diff --git a/civ13.dme b/civ13.dme
index ad1b5606d4..bc6707a579 100644
--- a/civ13.dme
+++ b/civ13.dme
@@ -516,6 +516,7 @@
#include "code\game\objects\map_metadata\operation_falcon.dm"
#include "code\game\objects\map_metadata\osowiec.dm"
#include "code\game\objects\map_metadata\pavlov_house.dm"
+#include "code\game\objects\map_metadata\pepelsibirsk.dm"
#include "code\game\objects\map_metadata\pioneers.dm"
#include "code\game\objects\map_metadata\port_arthur.dm"
#include "code\game\objects\map_metadata\recife.dm"
@@ -783,7 +784,6 @@
#include "code\modules\1713\jobs\ruhr_uprising.dm"
#include "code\modules\1713\jobs\russian.dm"
#include "code\modules\1713\jobs\samurai.dm"
-#include "code\modules\1713\jobs\siberiad.dm"
#include "code\modules\1713\jobs\skyrim.dm"
#include "code\modules\1713\jobs\sovafghan.dm"
#include "code\modules\1713\jobs\spanish.dm"
@@ -1112,5 +1112,5 @@
#include "code\processes\lighting\sources.dm"
#include "interface\interface.dm"
#include "interface\skin.dmf"
-#include "maps\special\battle_ships.dmm"
+#include "maps\1969\pepelsibirsk.dmm"
diff --git a/code/__defines/maps.dm b/code/__defines/maps.dm
index e6d0052b87..2377c1b9a1 100644
--- a/code/__defines/maps.dm
+++ b/code/__defines/maps.dm
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@
diff --git a/code/_helpers/debugger.dm b/code/_helpers/debugger.dm
index af0336d05f..f230347e2d 100644
--- a/code/_helpers/debugger.dm
+++ b/code/_helpers/debugger.dm
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@
var/debug_server = world.GetConfig("env", "AUXTOOLS_DEBUG_DLL")
if (debug_server)
- call(debug_server, "auxtools_init")()
+ call_ext(debug_server, "auxtools_init")()
. = ..()
var/debug_server = world.GetConfig("env", "AUXTOOLS_DEBUG_DLL")
if (debug_server)
- call(debug_server, "auxtools_shutdown")()
+ call_ext(debug_server, "auxtools_shutdown")()
. = ..()
diff --git a/code/datums/vote.dm b/code/datums/vote.dm
index 882c034714..8f4ac6ce40 100644
--- a/code/datums/vote.dm
+++ b/code/datums/vote.dm
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ var/global/list/round_voters = list() //Keeps track of the individuals voting fo
C << browse(vote.interface(C),"window=vote")
if (map.persistence)
diff --git a/code/game/mob/living/carbon/human/nomads_spawn.dm b/code/game/mob/living/carbon/human/nomads_spawn.dm
index 7aadf10b90..3c8298d0a3 100644
--- a/code/game/mob/living/carbon/human/nomads_spawn.dm
+++ b/code/game/mob/living/carbon/human/nomads_spawn.dm
@@ -1070,6 +1070,90 @@
b_eyes = hex2num(copytext(hex_eyes, 6, 8))
change_eye_color(r_eyes, g_eyes, b_eyes)
+ else if (map.ID == MAP_PEPELSIBIRSK)
+ var/new_hair = "Black"
+ var/new_eyes = "Black"
+ var/list/possible_h_list = list("Black")
+ var/list/possible_e_list = list("Black")
+ var/list/possible_s_list = list(-10,-60)
+ spawn(5)
+ var/randpick = rand(1,100)
+ switch(randpick)
+ if (1 to 10)
+ add_language("Polish",TRUE)
+ add_language("Russian",TRUE)
+ add_note("Known Languages", "Polish", "Russian")
+ remove_language("English")
+ remove_note("Known Languages","English")
+ name = species.get_random_polish_name(gender)
+ real_name = name
+ for (var/datum/language/polish/A in languages)
+ default_language = A
+ src.nationality = "Polish"
+ possible_h_list = list("Black", "Dark Brown","Light Brown","Red")
+ possible_e_list = list("Black","Brown","Green")
+ possible_s_list = list(-25,-60)
+ give_languages()
+ if (11 to 70)
+ add_language("Russian",TRUE)
+ add_note("Known Languages", "Russian")
+ remove_language("English")
+ remove_note("Known Languages","English")
+ name = species.get_random_russian_name(gender)
+ real_name = name
+ for (var/datum/language/russian/A in languages)
+ default_language = A
+ src.nationality = "Russian"
+ possible_h_list = list("Black", "Dark Brown","Light Brown","Red")
+ possible_e_list = list("Black","Brown","Green")
+ possible_s_list = list(-25,-60)
+ give_languages()
+ if (71 to 80)
+ add_language("Russian",TRUE)
+ add_language("German,",TRUE)
+ add_note("Known Languages", "German", "Russian")
+ remove_language("English")
+ remove_note("Known Languages","English")
+ name = species.get_random_german_name(gender)
+ real_name = name
+ for (var/datum/language/german/A in languages)
+ default_language = A
+ src.nationality = "German"
+ possible_h_list = list("Light Brown","Blond","Dirty Blond")
+ possible_e_list = list("Blue","Green")
+ possible_s_list = list(-15,-30)
+ give_languages()
+ if (81 to 100)
+ add_language("Russian",TRUE)
+ add_language("Ukrainian",TRUE)
+ add_note("Known Languages", "Ukrainian", "Russian")
+ remove_language("English")
+ remove_note("Known Languages","English")
+ name = species.get_random_ukrainian_name(gender)
+ real_name = name
+ src.nationality = "Ukrainian"
+ for (var/datum/language/ukrainian/A in languages)
+ default_language = A
+ possible_h_list = list("Black", "Dark Brown","Light Brown","Red")
+ possible_e_list = list("Black","Brown","Green")
+ possible_s_list = list(-25,-60)
+ give_languages()
+ new_hair = pick(possible_h_list)
+ new_eyes = pick(possible_e_list)
+ s_tone = rand(possible_s_list[2],possible_s_list[1])
+ var/hex_hair = hair_colors[new_hair]
+ r_hair = hex2num(copytext(hex_hair, 2, 4))
+ g_hair = hex2num(copytext(hex_hair, 4, 6))
+ b_hair = hex2num(copytext(hex_hair, 6, 8))
+ r_facial = hex2num(copytext(hex_hair, 2, 4))
+ g_facial = hex2num(copytext(hex_hair, 4, 6))
+ b_facial = hex2num(copytext(hex_hair, 6, 8))
+ var/hex_eyes = eye_colors[new_eyes]
+ r_eyes = hex2num(copytext(hex_eyes, 2, 4))
+ g_eyes = hex2num(copytext(hex_eyes, 4, 6))
+ b_eyes = hex2num(copytext(hex_eyes, 6, 8))
+ change_eye_color(r_eyes, g_eyes, b_eyes)
else if (map.ID == MAP_NATIONSRP)
var/new_hair = "Black"
var/new_eyes = "Black"
diff --git a/code/game/mob/new_player/new_player.dm b/code/game/mob/new_player/new_player.dm
index 852b597fb1..12a38354b8 100644
--- a/code/game/mob/new_player/new_player.dm
+++ b/code/game/mob/new_player/new_player.dm
@@ -47,6 +47,10 @@ var/global/redirect_all_players = null
var/htmlfile = "
Wiki Guide \
src << browse(htmlfile,"window=wiki;size=820x650")
+ if (map && map.ID == MAP_PEPELSIBIRSK)
+ var/htmlfile = "Wiki Guide \
+ "
+ src << browse(htmlfile,"window=wiki;size=820x650")
new_player_mob_list -= src
diff --git a/code/game/objects/map_metadata/operation_falcon.dm b/code/game/objects/map_metadata/operation_falcon.dm
index 624c387098..5608f55d38 100644
--- a/code/game/objects/map_metadata/operation_falcon.dm
+++ b/code/game/objects/map_metadata/operation_falcon.dm
@@ -650,8 +650,8 @@ var/global/list/fob_names_russian = list("Anna", "Boris", "Dmitri", "Yelena", "I
var/faction_text = null // To what faction does it belong?
/obj/structure/milsim/anti_air/attack_hand(mob/living/human/H as mob)
- if (!faction_text)
+ if (!faction_text && map.ID != MAP_PEPELSIBIRSK)
faction_text = H.faction_text
name = "[map.roundend_condition_def2name(faction_text)] [name]"
message_admins("[H.ckey] ([H.faction_text]) has built an Anti-Air at ([src.x], [src.y], [src.z] - JMP).", H.ckey)
- return
\ No newline at end of file
+ return
diff --git a/code/game/objects/map_metadata/pepelsibirsk.dm b/code/game/objects/map_metadata/pepelsibirsk.dm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6fcbd64352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/game/objects/map_metadata/pepelsibirsk.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,1019 @@
+// Diplomatic variables, very important
+ var/list/pepelsibirsk_relations = list(
+ "china_relations" = 50,
+ "soviet_relations" = 50,
+ "pacific_relations" = 50,
+ "civ_relations" = 50,
+ "mil_relations" = 50,
+ )
+var/global/datum/pepelsibirsk_relations/pepel_factions = new()
+ title = "Pepelsibirsk"
+ lobby_icon = "icons/lobby/civ13.gif"
+ no_winner ="The round is proceeding normally."
+ caribbean_blocking_area_types = list(/area/caribbean/no_mans_land/invisible_wall/taiga)
+ respawn_delay = 1200 // 2 minutes
+ has_hunger = TRUE
+ faction_organization = list(
+ roundend_condition_sides = list(
+ list(CIVILIAN) = /area/caribbean/british
+ )
+ age = "1975 A.D. Q4 (ROUND SETUP)"
+ ordinal_age = 7
+ civilizations = TRUE
+ nomads = TRUE
+ var/tribes_nr = 1
+ faction_distribution_coeffs = list(CIVILIAN = 1)
+ battle_name = "the civilizations"
+ mission_start_message = "Following a limited thermonuclear exchange which saw most central authorities in the northern hemisphere collapse, it appears Pepelsibirsk was left mostly untouched. You must bring the city to prosperity!"
+ ambience = list('sound/ambience/desert.ogg')
+ faction1 = CIVILIAN
+ availablefactions = list("Nomad")
+ songs = list(
+ "Molchat Doma - Toska:1" = "sound/music/toska.ogg",)
+ gamemode = "Cold War"
+ age1_done = TRUE
+ age2_done = TRUE
+ age3_done = TRUE
+ age4_done = TRUE
+ age5_done = TRUE
+ age6_done = TRUE
+ age7_done = TRUE
+ valid_weather_types = list(WEATHER_NONE, WEATHER_WET, WEATHER_EXTREME)
+ var/real_season = "FALL"
+ var/quarter = 1
+ var/year = 1976
+ //Trader spawnpoint
+ var/trader_spawnpoint = "trader_spawnpoint"
+ ..()
+ relations_subsystem()
+ send_traders()
+ enemy_attacks()
+ recover_relations()
+ check_relations_msg()
+ time_update(age, quarter, year)
+ spawn(1)
+ seasons()
+ if (real_season == "FALL")
+ season = "WINTER"
+ to_chat(world, "The Winter has started.")
+ change_weather_somehow()
+ spawn(1200)
+ for (var/obj/structure/wild/tree/live_tree/TREES in world)
+ TREES.change_season()
+ for (var/turf/floor/dirt/flooded/D)
+ D.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/beach/water/flooded)
+ for (var/turf/floor/dirt/ploughed/flooded/D)
+ D.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/beach/water/flooded)
+ for(var/obj/structure/sink/S)
+ if (istype(S, /obj/structure/sink/well) || istype(S, /obj/structure/sink/puddle))
+ S.dry = FALSE
+ S.update_icon()
+ for (var/turf/floor/beach/drywater/B in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/desert))
+ B.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/beach/water/swamp)
+ for (var/turf/floor/beach/drywater2/C in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/desert))
+ C.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/beach/water/deep/swamp)
+ for (var/turf/floor/dirt/jungledirt/JD in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/forest/Jungle))
+ if (prob(50))
+ JD.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/grass/jungle)
+ for (var/turf/floor/dirt/dry_lava/JD in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/forest/Jungle))
+ if (prob(50))
+ JD.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/grass/jungle)
+ for (var/turf/floor/dirt/jungledirt/JD2 in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/forest/savanna))
+ if (prob(50))
+ JD2.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/grass/jungle)
+ for (var/turf/floor/dirt/burned/BD in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/desert))
+ if (prob(75))
+ BD.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/dirt)
+ for (var/turf/floor/dirt/burned/BDD in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/forest/Jungle))
+ if (prob(75))
+ BDD.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/dirt/jungledirt)
+ for (var/turf/floor/dirt/burned/BDD2 in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/forest/savanna))
+ if (prob(75))
+ BDD2.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/dirt/jungledirt)
+ for (var/turf/floor/dirt/DT in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/forest))
+ if (!istype(DT, /turf/floor/dirt/underground))
+ var/tmp/area/A = get_area(DT)
+ if (A.climate == "temperate")
+ if (prob(75))
+ DT.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/dirt/winter)
+ else if (A.climate == "tundra" || A.climate == "taiga")
+ DT.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/dirt/winter)
+ for (var/turf/floor/grass/GT in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/forest))
+ var/tmp/area/A = get_area(GT)
+ if (A.climate == "temperate")
+ if (prob(80))
+ GT.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/winter/grass)
+ else if (A.climate == "tundra" || A.climate == "taiga")
+ GT.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/winter/grass)
+ for (var/turf/floor/dirt/DTT in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/snow))
+ if (!istype(DTT, /turf/floor/dirt/underground))
+ DTT.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/dirt/winter)
+ for (var/turf/floor/grass/GTT in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/snow))
+ GTT.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/winter/grass)
+ real_season = "WINTER"
+ else if (real_season == "SPRING")
+ season = "SUMMER"
+ to_chat(world, "The Summer has started.")
+ change_weather_somehow()
+ spawn(300)
+ for (var/obj/structure/wild/tree/live_tree/TREES in world)
+ TREES.change_season()
+ for(var/obj/structure/sink/S in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/desert))
+ if (istype(S, /obj/structure/sink/well) || istype(S, /obj/structure/sink/puddle))
+ S.dry = TRUE
+ S.update_icon()
+ for (var/turf/floor/beach/water/swamp/D in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/desert))
+ if (D.z > 1)
+ D.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/beach/drywater)
+ for (var/turf/floor/beach/water/deep/swamp/DS in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/desert))
+ if (DS.z > 1)
+ DS.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/beach/drywater2)
+ for (var/turf/floor/beach/water/flooded/DF)
+ if (DF.z > 1)
+ DF.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/dirt/flooded)
+ for (var/turf/floor/dirt/winter/DT in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/forest))
+ var/tmp/area/A = get_area(DT)
+ if (A.climate == "temperate")
+ DT.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/dirt)
+ for (var/turf/floor/winter/grass/GT in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/forest))
+ var/tmp/area/A = get_area(GT)
+ if (A.climate == "temperate")
+ GT.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/grass)
+ for (var/turf/floor/winter/WT in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/roofed))
+ WT.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/dirt)
+ for (var/turf/floor/dirt/winter/WT in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/roofed))
+ WT.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/dirt)
+ real_season = "SUMMER"
+ else if (real_season == "WINTER")
+ season = "SPRING"
+ to_chat(world, "The weather is getting warmer in other places of the world, but not here. It is now Spring.")
+ real_season = "SPRING"
+ else if (real_season == "SUMMER")
+ season = "FALL"
+ to_chat(world, "The warmth of summer abruptly ends, being replaced with strong winds and rain, swiftly turning to snowstorms and ice. It is now Fall.")
+ spawn(1200)
+ for (var/obj/structure/wild/tree/live_tree/TREES in world)
+ TREES.change_season()
+ for (var/turf/floor/dirt/flooded/D)
+ D.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/beach/water/flooded)
+ for (var/turf/floor/dirt/ploughed/flooded/D)
+ D.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/beach/water/flooded)
+ for(var/obj/structure/sink/S)
+ if (istype(S, /obj/structure/sink/well) || istype(S, /obj/structure/sink/puddle))
+ S.dry = FALSE
+ S.update_icon()
+ for (var/turf/floor/beach/drywater/B in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/desert))
+ B.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/beach/water/swamp)
+ for (var/turf/floor/beach/drywater2/C in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/desert))
+ C.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/beach/water/deep/swamp)
+ for (var/turf/floor/dirt/jungledirt/JD in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/forest/Jungle))
+ if (prob(50))
+ JD.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/grass/jungle)
+ for (var/turf/floor/dirt/dry_lava/JD in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/forest/Jungle))
+ if (prob(50))
+ JD.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/grass/jungle)
+ for (var/turf/floor/dirt/jungledirt/JD2 in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/forest/savanna))
+ if (prob(50))
+ JD2.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/grass/jungle)
+ for (var/turf/floor/dirt/burned/BD in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/desert))
+ if (prob(75))
+ BD.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/dirt)
+ for (var/turf/floor/dirt/burned/BDD in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/forest/Jungle))
+ if (prob(75))
+ BDD.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/dirt/jungledirt)
+ for (var/turf/floor/dirt/burned/BDD2 in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/forest/savanna))
+ if (prob(75))
+ BDD2.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/dirt/jungledirt)
+ for (var/turf/floor/dirt/DT in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/forest))
+ if (!istype(DT, /turf/floor/dirt/underground))
+ var/tmp/area/A = get_area(DT)
+ if (A.climate == "temperate")
+ if (prob(75))
+ DT.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/dirt/winter)
+ else if (A.climate == "tundra" || A.climate == "taiga")
+ DT.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/dirt/winter)
+ for (var/turf/floor/grass/GT in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/forest))
+ var/tmp/area/A = get_area(GT)
+ if (A.climate == "temperate")
+ if (prob(80))
+ GT.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/winter/grass)
+ else if (A.climate == "tundra" || A.climate == "taiga")
+ GT.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/winter/grass)
+ for (var/turf/floor/dirt/DTT in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/snow))
+ if (!istype(DTT, /turf/floor/dirt/underground))
+ DTT.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/dirt/winter)
+ for (var/turf/floor/grass/GTT in get_area_turfs(/area/caribbean/nomads/snow))
+ GTT.ChangeTurf(/turf/floor/winter/grass)
+ real_season = "FALL"
+ spawn(30 MINUTES)
+ seasons()
+ return "The all-clear has been given. You may now leave the Soviet."
