diff --git a/lib/IAMClient.js b/lib/IAMClient.js
index 2c731ecd..7a6d9784 100644
--- a/lib/IAMClient.js
+++ b/lib/IAMClient.js
@@ -456,6 +456,15 @@ class VaultClient {
      * Get accounts using account ids, canonical ids or email addresses
+     * There are 2 signatures:
+     *  - `getAccounts(accountIds, emailAddresses, canonicalIds, options, callback)`
+     *  - `getAccounts(
+     *      filter: { accountIds?, emailAddresses?, canonicalIds?, accountNames? },
+     *      options, callback)`
+     *
+     * The last signature allows to add a new filter `accountNames`
+     * without messing with previous signature.
+     *
      * @param {array|undefined} accountIds - Account ids, exclusive with
      *  emailAddresses and canonicalIds
      * @param {array|undefined} emailAddresses - Email addresses, exclusive
@@ -465,22 +474,42 @@ class VaultClient {
      * @param {object} options - Options
      * @param {string} [options.reqUid] - Request uid
      * @param {function} callback - Callback(err, result)
+     *
+     * @param {Object} filter - Contains the previous signature's first 3 params
+     *  with additional `accountNames` field
+     *
+     * Note: do not use `accountNames` with vault2
+     *
      * @return {undefined}
     getAccounts(accountIds, emailAddresses, canonicalIds, options, callback) {
+        let accountNames;
+        if (arguments.length === 3) {
+            // check and convert args from signature getAccounts(filter, options, callback)
+            const filter = accountIds;
+            /* eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign */
+            options = emailAddresses;
+            /* eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign */
+            callback = canonicalIds;
+            assert(filter && typeof filter === 'object' && !Array.isArray(filter),
+                'first arg (filter) must be an object containing one filter field');
+            assert(options && typeof options === 'object' && !Array.isArray(options),
+                'second arg (options) must be an object');
+            assert(callback && typeof callback === 'function',
+                'third arg (callback) must be a function');
+            ({
+                /* eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign */
+                accountIds, emailAddresses, canonicalIds, accountNames
+            } = filter);
+        }
         assert((accountIds && Array.isArray(accountIds)) || !accountIds,
             'accountIds should be an array');
         assert((emailAddresses && Array.isArray(emailAddresses))
             || !emailAddresses, 'emailAddresses should be an array');
         assert((canonicalIds && Array.isArray(canonicalIds)) || !canonicalIds,
             'canonicalIds should be an array');
-        if (
-            (accountIds && (emailAddresses || canonicalIds))
-            || (emailAddresses && (accountIds || canonicalIds))
-            || (canonicalIds && (accountIds || emailAddresses))) {
-            assert(false, 'accountIds, emailAddresses and canonicalIds '
-                + 'ids are exclusive');
-        }
+        assert((accountNames && Array.isArray(accountNames)) || !accountNames,
+            'accountNames should be an array');
         const data = {
             Action: 'GetAccounts',
             Version: '2010-05-08',
@@ -494,7 +523,13 @@ class VaultClient {
         if (emailAddresses) {
             data.emailAddresses = emailAddresses;
+        if (accountNames) {
+            data.accountNames = accountNames;
+        }
+        if (Object.values(data).length > 3) {
+            assert(false, 'accountIds, emailAddresses, canonicalIds '
+                + 'and accountNames ids are exclusive');
+        }
         const verb = this.useAuthenticatedAdminRoutes ? 'POST' : 'GET';
         this.request(verb, '/', this.useAuthenticatedAdminRoutes, callback, data, options.reqUid, null);
diff --git a/tests/unit/getAccounts.js b/tests/unit/getAccounts.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9640747
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/getAccounts.js
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+/* eslint-disable operator-linebreak */
+'use strict'; // eslint-disable-line
+const assert = require('assert');
+const IAMClient = require('../../lib/IAMClient.js');
+const accountIds = ['accountId1', 'accountId2'];
+const canonicalIds = ['canId1', 'canId2'];
+const emailAddresses = ['email1', 'email2'];
+const accountNames = ['name1', 'name2'];
+const opt = { reqUid: 'test.getAccounts.reqUid' };
+const mockCB = () => {};
+const expectedData = {
+    Action: 'GetAccounts',
+    Version: '2010-05-08',
+describe('getAccounts', () => {
+    let client;
+    let spyArg = null;
+    beforeEach('spy on request', done => {
+        client = new IAMClient('', 8500);
+        client.request = function spy(...args) {
+            spyArg = args;
+        };
+        done();
+    });
+    afterEach('reset spyArg', () => { spyArg = null; });
+    describe('should send request with regular function signature (5 args)', () => {
+        [
+            { name: 'accountIds', args: [accountIds, null, null, opt, mockCB] },
+            { name: 'emailAddresses', args: [null, emailAddresses, null, opt, mockCB] },
+            { name: 'canonicalIds', args: [null, null, canonicalIds, opt, mockCB] },
+        ].forEach(({ name, args }) => it(`for ${name}`, () => {
+            client.getAccounts(...args);
+            const [method, path, auth, cb, data, reqUid, contentType] = spyArg;
+            assert.strictEqual(method, 'GET');
+            assert.strictEqual(path, '/');
+            assert.strictEqual(auth, false);
+            assert.strictEqual(cb, mockCB);
+            assert.strictEqual(reqUid, opt.reqUid);
+            assert.strictEqual(contentType, null);
+            assert.deepStrictEqual(
+                data,
+                Object.assign({}, expectedData, { [name]: args[0] || args[1] || args[2] }),
+            );
+        }));
+    });
+    describe('should send request with new function signature (3args)', () => {
+        [
+            { name: 'accountIds', args: [{ accountIds }, opt, mockCB] },
+            { name: 'emailAddresses', args: [{ emailAddresses }, opt, mockCB] },
+            { name: 'canonicalIds', args: [{ canonicalIds }, opt, mockCB] },
+            { name: 'accountNames', args: [{ accountNames }, opt, mockCB] },
+        ].forEach(({ name, args }) => it(`for ${name}`, () => {
+            client.getAccounts(...args);
+            const [method, path, auth, cb, data, reqUid, contentType] = spyArg;
+            assert.strictEqual(method, 'GET');
+            assert.strictEqual(path, '/');
+            assert.strictEqual(auth, false);
+            assert.strictEqual(cb, mockCB);
+            assert.strictEqual(reqUid, opt.reqUid);
+            assert.strictEqual(contentType, null);
+            assert.deepStrictEqual(
+                data,
+                Object.assign({}, expectedData, { [name]: Object.values(args[0])[0] }),
+            );
+        }));
+    });
+    describe('should throw with regular function signature (5args)', () => {
+        it('for all values set', () => {
+            assert.throws(() => client.getAccounts(accountIds, emailAddresses, canonicalIds, opt, mockCB),
+                assert.AssertionError);
+        });
+    });
+    describe('should throw with new function signature (3args)', () => {
+        it('for all values set', () => {
+            assert.throws(() => client.getAccounts(
+                {
+                    accountIds, emailAddresses, canonicalIds, accountNames,
+                },
+                opt,
+                mockCB,
+            ),
+            assert.AssertionError);
+        });
+        it('for wrong argument type', () => {
+            assert.throws(() => client.getAccounts(accountIds, opt, mockCB),
+                assert.AssertionError);
+        });
+    });