- Added missing Fontawesome 5 to the main screen list
- Fixed not working or not correctly displayed fonts
- Icon named with a reserved dart keyword have also the
suffix added - Changed primary color to blue grey
- Added total icons to the main fonts list screen
- Updated pubspec.yaml dependencies
- Rewrited font generator
- Re-created font files
- AntDesign v??? to v3.0.0
- AntDesign-Filled v4.1.0 added
- AntDesign-Outlined v4.1.0 added
- Brandico v1.0.0 added
- Elusive v2.0.0 added
- Fontelico v1.0.0 added
- Ionicons v5.1.2 to v5.4.0
- Linearicons v1.0.0 added
- Linecons v1.0.0 added
- Maki v1.0.0 added
- MaterialIcons v4.0.0 to v1.0.0 git -> May 10, 2021
- Meteocons v1.0.0 added
- MfgLabs v1.0.0 added
- ModernPictograms v1.0.0 added
- Octicons v8.4.1 to v13.0.0
- RPGAwesome v1.0.0 added
- Typicons v2.0.9 added
- WebSymbols v1.0.0 added
- Fontisto v3.0.4 added
- Feather v4.7.0 to v4.28.0
- FontAwesome v5.7.0 to v5.13
- Ionicons v4.2.4 to v5.1.2
- MaterialCommunityIcons v4.0.96 to v5.4.45.
- Octicons v8.0.0 to v8.4.1