0.9.0 (2024-12-02)
- Relationships by @matteo-s in #133
- feat: Create ModelServe functions from model reference by @kazhamiakin in #135
- Schema exporting by @matteo-s in #136
- Argoworkflows v2 by @matteo-s in #137
- Argoworkflows by @kazhamiakin in #134
- workflow runs refactor by @matteo-s in #140
- fix(huggingfaceserve): Correct translation of LLM task types by @kazhamiakin in #139
- refactor: fsm for states + transitions and new lifecycle manager by @matteo-s in #142
- fix: runAsUser added to the argo workflow spec by @kazhamiakin in #143
- Argo disable serviceaccount by @matteo-s in #144
- API for templates by @micnori in #145
- Update LICENSE by @Calcagiara in #146
- container runtime expose runAs into task specs (ad0a6d6)
- function templates (7ab8653)
- add generated schemas to repo (fcc5ecf)
- add metadata.ref to exported resources (3d0b90a)
- add run_of relationship to all runs (6e2fb40)
- Create ModelServe functions from model reference (93a4587)
- drop nefertem runtime from builds (56fcf71)
- implement keyGenerator for id generation (aacce6f)
- key utils + accessor (62d343e)
- kfp workflow spec update to use source format for build (0dc9759)
- openapi generator goal + export (6c2b6f7)
- project expose relationships for all embedded entities (22eaaec)
- remove config_map volume type (9f0c95b)
- remove deprecated handler field from workflow spec (dfdac79)
- schema exporter runner (wip) (e01790d)
- spec exported to file for all specs with custom profile (b393c16)
- Support for Build task and native Argo Workflow framework. (ed6325a)
- support k8s jobs as suspended by default (f0951e2)
- update spring + spring boot and bump version (8ddab95)
- use varbinary instead of lob to avoid orhpaned oids in postgres (ced0154)
- clear leftover extra fields (63018c5)
- snake_case for k8s fields (ae97821)
- add templates to dockerfile to include in images (3ad4183)
- replace getFile with getInputStream to allow template service to read from classpath (61f4ef2)
- lock jetty deps for solr (6bf0bcd)
- remove outputs from python run spec (ceb5173)
- avoid external state modification for non-local runs (ffd5faa)
- fix nullpointer (+potential npes) in argo framework (7b44208)
- remove NONE entityType (d1a9485)
- disable service account and token mont config (e2149f2)
- cascade delete models on project delete (b624260)
- enforce run spec readonly after created stage (ff59564)
- fix compile error for kfp build task (fdc1f36)
- fix imports forargo workflow in kfp runtime (f64ecde)
- fix kfp pipeline runner reading from base64 encoded spec (3d15c2a)
- fix relationships repo definition (89524e3)
- huggingfaceserve: Correct translation of LLM task types (7f75530)
- keep snake_case for values in metadata (6cc1832)
- leftover check for functionId in task service + run rels (238d233)
- reprase relationship find query to be more precise (46457b1)
- runAccessor task field (f5fbb1c)
- runAsUser added to the argo workflow spec (e9414d0)
- runmanager loads workflows (d96ee4f)
Full Changelog: https://github.com/scc-digitalhub/digitalhub-core/compare/0.8.0...0.9.0
0.8.0 (2024-10-24)
- Websocket for run states by @etomaselli in #120
- Project sharing by @matteo-s in #123
- add solr basic auth by @micnori in #122
- refactor: solr update + implement reindex + fixes by @matteo-s in #124
- feat: drop mlrun runtime by @matteo-s in #125
- refactor: secrets handled via providers + clear path logic to avoid s… by @matteo-s in #129
- update embedding to keep ids by default and reduce meta to base metadata (360ab4c)
- add fsGroup to secContext + make user configurable for container (ee75082)
- drop mlrun from application (d54ec17)
- drop mlrun runtime (71e3a4b)
- kfp workflow encoded as base64 (8871bd8)
- projects search by user (71f746b)
- refresh project authorities for internal tokens (e6343df)
- use preferred_username by default for jwt auth, with fallback to sub (5c57559)
- container tasks export context for source (1356ee2)
- k8s service status info detailed collection (88d4149)
- notify updatedBy user if different from owner (769b7c0)
- k8s api response error reporting (c33456e)
- cache on project share lookup (80f989d)
- k8s serve/deploy resume + framework messages (f0c3d42)
- project sharing (03dc7a4)
- project sharing + user permissions (017e6bc)