+ return (processes.ticker.playtime_elapsed >= 4800 || admin_ended_all_grace_periods)
+ if (J.is_nomad == TRUE)
+ . = TRUE
+ else
+ . = FALSE
+ spawn(30) // 3 seconds
+ for(var/relation in pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations)
+ if (pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations[relation] > 100)
+ pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations[relation] = 100
+ else if (pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations[relation] < 0)
+ pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations[relation] = 0
+ relations_subsystem()
+ return
+ to_chat(world, "Diplomatic Relations:")
+ to_chat(world, "
People's Republic of China: [pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["china_relations"]]")
+ to_chat(world, "
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: [pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["soviet_relations"]]")
+ to_chat(world, "
United States of the Pacific: [pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["pacific_relations"]]")
+ to_chat(world, "
Naroddnygorod: [pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["civ_relations"]]")
+ to_chat(world, "
Pepelsibirsk-1: [pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["mil_relations"]]")
+ spawn(5 MINUTES)
+ check_relations_msg()
+ return
+ if (pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["civ_relations"] <= 26)
+ pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["civ_relations"] += 0.02
+ if (pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["mil_relations"] <= 26)
+ pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["mil_relations"] += 0.02
+ spawn(20 MINUTES)
+ recover_relations()
+ return
+////// TIME CODE ////// (thanks malt)
+ quarter++
+ if(quarter >=5)
+ quarter = 1
+ year++
+ to_chat(world, "The year has advanced to [year].")
+ else
+ to_chat(world, "The quarter has advanced to Q[quarter].")
+ return
+ age = "[year] A.D. Q[quarter]"
+ world.log << "Time_update has been triggered, the date is now [year] A.D. Q[quarter]."
+ spawn (30 MINUTES)
+ time_quarters()
+ time_update()
+ return
+ var/faction_relations
+ return
+ dropwares()
+ qdel(src)
+ return
+ dropwares()
+ qdel(src)
+ return
+ name = "U.S.P Trader"
+ desc = "The United States of the Pacific has come to trade."
+ icon = 'icons/mob/npcs.dmi'
+ icon_state = "afghcia"
+ faction_relations = "pacific_relations"
+ products = list(
+ //Weapons
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/projectile/submachinegun/m16/commando = 2,
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/projectile/submachinegun/m16/m16a2 = 5,
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/launcher/grenade/standalone/m79 = 2,
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/launcher/rocket/bazooka = 2,
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/projectile/submachinegun/m14/sniper = 1,
+ /obj/item/weapon/attachment/scope/adjustable/advanced/holographic = 2,
+ /obj/item/weapon/attachment/scope/adjustable/advanced/acog = 2,
+ /obj/item/weapon/attachment/scope/adjustable/advanced/reddot = 2,
+ /obj/item/weapon/attachment/scope/adjustable/sniper_scope = 2,
+ /obj/item/weapon/attachment/under/foregrip = 2,
+ /obj/item/weapon/attachment/silencer/pistol = 2,
+ /obj/item/weapon/attachment/silencer/rifle = 2,
+ /obj/item/weapon/attachment/silencer/shotgun = 2,
+ /obj/item/weapon/attachment/silencer/smg = 2,
+ //Ammunition
+ /obj/item/ammo_magazine/m16 = 8,
+ /obj/item/ammo_magazine/m14 = 3,
+ /obj/item/ammo_casing/rocket/bazooka = 2,
+ /obj/item/weapon/grenade/frag/ugl/shell40mm = 3,
+ /obj/item/weapon/plastique/c4 = 2,
+ //Clothing
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/us_uni/us_camo_woodland = 8,
+ /obj/item/clothing/accessory/storage/webbing/us_vest = 8,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/coat/ww2/us_coat = 8,
+ /obj/item/clothing/shoes/jackboots/modern = 8,
+ /obj/item/clothing/accessory/armor/coldwar/pasgt = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/modern/pasgt = 2,
+ //Food and Drink
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/snacks/burger = 4,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/snacks/cheeseburger = 4,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/snacks/hotdog = 4,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/snacks/MRE/generic/american = 3,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sliceable/pumpkinpie = 1,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/snacks/applepie = 1,
+ //Miscellaneous
+ /obj/item/weapon/telephone/mobile = 2,
+ /obj/structure/anti_air_crate = 1,
+ )
+ prices = list(
+ //Weapons
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/projectile/submachinegun/m16/commando = 200,
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/projectile/submachinegun/m16/m16a2 = 160,
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/launcher/grenade/standalone/m79 = 150,
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/launcher/rocket/bazooka = 150,
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/projectile/submachinegun/m14/sniper = 200,
+ /obj/item/weapon/attachment/scope/adjustable/advanced/holographic = 100,
+ /obj/item/weapon/attachment/scope/adjustable/advanced/acog = 100,
+ /obj/item/weapon/attachment/scope/adjustable/advanced/reddot = 100,
+ /obj/item/weapon/attachment/scope/adjustable/sniper_scope = 100,
+ /obj/item/weapon/attachment/under/foregrip = 100,
+ /obj/item/weapon/attachment/silencer/pistol = 100,
+ /obj/item/weapon/attachment/silencer/rifle = 100,
+ /obj/item/weapon/attachment/silencer/shotgun = 100,
+ /obj/item/weapon/attachment/silencer/smg = 100,
+ //Ammunition
+ /obj/item/ammo_magazine/m16 = 20,
+ /obj/item/ammo_magazine/m14 = 30,
+ /obj/item/ammo_casing/rocket/bazooka = 200,
+ /obj/item/weapon/grenade/frag/ugl/shell40mm = 80,
+ /obj/item/weapon/plastique/c4 = 100,
+ //Clothing
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/us_uni/us_camo_woodland = 20,
+ /obj/item/clothing/accessory/storage/webbing/us_vest = 20,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/coat/ww2/us_coat = 30,
+ /obj/item/clothing/shoes/jackboots/modern = 20,
+ /obj/item/clothing/accessory/armor/coldwar/pasgt = 100,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/modern/pasgt = 100,
+ //Food and Drink
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/snacks/burger = 5,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/snacks/cheeseburger = 5,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/snacks/hotdog = 5,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/snacks/MRE/generic/american = 10,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sliceable/pumpkinpie = 20,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/snacks/applepie = 20,
+ //Miscellaneous
+ /obj/item/weapon/telephone/mobile = 500,
+ /obj/structure/anti_air_crate = 1000,
+ )
+ for(var/product_key in products)
+ for(var/i in 1 to products[product_key])
+ new product_key(get_turf(src))
+ new /mob/living/human/corpse(get_turf(src))
+ pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["pacific_relations"] -= rand(10, 25)
+ to_chat(world, "A Pacifician trader has died. Relations with the United States of the Pacific have dropped to [pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["pacific_relations"]]!")
+ name = "PRC Trader"
+ desc = "现在我有冰淇淋我很喜欢冰淇淋."
+ icon = 'icons/mob/npcs.dmi'
+ icon_state = "chinese_trader"
+ faction_relations = "china_relations"
+ products = list(
+ //Weapons
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/projectile/submachinegun/ak47/chinese = 3,
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/projectile/semiautomatic/sks/chinese = 3,
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/projectile/submachinegun/ppsh/chinese = 3,
+ //Clothing
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/coat/chinese/officer = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/coat/chinese = 8,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/chinaguard = 8,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/chinaguardcap = 8,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/chinese_ushanka = 8,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/modern/chi_korea_helmet/modernized = 8,
+ )
+ prices = list(
+ //Weapons
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/projectile/submachinegun/ak47/chinese = 50,
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/projectile/semiautomatic/sks/chinese = 30,
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/projectile/submachinegun/ppsh/chinese = 30,
+ //Clothing
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/coat/chinese/officer = 30,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/coat/chinese = 25,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/chinaguard = 25,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/chinaguardcap = 15,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/chinese_ushanka = 15,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/modern/chi_korea_helmet/modernized = 35,
+ )
+ for(var/product_key in products)
+ for(var/i in 1 to products[product_key])
+ new product_key(get_turf(src))
+ new /mob/living/human/corpse(get_turf(src))
+ pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["china_relations"] -= rand(10, 25)
+ to_chat(world, "A Chinese trader has died. Relations with the People's Republic of China have dropped to [pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["china_relations"]]!")
+ name = "Soviet Trader"
+ desc = "Вы неправильно используете это программное обеспечение для перевода. Пожалуйста, проконсультируйтесь с руководством по программному обеспечению."
+ icon = 'icons/mob/npcs.dmi'
+ icon_state = "soviet_trader"
+ faction_relations = "soviet_relations"
+ products = list(
+ //Weapons
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/projectile/submachinegun/ak74/aks74/aks74u/aks74uso = 1,
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/projectile/shotgun/pump/ks23 = 1,
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/launcher/rocket/single_shot/rpg22 = 2,
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/launcher/grenade/underslung/gp25 = 2,
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/launcher/rocket/rpg7 = 1,
+ //Ammunition
+ /obj/item/weapon/grenade/frag/ugl/shell40mm = 3,
+ /obj/item/ammo_casing/rocket/pg7v = 2,
+ /obj/item/ammo_casing/rocket/og7v = 2,
+ /obj/item/weapon/grenade/frag/ugl/shell40mm = 3,
+ /obj/item/weapon/plastique/russian = 1,
+ //Food and Drink
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/snacks/MRE/generic/russian = 5,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sliceable/cheesewheel = 5,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/drinks/bottle/vodka = 5,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/drinks/flask/barflask = 3,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/drinks/flask/officer = 3,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/drinks/teapot/filled = 3,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/drinks/golden_cup = 1,
+ //Medicines
+ /obj/item/weapon/storage/pill_bottle/tramadol = 4,
+ /obj/item/weapon/storage/pill_bottle/penicillin = 4,
+ /obj/item/weapon/storage/pill_bottle/paracetamol = 4,
+ /obj/item/weapon/storage/pill_bottle/citalopram = 4,
+ /obj/item/weapon/storage/pill_bottle/potassium_iodide = 4,
+ )
+ prices = list(
+ //Weapons
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/projectile/submachinegun/ak74/aks74/aks74u/aks74uso = 200,
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/projectile/shotgun/pump/ks23 = 150,
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/launcher/rocket/single_shot/rpg22 = 250,
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/launcher/grenade/underslung/gp25 = 100,
+ /obj/item/weapon/gun/launcher/rocket/rpg7 = 100,
+ //Ammunition
+ /obj/item/weapon/grenade/frag/ugl/shell40mm = 40,
+ /obj/item/ammo_casing/rocket/pg7v = 100,
+ /obj/item/ammo_casing/rocket/og7v = 100,
+ /obj/item/weapon/grenade/frag/ugl/shell40mm = 40,
+ /obj/item/weapon/plastique/russian = 30,
+ //Food and Drink
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/snacks/MRE/generic/russian = 10,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sliceable/cheesewheel = 10,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/drinks/bottle/vodka = 10,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/drinks/flask/barflask = 25,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/drinks/flask/officer = 50,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/drinks/teapot/filled = 25,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/drinks/golden_cup = 500,
+ //Medicines
+ /obj/item/weapon/storage/pill_bottle/tramadol = 150,
+ /obj/item/weapon/storage/pill_bottle/penicillin = 150,
+ /obj/item/weapon/storage/pill_bottle/paracetamol = 150,
+ /obj/item/weapon/storage/pill_bottle/citalopram = 150,
+ /obj/item/weapon/storage/pill_bottle/potassium_iodide = 150,
+ )
+ for(var/product_key in products)
+ for(var/i in 1 to products[product_key])
+ new product_key(get_turf(src))
+ new /mob/living/human/corpse(get_turf(src))
+ pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["soviet_relations"] -= rand(10, 25)
+ to_chat(world, "A Soviet trader has died. Relations with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics have dropped to [pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["soviet_relations"]]!")
+/obj/map_metadata/pepelsibirsk/proc/send_traders() //Picks a turf from trader_spawnpoint and sends traders there if relations are high enough.
+ world.log << "send_traders has been triggered"
+ var/list/turfs = list()
+ var/spawnpoint
+ spawn(1)
+ turfs = latejoin_turfs[trader_spawnpoint]
+ if (pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["china_relations"] >= 26)
+ var/traderpath = /obj/structure/vending/sales/pepelsibirsk/chinese_trader
+ spawnpoint = pick(turfs)
+ var/trader = new traderpath(get_turf(spawnpoint))
+ world.log << "[trader] has been spawned at with get_turf, example: [get_turf(spawnpoint)]."
+ spawn(10 MINUTES)
+ world.log << "[trader] has been deleted."
+ qdel(trader)
+ if (pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["soviet_relations"] >= 26)
+ var/traderpath = /obj/structure/vending/sales/pepelsibirsk/soviet_trader
+ spawnpoint = pick(turfs)
+ var/trader = new traderpath(get_turf(spawnpoint))
+ world.log << "[trader] has been spawned with get_turf, example: [get_turf(spawnpoint)]."
+ spawn(10 MINUTES)
+ world.log << "[trader] has been deleted."
+ qdel(trader)
+ if (pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["pacific_relations"] >= 26)
+ var/traderpath = /obj/structure/vending/sales/pepelsibirsk/pacific_trader
+ spawnpoint = pick(turfs)
+ var/trader = new traderpath(get_turf(spawnpoint))
+ world.log << "[trader] has been spawned with get_turf, example: [get_turf(spawnpoint)]."
+ spawn(10 MINUTES)
+ world.log << "[trader] has been deleted."
+ qdel(trader)
+ return
+ var/traders = list()
+ if (pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["china_relations"] >= 26)
+ traders += "the Chinese"
+ if (pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["soviet_relations"] >= 26)
+ traders += "the Soviets"
+ if (pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["pacific_relations"] >= 26)
+ traders += "the Pacificans"
+ if (length(traders) > 1)
+ traders[length(traders)] = "and [traders[length(traders)]]"
+ to_chat(world, "[jointext(traders, ", ")] have arrived to trade.")
+ world.log << "[jointext(traders, ", ")] have arrived to trade."
+ else
+ to_chat(world, "Due to poor relations, no one has arrived to trade.")
+ world.log << "Due to poor relations, no one has arrived to trade."
+ spawn(30 MINUTES)
+ send_traders(trader_spawnpoint)
+ return
+ name = "Personal Documents"
+ desc = "The identification papers of a citizen."
+ icon = 'icons/obj/bureaucracy.dmi'
+ icon_state = "passport"
+ item_state = "paper"
+ throwforce = FALSE
+ w_class = ITEM_SIZE_TINY
+ slot_flags = SLOT_ID | SLOT_POCKET
+ throw_range = TRUE
+ throw_speed = TRUE
+ attack_verb = list("bapped")
+ flammable = TRUE
+ var/mob/living/human/owner = null
+ var/document_name = ""
+ var/list/document_details = list()
+ var/list/guardnotes = list()
+ secondary_action = TRUE
+ flags = FALSE
+ New()
+ ..()
+ spawn(20)
+ if (ishuman(loc))
+ var/mob/living/human/H = loc
+ document_name = H.real_name
+ owner = H
+ name = "[document_name]'s personal documents"
+ desc = "The identification papers of [document_name]."
+ var/job = "Working"
+ if (istype(H.original_job, /datum/job/civilian/civnomad))
+ switch(H.nationality)
+ if ("German")
+ job = "Citizen of the German Democratic Republic, expatriated and working [pick("in the Pepelsibirsk research facility","in the Pepelsibirsk hospital", "for the local KGB office", "in the Pepelsibirsk car factory")]."
+ if ("Ukrainian")
+ job = "Internal migrant from the Ukrainian SSR, working [pick("for the KGB", "for the city Soviet", "in the Pepelsibirsk mine", "in the Pepelsibirsk car factory", "at the collective farm in Pepelsibirsk", "in the Pepelsibirsk power plant", "at the collective farm in Pepelsibirsk", "in the Pepelsibirsk mine", "in the Pepelsibirsk research facility", "in the Pepelsibirsk hospital", "for the Soviet Armed Forces", "for the local Militsiya")]."
+ if ("Polish")
+ job = "Citizen of the Polish Socialist Republic, expatriated and working in [pick("the Pepelsibirsk mine","the Pepelsibirsk car factory", "the collective farm in Pepelsibirsk", "the Pepelsibirsk power plant")]."
+ if ("Russian")
+ job = "Pepelsibirsk local, working [pick("for the KGB", "for the city Soviet", "in the Pepelsibirsk mine", "in the Pepelsibirsk car factory", "at the collective farm in Pepelsibirsk", "in the Pepelsibirsk power plant", "at the collective farm in Pepelsibirsk", "in the Pepelsibirsk mine", "in the Pepelsibirsk research facility", "in the Pepelsibirsk hospital", "for the Soviet Armed Forces", "for the local Militsiya")]."
