Delete a secret at a path
Delete a secret at a path
vaku path delete <path> [flags]
vaku path delete secret/foo
-h, --help help for delete
-p, --absolute-path show absolute path in output
-a, --address string address of the Vault server
--destination-address string address of the destination Vault server
--destination-namespace string name of the vault namespace to use in the destination client
--destination-token string token for the destination vault server (alias for --token)
--format string output format: text|json (default "text")
-i, --indent-char string string used for indents (default " ")
-n, --namespace string name of the vault namespace to use in the source client
-s, --sort sort output text (default true)
--source-address string address of the source Vault server (alias for --address)
--source-namespace string name of the vault namespace to use in the source client (alias for --namespace)
--source-token string token for the source vault server (alias for --token)
-t, --token string token for the vault server
-w, --workers int number of concurrent workers (default 10)
- vaku path - Commands that act on Vault paths