- user notifications model (41da04e)
- websocket authentication + config (fdcb968)
- secrets should be exposed as ENVS as provided (3faa787)
- builder-tool as non root (7587cd1)
- builder-tool does not exit for chmod issues (07b4667)
- cronJob framework avoid double build of volumes (d17e52e)
- project spec includes models (a63c7e6)
- align secrets provider + add path checks (047ae8f)
- fix huggingface path regex (d957384)
- sanitize project secrets name for k8s (5444f16)
- fix crontab regex (6c783b2)
- python init_function field is a plain string (81e7827)
- refresh_token native queries require token as text, postgres uses oid by default (d62c80e)
- rewrite native query for refresh_tokens to fix text issues (e78b808)
- token exchange should propagate claims as extracted by securityConfig (e904839)
- wrong kfp wrapper image (9677b2e)
- container build workdir set to /shared (1a18ba1)
- fix container build mismatch between workdir and copy dest (bbb1655)
- fix serve framework nullpointer ex (d3ee34b)
- service processor should avoid looking for status if type != loadBalancer (569b7b9)
- set LOGIN_URL for console for oidc (1fc3a2f)
- fix nullpointer on run callback when not existing (8607fd5)
- k8s pvc claimName in place of claim_name (0dab756)
- batch delete should send events (72d17be)
- fix delete of run with no runnable (e6dc6d7)
- specRegistry schema generator additional modules should be optional + cleanups (013eb30)
0.7.0 (2024-09-20)
- python build should set WORKDIR for user instructions (b270412)
0.7.0-beta10 (2024-09-19)
- add locking to run manager to fix fsm concurrency + add error messages to status (216d5b2)
0.7.0-beta9 (2024-09-18)
- fix python install of requirements.txt (d8252ae)
- fix seriazable definition to avoid loop + fix array def (6b03c9a)
- mlserve runtimes add validation to image and path (523b204)
- python job schedule support + schedule validation via regex as crontab (41b531a)
0.7.0-beta8 (2024-09-16)
- build sub path on download only if it differs from path (81566f8)
- clean fileInfo and fix bug in httpStore (e17053e)
- fix secret removal not working due to patch issue (63f76a9)
- fix store key building (50ad12d)
- handle log collection errors in loop to avoid stopping on first error (a9e9c25)
- keep k8s status when there is no updates (97e2229)
- remove source path modification for ml serving (66ed314)
- use latest tag for python runtimes (8995114)
- add deps install for mlflow (c79db7c)
- add transitions log to run status (d673785)
- hide secret and configMaps details from run status (50a628b)
- monitor restartCounts for deployments to check for errors (d56de95)
0.7.0-beta7r2 (2024-09-12)
- fix kaniko init volume double definition (e4fadea)
- remove double slash from upload url built path (5eddbc8)
- zip+s3 store (cd14de3)
0.7.0-beta6 (2024-09-06)
- expose fake node for profiles descriptions (f5bec00)
- json schema custom generator for serializable fields + proxy building for specs before generation (c5e1664)
- support templates for k8s objects via composite profiles (663d643)
- transform schema utils into factory + add k8s schema module + enable proxy + build custom spec for templates/profiles (a8dd58a)
- update run specs to exclude embedded function from schema generation (69982c3)
- use resources definition from template when provided over user provided (49c02eb)
0.7.0-beta5 (2024-08-30)
0.7.0-beta4 (2024-08-28)
0.7.0-beta3 (2024-08-23)
- add scanning for subpackages to include authorization (3fb3dbe)
- enforce name as read-only for entities (c047743)
- fix wrong auth used for refresh token consumption (71a60df)
- authorization aware service for projects + helper auth to inject roles for project owners (030fe1b)
0.7.0-beta2 (2024-08-22)
- fix anonymous auth for token endpoint (becb7bd)
- revert changed application properties and apply new config (bc13096)
- revert changed jwt configuration to correct default (3c97c06)
- add exchange token flow between client and (internal/external) jwt auth (51a24be)
- implement auth server + add refresh + add endpoints + refactoring (db5782b)
0.6.0 (2024-07-31)
- fix build issues (4ecec34)
- fix k8s gpu and volumes usage (ab1981b)
- fix kaniko framework usage of secret volume mounts (62c23b6)
0.6.0-beta13 (2024-07-22)
