The lattice QCD community in Europe is comprised of several collaborations, as well as smaller groups. Together they are part of an international research effort, and many of the larger collaborations have participating researchers from outside Europe. Major collaborations are :ref:`ALPHA <ALPHA>`, :ref:`BMW <BMW>`, :ref:`CLS <CLS>`, :ref:`ETMC <ETMC>`, :ref:`HotQCD <HotQCD>`, :ref:`QCDSF <QCDSF>`, and :ref:`UKQCD <UKQCD>`, each with its own simulation and analysis codes. The community has a long history in working together in coordinated, EU funded research programs. The first such program was the European Community Network “Computational Particle Physics” (1993-1997). Currently members of the lattice QCD community coordinate the European Network for Particle Physics, Lattice Field Theory and Extreme Computing (EurPLEx), and participate in a number of EU projects, including STRONG-2020 funded under the European Integrating Activity for Advanced Community initiative.
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The ALPHA collaboration is a consortium of theoretical physicists interested in lattice QCD and numerical simulations. The name of the collaboration derives from the symbol given to running couplings in QCD.
Budapest-Marseille-Wuppertal Collaboration
Coordinated Lattice Simulations
The CLS is a community effort, launched in 2007, whose aim is to bring together the human and computer resources of several teams in Europe interested in lattice QCD.
Extended Twisted Mass Collaboration
The Extended Twisted Mass collaboration is an international effort for Lattice QCD simulations using twisted mass fermions.