+ document_details = list(H.h_style, H.gender, H.age, job)
+ ..(user)
+ to_chat(user, "*---------*")
+ to_chat(user, "Hair: [document_details[1]]")
+ to_chat(user, "Gender: [document_details[2]]")
+ to_chat(user, "Age: [document_details[3]] years")
+ to_chat(user, "Employment and Citizenship Status: [document_details[4]]")
+ to_chat(user, "*---------*")
+ if (guardnotes.len)
+ for(var/i in guardnotes)
+ to_chat(user, "NOTE: [i]")
+ to_chat(user, "*---------*")
+/obj/item/weapon/personal_documents/attackby(var/obj/item/I, var/mob/living/human/H)
+ if (!ishuman(H))
+ return
+ if (istype(I, /obj/item/weapon/pen))
+ var/confirm = WWinput(H, "Do you want to add a note to these documents?", "Personal Documents", "No", list("No","Yes"))
+ if (confirm == "No")
+ return
+ else
+ var/texttoadd = input(H, "What do you want to write? Up to 150 characters", "Notes", "") as text
+ texttoadd = sanitize(texttoadd, 150, FALSE)
+ texttoadd = "[texttoadd] - [H.real_name]"
+ guardnotes += texttoadd
+ return
+ showoff(user)
+ return
+////// TRADING CODE ////// (it's my magnum opus -Terrariola)
+/obj/structure/pepelsibirsk_radio //does nothing too important, ignore
+ name = "If you see this, talk to an admin."
+ desc = "THIS SHOULD NOT EXIST. -Terrariola"
+ icon = 'icons/obj/structures.dmi'
+ icon_state = "supply_radio"
+ name = "long range supply radio"
+ desc = "Use this to request supplies to be delivered to the city."
+ icon = 'icons/obj/structures.dmi'
+ icon_state = "supply_radio"
+ var/money = 0
+ var/marketval = 0
+ density = TRUE
+ anchored = TRUE
+ var/factionarea = "SupplyRN"
+ var/import_tax_rate = 0
+ var/faction = "civilian"
+ var/faction_treasury = "TreasuryRN"
+ not_movable = TRUE
+ not_disassemblable = TRUE
+ var/list/civ_catalogue = list( //type name, path, price
+ list("wood crate", /obj/structure/closet/crate/wood,50),
+ list("iron crate", /obj/structure/closet/crate/iron,50),
+ list("glass crate", /obj/structure/closet/crate/glass,50),
+ list("stone crate", /obj/structure/closet/crate/stone,50),
+ list("vegetables crate", /obj/structure/closet/crate/rations/vegetables,30),
+ list("fruits crate", /obj/structure/closet/crate/rations/fruits,30),
+ list("biscuits crate", /obj/structure/closet/crate/rations/biscuits,30),
+ list("beer crate", /obj/structure/closet/crate/rations/beer,30),
+ list("ale crate", /obj/structure/closet/crate/rations/ale,30),
+ list("cow", /mob/living/simple_animal/cattle/cow,150),
+ list("bull", /mob/living/simple_animal/cattle/bull,150),
+ list("sheep ram", /mob/living/simple_animal/sheep,80),
+ list("sheep ewe", /mob/living/simple_animal/sheep/female,80),
+ list("pig boar", /mob/living/simple_animal/pig_boar,100),
+ list("pig gilt", /mob/living/simple_animal/pig_gilt,100),
+ list("hen", /mob/living/simple_animal/chicken,50),
+ list("rooster", /mob/living/simple_animal/rooster,50),
+ list("horse", /mob/living/simple_animal/horse,200),
+ list("brick crate", /obj/structure/closet/crate/brick,100),
+ list("medical supplies", /obj/item/weapon/storage/firstaid/adv,50),
+ )
+ var/list/mil_catalogue = list(
+ list("gunpowder barrel", /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/barrel/gunpowder,25),
+ list("sks crate (5)", /obj/structure/closet/crate/pepelsibirsk/sks,500),
+ list("akm crate (5)", /obj/structure/closet/crate/pepelsibirsk/akm,1000),
+ list("ak-74 crate (5)", /obj/structure/closet/crate/pepelsibirsk/ak74,1200),
+ list("svd crate (2)", /obj/structure/closet/crate/pepelsibirsk/svd,1000),
+ list("mosin-nagant crate (10)", /obj/structure/closet/crate/pepelsibirsk/mosin,500),
+ list("PPSh-41 crate (2)", /obj/structure/closet/crate/pepelsibirsk/ppsh,400),
+ list("makarov crate (5)", /obj/structure/closet/crate/pepelsibirsk/makarov,150),
+ list("surplus red army uniform crate (5)", /obj/structure/closet/crate/pepelsibirsk/surplus_ww2,200),
+ list("afghanka uniform crate (5)", /obj/structure/closet/crate/pepelsibirsk/sov_uniforms,250),
+ list("frag grenade crate (12)", /obj/structure/closet/crate/pepelsibirsk/rgd5,800),
+ list("7.62x39mm ammunition crate (300)", /obj/structure/closet/crate/pepelsibirsk/seven62x39mm,100),
+ list("7.62x54mmR ammunition crate (200)", /obj/structure/closet/crate/pepelsibirsk/seven62x54mmr,100),
+ list("9x18mm ammunition crate (240)", /obj/structure/closet/crate/pepelsibirsk/ninex18mm,50),
+ list("6B1 vest crate (5)", /obj/structure/closet/crate/pepelsibirsk/sixb1,300),
+ list("6B2 vest crate (5)", /obj/structure/closet/crate/pepelsibirsk/sixb2,1000),
+ )
+/obj/structure/pepelsibirsk_radio/supply_radio/proc/update_cost(final_list, final_cost, choice, user, scam)
+ if (choice == "Pepelsibirsk 1 (MIL)" && scam == "No, we're honest.")
+ pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["mil_relations"] += final_cost*0.02
+ else if (choice == "Narodnyygorod (CIV)" && scam == "No, we're honest.")
+ pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["civ_relations"] += final_cost*0.02
+ else if (choice == "Narodnyygorod (CIV)" && scam == "Yes, scam them!")
+ pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["civ_relations"] -= final_cost*0.08
+ else if (choice == "Pepelsibirsk 1 (MIL)" && scam == "Yes, scam them!")
+ pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["mil_relations"] -= final_cost*0.08
+ if (scam == "No, we're honest.")
+ to_chat(user, "Your item will arrive in 60 seconds. Relations with [choice] have increased by [final_cost*0.02].")
+ else if (scam == "Yes, scam them!")
+ to_chat(user, "Your item will arrive in 60 seconds. Relations with [choice] have decreased by [final_cost*0.08].")
+ spawn(1 MINUTE)
+ var/list/turfs = list()
+ if (faction_treasury != "craftable")
+ turfs = latejoin_turfs[factionarea]
+ else
+ turfs = list(get_turf(locate(x,y+1,z)))
+ var/spawnpoint
+ spawnpoint = pick(turfs)
+ var/tpath = final_list[2]
+ new tpath(get_turf(spawnpoint))
+ to_chat(user, "Your [final_list[1]] has arrived.")
+ return
+/obj/structure/pepelsibirsk_radio/supply_radio/attack_hand(var/mob/living/human/user as mob)
+ var/final_cost
+ var/list/final_list = list()
+ var/list/display = list ()//The products to be displayed, includes name of crate and price
+ var/list/companies = list(
+ "Cancel Purchase",
+ "Pepelsibirsk 1 (MIL)",
+ "Narodnyygorod (CIV)",
+ )
+ var/list/scamornot = list (
+ "No, we're honest.",
+ "Yes, scam them!",
+ )
+ var/catalogue = list()
+ var/choice = WWinput(user, "Pick a supplier:", "Supplier", "Cancel Purchase", companies)
+ if (choice == "Cancel Purchase")
+ if((round(money) >= 1))
+ new/obj/item/stack/money/rubles(loc, round(money)) //Rubles
+ if (((money) - round(money)) > 0)
+ new/obj/item/stack/money/coppercoin(loc, round(((money) - round(money)), 0.01) * 100) //This should never happen, but just in case
+ money = 0
+ return
+ if (choice == "Narodnyygorod (CIV)")
+ catalogue = civ_catalogue
+ if (pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["civ_relations"] <= 25 )
+ to_chat(user, "Your relations with this faction are too low!")
+ return
+ else if (choice == "Pepelsibirsk 1 (MIL)")
+ catalogue = mil_catalogue
+ if (pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["mil_relations"] <= 25 )
+ to_chat(user, "Your relations with this faction are too low!")
+ return
+ for (var/list/i in catalogue)
+ display += "[i[1]], [i[3]] rubles"
+ display += "Cancel Purchase"
+ var/choice2 = WWinput(user, "Current Rubles: [money]", "Order a crate", "Cancel Purchase", display)
+ var/scam = WWinput(user, "Current Rubles: [money]", "Shall we scam them?", "No, we're honest.", scamornot)
+ if (choice2 != "Cancel Purchase")
+ var/list/choicename = splittext(choice2, ", ")
+ for(var/list/i2 in catalogue)
+ if (i2[1]== choicename[1])
+ final_list = i2
+ world.log << "A purchase has been made: [final_list[1]], [final_list[2]], [final_list[3]]"
+ final_cost = (final_list[3])
+ if (final_list[3] <= money || scam == "Yes, scam them!" ) // you can afford the item or you're scamming
+ if (scam == "No, we're honest.")
+ money -= final_cost
+ update_cost(final_list, final_cost, choice, user, scam)
+ if((round(money) >= 1))
+ new/obj/item/stack/money/rubles(loc, round(money))
+ if (((money) - round(money)) > 0)
+ new/obj/item/stack/money/coppercoin(loc, round(((money) - round(money)), 0.01) * 100) //This should never happen, but just in case
+ money = 0
+ else // you're broke
+ if((round(money) >= 1))
+ new/obj/item/stack/money/rubles(loc, round(money))
+ if (((money) - round(money)) > 0)
+ new/obj/item/stack/money/coppercoin(loc, round(((money) - round(money)), 0.01) * 100) //This should never happen, but just in case
+ money = 0
+ to_chat(user, "You don't have enough money for this item.")
+ break
+ else
+ if((round(money) >= 1)) //giving money back
+ new/obj/item/stack/money/rubles(loc, round(money))
+ if (((money) - round(money)) > 0)
+ new/obj/item/stack/money/coppercoin(loc, round(((money) - round(money)), 0.01) * 100) //This should never happen, but just in case
+ money = 0
+ return
+/obj/structure/pepelsibirsk_radio/supply_radio/attackby(var/obj/item/stack/W as obj, var/mob/living/human/user as mob)
+ if (W.amount && istype(W, /obj/item/stack/money/rubles))
+ money += W.value*W.amount
+ qdel(W)
+ return
+ else
+ to_chat(user, "You need to use rubles.")
+ return
+ name = "long range export radio"
+ desc = "Use this to export resources."
+ icon = 'icons/obj/structures.dmi'
+ icon_state = "export_radio"
+ var/money = 0
+ var/marketval = 0
+ var/moneyin = 0
+ density = TRUE
+ anchored = TRUE
+ var/export_tax_rate = 0
+ var/faction = "civilian"
+ var/faction_treasury = "TreasuryRN"
+ not_movable = TRUE
+ not_disassemblable = TRUE
+/obj/structure/pepelsibirsk_radio/export_radio/attackby(var/obj/item/W as obj, var/mob/living/human/user as mob)
+ if (W.value == 0)
+ to_chat(user, "There is no demand for this item.")
+ return
+ else
+ if (pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["civ_relations"] >= 25)
+ if (istype(W))
+ marketval = W.value + rand(-round(W.value/10),round(W.value/10))
+ moneyin = marketval*W.amount-((marketval*W.amount)*(export_tax_rate/100))
+ var/exportChoice = WWinput(user, "Sell the whole stack for [moneyin] rubles?", "Exporting", "Yes", list("Yes", "No"))
+ if (exportChoice == "Yes")
+ if (W && marketval > 0)
+ new/obj/item/stack/money/rubles(loc, round(moneyin)) // Rubles
+ qdel(W)
+ marketval = 0
+ return
+ else
+ marketval = 0
+ return
+ else
+ to_chat(user, "Your relations with Narodnyygorod are too low!")
+ return
+////// ENEMY AIR BOMBING //////
+/obj/map_metadata/pepelsibirsk/proc/bombing(var/turf/T, direction, aircraft_name)
+ var/strikenum = rand(1, 10)
+ var/xoffset = 0
+ var/yoffset = 0
+ var/direction_xoffset = 0
+ var/direction_yoffset = 0
+ to_chat(world, SPAN_DANGER("And drops a barrage of bombs!"))
+ spawn(15)
+ for (var/i = 1, i <= strikenum, i++)
+ switch (direction)
+ if (1)
+ direction_yoffset += 3
+ xoffset = rand(-2,2)
+ yoffset = rand(0,1)
+ if (2)
+ direction_xoffset += 3
+ xoffset = rand(0,1)
+ yoffset = rand(-2,2)
+ if (3)
+ direction_yoffset -= 3
+ xoffset = rand(-2,2)
+ yoffset = rand(0,1)
+ if (4)
+ direction_xoffset -= 3
+ xoffset = rand(0,1)
+ yoffset = rand(-2,2)
+ spawn(i*8)
+ explosion(locate((T.x + xoffset + direction_xoffset),(T.y + yoffset + direction_yoffset),T.z),0,1,5,3,sound='sound/weapons/Explosives/FragGrenade.ogg')
+/obj/map_metadata/pepelsibirsk/proc/try_shoot_down_aircraft(var/turf/T, direction, aircraft_name)
+ spawn(8 SECONDS)
+ var/sound/sam_sound = sound('sound/effects/aircraft/sa6_sam_site.ogg', repeat = FALSE, wait = FALSE, channel = 777)
+ sam_sound.priority = 250
+ for (var/mob/M in player_list)
+ if (!new_player_mob_list.Find(M))
+ to_chat(M, SPAN_DANGER("A SAM site fires at the [aircraft_name]!"))
+ M.client << sam_sound
+ spawn(5 SECONDS)
+ if (prob(95)) // Shoot down the jet
+ var/sound/uploaded_sound = sound((pick('sound/effects/aircraft/effects/metal1.ogg','sound/effects/aircraft/effects/metal2.ogg')), repeat = FALSE, wait = FALSE, channel = 777)
+ uploaded_sound.priority = 250
+ for (var/mob/M in player_list)
+ if (!new_player_mob_list.Find(M))
+ to_chat(M, SPAN_DANGER("The SAM directly hits the [aircraft_name], shooting it down!"))
+ if (M.client)
+ M.client << uploaded_sound
+ log_game("Aircraft [aircraft_name] has been shot down.")
+ return
+ else // Evade the Anti-Air
+ var/sound/uploaded_sound = sound((pick('sound/effects/aircraft/effects/missile1.ogg','sound/effects/aircraft/effects/missile2.ogg')), repeat = FALSE, wait = FALSE, channel = 777)
+ uploaded_sound.priority = 250
+ for (var/mob/M in player_list)
+ if (!new_player_mob_list.Find(M))
+ to_chat(M, SPAN_NOTICE("The SAM misses the [aircraft_name]!"))
+ if (M.client)
+ M.client << uploaded_sound
+ bombing(T, direction, aircraft_name)
+/obj/map_metadata/pepelsibirsk/proc/try_bombing(var/turf/T, direction, faction)
+ var/aircraft_name
+ switch(faction)
+ if ("CHINA")
+ new /obj/effect/plane_flyby/f16_no_message(T)
+ aircraft_name = "Xi'an H-6"
+ if ("SOVIET")
+ new /obj/effect/plane_flyby/su25_no_message(T)
+ aircraft_name = "MiG-27"
+ to_chat(world, SPAN_DANGER("The clouds open up as a [aircraft_name] cuts through."))
+ var/anti_air_in_range = FALSE
+ for (var/obj/structure/milsim/anti_air/AA in range(60, T))
+ anti_air_in_range++
+ if (anti_air_in_range)
+ try_shoot_down_aircraft(T, direction, aircraft_name)
+ else
+ bombing(T, direction, aircraft_name)
+ return
+ var/direction = rand(1, 4)
+ var/turf/T = locate(rand(1, 255),rand(1, 255),2)
+ try_bombing(T, direction, faction)
+ var/faction
+ var/next_bombing_1 = rand(30 SECONDS, 30 MINUTES)
+ var/next_bombing_2 = rand(30 SECONDS, 5 MINUTES)
+ message_admins("The initial stage of the enemy_attacks() proc will be triggered in [next_bombing_1] deciseconds. The second stage will be triggered [next_bombing_2] deciseconds after that.")
+ world.log << "The initial stage of the enemy_attacks() proc will be triggered in [next_bombing_1] deciseconds. The second stage will be triggered [next_bombing_2] deciseconds after that."
+ spawn(next_bombing_1)
+ if (pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["china_relations"] <= 25)
+ faction = "CHINA"
+ bombing_location(faction)
+ pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["china_relations"] += 0.5
+ spawn(next_bombing_2)
+ if (pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["soviet_relations"] <= 25)
+ faction = "SOVIET"
+ bombing_location(faction)
+ pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations["soviet_relations"] += 0.5
+ enemy_attacks()
+ name = "anti-air crate"
+ desc = "A supply crate used to make SAM sites."
+ icon = 'icons/obj/junk.dmi'
+ icon_state = "supply_crate"
+ anchored = FALSE
+ flammable = FALSE
+ w_class = ITEM_SIZE_LARGE
+ opacity = FALSE
+ density = TRUE
+ var/health = 250
+ ..()
+ overlays += image(icon = 'icons/obj/junk.dmi', icon_state = "o-ru")
+ if (health <= 0)
+ visible_message(SPAN_DANGER("\The [src] took too much damage and explodes!"))
+ explosion(get_turf(src),0,1,1,1)
+ qdel(src)
+ return
+ switch(severity)
+ if (1.0)
+ health -= 600
+ if (2.0)
+ health -= 200
+ if (3.0)
+ health -= 100
+ try_destroy()
+ health -= proj.damage/3
+ visible_message(SPAN_NOTICE("\The [src] is hit by the [proj.name]!"))
+ try_destroy()
+/obj/structure/anti_air_crate/attack_hand(mob/living/human/H as mob)
+ var/AA_in_range = 0
+ for (var/obj/structure/milsim/anti_air/AA in range(10, src)) // Check if there are friendly Anti-Air within 10 tiles, if so block the build
+ AA_in_range++
+ if (AA_in_range)
+ to_chat(H, SPAN_WARNING("You cannot build Anti-Air so close to another, consider moving away."))
+ return
+ else
+ to_chat(H, SPAN_NOTICE("You starting building an Anti-Air with \the [src]."))
+ if (do_after(H, 30 SECONDS, src))
+ to_chat(H, SPAN("good", "You build an Anti-Air with \the [src]."))
+ var/obj/structure/milsim/anti_air/AA = new/obj/structure/milsim/anti_air(get_turf(src))
+ AA.attack_hand(H)
+ qdel(src)
+ return
+ return
diff --git a/code/game/objects/structures/vending/vending_sales.dm b/code/game/objects/structures/vending/vending_sales.dm
index 4fe7430475..1f7b5beaa9 100644
--- a/code/game/objects/structures/vending/vending_sales.dm
+++ b/code/game/objects/structures/vending/vending_sales.dm
@@ -24,8 +24,15 @@
/obj/structure/vending/sales/attackby(obj/item/W as obj, mob/user as mob)
if (istype(W, /obj/item/stack/money))
var/obj/item/stack/money/M = W
- moneyin += M.amount*M.value
- if (map.ID == MAP_KANDAHAR)
+ if (istype(src, /obj/structure/vending/sales/pepelsibirsk))
+ if (istype(W, /obj/item/stack/money/rubles))
+ moneyin += M.amount*M.value
+ else
+ to_chat(user, "Foreign traders only accept the Soviet ruble.")
+ return
+ else
+ moneyin += M.amount*M.value
+ if (map.ID == MAP_KANDAHAR || istype(src, /obj/structure/vending/sales/pepelsibirsk))
user << "You give \the [W] to the [src]."
user << "You put \the [W] in the [src]."
@@ -212,7 +219,7 @@
if (!ui)
ui = new(user, src, ui_key, "vending_machine_taotd.tmpl", name, 440, 600)
- else if (map.ID == MAP_GULAG13)
+ else if (map.ID == MAP_GULAG13 || istype(src, /obj/structure/vending/sales/pepelsibirsk))
ui = new(user, src, ui_key, "vending_machine_gulag.tmpl", name, 440, 600)
else if (map.ID == MAP_KANDAHAR)
ui = new(user, src, ui_key, "vending_machine_taotd.tmpl", name, 440, 600)
@@ -264,6 +271,11 @@
status_message = "Please insert money to pay for the item."
status_error = FALSE
+ if (istype(src, /obj/structure/vending/sales/pepelsibirsk))
+ var/obj/structure/vending/sales/pepelsibirsk/faction_trader = src
+ if (istype(faction_trader))
+ pepel_factions.pepelsibirsk_relations[faction_trader.faction_relations] += price_with_tax*inp*0.02
+ to_chat(usr, "Relations have increased by [price_with_tax*inp*0.02].")
moneyin -= price_with_tax*inp
if (owner != "Global")
map.custom_company_value[owner] += price_with_tax*inp
@@ -279,6 +291,11 @@
D.amount = moneyin/D.value
if (D.amount == 0)
+ else if (map.ID == MAP_PEPELSIBIRSK)
+ var/obj/item/stack/money/rubles/D = new/obj/item/stack/money/rubles(loc)
+ D.amount = moneyin/D.value
+ if (D.amount == 0)
+ qdel(D)
else if (map.ID == MAP_KANDAHAR)
var/obj/item/stack/money/dollar/D = new/obj/item/stack/money/dollar(loc)
D.amount = moneyin/D.value
@@ -313,7 +330,7 @@
D.amount = moneyin/D.value
if (D.amount == 0)
- else if (map.ID == MAP_GULAG13)
+ else if (map.ID == MAP_GULAG13 || MAP_PEPELSIBIRSK)
var/obj/item/stack/money/rubles/D = new/obj/item/stack/money/rubles(loc)
D.amount = moneyin/D.value
if (D.amount == 0)
@@ -644,4 +661,4 @@
if (!active)
- return
\ No newline at end of file
+ return
diff --git a/code/modules/1713/crates.dm b/code/modules/1713/crates.dm
index 60282cbab4..3116aae80b 100644
--- a/code/modules/1713/crates.dm
+++ b/code/modules/1713/crates.dm
@@ -1054,4 +1054,124 @@ obj/structure/closet/crate/airdrops/weapons
icon_opened = "wood_crate_opened"
icon_closed = "wood_crate"
paths = list(/obj/item/ammo_casing/bolt/iron = 20)
+ name = "red army surplus uniforms crate"
+ icon_state = "wood_crate"
+ icon_opened = "wood_crate_opened"
+ icon_closed = "wood_crate"
+ paths = list(/obj/item/clothing/under/ww2/soviet = 5,
+ /obj/item/clothing/shoes/heavyboots/wrappedboots = 5,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/coat/ww2/sovcoat = 5,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/ww2/soviet = 5)
+ name = "afghanka uniforms crate"
+ icon_state = "mil_crate_closed"
+ icon_opened = "mil_crate_opened"
+ icon_closed = "mil_crate_closed"
+ paths = list(/obj/item/clothing/under/afghanka = 5,
+ /obj/item/clothing/shoes/jackboots/soviet = 5,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/jacket/afghanka = 5,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/modern/ssh_68 = 5)
+ name = "sks crate"
+ icon_state = "mil_crate_closed"
+ icon_opened = "mil_crate_opened"
+ icon_closed = "mil_crate_closed"
+ paths = list(/obj/item/weapon/gun/projectile/semiautomatic/sks = 5,
+ /obj/item/ammo_magazine/sks = 20)
+ name = "akm crate"
+ icon_state = "mil_crate_closed"
+ icon_opened = "mil_crate_opened"
+ icon_closed = "mil_crate_closed"
+ paths = list(/obj/item/weapon/gun/projectile/submachinegun/ak47 = 5,
+ /obj/item/ammo_magazine/ak47 = 10)
+ name = "ak-74 crate"
+ icon_state = "mil_crate_closed"
+ icon_opened = "mil_crate_opened"
+ icon_closed = "mil_crate_closed"
+ paths = list(/obj/item/weapon/gun/projectile/submachinegun/ak74 = 5,
+ /obj/item/ammo_magazine/ak74 = 10)
+ name = "svd crate"
+ icon_state = "mil_crate_closed"
+ icon_opened = "mil_crate_opened"
+ icon_closed = "mil_crate_closed"
+ paths = list(/obj/item/weapon/gun/projectile/semiautomatic/svd = 2,
+ /obj/item/ammo_magazine/svd = 8)
+ name = "mosin-nagant crate"
+ icon_state = "wood_crate"
+ icon_opened = "wood_crate_opened"
+ icon_closed = "wood_crate"
+ paths = list(/obj/item/weapon/gun/projectile/boltaction/mosin/m30 = 10,
+ /obj/item/ammo_magazine/mosin = 40,
+ /obj/item/ammo_magazine/mosinbox = 10)
+ name = "ak-74 crate"
+ icon_state = "wood_crate"
+ icon_opened = "wood_crate_opened"
+ icon_closed = "wood_crate"
+ paths = list(/obj/item/weapon/gun/projectile/submachinegun/ppsh = 2,
+ /obj/item/ammo_magazine/c762x25_ppsh = 8)
+ name = "makarov crate"
+ icon_state = "mil_crate_closed"
+ icon_opened = "mil_crate_opened"
+ icon_closed = "mil_crate_closed"
+ paths = list(/obj/item/weapon/gun/projectile/pistol/makarov = 5,
+ /obj/item/ammo_magazine/makarov = 15)
+ name = "9x18mm crate"
+ icon_state = "mil_crate_closed"
+ icon_opened = "mil_crate_opened"
+ icon_closed = "mil_crate_closed"
+ paths = list(/obj/item/ammo_magazine/makarov/box = 4)
+ name = "7.62x39mm crate"
+ icon_state = "mil_crate_closed"
+ icon_opened = "mil_crate_opened"
+ icon_closed = "mil_crate_closed"
+ paths = list(/obj/item/ammo_magazine/ak47 = 10)
+ name = "7.62x54mmR crate"
+ icon_state = "wood_crate"
+ icon_opened = "wood_crate_opened"
+ icon_closed = "wood_crate"
+ paths = list(/obj/item/ammo_magazine/mosinbox = 4)
+ name = "frag grenade crate"
+ icon_state = "mil_crate_closed"
+ icon_opened = "mil_crate_opened"
+ icon_closed = "mil_crate_closed"
+ paths = list(/obj/item/weapon/grenade/coldwar/rgd5 = 12)
+ name = "6B1 vest crate"
+ icon_state = "mil_crate_closed"
+ icon_opened = "mil_crate_opened"
+ icon_closed = "mil_crate_closed"
+ paths = list(/obj/item/clothing/accessory/armor/coldwar/flakjacket/b1 = 5)
+ name = "6B2 vest crate"
+ icon_state = "mil_crate_closed"
+ icon_opened = "mil_crate_opened"
+ icon_closed = "mil_crate_closed"
+ paths = list(/obj/item/clothing/accessory/armor/coldwar/plates/b2 = 5)
diff --git a/code/modules/1713/jobs/nomads.dm b/code/modules/1713/jobs/nomads.dm
index 243a8767e7..507d9b4e0f 100644
--- a/code/modules/1713/jobs/nomads.dm
+++ b/code/modules/1713/jobs/nomads.dm
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
add_note("Chad Mode", "Starting epoch is the Stone Age, research is done by sacrificing players Sacrificing someone from your own faction will reduce the research level!. Reduced starting items and more hostile conditions.")
equip_to_slot_or_del(new /obj/item/clothing/under/leaves_skirt(src), slot_w_uniform)
if (map.ordinal_age == 0)
equip_to_slot_or_del(new /obj/item/weapon/material/kitchen/utensil/knife/bone(src), slot_l_store)
@@ -324,7 +325,6 @@
equip_to_slot_or_del(new /obj/item/clothing/under/civf1(src), slot_w_uniform)
equip_to_slot_or_del(new /obj/item/clothing/shoes/sandal(src), slot_shoes)
equip_to_slot_or_del(new /obj/item/stack/money/coppercoin/twohundred(src), slot_r_store)
if (8)
equip_to_slot_or_del(new /obj/item/clothing/shoes/jackboots(src), slot_shoes)
@@ -343,8 +343,8 @@
equip_to_slot_or_del(new /obj/item/clothing/under/civf1(src), slot_w_uniform)
equip_to_slot_or_del(new /obj/item/clothing/shoes/sandal(src), slot_shoes)
equip_to_slot_or_del(new /obj/item/stack/money/coppercoin/twohundred(src), slot_r_store)
+ equip_to_slot_or_del(new /obj/item/weapon/personal_documents(src), slot_wear_id)
var/area/mob_area = get_area(src)
@@ -931,6 +931,43 @@
real_name = name
add_note("Known Languages", "Mongolian")
+ else if (map.ID == MAP_PEPELSIBIRSK)
+ spawn(5)
+ switch(nationality)
+ if ("Polish")
+ add_language("Polish",TRUE)
+ add_language("Russian",TRUE)
+ remove_language("English")
+ name = species.get_random_polish_name(gender)
+ real_name = name
+ add_note("Known Languages", "Polish", "Russian")
+ return
+ if ("Russian")
+ add_language("Russian",TRUE)
+ remove_language("English")
+ name = species.get_random_russian_name(gender)
+ real_name = name
+ add_note("Known Languages", "Polish")
+ return
+ if ("German")
+ add_language("German",TRUE)
+ add_language("Russian",TRUE)
+ remove_language("English")
+ name = species.get_random_german_name(gender)
+ real_name = name
+ add_note("Known Languages", "German", "Russian")
+ return
+ if ("Ukrainian")
+ add_language("Ukrainian",TRUE)
+ add_language("Russian",TRUE)
+ remove_language("English")
+ name = species.get_random_ukrainian_name(gender)
+ real_name = name
+ add_note("Known Languages", "Ukrainian", "Russian")
+ return
diff --git a/icons/mob/npcs.dmi b/icons/mob/npcs.dmi
index 9ce0455f56..ccbc26a557 100644
Binary files a/icons/mob/npcs.dmi and b/icons/mob/npcs.dmi differ
diff --git a/icons/obj/structures.dmi b/icons/obj/structures.dmi
index c8f8eea88e..1be630af36 100644
Binary files a/icons/obj/structures.dmi and b/icons/obj/structures.dmi differ
diff --git a/maps/1969/pepelsibirsk.dmm b/maps/1969/pepelsibirsk.dmm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed787b8142
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maps/1969/pepelsibirsk.dmm
@@ -0,0 +1,141208 @@
+"aa" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sink_alt";
+ name = "sink";
+ pixel_x = 10
+ },
+"ab" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"ac" = (
+ icon_state = "shower";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"ad" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"ae" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"af" = (
+"ag" = (
+ dir = 5
+ },
+"ah" = (
+"ai" = (
+"aj" = (
+"ak" = (
+"al" = (
+"am" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"an" = (
+"ao" = (
+"ap" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+"aq" = (
+"ar" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"as" = (
+"at" = (
+"av" = (
+ name = "deep sewer water"
+ },
+"aw" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"ax" = (
+"ay" = (
+"az" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"aA" = (
+ desc = "No crossing of the stripped line without authorization.";
+ layer = 6.2;
+ name = "Restricted Area - Do not cross"
+ },
+"aB" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"aC" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 40
+ },
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"aD" = (
+"aE" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"aG" = (
+"aH" = (
+"aI" = (
+ dir = 10
+ },
+"aJ" = (
+"aK" = (
+"aL" = (
+"aO" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"aP" = (
+"aQ" = (
+ dir = 10
+ },
+"aR" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence"
+ },
+"aS" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"aT" = (
+ color = "#a7d1cc";
+ density = 0
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"aU" = (
+"aV" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"aW" = (
+ pixel_y = -30
+ },
+"aX" = (
+"aY" = (
+"aZ" = (
+ name = "financial services telephone"
+ },
+"ba" = (
+"bb" = (
+"bc" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"bd" = (
+"be" = (
+"bf" = (
+"bh" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "rails_turn_right"
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"bi" = (
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"bj" = (
+"bk" = (
+"bm" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"bn" = (
+"bo" = (
+ pixel_y = 8;
+ name = "warehouse inventory"
+ },
+"bp" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"bq" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+"br" = (
+"bs" = (
+"bt" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"bu" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"bv" = (
+"bw" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ name = "fire department telephone";
+ phonenumber = 2225
+ },
+"bx" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"by" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+"bz" = (
+"bA" = (
+"bB" = (
+ pixel_y = -32
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"bC" = (
+"bD" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+"bE" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"bF" = (
+ desc = "A bunch of bricks, can be used as a cover.";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon = 'icons/turf/roofs.dmi';
+ icon_state = "blackclay_dm";
+ name = "black clay roof"
+ },
+"bG" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"bH" = (
+"bI" = (
+"bJ" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"bK" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"bL" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"bM" = (
+"bN" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"bO" = (
+"bP" = (
+ name = "Car Factory key"
+ },
+ name = "Car Factory key"
+ },
+ name = "Car Factory key"
+ },
+ name = "Car Factory key"
+ },
+ name = "Car Factory key"
+ },
+ name = "Car Factory key"
+ },
+"bQ" = (
+ name = "Collective Farm Key"
+ },
+"bR" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"bS" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"bT" = (
+ amount = 100
+ },
+ amount = 100
+ },
+ amount = 100
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"bU" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ pixel_y = 10
+ },
+"bV" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "stone";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"bW" = (
+"bX" = (
+"bY" = (
+ icon = 'icons/turf/roofs.dmi';
+ icon_state = "clay_dm";
+ name = "clay roof"
+ },
+"bZ" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"cb" = (
+"cc" = (
+"cf" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = 10
+ },
+"cg" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_r";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"ch" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"ci" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+"cj" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 10
+ },
+"ck" = (
+"cl" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"cm" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"cn" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"co" = (
+"cp" = (
+"cq" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"cr" = (
+"cs" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+"ct" = (
+"cu" = (
+"cv" = (
+"cw" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "wheel_t_dark"
+ },
+ doorcode = 13443
+ },
+"cy" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ name = "deep sewer water"
+ },
+"cz" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"cA" = (
+"cB" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"cC" = (
+"cD" = (
+"cE" = (
+"cF" = (
+"cG" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"cH" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"cI" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 9;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+"cJ" = (
+"cK" = (
+ opacity = 1
+ },
+"cL" = (
+"cM" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"cN" = (
+"cO" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"cP" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"cQ" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "officechair_white"
+ },
+"cR" = (
+"cS" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "sandbag"
+ },
+"cT" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+"cU" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"cV" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sink_alt";
+ pixel_x = 10
+ },
+"cW" = (
+ dir = 9;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"cX" = (
+"cZ" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "sandbag"
+ },
+"da" = (
+"db" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"dc" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"dd" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "officechair_white"
+ },
+"de" = (
+ anchored = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"df" = (
+"dg" = (
+"dh" = (
+"di" = (
+"dj" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+"dk" = (
+ name = "car factory manager's telephone";
+ phonenumber = 3331
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 9
+ },
+"dl" = (
+"dm" = (
+ powerneeded = 5;
+ name = "refrigeration unit"
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"dn" = (
+"do" = (
+"dp" = (
+ name = "V12 diesel engine"
+ },
+"dq" = (
+"dr" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"ds" = (
+"dt" = (
+ pixel_y = 6
+ },
+"du" = (
+ icon = 'icons/turf/roofs.dmi';
+ icon_state = "blackclay_dm";
+ name = "black clay roof"
+ },
+ desc = "A bunch of bricks, can be used as a cover.";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"dv" = (
+"dw" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken6"
+ },
+"dx" = (
+ icon_state = "chair";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"dy" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"dz" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"dA" = (
+"dB" = (
+"dC" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"dD" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sandbag"
+ },
+"dE" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sink";
+ pixel_x = -10
+ },
+"dF" = (
+"dG" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"dH" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"dI" = (
+"dK" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"dL" = (
+"dM" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"dN" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"dO" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "officechair_white"
+ },
+"dP" = (
+"dQ" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ name = "wood bench"
+ },
+"dR" = (
+"dS" = (
+"dT" = (
+"dU" = (
+ icon_state = "chair";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"dV" = (
+ dir = 6
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+"dW" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"dX" = (
+"dY" = (
+"dZ" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"ea" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"eb" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"ec" = (
+"ee" = (
+ icon_state = "Junk_10"
+ },
+"eg" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"eh" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"ei" = (
+ dir = 9;
+ icon_state = "potted_plant"
+ },
+"ej" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_r";
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = 10
+ },
+"ek" = (
+"el" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+"em" = (
+ color = "#d3d3d3";
+ doorcode = 13443;
+ override_color = "#FFFFFF"
+ },
+"en" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"eq" = (
+"er" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"es" = (
+"eu" = (
+ name = "Car Factory key"
+ },
+"ev" = (
+"ew" = (
+"ex" = (
+"ey" = (
+"ez" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"eA" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"eB" = (
+"eC" = (
+"eD" = (
+ name = "Morgue";
+ unique_door_name = "Morgue"
+ },
+"eE" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "officechair_white"
+ },
+"eF" = (
+ dir = 9;
+ icon_state = "potted_plant"
+ },
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"eG" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ desc = "A bunch of bricks, can be used as a cover.";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon = 'icons/turf/roofs.dmi';
+ icon_state = "blackclay_dm";
+ name = "black clay roof"
+ },
+"eH" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ name = "deep sewer water"
+ },
+"eI" = (
+"eJ" = (
+"eK" = (
+"eL" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"eM" = (
+ icon_state = "chair";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"eN" = (
+"eO" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sink_alt";
+ pixel_x = 12
+ },
+"eP" = (
+ name = "medicine kit"
+ },
+ name = "medicine kit"
+ },
+ name = "medicine kit"
+ },
+"eQ" = (
+"eR" = (
+"eS" = (
+"eT" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"eU" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_r";
+ dir = 4;
+ pixel_x = -10
+ },
+"eV" = (
+"eW" = (
+"eX" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"eY" = (
+"eZ" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "sink_alt";
+ pixel_x = -12
+ },
+"fa" = (
+"fb" = (
+"fc" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_l";
+ dir = 4;
+ pixel_x = -10
+ },
+"fd" = (
+"fe" = (
+"ff" = (
+"fg" = (
+"fh" = (
+"fi" = (
+"fj" = (
+"fk" = (
+"fl" = (
+"fm" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"fn" = (
+"fo" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"fq" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"fr" = (
+"fs" = (
+"fu" = (
+ color = "#000000";
+ icon_state = "graffiti2";
+ layer = 7;
+ pixel_x = -32
+ },
+"fv" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"fw" = (
+"fx" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"fA" = (
+"fB" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"fC" = (
+"fE" = (
+"fF" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+ name = "police telephone";
+ phonenumber = 2224
+ },
+"fG" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"fH" = (
+ icon = 'icons/turf/roofs.dmi';
+ icon_state = "cement_dm";
+ name = "concrete roof"
+ },
+"fI" = (
+"fJ" = (
+"fL" = (
+ pixel_y = 28
+ },
+"fM" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"fQ" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"fR" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"fS" = (
+"fT" = (
+"fU" = (
+ icon_state = "iron_fence";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"fV" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"fW" = (
+"fX" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken6"
+ },
+"fZ" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"ga" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "officechair_white"
+ },
+"gb" = (
+"gc" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+"gd" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"ge" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"gf" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"gh" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "officechair_white"
+ },
+"gi" = (
+"gj" = (
+"gk" = (
+"gl" = (
+"gm" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"gn" = (
+"go" = (
+"gp" = (
+"gq" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"gr" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 6
+ },
+"gs" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"gt" = (
+"gu" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "officechair_white"
+ },
+"gv" = (
+"gw" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+"gx" = (
+ anchored = 1
+ },
+"gy" = (
+"gz" = (
+"gB" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_l";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"gC" = (
+"gD" = (
+"gE" = (
+"gF" = (
+"gG" = (
+"gH" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"gI" = (
+"gJ" = (
+ name = "People's Court";
+ desc = "The court of the People.";
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"gK" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"gN" = (
+"gO" = (
+"gP" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"gR" = (
+"gS" = (
+"gT" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"gU" = (
+"gV" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"gW" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"gX" = (
+"gY" = (
+"gZ" = (
+ desc = "A bunch of bricks, can be used as a cover.";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon = 'icons/turf/roofs.dmi';
+ icon_state = "blackclay_dm";
+ name = "black clay roof"
+ },
+"ha" = (
+"hb" = (
+"hc" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"hd" = (
+ layer = 5;
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"he" = (
+"hg" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"hh" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"hi" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "cash_register"
+ },
+"hj" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"hk" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"hl" = (
+"hm" = (
+"ho" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "sink_alt";
+ pixel_x = -12
+ },
+"hp" = (
+ icon_state = "iron_fence";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"hq" = (
+"hr" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "officechair_white"
+ },
+"hs" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = 14
+ },
+"ht" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"hu" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"hv" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "sink"
+ },
+"hw" = (
+ pixel_x = -26
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "sink";
+ pixel_x = -14
+ },
+"hx" = (
+ name = "deep sewer water"
+ },
+"hy" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"hz" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"hA" = (
+ color = "#5472C7"
+ },
+"hB" = (
+"hC" = (
+"hD" = (
+ icon_state = "book-1"
+ },
+"hE" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"hF" = (
+"hG" = (
+"hH" = (
+"hI" = (
+ dir = 5;
+ icon_state = "potted_plant"
+ },
+"hJ" = (
+"hK" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 6
+ },
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+"hL" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 100
+ },
+"hM" = (
+ pixel_y = -30
+ },
+"hN" = (
+"hO" = (
+"hP" = (
+"hQ" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"hR" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"hS" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ pixel_y = -30
+ },
+"hT" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"hU" = (
+ powerneeded = 5;
+ name = "refrigeration unit"
+ },
+"hV" = (
+"hW" = (
+"hX" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_r";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"hY" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"hZ" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"ia" = (
+"ic" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_l"
+ },
+"id" = (
+"if" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"ig" = (
+"ih" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"ii" = (
+"ij" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"ik" = (
+"il" = (
+"im" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"in" = (
+ name = "City Soviet Key"
+ },
+ name = "City Soviet Key"
+ },
+ name = "City Soviet Key"
+ },
+ name = "City Soviet Key"
+ },
+ name = "City Soviet Key"
+ },
+ name = "City Soviet Key"
+ },
+"io" = (
+"ip" = (
+ powerneeded = 5;
+ name = "refrigeration unit"
+ },
+"iq" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"ir" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"is" = (
+"it" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"iu" = (
+"iv" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"iw" = (
+ dir = 9;
+ icon = 'icons/obj/flora/plants.dmi';
+ icon_state = "plant-36";
+ layer = 4;
+ pixel_y = 16
+ },
+"ix" = (
+"iy" = (
+"iz" = (
+"iA" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence"
+ },
+ icon_state = "barbwire";
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = -5
+ },
+"iB" = (
+"iC" = (
+ name = "R&D Key"
+ },
+"iD" = (
+"iE" = (
+"iF" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"iG" = (
+"iH" = (
+"iI" = (
+"iJ" = (
+"iK" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+"iL" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"iM" = (
+"iN" = (
+"iO" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = -8
+ },
+"iP" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"iQ" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_r";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"iR" = (
+ name = "Operating Room";
+ unique_door_name = "Operating Room"
+ },
+"iS" = (
+"iT" = (
+"iU" = (
+"iV" = (
+"iW" = (
+"iX" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"iY" = (
+"iZ" = (
+ icon_state = "Junk_7"
+ },
+"ja" = (
+"jb" = (
+"jc" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"jd" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"je" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_l";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"jf" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+"jg" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "sink_alt";
+ pixel_x = -12
+ },
+"jh" = (
+"ji" = (
+"jj" = (
+"jl" = (
+"jm" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"jo" = (
+"jp" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"jq" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 9
+ },
+"jr" = (
+"js" = (
+"ju" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"jv" = (
+"jw" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+"jx" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"jy" = (
+"jz" = (
+"jA" = (
+"jB" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"jC" = (
+"jD" = (
+"jE" = (
+"jF" = (
+"jG" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+ icon_state = "stone";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "sandbag"
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sandbag"
+ },
+"jH" = (
+"jI" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"jJ" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "rails_turn_left"
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"jK" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"jM" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ name = "deep sewer water"
+ },
+"jN" = (
+"jO" = (
+"jP" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"jQ" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_y = 1
+ },
+"jR" = (
+ icon_state = "book-4"
+ },
+"jS" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_l";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"jT" = (
+"jU" = (
+"jV" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"jW" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"jX" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"jY" = (
+"jZ" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"ka" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"kb" = (
+"kc" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"kd" = (
+"ke" = (
+"kf" = (
+"kg" = (
+"kh" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"ki" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"kj" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"kk" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"kl" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+"km" = (
+"kn" = (
+"ko" = (
+"kp" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"kq" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+"kr" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"kt" = (
+"ku" = (
+ dir = 6
+ },
+"kv" = (
+ name = "locker"
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = -6
+ },
+"kw" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sink_alt";
+ pixel_x = 12
+ },
+"kx" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"ky" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"kz" = (
+"kA" = (
+"kB" = (
+"kC" = (
+ name = "Car Factory door";
+ unique_door_name = "Car Factory Door"
+ },
+"kE" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"kF" = (
+"kG" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"kH" = (
+"kI" = (
+ powerneeded = 5;
+ name = "refrigeration unit"
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"kK" = (
+"kL" = (
+"kM" = (
+"kO" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_l";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"kP" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+ icon = 'icons/obj/structures.dmi';
+ icon_state = "bars_bank"
+ },
+"kQ" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ pixel_y = 3
+ },
+"kR" = (
+"kS" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"kU" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_y = 1
+ },
+"kV" = (
+"kW" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"kX" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"kZ" = (
+"la" = (
+"lb" = (
+"ld" = (
+"le" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"lf" = (
+"lg" = (
+"lh" = (
+ name = "hospital telephone";
+ phonenumber = 2223
+ },
+"li" = (
+"lj" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"lk" = (
+"ll" = (
+"lm" = (
+ brightness_color = "#da0205";
+ dir = 4;
+ name = "ambulance lights"
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "carseat_driver_left"
+ },
+ doorcode = 12443;
+ override_color = "#7F0000"
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "modern_intercom"
+ },
+"ln" = (
+"lo" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+"lp" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"lq" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+"lr" = (
+"ls" = (
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"lu" = (
+"lv" = (
+"lw" = (
+"lx" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"ly" = (
+"lz" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"lA" = (
+"lB" = (
+ pixel_x = -32
+ },
+"lC" = (
+"lD" = (
+"lE" = (
+"lF" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "rails_turn_right"
+ },
+"lG" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"lH" = (
+"lI" = (
+"lJ" = (
+"lK" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"lL" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"lM" = (
+"lN" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 6;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+"lO" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"lP" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"lQ" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"lT" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"lU" = (
+"lV" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "tube"
+ },
+"lW" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "officechair_white"
+ },
+"lX" = (
+ icon_state = "sovietsoda"
+ },
+"lY" = (
+"lZ" = (
+"ma" = (
+"mb" = (
+"mc" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"md" = (
+ color = "#DC4D4D"
+ },
+"me" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"mg" = (
+"mi" = (
+"mj" = (
+"mk" = (
+"ml" = (
+"mm" = (
+"mn" = (
+"mo" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"mp" = (
+"mq" = (
+"ms" = (
+ anchored = 1;
+ pixel_y = 8
+ },
+ anchored = 1
+ },
+"mt" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_l";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"mu" = (
+"mv" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 9
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+"mw" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"mx" = (
+"my" = (
+ desc = "No crossing of the stripped line without authorization.";
+ layer = 6.2;
+ name = "Restricted Area - Do not cross"
+ },
+"mz" = (
+ dir = 5;
+ icon_state = "potted_plant"
+ },
+"mA" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon = 'icons/turf/roofs.dmi';
+ icon_state = "blackclay_dm";
+ name = "black clay roof"
+ },
+"mB" = (
+"mC" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "officechair_white"
+ },
+"mD" = (
+"mE" = (
+"mF" = (
+"mG" = (
+"mH" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ name = "deep sewer water"
+ },
+"mI" = (
+"mJ" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"mK" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"mL" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"mM" = (
+"mN" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"mO" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"mP" = (
+"mQ" = (
+"mR" = (
+"mS" = (
+ pixel_y = 32;
+ layer = 3.4
+ },
+"mT" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"mU" = (
+"mV" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"mW" = (
+"mX" = (
+"mY" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "wooden_chair"
+ },
+"mZ" = (
+"na" = (
+"nb" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"nc" = (
+"nd" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+ name = "wood bench";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"ne" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"ng" = (
+"nh" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"ni" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"nj" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "sandbag"
+ },
+"nk" = (
+"nl" = (
+"nm" = (
+"nn" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"no" = (
+ dir = 5;
+ icon_state = "potted_plant"
+ },
+"np" = (
+"nq" = (
+"nr" = (
+"ns" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_r"
+ },
+"nt" = (
+"nu" = (
+"nv" = (
+"nw" = (
+"nx" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"ny" = (
+"nz" = (
+ phonenumber = 1116;
+ name = "city soviet telephone"
+ },
+"nA" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"nC" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"nD" = (
+ name = "City Soviet"
+ },
+"nE" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "wooden_chair"
+ },
+"nF" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"nG" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"nH" = (
+"nI" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"nJ" = (
+"nK" = (
+"nL" = (
+"nM" = (
+"nN" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"nO" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"nP" = (
+"nR" = (
+"nS" = (
+"nT" = (
+"nV" = (
+ desc = "Iron bars.";
+ icon = 'icons/obj/structures.dmi';
+ icon_state = "bars_bank";
+ name = "iron bars"
+ },
+"nW" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"nX" = (
+"nY" = (
+"nZ" = (
+ anchored = 1
+ },
+ anchored = 1;
+ icon_state = "officechair_white"
+ },
+"oa" = (
+"oc" = (
+ dir = 9;
+ icon_state = "potted_plant"
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"od" = (
+"oe" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"of" = (
+"og" = (
+"oh" = (
+"oi" = (
+"oj" = (
+"ok" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"ol" = (
+"on" = (
+"oo" = (
+"op" = (
+"oq" = (
+"or" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+"os" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "sink_alt";
+ name = "sink";
+ pixel_x = -10
+ },
+"ot" = (
+"ou" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ dir = 5
+ },
+"ov" = (
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "barbwire";
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = -5
+ },
+"ow" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"ox" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"oy" = (
+"oz" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ name = "deep sewer water"
+ },
+"oA" = (
+"oB" = (
+ phonenumber = 1111;
+ name = "local leadership telephone"
+ },
+"oC" = (
+"oD" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"oE" = (
+ powerneeded = 5;
+ name = "refrigeration unit"
+ },
+"oF" = (
+ color = "#DC4D4D"
+ },
+"oG" = (
+"oH" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"oI" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"oJ" = (
+"oK" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"oL" = (
+"oM" = (
+"oN" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"oO" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"oP" = (
+ icon_state = "chair";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"oV" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"oW" = (
+"oX" = (
+"oY" = (
+"oZ" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ pixel_y = -32;
+ desc = "The Pepelsibirsk City Hospital";
+ name = "Pepelsibirsk City Hospital"
+ },
+"pa" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"pb" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"pc" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sink_alt";
+ pixel_x = 12
+ },
+"pe" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"pf" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "wheelchair"
+ },
+"pg" = (
+ pixel_x = 32;
+ name = "Pepelsibirsk Prison";
+ desc = "The prison and police station of the city of Pepelsibirsk."
+ },
+"ph" = (
+"pi" = (
+"pj" = (
+"pk" = (
+"pl" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"pm" = (
+"pn" = (
+"po" = (
+"pp" = (
+"pq" = (
+ amount = 25
+ },
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"pr" = (
+"ps" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"pt" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sink_alt";
+ pixel_x = 12
+ },
+"pu" = (
+"pv" = (
+"pw" = (
+"px" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"pz" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"pA" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"pB" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"pD" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"pF" = (
+"pG" = (
+"pH" = (
+"pI" = (
+"pJ" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"pK" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+"pL" = (
+"pM" = (
+"pN" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 6
+ },
+"pO" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"pP" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_r";
+ dir = 4;
+ pixel_x = -10
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"pQ" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 5
+ },
+"pS" = (
+"pT" = (
+"pV" = (
+"pW" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"pX" = (
+"pY" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"pZ" = (
+"qa" = (
+"qb" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"qc" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"qd" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ pixel_x = -16
+ },
+"qe" = (
+"qf" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"qg" = (
+"qh" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"qi" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"qj" = (
+ pixel_x = 32
+ },
+"qk" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"ql" = (
+ icon = 'icons/turf/roofs.dmi';
+ icon_state = "blackclay_dm";
+ name = "black clay roof"
+ },
+"qm" = (
+"qn" = (
+"qo" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"qp" = (
+"qq" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"qr" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"qs" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"qt" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"qu" = (
+"qv" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"qw" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"qx" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_r";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"qy" = (
+"qz" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken3"
+ },
+"qA" = (
+"qB" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"qC" = (
+ layer = 7;
+ pixel_x = -32
+ },
+"qD" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "stone";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "sandbag"
+ },
+"qE" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"qF" = (
+"qG" = (
+"qH" = (
+"qI" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"qJ" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"qK" = (
+"qL" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"qM" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"qN" = (
+"qP" = (
+"qQ" = (
+"qR" = (
+"qT" = (
+"qU" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"qV" = (
+"qW" = (
+"qX" = (
+ color = "#000000";
+ layer = 6;
+ pixel_x = 32
+ },
+"qZ" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "sandbag"
+ },
+"ra" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"rb" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "officechair_white"
+ },
+"rc" = (
+"re" = (
+"rf" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"rg" = (
+"rh" = (
+ icon = 'icons/turf/roofs.dmi';
+ icon_state = "blackclay_dm";
+ name = "black clay roof"
+ },
+"ri" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"rj" = (
+"rk" = (
+"rl" = (
+"rm" = (
+"rn" = (
+"ro" = (
+"rp" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"rq" = (
+"rr" = (
+"rs" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"rt" = (
+"ru" = (
+"rv" = (
+"rw" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"rx" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"ry" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "rails_turn_right"
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"rz" = (
+ icon = 'icons/obj/structures.dmi';
+ icon_state = "bars_bank"
+ },
+"rA" = (
+"rB" = (
+"rC" = (
+ amount = 100
+ },
+ amount = 100
+ },
+ amount = 100
+ },
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"rD" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"rE" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"rF" = (
+ name = "medicine kit"
+ },
+ name = "medicine kit"
+ },
+ name = "medicine kit"
+ },
+ name = "medicine kit"
+ },
+ name = "medicine kit"
+ },
+ name = "medicine kit"
+ },
+"rG" = (
+"rH" = (
+ pixel_y = -24
+ },
+"rI" = (
+"rJ" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 9
+ },
+ dir = 5;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+"rK" = (
+"rL" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"rM" = (
+"rN" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"rO" = (
+"rQ" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"rR" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"rS" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "tube"
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"rT" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "wood-broken3"
+ },
+"rU" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+"rV" = (
+"rW" = (
+ pixel_x = -33
+ },
+"rX" = (
+"rY" = (
+"rZ" = (
+"sa" = (
+"sb" = (
+"sc" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"sd" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"sf" = (
+"sg" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"sh" = (
+"si" = (
+"sj" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 6
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "officechair_white"
+ },
+"sk" = (
+ icon = 'icons/turf/roofs.dmi';
+ icon_state = "blackclay_dm";
+ name = "black clay roof"
+ },
+"sl" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"sm" = (
+"so" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"sp" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"sq" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"sr" = (
+"ss" = (
+"st" = (
+"su" = (
+"sv" = (
+ dir = 5;
+ icon_state = "potted_plant"
+ },
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"sw" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"sx" = (
+"sy" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"sz" = (
+"sA" = (
+ icon_state = "x3";
+ name = "JoinLateCiv"
+ },
+"sB" = (
+ icon_state = "shower"
+ },
+"sC" = (
+"sD" = (
+"sE" = (
+"sF" = (
+ phonenumber = 1115;
+ name = "misc ministry telephone"
+ },
+"sG" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ pixel_x = 10
+ },
+"sH" = (
+ name = "R&D Key"
+ },
+ name = "R&D Key"
+ },
+ name = "R&D Key"
+ },
+ name = "R&D Key"
+ },
+ name = "R&D Key"
+ },
+ name = "R&D Key"
+ },
+ name = "R&D Key"
+ },
+ name = "R&D Key"
+ },
+ name = "R&D Key"
+ },
+"sI" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+"sJ" = (
+"sK" = (
+"sL" = (
+"sM" = (
+"sO" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"sP" = (
+"sR" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+"sS" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"sT" = (
+"sU" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"sV" = (
+"sW" = (
+"sX" = (
+ name = "Kitchen key"
+ },
+ name = "Kitchen key"
+ },
+ name = "Kitchen key"
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"sY" = (
+"sZ" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"ta" = (
+"tb" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"tc" = (
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "barbwire";
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = -5
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"td" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"te" = (
+"tf" = (
+"tg" = (
+"th" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"tj" = (
+"tk" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+"tl" = (
+ dir = 6
+ },
+"tm" = (
+"tn" = (
+"to" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"tp" = (
+"tq" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"tr" = (
+ icon = 'icons/obj/structures.dmi';
+ icon_state = "bars_bank"
+ },
+"ts" = (
+"tt" = (
+"tu" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"tv" = (
+"tw" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"ty" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 9
+ },
+ dir = 6;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+"tz" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "wooden_chair"
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "cobweb2"
+ },
+ icon_state = "wood-broken6"
+ },
+"tA" = (
+ icon_state = "Junk_10"
+ },
+"tB" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"tC" = (
+ pixel_y = 16
+ },
+ name = "trader_spawnpoint"
+ },
+"tD" = (
+"tE" = (
+"tF" = (
+"tG" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"tI" = (
+"tJ" = (
+"tK" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+"tL" = (
+"tM" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 6
+ },
+ dir = 9;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+"tN" = (
+"tO" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "officechair_white"
+ },
+"tP" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+"tQ" = (
+"tR" = (
+"tS" = (
+"tT" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"tU" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"tV" = (
+"tW" = (
+"tX" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sink_alt";
+ pixel_x = 12
+ },
+ icon_state = "wood-broken6"
+ },
+"tY" = (
+ icon_state = "chair";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"ua" = (
+"ub" = (
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"uc" = (
+"ud" = (
+"ue" = (
+"uf" = (
+ pixel_y = -24;
+ distance = 6
+ },
+"ug" = (
+"uh" = (
+"ui" = (
+ desc = "A bunch of bricks, can be used as a cover";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ icon = 'icons/turf/roofs.dmi';
+ icon_state = "blackclay_dm";
+ name = "black clay roof"
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"uj" = (
+"uk" = (
+"ul" = (
+ dir = 6
+ },
+"um" = (
+"un" = (
+"uo" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"up" = (
+"ur" = (
+"us" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "wooden_chair"
+ },
+ icon_state = "wood-broken6"
+ },
+"ut" = (
+ icon_state = "rock4"
+ },
+"uv" = (
+"ux" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ icon = 'icons/turf/roofs.dmi';
+ icon_state = "blackclay_dm";
+ name = "black clay roof"
+ },
+"uy" = (
+"uz" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"uA" = (
+ amount = 100
+ },
+"uB" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"uC" = (
+"uD" = (
+ icon_state = "rock1"
+ },
+"uE" = (
+"uF" = (
+"uG" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"uH" = (
+"uI" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"uJ" = (
+"uK" = (
+"uL" = (
+"uM" = (
+"uN" = (
+"uO" = (
+"uP" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"uR" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+"uS" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"uT" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"uU" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "wooden_chair"
+ },
+"uV" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_y = 1
+ },
+"uW" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"uX" = (
+ name = "deep sewer water"
+ },
+"uY" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"uZ" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 5;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"va" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"vb" = (
+"vc" = (
+"vd" = (
+ doorcode = 13443
+ },
+"ve" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+"vf" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"vg" = (
+"vh" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_l";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"vi" = (
+"vj" = (
+"vk" = (
+"vl" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"vm" = (
+"vn" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"vo" = (
+ amount = 25
+ },
+ amount = 25
+ },
+ amount = 25
+ },
+"vp" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"vq" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 6;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+"vr" = (
+ dir = 5;
+ icon_state = "potted_plant"
+ },
+"vs" = (
+"vt" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"vu" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ name = "City Soviet Key"
+ },
+"vv" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"vx" = (
+"vy" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"vz" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ pixel_y = 13
+ },
+"vA" = (
+ name = "Medical Storage";
+ unique_door_name = "Medical Storage"
+ },
+"vB" = (
+"vC" = (
+ name = "locker"
+ },
+"vD" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"vE" = (
+"vF" = (
+"vG" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sandbag"
+ },
+"vH" = (
+"vI" = (
+"vJ" = (
+"vK" = (
+"vL" = (
+"vM" = (
+"vO" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"vP" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+"vR" = (
+"vS" = (
+"vT" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "officechair_white"
+ },
+"vU" = (
+"vV" = (
+"vW" = (
+"vX" = (
+ name = "Car Factory door";
+ unique_door_name = "Car Factory Door"
+ },
+"vY" = (
+"vZ" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"wa" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "officechair_white"
+ },
+"wb" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"wc" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"wd" = (
+"wf" = (
+"wg" = (
+ dir = 5
+ },
+"wh" = (
+"wi" = (
+"wj" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"wl" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"wm" = (
+"wn" = (
+"wo" = (
+"wp" = (
+"wq" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"wr" = (
+"ws" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"wt" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"wu" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"wv" = (
+"ww" = (
+"wx" = (
+"wy" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+"wA" = (
+"wB" = (
+ pixel_y = -32
+ },
+"wC" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"wD" = (
+"wE" = (
+ dir = 5
+ },
+"wF" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"wG" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"wH" = (
+"wI" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+"wJ" = (
+"wK" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"wL" = (
+"wN" = (
+ pixel_x = -32
+ },
+"wO" = (
+"wP" = (
+"wQ" = (
+"wS" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"wT" = (
+"wU" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"wW" = (
+"wX" = (
+ pixel_y = 16;
+ layer = 4
+ },
+"wY" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"wZ" = (
+"xa" = (
+"xb" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "wooden_chair"
+ },
+"xc" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"xd" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"xe" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+"xf" = (
+"xg" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"xh" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"xi" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ pixel_x = -32
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sink";
+ pixel_x = 14
+ },
+"xj" = (
+"xk" = (
+"xl" = (
+"xn" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"xo" = (
+"xp" = (
+"xq" = (
+ color = "#494C45"
+ },
+"xr" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+"xs" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+"xt" = (
+"xu" = (
+"xv" = (
+ pixel_x = 0;
+ pixel_y = 12
+ },
+ pixel_y = 32;
+ layer = 3.4
+ },
+"xw" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"xx" = (
+ desc = "A bunch of bricks, can be used as a cover.";
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = -10
+ },
+"xy" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ pixel_y = -30
+ },
+"xz" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sink_alt";
+ pixel_x = 12
+ },
+"xA" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_l";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"xB" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"xC" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"xD" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"xE" = (
+ layer = 6
+ },
+"xF" = (
+ dir = 9
+ },
+"xG" = (
+"xH" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"xJ" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"xK" = (
+"xM" = (
+"xN" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+"xO" = (
+"xP" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken3"
+ },
+"xQ" = (
+"xR" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+"xS" = (
+ pixel_y = 4
+ },
+"xT" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"xU" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"xV" = (
+"xW" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"xX" = (
+"xY" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"xZ" = (
+"ya" = (
+"yb" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"yd" = (
+"ye" = (
+"yf" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"yg" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ name = "deep sewer water"
+ },
+"yh" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"yi" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "sandbag"
+ },
+"yj" = (
+"yk" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"yl" = (
+"ym" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"yn" = (
+"yo" = (
+"yp" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ pixel_y = -30
+ },
+"yq" = (
+ doorcode = 13443
+ },
+"yr" = (
+"ys" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"yt" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "wooden_chair"
+ },
+ icon_state = "wood-broken6"
+ },
+"yu" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence"
+ },
+"yw" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"yy" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"yz" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"yA" = (
+ icon = 'icons/turf/roofs.dmi';
+ icon_state = "blackclay_dm";
+ name = "black clay roof"
+ },
+"yB" = (
+"yC" = (
+"yD" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"yE" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "stone";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"yF" = (
+"yG" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"yH" = (
+"yJ" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"yK" = (
+ doorcode = 4975
+ },
+"yL" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"yM" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"yN" = (
+"yP" = (
+"yQ" = (
+"yR" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"yS" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"yT" = (
+ override_color = "#7f0000"
+ },
+ anchored = 1
+ },
+"yU" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"yV" = (
+ anchored = 1
+ },
+ anchored = 1
+ },
+ doorcode = 13443
+ },
+"yW" = (
+"yX" = (
+"yY" = (
+"yZ" = (
+"za" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"zb" = (
+"zc" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"zd" = (
+"ze" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+"zf" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"zg" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "bulb"
+ },
+ color = "#d3d3d3";
+ doorcode = 13443;
+ override_color = "#FFFFFF"
+ },
+"zh" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"zi" = (
+"zj" = (
+"zk" = (
+"zl" = (
+"zm" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"zn" = (
+"zo" = (
+"zp" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"zq" = (
+"zr" = (
+"zs" = (
+"zt" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken3"
+ },
+"zu" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ dir = 4;
+ pixel_x = -10
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"zv" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"zw" = (
+"zx" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"zy" = (
+"zz" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ pixel_y = 10
+ },
+"zA" = (
+"zB" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken6"
+ },
+"zC" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"zD" = (
+"zE" = (
+ icon_state = "book-3"
+ },
+"zF" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"zG" = (
+ doorcode = 12443
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "wheel_t_dark"
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "license_plate_us"
+ },
+"zH" = (
+"zI" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"zJ" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sandbag"
+ },
+"zK" = (
+"zL" = (
+"zM" = (
+"zN" = (
+ dir = 9
+ },
+"zO" = (
+"zP" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "officechair_white"
+ },
+"zQ" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"zR" = (
+"zS" = (
+ pixel_x = 32;
+ desc = "By order of the local Soviet, this housing unit is closed indefinitely.";
+ },
+"zT" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"zU" = (
+"zV" = (
+"zW" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_r";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"zX" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"zY" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"zZ" = (
+"Ab" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Ac" = (
+ pixel_x = -2;
+ pixel_y = 12
+ },
+ pixel_x = 16;
+ pixel_y = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Ad" = (
+"Ae" = (
+"Af" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Ag" = (
+"Ah" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Ai" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ pixel_y = 13
+ },
+"Aj" = (
+"Ak" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "chair";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Al" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Am" = (
+ icon_state = "log_wall";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"An" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_r";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Ao" = (
+"Ap" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+"Aq" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Ar" = (
+"As" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"At" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_r";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Au" = (
+"Av" = (
+"Aw" = (
+"Ax" = (
+"Ay" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Az" = (
+"AA" = (
+"AB" = (
+ name = "Car Factory door";
+ unique_door_name = "Car Factory Door"
+ },
+"AC" = (
+"AD" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"AE" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "sink_alt";
+ pixel_x = -10
+ },
+"AF" = (
+"AG" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"AH" = (
+"AI" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"AJ" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"AK" = (
+"AL" = (
+"AM" = (
+"AN" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+"AO" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"AP" = (
+"AQ" = (
+ name = "heavy-duty door";
+ desc = "This door looks tough!";
+ health = 40000;
+ initial_health = 40000;
+ unique_door_name = "heavy-duty door"
+ },
+"AR" = (
+"AS" = (
+"AT" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"AU" = (
+ amount = 25
+ },
+"AV" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+"AW" = (
+"AX" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"AY" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"AZ" = (
+"Ba" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"Bb" = (
+"Bc" = (
+"Bd" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Be" = (
+ layer = 6
+ },
+"Bf" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+ icon = 'icons/turf/roofs.dmi';
+ icon_state = "blackclay_dm";
+ name = "black clay roof"
+ },
+"Bg" = (
+"Bh" = (
+"Bi" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+"Bj" = (
+"Bk" = (
+"Bl" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Bm" = (
+"Bn" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 9;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Bo" = (
+"Bp" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"Bq" = (
+"Br" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Bs" = (
+"Bt" = (
+"Bu" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ name = "wood bench";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Bv" = (
+"Bw" = (
+"Bx" = (
+"By" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+ icon_state = "wood-broken3"
+ },
+"Bz" = (
+"BA" = (
+"BB" = (
+ color = "#FFFFFF";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "wheel_t_dark"
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "license_plate_us"
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ enginesize = 7000
+ },
+"BC" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"BD" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"BE" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "toilet00"
+ },
+"BG" = (
+"BH" = (
+"BI" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sink_alt";
+ pixel_x = 12
+ },
+"BJ" = (
+"BK" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ pixel_x = -16
+ },
+"BL" = (
+ powerneeded = 5;
+ name = "refrigeration unit"
+ },
+"BM" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"BN" = (
+"BO" = (
+"BP" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"BQ" = (
