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194 lines (138 loc) · 6.51 KB

File metadata and controls

194 lines (138 loc) · 6.51 KB

🚀 production-project

Launch the project

npm ci - to install dependencies
npm run start:dev or npm run start:dev:vite - to launch client and backend part of the project


  • npm run start - Running a client part on webpack dev server
  • npm run start:vite - Running a client part on vite
  • npm run start:dev - Running a client part on webpack and a backend part
  • npm run start:dev:vite - Running a client part on vite and a backend part
  • npm run start:dev:server - Running a backend server
  • npm run build:prod - Build in prod mode
  • npm run build:dev - Build in dev mode (without minimization)
  • npm run prettier - Running prettier on .ts and .tsx files
  • npm run lint:ts - Running eslint on .ts and .tsx files
  • npm run lint:ts:fix - Running eslint fix on .ts and .tsx files
  • npm run lint:scss - Running stylelint on style files
  • npm run lint:scss:fix - Running stylelint fix on style files
  • npm run test:unit - Running unit tests with jest
  • npm run test:e2e - Running e2e tests with Cypress
  • npm run test:ui - Running screenshots tests with loki
  • npm run test:ui:ok - Confirmation of new screenshots
  • npm run test:ui:ci - Running screenshots tests in CI
  • npm run test:ui:json - Generating a json report for screenshot tests
  • npm run test:ui:html - Generating HTML report for screenshot tests
  • npm run test:ui:report - Generating a full report for screenshot tests
  • npm run storybook - Running storybook
  • npm run storybook:build - Build storybook
  • npm run prepare - Pre-commit hooks
  • npm run postinstall - Deleting cache in node_modules
  • npm run remove-feature - Remove feature from code

Project architecture

The project is written in accordance with FSD (Feature sliced design)

Working with translations

The project uses the i18next library to work with translations. Translation files are stored in public/locales.

For comfortable work, we recommend installing the plugin for webstorm/vscode I18nSupport.


The project uses 4 types of tests:

  1. Regular unit tests on jest - npm run test:unit
  2. Component tests with React testing library -npm run test:unit
  3. Screenshot testing with loki npm run test:ui
  4. e2e testing with Cypress npm run test:e2e

Read more about tests


The project uses eslint to check typescript code and stylelint to check style files.

Also for strict control of the main architectural principles it uses own eslint plugin eslint-plugin-fsd-checker, which consists 3 rules:

  1. path-checker - prohibits the use of absolute imports within one module;
  2. public-api-imports - allows import from other modules only from public api. Has auto fix;
  3. layer-imports - checks the correct use of layers in terms of FSD (import from overlying layers cannot be used in underlying layers);

Running linters

  • npm run lint:ts - Running eslint on .ts and .tsx files
  • npm run lint:ts:fix - Running eslint fix on .ts and .tsx files
  • npm run lint:scss - Running stylelint on style files
  • npm run lint:scss:fix - Running stylelint fix on style files линтером


The project describes story cases for each component. Requests to the server are mocked using storybook-addon-mock.

A file with story cases is created next to the component with the extension .stories.tsx

The storybook can be running with the command:

  • npm run storybook

Read more about Storybook

Project configuration

For development, the project contains 2 configs:

  1. Webpack - ./config/build
  2. vite - vite.config.ts

Both builders are adapted to the main features of the application.

All configuration of webpack is stored in /config

  • /config/babel - babel
  • /config/build - configuration of webpack
  • /config/jest - configuration of tests
  • /config/storybook - configuration of storybook

The folder scripts contains various scripts for refactoring and report generation.

CI pipeline and pre commit hooks

The Github actions configuration is in /.github/workflows. All types of tests, project building and storybook assembly, and linting are run in ci.

In precommit hooks we check the project with linters, config is located in /.husky

Working with data

Interaction with data is carried out using the Redux Toolkit. If possible, reused entities should be normalized using EntityAdapter

Requests to the server are sent using RTK query

For asynchronous connection of reducers (so as not to pull them into a common bundle) it is used DynamicModuleLoader

Working with data

Use of features is allowed only with the helper "toggleFeatures". It accepts an object with options:

  name: string; // feature flag name
    on: () => T; // a function that will work after enabling the feature
    off: () => T; // a function that will work after disabling the feature

To automatically remove a feature, use scripts/remove-feature.ts in the following format: ts-node scripts/remove-feature.ts feature-name feature-state

Feature state can take only one of two values: on or off.

