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WebRTC Canary



To download run the following command:

git clone

You will also need to install pkg-config and CMake and a build enviroment


Create a build directory in the newly checked out repository, and execute CMake from it.

mkdir -p amazon-kinesis-video-streams-demos/canary/webrtc-c/build; cd amazon-kinesis-video-streams-demos/canary/webrtc-c/build; cmake ..


To build the library and the provided samples run make in the build directory you executed CMake.



./kvsWebrtcCanaryWebrtc [path/to/your/config.json]

JSON config example:

  "CANARY_USE_TURN": true,
  "CANARY_CLIENT_ID": "LoadTesting",
  "CANARY_IS_MASTER": false,
  "CANARY_CHANNEL_NAME": "ScaryTestChannel",

Using IoT credential provider

To use IoT credential provider to run canaries, navigate to the [scripts directory] ( Run the following scripts:

  1. To generate new IoT thing and credentials: ./ <thing-name-prefix>
  2. Set up certs by running: ./ <thing-name-prefix>
  3. Set up IoT credential provider related environment variables by modifying for master and for viewer to first use IoT credential provider (set CANARY_USE_IOT_PROVIDER to TRUE) and run: ./ <thing-name-prefix> and ./ <thing-name-prefix> respectively.
  4. Run the executable in the build directory by following the build and run instructions above.

Cloudwatch Metrics

The default Cloudwatch namespace is KinesisVideoSDKCanary. Each metric listed below will be emitted twice, one with a label dimension and the other with label and channel dimensions. By omitting the channel dimension, metrics that come from different channel names by with the same label will be aggregated. This can be really useful for a scenario where we want to logically group metrics from different runs, e.g. we have a periodic start/stop scenario and we want to run this scenario with different sets of devices. While it's useful to aggregate these metrics, it's also equally important to keep metrics with the channel dimension to keep the granular access to these metrics.


Category Metric Unit Dimensions Frequency (seconds) Description
Shutdown ExitStatus Count Code - Every time the Canary runs, it'll post exactly once. If successfull, the code will be 0x00000000.
Initialization SignalingInitDelay Miliseconds - - Measure the time it takes for Signaling from creation to connected.
Initialization ICEHolePunchingDelay Miliseconds - - Measure the time it takes for ICE agent to successfully connect to the other peer.
End to End EndToEndFrameLatency Milliseconds - 30 The delay from sending the frame to when the frame is received on the other end
End to End FrameSizeMatch None - 30 The decoded canary data (header + frame data) at the receiver end is compared with the received size as part of header). If equal, 1.0 is pushed as a metric, else 0.0 is pushed
Outbound RTP Stats FramesPerSecond Count_Second - 60 Measures the rate at which frames are sent out from the master. This is calculated using outboundRtpStats
Outbound RTP Stats PercentageFrameDiscarded Percent - 60 This expresses the percentage of frames that dropped on the sending path within a given time interval. This is calculated using outboundRtpStats
Outbound RTP Stats PercentageFramesRetransmitted Percent - 60 This expresses the percentage of frames that are retransmitted on the sending path within a given time interval. This is calculated using outboundRtpStats
Outbound RTP Stats NackPerSecond Count_Second - 60 Rate at which Nacks are received by master. This is calculated using outboundRtpStats
Inbound RTP Stats IncomingBitRate Kilobits_Second - 60 Measures the rate at which frame bits are received by master. This is calculated using inboundRtpStats
Inbound RTP Stats IncomingPacketsPerSecond Count_Second - 60 Measures the rate at which packets are received by the master. This is calculated using inboundRtpStats
Inbound RTP Stats IncomingFramesDroppedPerSecond Count_Second - 60 Rate at which the incoming frames are dropped. This is calculated using inboundRtpStats


Category Metric Unit Dimensions Frequency (seconds) Description
Shutdown ExitStatus Count Code - Every time the Canary runs, it'll post exactly once. If successfull, the code will be 0x00000000.
End to End SignalingRoundtripLatency Miliseconds - 15 Measure the roundtrip latency from sending an offer to receive an answer



Required Jenkins plugins:

Required Credentials:


Required Script Signature Approvals:

  • method hudson.model.ItemGroup getAllItems java.lang.Class
  • method hudson.model.Job getBuilds
  • method hudson.model.Job getLastBuild
  • method hudson.model.Job isBuilding
  • method hudson.model.Run getTimeInMillis
  • method hudson.model.Run isBuilding
  • method jenkins.model.Jenkins getItemByFullName java.lang.String
  • method jenkins.model.ParameterizedJobMixIn$ParameterizedJob isDisabled
  • method jenkins.model.ParameterizedJobMixIn$ParameterizedJob setDisabled boolean
  • method org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowRun doKill
  • staticMethod jenkins.model.Jenkins getInstance
  • staticField java.lang.Long MAX_VALUE

Create Nodes with the following labels:




Seeding is a meta job that its sole job is to bootstrap other jobs, orchestrator and runners. When there's a new change to the seed or the other jobs that were created from the seed, the change will automatically propagate to the other jobs.

The concept is very similar to AWS CloudFormation



Orchestration is a process of permuting a set of the canary configuration and delegate the works to the runner. The permutation can be ranging from streaming duration, bitrate, device types, regions, etc.


Update Flow

Finally, our canary is up and running. But, now, we want to make changes to the canary or update the SDK version without shutting down the whole canary.

To achieve this, the update process uses the rolling update technique:
