This challenge involves exploiting a simple buffer overflow and then redirecting execution to a different function.
First we check the protections the binary has, using checksec
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: No PIE (0x400000)
RUNPATH: b'./glibc/'
Pretty much nothing, there's no canary and no ASLR.
Loading the binary into Ghidra, I analyzed the main
undefined8 main(void)
int iVar1;
undefined8 local_38;
undefined8 local_30;
undefined8 local_28;
undefined8 local_20;
char *local_18;
ulong local_10;
local_38 = 0;
local_30 = 0;
local_28 = 0;
local_20 = 0;
fwrite("\nSelect door: \n\n",1,0x10,stdout);
for (local_10 = 1; local_10 < 0x65; local_10 = local_10 + 1) {
if (local_10 < 10) {
fprintf(stdout,"Door: 00%d ",local_10);
else if (local_10 < 100) {
fprintf(stdout,"Door: 0%d ",local_10);
else {
fprintf(stdout,"Door: %d ",local_10);
if ((local_10 % 10 == 0) && (local_10 != 0)) {
local_18 = (char *)malloc(0x10);
iVar1 = strncmp(local_18,"69",2);
if (iVar1 != 0) {
iVar1 = strncmp(local_18,"069",3);
if (iVar1 != 0) goto LAB_004015da;
fwrite("\nYou are heading to open the door but you suddenly see something on the wall:\n\n\"Fly li ke a bird and be free!\"\n\nWould you like to change the door you chose?\n\n>> "
fgets((char *)&local_38,0x44,stdin);
fprintf(stdout,"\n%s[-] YOU FAILED TO ESCAPE!\n\n",&DAT_00402541);
return 0;
First, 69 should be provided as a door number, in order to get into the vulnerable path of execution.
Then fgets
will read 0x44 bytes into local_38
. We see at the top of the function that is has 6 variables on the stack starting from local_38
, each is 8 bytes large.
Then we can overwrite the RBP of the calling function and then the return address.
Browsing the list of functions in Ghidra, I found the escape_strategy
function, which gives us the flag.
As a final trick, stack alignment was an issue, therefore a ROP gadgets needed to be added to the payload, in order to align the stack pointer to 16 bytes again.
To fix alignment a simple ret
ROP gadget can be placed. This will just pop the element from the stack and set the program counter to it.
To find the ROP gadget I will use the pwntools
So our payload that gets put on the stack will be:
[48 - padding] + [8 - RBP overwrite] + [8 - ret gadget] + [8 - win function address]
will give us the flag.