links in contrib guide (#1599)
- docs: Use people API instead of plus API
- docs: move CONTRIBUTING.md to root (#1583)
- chore(deps): update dependency p-queue to v4 (#1631)
- build: Add docuploader credentials to node publish jobs (#1630)
- build: use node10 to run samples-test, system-test etc (#1628)
- build: update release config (#1625)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/source-map-support to ^0.5.0 (#1626)
- chore(deps): update dependency mocha to v6
- build: use linkinator for docs test (#1596)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/tmp to ^0.0.34 (#1597)
- build: create docs test npm scripts (#1592)
- build: test using @grpc/grpc-js in CI (#1589)
02-07-2019 14:55 PST
- feat: run the generator (#1584)
This pulls in a few new APIs:
- dfareporting_v3_3
- healthcare_v1alpha
- videointelligence_v1p2beta1
- fix: respect
in api versions (fix adsense API) (#1573)
- docs: add lint/fix example to contributing guide (#1581)
- docs(samples): Talent API Sample Revision & Test (#1546)
01-29-2019 13:33 PST
This release includes a new API for working with Google Docs. Enjoy!
- feat: run the generator (#1570)
01-28-2019 10:29 PST
This release has breaking changes. But it's also got a lot of good stuff too. Keep reading!
The google-auth-library
module has been upgrade to 3.0
. This comes with it's own breaking changes, which are covered here.
Previous versions of this library used the axios library as an underlying HTTP transport. In an effort to fix a variety of problems, this has been swapped out for an API compatible library: gaxios. While we've tried really hard to ensure compatibility with axios
, it's entirely possible there are subtle differences. If you run into trouble - just let us know!
The replicapoolupdater_v1beta1
API has been removed.
This library is now webpack-able! Samples and docs are still coming, but you should be able to bundle for the browser now.
The following APIs have been introduced:
- file_v1
- bigtableadmin_v2
- cloudbuild_v1alpha1
- cloudidentity_v1
- cloudidentity_v1beta1
- containeranalysis_v1alpha1
- containeranalysis_v1beta1
- content_v2_1
- iap_v1
- libraryagent_v1
- remotebuildexecution_v1
- remotebuildexecution_v1alpha
- remotebuildexecution_v2
It includes the following changes:
- feat: run the generator (#1564)
- feat: run the generator (#1541)
- feat: webpack support for all APIs (#1554)
- feat: generating webpackable packages (#1547)
- docs: specify gaxios over axios (#1558)
- docs(samples): add people samples for get & create contacts (#1543)
- docs: fix typo in README.md (#1549)
- docs: improve the compute sample in the README (#1537)
- docs(samples): rework the compute list vms sample (#1534)
- docs: correct the README (#1522)
- docs: use blogger to demonstrate key authentication (#1519)
- docs: fix the doc generator (#1489)
- fix(deps): update dependency googleapis-common to ^0.7.0 (#1560)
- fix(deps): update googleapis-common and google-auth-library (#1556)
- fix(generator): convert method names to camelCase (#1552)
- fix(test): fix the revoke token test (#1532)
12-06-2018 17:35 PST
- cloudscheduler_v1beta1
- driveactivity_v2
- pagespeedonline_v5
- speech_v1p1beta1
- dfareporting_v3_0
- partners_v2
- speech_v1beta1
- docs: be more explicit about supported version of nodejs for docs (#1473)
- docs: add note about minimum Node.js version required (#1464)
- fix(samples): fix url parsing in sampleClient (#1462)
- docs: Added information to run the quickstart sample (#1460)
- chore: always nyc report before calling codecov (#1482)
- chore: nyc ignore build/test by default (#1481)
- refactor: remove weird root binding (#1476)
- refactor: add dev dependencies to APIs (#1475)
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript to ~3.2.0 (#1465)
- fix(build): fix system key decryption (#1467)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/p-queue to v3 (#1449)
- chore: try to fix codecov (#1439)
- chore(deps): update dependency gts to ^0.9.0 (#1440)
- chore: update eslintignore config (#1438)
This release has breaking changes. Please take care with your upgrade!
The following APIs have been deprecated and removed:
- content_v2sandbox
- dfareporting_v2_8
- serviceuser_v1
The following new APIs have been added since the last release:
- accesscontextmanager_v1beta
- alertcenter_v1beta1
- cloudasset_v1beta1
- cloudsearch_v1
- firebasehosting_v1beta1
- servicenetworking_v1beta
- fix(deps): update dependency googleapis-common to ^0.4.0 (#1426)
- fix: update gsuite admin samples (#1361)
- fix: use URL constructor in the samples (#1424)
- chore: drop contributors from multiple places (#1428)
- fix: failing system test (#1429)
- chore: use latest npm on Windows (#1427)
- chore: update CircleCI config (#1423)
- chore: include build in eslintignore (#1420)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-node to v8 (#1415)
- chore: update issue templates (#1413)
- chore: remove old issue template (#1411)
- build: run tests on node11 (#1410)
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript to ~3.1.0 (#1403)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-prettier to v3 (#1404)
- chore(deps): update dependency nock to v10 (#1405)
- chores(build): do not collect sponge.xml from windows builds (#1406)
- chores(build): run codecov on continuous builds (#1401)
- chore: update new issue template (#1398)
- feat: Allow use of --discovery-url parameter (#1377)
- build: fix codecov uploading on Kokoro (#1389)
- Update kokoro config (#1372)
- Update CI config (#1368)
- Fix Windows Kokoro builds (#1365)
Welcome to the googleapis@34
🎊 This release has breaking changes, new features, and a bunch of bug fixes. Enjoy!
The following APIs have been removed:
- adexchangeseller/v1.1
- adexchangeseller/v1'
- adexchangeseller/v2.0
- sqladmin/v1beta3
The following APIs have been added:
- cloudtasks/v2beta3
- redis/v1
- file/v1beta1
- jobs/v3p1beta1
- videointelligence/v1p1beta1
- fix: upgrade to the latest google-auth-library (#1313)
- fix: add better error handling around sample client and redirect URIs (#1285)
- chore(deps): update dependency p-queue to v3 (#1310)
- chore(deps): update dependency nyc to v13 (#1307)
- feat: run the generator (#1359)
- feat: run the generator (#1326)
- feat: run the generator and synth (#1324)
- docs: add supported versions of node.js to the readme (#1355)
- docs: fix generator script path (#1345)
- docs: replace google/ with googleapis/ in URIs (#1342)
- docs: Fix error handling in batchGet sample (#1338)
- docs: Add statement of support to readme (#1333)
- docs: Remove reference docs (#1331)
- Update the kokoro config (#1353)
- test: remove appveyor config (#1357)
- Do not generate libraries with synth (#1350)
- Enable prefer-const in the eslint config (#1347)
- Fix the sample tests (#1344)
- Make npm install timeout configurable (#1343)
- Enable no-var in eslint (#1340)
- Use prettier and eslint on samples (#1341)
- Fix samples tests (#1323)
- Use synth templating and update CI (#1321)
- Retry npm install in CI (#1320)
- Add synth.py for automating client library generation (#1306)