+"BS" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+"BT" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"BU" = (
+"BV" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"BW" = (
+"BY" = (
+"BZ" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ name = "deep sewer water"
+ },
+"Ca" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"Cb" = (
+"Cc" = (
+"Cd" = (
+"Ce" = (
+ dir = 6
+ },
+"Cf" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Cg" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"Cj" = (
+"Ck" = (
+ pixel_y = 15
+ },
+"Cl" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Cm" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"Cn" = (
+"Co" = (
+"Cp" = (
+"Cq" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ dir = 5
+ },
+"Cr" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sink_alt";
+ pixel_x = 12
+ },
+"Cs" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "sink";
+ pixel_x = 10
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Ct" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone";
+ pixel_x = -5
+ },
+"Cu" = (
+ name = "court telephone";
+ phonenumber = 2226
+ },
+"Cv" = (
+ pixel_y = 12
+ },
+"Cw" = (
+ name = "Car Factory door";
+ unique_door_name = "Car Factory Door"
+ },
+"Cx" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Cy" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "sink"
+ },
+"Cz" = (
+ anchored = 1;
+ density = 0;
+ pixel_x = -8
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "sink"
+ },
+"CA" = (
+"CB" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"CC" = (
+"CD" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"CE" = (
+"CF" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"CG" = (
+"CH" = (
+"CI" = (
+"CJ" = (
+"CK" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"CL" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"CN" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"CO" = (
+"CP" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"CQ" = (
+"CR" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"CS" = (
+"CT" = (
+"CU" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "stone";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "sandbag"
+ },
+"CV" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"CW" = (
+ pixel_y = 16
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"CX" = (
+"CY" = (
+"CZ" = (
+ pixel_y = 16
+ },
+"Da" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+"Db" = (
+"Dc" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Dd" = (
+"De" = (
+"Df" = (
+"Dg" = (
+"Dh" = (
+"Di" = (
+"Dj" = (
+"Dk" = (
+"Dl" = (
+"Dm" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"Dn" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence"
+ },
+"Do" = (
+"Dp" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Dq" = (
+"Dr" = (
+"Ds" = (
+"Dt" = (
+"Du" = (
+"Dv" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+"Dw" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "wooden_chair_red"
+ },
+"Dx" = (
+"Dy" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Dz" = (
+"DA" = (
+"DB" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"DC" = (
+"DD" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_l";
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = 10
+ },
+"DE" = (
+ phonenumber = 1113;
+ name = "KGB telephone"
+ },
+"DF" = (
+"DG" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "wooden_chair"
+ },
+ icon_state = "wood-broken6"
+ },
+"DH" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"DI" = (
+"DJ" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"DK" = (
+"DL" = (
+"DM" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"DN" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence"
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "barbwire";
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = -5
+ },
+"DO" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"DP" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"DQ" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ pixel_y = 28
+ },
+"DR" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"DT" = (
+"DU" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"DV" = (
+"DW" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"DX" = (
+"DY" = (
+"DZ" = (
+"Ea" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Eb" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "tube"
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ pixel_x = -6
+ },
+"Ec" = (
+"Ed" = (
+"Ee" = (
+"Eg" = (
+"Eh" = (
+"Ei" = (
+"Ej" = (
+ amount = 40
+ },
+"Ek" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"Em" = (
+ name = "trader_spawnpoint"
+ },
+"En" = (
+"Eo" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "officechair_white"
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Ep" = (
+"Eq" = (
+ icon_state = "basalt1"
+ },
+"Er" = (
+"Es" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Et" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Eu" = (
+"Ev" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Ew" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Ex" = (
+ phonenumber = 1113;
+ name = "KGB telephone"
+ },
+"Ey" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 10
+ },
+"Ez" = (
+ pixel_y = 4
+ },
+ pixel_y = 8
+ },
+"EC" = (
+"ED" = (
+"EG" = (
+"EH" = (
+ name = "bank key"
+ },
+"EI" = (
+"EJ" = (
+"EK" = (
+"EL" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"EM" = (
+"EN" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"EO" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"EP" = (
+"EQ" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"ER" = (
+"ES" = (
+ name = "Pharmacy";
+ unique_door_name = "Pharmacy"
+ },
+"ET" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"EU" = (
+"EV" = (
+"EW" = (
+"EX" = (
+"EY" = (
+"EZ" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "tube"
+ },
+"Fa" = (
+"Fd" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Fe" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Ff" = (
+"Fg" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Fh" = (
+"Fi" = (
+"Fj" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Fk" = (
+"Fl" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Fm" = (
+ name = "deep sewer water"
+ },
+"Fn" = (
+"Fo" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_l";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Fp" = (
+"Fq" = (
+"Fr" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Fs" = (
+"Ft" = (
+ icon_state = "book-5"
+ },
+"Fu" = (
+"Fv" = (
+ name = "SupplyRN"
+ },
+"Fw" = (
+"Fx" = (
+"Fy" = (
+ name = "Collective Farm Key"
+ },
+ name = "Collective Farm Key"
+ },
+ name = "Collective Farm Key"
+ },
+ name = "Collective Farm Key"
+ },
+ name = "Collective Farm Key"
+ },
+ name = "Collective Farm Key"
+ },
+ name = "Collective Farm Key"
+ },
+ name = "Collective Farm Key"
+ },
+ name = "Collective Farm Key"
+ },
+ phonenumber = 3333;
+ name = "collective farm telephone"
+ },
+"Fz" = (
+"FA" = (
+"FB" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"FC" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sandbag"
+ },
+"FD" = (
+"FE" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sink";
+ pixel_x = 14
+ },
+"FF" = (
+ dir = 6
+ },
+"FG" = (
+"FI" = (
+ amount = 40
+ },
+"FJ" = (
+"FK" = (
+"FL" = (
+"FM" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"FN" = (
+"FO" = (
+"FP" = (
+"FQ" = (
+"FR" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"FS" = (
+"FT" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"FU" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "wooden_chair"
+ },
+"FW" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"FX" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"FY" = (
+ pixel_y = 8
+ },
+"FZ" = (
+"Ga" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Gb" = (
+"Gc" = (
+"Gd" = (
+"Gf" = (
+"Gg" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"Gi" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+"Gk" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Gl" = (
+"Gm" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Gn" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"Go" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_r";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Gp" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "wooden_chair"
+ },
+"Gq" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+"Gr" = (
+"Gs" = (
+"Gt" = (
+"Gu" = (
+"Gv" = (
+"Gw" = (
+"Gy" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "toilet00"
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Gz" = (
+"GA" = (
+"GB" = (
+"GC" = (
+"GD" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "wooden_chair"
+ },
+"GE" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+"GF" = (
+"GG" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"GH" = (
+"GI" = (
+ pixel_x = -26
+ },
+"GJ" = (
+"GL" = (
+"GM" = (
+"GN" = (
+"GO" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"GP" = (
+"GQ" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence"
+ },
+ icon_state = "barbwire";
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = -5
+ },
+"GR" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"GS" = (
+ color = "#d3d3d3";
+ doorcode = 13443;
+ override_color = "#FFFFFF"
+ },
+"GT" = (
+"GU" = (
+"GV" = (
+"GW" = (
+"GX" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"GY" = (
+"GZ" = (
+ icon_state = "wooden_chair";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Ha" = (
+ pixel_y = 6;
+ pixel_x = -7
+ },
+ pixel_y = 6;
+ pixel_x = -7
+ },
+ pixel_y = 6;
+ pixel_x = -7
+ },
+ pixel_y = 6
+ },
+ pixel_y = 6
+ },
+"Hb" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Hc" = (
+"Hd" = (
+"He" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Hg" = (
+"Hh" = (
+ name = "Hospital";
+ unique_door_name = "Hospital"
+ },
+"Hi" = (
+"Hj" = (
+"Hk" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Hl" = (
+ icon_state = "ibm_on";
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = 2
+ },
+"Hm" = (
+ amount = 100
+ },
+ amount = 100
+ },
+ amount = 100
+ },
+"Hn" = (
+"Hp" = (
+"Hq" = (
+"Hr" = (
+"Hs" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Ht" = (
+ pixel_y = 28
+ },
+"Hu" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 5;
+ icon_state = "potted_plant"
+ },
+"Hv" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_r";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Hw" = (
+"Hx" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"Hy" = (
+"Hz" = (
+"HA" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"HB" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"HC" = (
+"HD" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"HE" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"HF" = (
+"HG" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "toilet00"
+ },
+"HI" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"HJ" = (
+"HK" = (
+"HL" = (
+"HM" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ name = "steel bars"
+ },
+"HN" = (
+"HO" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"HP" = (
+"HQ" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "officechair_white"
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 5
+ },
+"HR" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"HS" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"HT" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"HU" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"HX" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"HZ" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence"
+ },
+"Ia" = (
+"Ib" = (
+ phonenumber = 3334;
+ name = "steel mill telephone"
+ },
+"Ic" = (
+"Id" = (
+"Ie" = (
+"Ig" = (
+"Ih" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Ii" = (
+"Ij" = (
+"Ik" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken3"
+ },
+"Il" = (
+"Im" = (
+"In" = (
+"Ip" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_r";
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = 10
+ },
+"Iq" = (
+"Ir" = (
+"Is" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"It" = (
+"Iu" = (
+ phonenumber = 1113;
+ name = "KGB telephone"
+ },
+"Iv" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"Ix" = (
+"Iy" = (
+ dir = 5;
+ icon_state = "potted_plant"
+ },
+"IA" = (
+"IB" = (
+"IC" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"ID" = (
+"IE" = (
+"IF" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"IG" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "wooden_chair"
+ },
+"IH" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"II" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"IJ" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"IK" = (
+"IL" = (
+"IM" = (
+"IN" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "bulb"
+ },
+ color = "#d3d3d3";
+ doorcode = 13443;
+ override_color = "#FFFFFF"
+ },
+"IO" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "officechair_white"
+ },
+"IP" = (
+"IQ" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"IR" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"IS" = (
+"IT" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"IU" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ name = "deep sewer water"
+ },
+"IV" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon = 'icons/turf/roofs.dmi';
+ icon_state = "blackclay_dm";
+ name = "black clay roof"
+ },
+"IW" = (
+"IX" = (
+"IY" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"IZ" = (
+"Ja" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"Jb" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ pixel_x = -32
+ },
+"Jd" = (
+ name = "deep sewer water"
+ },
+"Je" = (
+"Jf" = (
+"Jh" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Ji" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Jj" = (
+"Jk" = (
+"Jl" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_r";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Jm" = (
+"Jn" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Jo" = (
+ color = "#f3dd78"
+ },
+"Jp" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ name = "trader_spawnpoint"
+ },
+"Jq" = (
+"Jr" = (
+"Js" = (
+"Jt" = (
+"Ju" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ icon = 'icons/turf/roofs.dmi';
+ icon_state = "blackclay_dm";
+ name = "black clay roof"
+ },
+"Jv" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Jw" = (
+ icon_state = "book-2"
+ },
+"Jx" = (
+"Jy" = (
+"Jz" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"JA" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"JB" = (
+ lang1 = "Russian";
+ lang2 = "German";
+ pixel_y = 7;
+ pixel_x = -2
+ },
+"JC" = (
+"JD" = (
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "barbwire";
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = -5
+ },
+"JE" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 5;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+"JF" = (
+"JG" = (
+ name = "heavy-duty door";
+ desc = "This door looks tough!";
+ health = 40000;
+ initial_health = 40000;
+ unique_door_name = "heavy-duty door"
+ },
+"JH" = (
+"JI" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"JJ" = (
+"JK" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"JL" = (
+"JM" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"JN" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "chair_padding"
+ },
+"JO" = (
+"JP" = (
+"JQ" = (
+"JR" = (
+"JS" = (
+ icon_state = "officechair_dark";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"JT" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"JU" = (
+ desc = "Iron bars.";
+ icon = 'icons/obj/structures.dmi';
+ icon_state = "bars_bank";
+ name = "iron bars"
+ },
+"JV" = (
+"JW" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+"JX" = (
+"JY" = (
+"JZ" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "wood-broken3"
+ },
+"Ka" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Kb" = (
+ name = "City Soviet Key"
+ },
+"Kc" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+ pixel_y = 6
+ },
+ pixel_y = 6
+ },
+ pixel_y = -6
+ },
+ pixel_y = -6
+ },
+ pixel_y = -6
+ },
+"Kd" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Ke" = (
+"Kf" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "stone";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "sandbag"
+ },
+"Kg" = (
+"Kh" = (
+"Ki" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence"
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "barbwire";
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = -5
+ },
+"Kk" = (
+"Kl" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Km" = (
+"Kn" = (
+"Ko" = (
+"Kp" = (
+"Kq" = (
+"Kr" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+"Ks" = (
+ name = "locker"
+ },
+"Kt" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ dir = 4;
+ pixel_x = -10
+ },
+"Ku" = (
+ doorcode = 12443
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "wheel_t_dark"
+ },
+"Kv" = (
+"Kw" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Kx" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "wheelchair"
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "tube"
+ },
+"Kz" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "tube"
+ },
+"KA" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"KB" = (
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"KC" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"KD" = (
+ density = 0;
+ pixel_x = -8;
+ pixel_y = 12
+ },
+"KE" = (
+ name = "Collective Farm Key"
+ },
+"KF" = (
+"KG" = (
+"KH" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"KI" = (
+"KJ" = (
+"KK" = (
+"KL" = (
+"KM" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"KN" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"KO" = (
+"KP" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"KQ" = (
+"KR" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"KS" = (
+"KT" = (
+"KU" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"KV" = (
+"KW" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"KX" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"KY" = (
+"KZ" = (
+ name = "Pepelsibirsk City Soviet";
+ desc = "The Soviet of city of Pepelsibirsk.";
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"La" = (
+"Lb" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Lc" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Ld" = (
+"Le" = (
+"Lf" = (
+"Lg" = (
+"Li" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Lj" = (
+"Lk" = (
+"Ll" = (
+"Lm" = (
+"Ln" = (
+"Lo" = (
+"Lp" = (
+"Lq" = (
+"Lr" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Ls" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "officechair_white"
+ },
+"Lt" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Lu" = (
+"Lv" = (
+"Lw" = (
+ dir = 9;
+ icon = 'icons/obj/flora/plants.dmi';
+ icon_state = "plant-37";
+ layer = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Lx" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Ly" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Lz" = (
+"LA" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"LB" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+"LE" = (
+ dir = 10
+ },
+"LF" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"LG" = (
+"LH" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_l";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"LJ" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"LK" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"LL" = (
+"LM" = (
+"LN" = (
+"LO" = (
+"LQ" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"LR" = (
+"LS" = (
+"LT" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"LU" = (
+"LW" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"LX" = (
+"LY" = (
+"LZ" = (
+"Ma" = (
+"Mb" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Md" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Me" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+"Mg" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Mh" = (
+"Mj" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Mk" = (
+"Ml" = (
+ layer = 5;
+ pixel_y = 8
+ },
+"Mm" = (
+ phonenumber = 1113;
+ name = "KGB telephone"
+ },
+"Mn" = (
+"Mo" = (
+ name = "locker"
+ },
+"Mp" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Mq" = (
+"Mr" = (
+ pixel_x = 26
+ },
+"Ms" = (
+"Mt" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Mu" = (
+"Mw" = (
+"Mx" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+"My" = (
+ desc = "No crossing of the stripped line without authorization.";
+ layer = 6.2;
+ name = "Restricted Area - Do not cross"
+ },
+"Mz" = (
+"MA" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"MB" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"MC" = (
+"MD" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ pixel_y = -32;
+ layer = 3.4
+ },
+"ME" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"MF" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"MG" = (
+"MH" = (
+ color = "#5472C7"
+ },
+"MI" = (
+"MJ" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 6
+ },
+"MK" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "stone";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "sandbag"
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "sandbag"
+ },
+"ML" = (
+"MM" = (
+"MN" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"MO" = (
+"MP" = (
+"MQ" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "wheel_t_dark"
+ },
+"MR" = (
+"MS" = (
+"MT" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_l";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"MU" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"MV" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"MW" = (
+"MX" = (
+"MZ" = (
+ desc = "A bunch of bricks, can be used as a cover";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ icon = 'icons/turf/roofs.dmi';
+ icon_state = "blackclay_dm";
+ name = "black clay roof"
+ },
+"Na" = (
+"Nb" = (
+"Nc" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"Nd" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Ne" = (
+"Nf" = (
+"Ng" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ phonenumber = 3336;
+ name = "research and development telephone"
+ },
+"Nh" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Nj" = (
+ powerneeded = 5;
+ name = "refrigeration unit"
+ },
+"Nk" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Nl" = (
+"Nm" = (
+"Nn" = (
+"Np" = (
+"Nq" = (
+"Nr" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Ns" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+"Nt" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Nu" = (
+"Nv" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Nw" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Nx" = (
+"Ny" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Nz" = (
+"NA" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 5
+ },
+"NB" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"NC" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"NF" = (
+ name = "bank key"
+ },
+ name = "bank key"
+ },
+ name = "bank key"
+ },
+"NG" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"NH" = (
+"NI" = (
+"NK" = (
+ icon_state = "rails_end";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"NL" = (
+"NM" = (
+"NN" = (
+"NO" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"NP" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"NQ" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"NR" = (
+"NS" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"NT" = (
+"NU" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"NV" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"NW" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"NX" = (
+"NY" = (
+ pixel_y = 4
+ },
+"Oa" = (
+ phonenumber = 3335;
+ name = "mine telephone"
+ },
+"Ob" = (
+"Oc" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Od" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Oe" = (
+ icon_state = "stone";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "sandbag"
+ },
+"Of" = (
+"Og" = (
+"Oh" = (
+"Oi" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Oj" = (
+ icon_state = "Junk_7"
+ },
+"Ok" = (
+"Ol" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "tube"
+ },
+"Om" = (
+ pixel_x = -32;
+ pixel_y = -32
+ },
+"On" = (
+"Oo" = (
+"Op" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Oq" = (
+"Or" = (
+"Os" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Ot" = (
+"Ou" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Ov" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Ow" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ pixel_y = 15
+ },
+"Ox" = (
+"Oy" = (
+"Oz" = (
+"OA" = (
+"OB" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"OC" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"OD" = (
+ dir = 5;
+ icon_state = "potted_plant"
+ },
+"OE" = (
+"OF" = (
+"OG" = (
+ unique_door_name = "Restauraunt"
+ },
+"OH" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"OI" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"OJ" = (
+"OK" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+"OL" = (
+"OM" = (
+ pixel_x = 32
+ },
+"ON" = (
+"OO" = (
+ name = "stall"
+ },
+"OP" = (
+"OQ" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"OR" = (
+"OS" = (
+"OT" = (
+"OU" = (
+"OV" = (
+"OX" = (
+ icon = 'icons/turf/roofs.dmi';
+ icon_state = "blackclay_dm";
+ name = "black clay roof"
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"OY" = (
+"OZ" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Pa" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Pb" = (
+"Pd" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Pe" = (
+"Pf" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Pg" = (
+ name = "Baptismal Font";
+ desc = "A baptismal font, for performing baptisms, though it looks suspiciously like an ancient bathtub..."
