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Staging Environment

Testing Stuff

To configure the client to use the staging environment for submitting solutions, use the following command:

exercism configure --key=abc --host= --api=

You can also use a local copy of the x-api if you have specific problems you're testing there. Or we can add exercism-xapi-theory as well.

Deploying a branch to staging

If you have a branch that you want to test on staging, you can push that branch to the remote master:

git push -f heroku my-branch:master


We may want to tweak the app so we can set RACK_ENV=staging and perhaps have a specific header or different website colour (or at the very least a different favicon colour), just so that we don't accidentally go to staging thinking it's production.

We may want to add seed data in staging; It downloads some flat files, which I'm not sure we can do. We'd have to try it.

Creating the staging environment

This is a log of what I did in order to set up the staging environment. It's a work in progress, and mostly just a "note to self" type thing.

Create the app:

heroku apps:create --app exercism-theory
git remote add theory [email protected]:exercism-theory.git
git push -f theory master

Add a couple of necessary addons:

heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql --app exercism-theory
heroku addons:add redistogo --app exercism-theory

Set some config vars:

heroku config:set --app exercism-theory EXERCISM_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=abc123
heroku config:set --app exercism-theory EXERCISM_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=abcdefg123456
heroku config:set --app exercism-theory RACK_ENV=production

Add a pre-push commit hook .git/hooks/pre-push:



if [[ $remote =~ theory ]]
        hash=$(git log -1 --format="%h")
        heroku config:set BUILD_ID=$hash
exit 0

Migrate the database:

heroku run --app exercism-theory rake db:migrate