This decorator monitors the size of html elements; the host element of a component or any of its children.
It is required that the component using this decorator implements the OnInit
and OnDestroy
@HostElement('height') height$: Observable<number>;
@HostElement('height', width, { selector: '.content'}) contentSize$: Observable<number>;
These provide an Observable, but if you are only interested in real values
@HostElement('height', { observable: false}) height: number;
@HostElement('height', width, { observable: false, selector: '.content'}) contentSize: number;
You can also define rxjs pipeable operator, to manipulate or filter out certain values
@HostElement('height', { observable: false, pipe: [map(myMap), filter(myFilter)]}) height: number;
Finally, this decorator used the not-very-well-supported
, so you need a polyfill. Add the
following lines to your polyfill.ts
import ResizeObserver from 'resize-observer-polyfill';
declare global {
interface Window { ResizeObserver: any; }
if (!window.ResizeObserver) {
window.ResizeObserver = ResizeObserver;
and make sure to install the npm module
$> yarn add resize-observer-polyfill
You can see all this in action in this demo
selector: 'app-normal',
templateUrl: './normal.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./normal.component.scss']
export class NormalComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
@HostElement('width') w: number$;
@HostElement('height', {observable: false}) h: number;
@HostElement() width: number;
@HostElement('width', 'height', { pipe: [map(mapToPxFactory('width', 'height'))] }) pxSize: {width: string, height: string};
@HostElement('width', {selector: '.inner'}) innerWidth: number;
constructor(private element: ElementRef) { }
ngOnInit() {} // Needed to initialize the decorator
ngOnDestroy(): void {} // Needed to cleanup