+ },
+"Ph" = (
+"Pi" = (
+"Pj" = (
+ icon_state = "officechair_dark";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Pk" = (
+"Pl" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence"
+ },
+ icon_state = "barbwire";
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = -5
+ },
+"Pm" = (
+ powerneeded = 5;
+ name = "refrigeration unit"
+ },
+"Pn" = (
+"Po" = (
+"Pp" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_r";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Pq" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+"Pr" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Ps" = (
+"Pt" = (
+"Pu" = (
+"Pv" = (
+"Px" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Py" = (
+"Pz" = (
+"PA" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"PB" = (
+ anchored = 1
+ },
+"PC" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_r";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"PD" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ amount = 40
+ },
+"PF" = (
+"PG" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"PH" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "sandbag"
+ },
+"PI" = (
+ pixel_x = 26
+ },
+"PJ" = (
+"PK" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"PL" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"PM" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"PO" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"PP" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"PQ" = (
+"PR" = (
+ amount = 20
+ },
+"PS" = (
+ amount = 30
+ },
+ amount = 30
+ },
+ amount = 30
+ },
+"PT" = (
+ amount = 15
+ },
+ amount = 15
+ },
+ amount = 15
+ },
+"PU" = (
+"PV" = (
+"PW" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+"PY" = (
+"PZ" = (
+"Qa" = (
+"Qb" = (
+ override_color = "#7f0000"
+ },
+"Qc" = (
+"Qd" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Qe" = (
+"Qf" = (
+"Qg" = (
+"Qh" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "wooden_chair"
+ },
+"Qi" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_l";
+ dir = 4;
+ pixel_x = -10
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Qj" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sandbag"
+ },
+"Qk" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"Ql" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+"Qm" = (
+"Qn" = (
+"Qo" = (
+"Qp" = (
+"Qq" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"Qr" = (
+"Qs" = (
+"Qt" = (
+ pixel_y = 4
+ },
+ pixel_y = 8
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Qu" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"Qv" = (
+"Qw" = (
+"Qx" = (
+"Qy" = (
+ name = "City Soviet Key"
+ },
+"Qz" = (
+"QA" = (
+ pixel_x = 32
+ },
+"QB" = (
+"QC" = (
+"QE" = (
+ color = "#a7d1cc";
+ density = 0
+ },
+"QF" = (
+ unique_door_name = "Research and Development";
+ name = "Research and Development"
+ },
+"QG" = (
+ pixel_y = 6
+ },
+ pixel_x = -3
+ },
+ pixel_x = 3
+ },
+"QH" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ pixel_y = 13
+ },
+"QI" = (
+"QK" = (
+ icon_state = "basalt1"
+ },
+"QL" = (
+"QM" = (
+"QN" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"QO" = (
+"QQ" = (
+ icon_state = "chair";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"QR" = (
+"QS" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+"QT" = (
+"QU" = (
+"QV" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"QW" = (
+ icon = 'icons/turf/roofs.dmi';
+ icon_state = "blackclay_dm";
+ name = "black clay roof"
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"QX" = (
+"QY" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"QZ" = (
+"Ra" = (
+"Rb" = (
+"Rc" = (
+"Rd" = (
+"Re" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Rf" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Rg" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+"Rh" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Rj" = (
+ phonenumber = 1112;
+ name = "military command telephone"
+ },
+"Rk" = (
+ deadicon_state = "rock3";
+ icon_state = "rock3"
+ },
+"Rl" = (
+ icon_state = "rock1"
+ },
+"Rm" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Rn" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Ro" = (
+"Rp" = (
+ icon_state = "officechair_dark";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Rq" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Rt" = (
+"Ru" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ name = "deep sewer water"
+ },
+"Rv" = (
+"Rw" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence"
+ },
+"Rx" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Ry" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+"Rz" = (
+"RA" = (
+"RB" = (
+"RD" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"RE" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"RF" = (
+"RG" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+"RH" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"RI" = (
+"RJ" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken6"
+ },
+"RK" = (
+"RL" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"RM" = (
+"RN" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 9;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"RO" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"RP" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"RQ" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"RR" = (
+ dir = 5;
+ icon_state = "potted_plant"
+ },
+"RS" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"RT" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "sink_alt";
+ pixel_x = -12
+ },
+"RU" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"RV" = (
+"RW" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"RX" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"RY" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_r";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"RZ" = (
+"Sa" = (
+"Sb" = (
+"Sc" = (
+"Se" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Sf" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ pixel_x = 5
+ },
+"Sg" = (
+"Sh" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"Si" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_r";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Sj" = (
+"Sk" = (
+"Sl" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"Sm" = (
+"Sn" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "sandbag"
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sandbag"
+ },
+"So" = (
+ dir = 9;
+ icon = 'icons/obj/flora/plants.dmi';
+ icon_state = "plant-37";
+ layer = 4
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Sp" = (
+ name = "warehouse telephone";
+ phonenumber = 2222
+ },
+"Sq" = (
+"Sr" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Ss" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"St" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "wooden_chair_red"
+ },
+"Su" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Sv" = (
+"Sw" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 5;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+"Sx" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "officechair_white"
+ },
+"Sy" = (
+ dir = 9;
+ icon = 'icons/obj/flora/plants.dmi';
+ icon_state = "plant-37";
+ layer = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Sz" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sink_alt";
+ pixel_x = 12
+ },
+"SB" = (
+"SC" = (
+"SD" = (
+"SE" = (
+ icon_state = "chair";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"SF" = (
+"SG" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"SH" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"SI" = (
+"SJ" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sink";
+ pixel_x = 14
+ },
+"SK" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "zebra"
+ },
+"SL" = (
+"SM" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "tube"
+ },
+"SN" = (
+"SO" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"SP" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"SQ" = (
+"SR" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"ST" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"SU" = (
+ color = "#f3dd78"
+ },
+"SV" = (
+"SW" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"SY" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+"SZ" = (
+"Ta" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Tb" = (
+"Td" = (
+"Te" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Tf" = (
+"Tg" = (
+"Th" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ pixel_x = -16
+ },
+"Ti" = (
+"Tk" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Tl" = (
+"Tm" = (
+"Tn" = (
+"Tp" = (
+"Tq" = (
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence";
+ dir = 4;
+ layer = 4.1
+ },
+"Tr" = (
+"Ts" = (
+"Tt" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ name = "deep sewer water"
+ },
+"Tu" = (
+"Tv" = (
+"Tw" = (
+"Tx" = (
+"Ty" = (
+"Tz" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"TA" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 5;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+"TB" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"TC" = (
+"TD" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"TE" = (
+ icon_state = "chair";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"TF" = (
+"TG" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"TH" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+"TI" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"TJ" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"TK" = (
+"TL" = (
+"TN" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"TO" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+"TP" = (
+"TQ" = (
+"TR" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"TS" = (
+"TT" = (
+"TU" = (
+"TV" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"TW" = (
+ pixel_y = 24;
+ distance = 6
+ },
+"TX" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ pixel_y = 13
+ },
+"TY" = (
+"TZ" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Ua" = (
+"Ub" = (
+"Uc" = (
+ pixel_y = 16
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Ud" = (
+ pixel_y = 6
+ },
+"Ue" = (
+"Uf" = (
+"Ug" = (
+ name = "lead editor's telephone";
+ phonenumber = 2222
+ },
+"Uh" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "officechair_white"
+ },
+"Ui" = (
+"Uj" = (
+"Uk" = (
+"Ul" = (
+"Un" = (
+"Uo" = (
+"Up" = (
+"Uq" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Ur" = (
+"Us" = (
+"Ut" = (
+"Uu" = (
+"Uv" = (
+"Uw" = (
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "barbwire";
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = -5
+ },
+"Ux" = (
+"Uy" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Uz" = (
+"UA" = (
+"UB" = (
+"UC" = (
+"UD" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"UE" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"UG" = (
+"UH" = (
+ dir = 9
+ },
+"UI" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"UJ" = (
+"UK" = (
+ pixel_y = 12
+ },
+"UL" = (
+"UM" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"UN" = (
+"UO" = (
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"UP" = (
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"UQ" = (
+"UR" = (
+"US" = (
+"UT" = (
+ amount = 500
+ },
+ amount = 500
+ },
+"UU" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_l";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"UV" = (
+"UW" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"UX" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "wooden_chair"
+ },
+ icon_state = "wood-broken3"
+ },
+"UY" = (
+"UZ" = (
+"Va" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "wooden_chair_red"
+ },
+"Vb" = (
+"Vc" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken3"
+ },
+"Vd" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "wooden_chair_red"
+ },
+"Ve" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+"Vf" = (
+"Vg" = (
+"Vh" = (
+"Vi" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"Vj" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Vk" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_l";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Vl" = (
+"Vm" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Vn" = (
+"Vo" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken3"
+ },
+"Vp" = (
+"Vq" = (
+"Vr" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Vs" = (
+"Vt" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Vv" = (
+"Vw" = (
+"Vx" = (
+"Vy" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+"Vz" = (
+"VA" = (
+"VB" = (
+"VC" = (
+"VD" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ pixel_x = 9;
+ pixel_y = 2
+ },
+ pixel_x = 1;
+ pixel_y = 2
+ },
+ pixel_x = -5;
+ pixel_y = -9
+ },
+ pixel_x = 2;
+ pixel_y = -9
+ },
+ pixel_x = 9;
+ pixel_y = -9
+ },
+ pixel_x = 9;
+ pixel_y = 2
+ },
+"VE" = (
+"VF" = (
+ dir = 9
+ },
+ dir = 10
+ },
+"VG" = (
+"VH" = (
+"VI" = (
+"VJ" = (
+"VK" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"VL" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"VM" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+"VN" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 6
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+"VO" = (
+"VP" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"VQ" = (
+"VS" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"VV" = (
+"VW" = (
+ icon_state = "Junk_11"
+ },
+"VX" = (
+"VY" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "bulb";
+ name = "ambulance lights"
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "carseat_right"
+ },
+ doorcode = 12443;
+ override_color = "#7F0000"
+ },
+"VZ" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"Wb" = (
+"Wc" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Wd" = (
+"We" = (
+"Wf" = (
+"Wg" = (
+"Wh" = (
+ phonenumber = 3332;
+ name = "pepelsibirsk power plant telephone"
+ },
+"Wi" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "danger"
+ },
+ icon = 'icons/obj/structures.dmi';
+ icon_state = "bars_bank"
+ },
+"Wj" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Wk" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"Wl" = (
+ dir = 6
+ },
+"Wn" = (
+"Wo" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Wp" = (
+"Wq" = (
+"Wr" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Ws" = (
+ pixel_x = 6;
+ pixel_y = 6
+ },
+"Wt" = (
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Wu" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+"Wv" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Ww" = (
+"Wx" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Wy" = (
+"Wz" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"WA" = (
+"WB" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"WC" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "wooden_chair_red"
+ },
+"WD" = (
+"WE" = (
+"WF" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sandbag"
+ },
+"WG" = (
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence"
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"WH" = (
+"WI" = (
+"WJ" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"WK" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+"WL" = (
+"WM" = (
+"WO" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"WP" = (
+"WQ" = (
+"WR" = (
+"WS" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"WT" = (
+"WU" = (
+"WV" = (
+"WW" = (
+ amount = 25
+ },
+ amount = 25
+ },
+ amount = 25
+ },
+"WX" = (
+"WY" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ icon_state = "tube";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"WZ" = (
+"Xa" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Xb" = (
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"Xe" = (
+"Xf" = (
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Xg" = (
+"Xh" = (
+"Xi" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ name = "deep sewer water"
+ },
+"Xj" = (
+"Xk" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Xm" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Xn" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ anchored = 1;
+ density = 0;
+ pixel_x = -8;
+ pixel_y = 10
+ },
+"Xo" = (
+"Xp" = (
+ phonenumber = 1114;
+ name = "economic ministry telephone"
+ },
+"Xq" = (
+"Xr" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Xs" = (
+"Xt" = (
+"Xu" = (
+ icon_state = "chair";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Xv" = (
+"Xx" = (
+"Xz" = (
+"XA" = (
+"XB" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ icon_state = "wooden_chair"
+ },
+"XC" = (
+"XD" = (
+"XE" = (
+"XF" = (
+"XG" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"XH" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"XI" = (
+"XK" = (
+ dir = 9;
+ icon = 'icons/obj/flora/plants.dmi';
+ icon_state = "plant-37";
+ layer = 4
+ },
+"XL" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"XM" = (
+"XN" = (
+ pixel_y = -30
+ },
+"XO" = (
+"XP" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"XQ" = (
+"XR" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"XS" = (
+"XU" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ icon_state = "railing0";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"XV" = (
+"XW" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence"
+ },
+ icon_state = "barbwire";
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = -5
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"XX" = (
+"XY" = (
+"XZ" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Yb" = (
+"Yc" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"Yd" = (
+ dir = 5;
+ icon_state = "potted_plant"
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"Ye" = (
+"Yf" = (
+"Yg" = (
+"Yh" = (
+"Yi" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Yk" = (
+ unique_door_name = "STAFF ONLY"
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Yl" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "wooden_chair"
+ },
+"Yn" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Yo" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"Yp" = (
+"Yq" = (
+"Yr" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+ icon_state = "stone";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sandbag"
+ },
+"Ys" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"Yt" = (
+ desc = "Iron bars.";
+ icon = 'icons/obj/structures.dmi';
+ icon_state = "bars";
+ name = "iron bars"
+ },
+"Yu" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_l";
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = 10
+ },
+"Yv" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence"
+ },
+"Yw" = (
+"Yx" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Yy" = (
+"Yz" = (
+"YA" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"YB" = (
+ deadicon_state = "rock3";
+ icon_state = "rock3"
+ },
+"YC" = (
+"YD" = (
+"YE" = (
+"YF" = (
+ amount = 100
+ },
+ amount = 100
+ },
+"YG" = (
+"YH" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_l";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"YI" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"YJ" = (
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"YK" = (
+"YL" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "chainlinkfence"
+ },
+"YM" = (
+"YN" = (
+ name = "locker"
+ },
+"YO" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+ name = "deep sewer water"
+ },
+"YP" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"YQ" = (
+"YR" = (
+"YS" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"YU" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"YV" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"YW" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"YX" = (
+"YZ" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"Za" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Zb" = (
+"Zc" = (
+"Zd" = (
+"Ze" = (
+"Zf" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "sink_alt";
+ pixel_x = 12
+ },
+"Zg" = (
+"Zh" = (
+ icon_state = "shower";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Zi" = (
+"Zk" = (
+"Zl" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "shower"
+ },
+"Zm" = (
+ dir = 5;
+ icon_state = "potted_plant"
+ },
+"Zn" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "rampup"
+ },
+"Zp" = (
+"Zq" = (
+"Zr" = (
+"Zs" = (
+"Zt" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "support_v"
+ },
+"Zu" = (
+"Zv" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Zx" = (
+"Zy" = (
+ dir = 10
+ },
+"Zz" = (
+"ZA" = (
+"ZB" = (
+ pixel_y = 28
+ },
+"ZC" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0"
+ },
+"ZD" = (
+ name = "wood bench";
+ icon_state = "bleacher_l";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"ZE" = (
+"ZF" = (
+"ZG" = (
+"ZH" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"ZI" = (
+"ZJ" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ pixel_x = 7
+ },
+ pixel_x = -6
+ },
+"ZK" = (
+"ZL" = (
+"ZM" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "stone"
+ },
+"ZN" = (
+"ZO" = (
+"ZP" = (
+"ZQ" = (
+"ZR" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"ZS" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"ZT" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"ZU" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"ZV" = (
+"ZW" = (
+ unique_door_name = "Research and Development";
+ name = "Research and Development"
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"ZX" = (
+"ZZ" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+(1,1,1) = {"
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