- fix k8s names sanitization, shorten generated names + disable fix for throw error (fae02ad)
- fix templates reading for base k8s framework (55d4774)
- runtimes should start without k8s (3cd8046)
- add label support to k8s templats (6cfc7fd)
- add security config and default resources to k8s (6670cc7)
- k8s improve observability (8d8e3e7)
- k8s make image pull policy configurable (c526fdd)
- k8s profiles as templates (8295d68)
- update k8s configurability and logging (2f28f9e)
0.6.0-beta12 (2024-07-19)
- fix image pull policy wrongly specified for k8s (91c3c8f)
- fix wrong type in runnables written by runtimes (0d3d950)
- add custom entrypoint for python-runtime (d7f40d0)
- add function name label to python and container runnables (6372ac8)
- clean up k8s details in run after deletion (8929233)
0.6.0-beta11 (2024-07-17)
- fix issue with deleting secret values from existing secrets (a9e44b9)
- fix issue with s3 presigner not using path style with custom endpoints (166e921)
- fix removal of orphaned pods for k8s jobs via propagaition policy (4f4169b)
- add k8s function label to container runtime runnables (895895b)
- add namespaced labels to k8s resources (af26f64)
- add prev entity to update events (debe27f)
0.6.0-beta10 (2024-07-12)
0.6.0-beta9 (2024-07-12)
- fix incorrect usage of k8deployment framework for serving (5adc24d)
- schema controller should be accessible to all users (5012805)
0.6.0-beta8 (2024-07-11)
- add secrets to serving (43dc2c5)
- enforce sanitization on names generated for k8s and images (159e5c2)
0.6.0-beta7 (2024-07-11)
- fix k8s init config map and cleanup (1414aaf)
- remove notNull annotation from python serve: task should have all fields optional (0ec534e)
0.6.0-beta6 (2024-07-10)
- fix issue with event publisher not distinguishing between runnable listeners (7d5492d)
- update python spec to default serviceType to nodePort (f56d8d4)
0.6.0-beta4 (2024-07-08)
0.6.0-beta3 (2024-07-04)
- fix incorrect usage of urlEncoder for base64 (0957532)
- fix issue with patching k8s secrets (61651c4)
- fix unauthorized response from project controller with auth disabled (39f8ef0)
- fix wrong state management on delete (b7c924a)
- add init_function to python runtime (30bf8cf)
- cleanup k8s listeners and fix errors (0324ea5)
- container runtime from base runtime (34542bd)
- dbt runtime from base runtime (7ea4f8e)
- kfp runtime from base runtime (c640230)
- mlrun runtime from base runtime (1a0ce5a)
- nefertem runtime from base runtime (befe3a1)
- python runtime from base runtime (e0c765c)
- refactor runtimes to leverage base impl (4dac16f)
- refactor specs usage (84ab23f)
- set default value in schema for single value enums (ff9474a)
- use yaml for kdp workflow field (83d54d7)
0.6.0-beta2 (2024-06-24)
- fix python build issues with requirements (d39e06a)
0.6.0-beta1 (2024-06-20)
- align python builders logic (073ce75)
- clear edited files (3a87962)
- clear modified runtimes (e3782ec)
- disable cors support by default (0b7ed7e)
- fix build-tool image pinning to latest (b0c5e05)
- fix issues with building python images + update config (52156d9)
- fix rsync error including hidden files in builder-tool (caa391f)
- fix wrongly modified container spec (a8c064a)
- name audit metadata with snake_case (f6fb81d)
- properly set condition on s3 store (e3abd76)
- resolve symlink copy for build-tool (df23b58)
- add headers for api version (3f5b8eb)
- cleanup redundant python builders (ae727f7)
- files proxy initial support for s3/http (0803999)
0.5.0-beta8 (2024-06-10)
- update run specs for input/outputs defs (5b21e99)
0.5.0-beta7 (2024-06-06)
0.5.0-beta6 (2024-06-05)
- python serve task (a5a9ee9)
- remove runs after finals state (completed+error) via delete + cleanups (cb4cf32)
0.5.0-beta4 (2024-06-04)
- handle local path in source for python runtime (0c166b9)
- add input/outputs to python run (2caa488)
0.5.0-beta3 (2024-05-31)
- fix kaniko building contextSource map as array instead of strings (4e6fe41)
- add openmetadata integration as custom meta obj (263801c)
- python runtime job execution (0593154)
- update specs and add labels (0390fad)
0.5.0-beta2 (2024-05-29)
- fix schema generation for records (65f2826)
- add title+desc to schemas derived for specs via annotation scan (d3b27de)
- auto-generate title and desc in schema for fields + unwrap run specs (0978f0e)
- unwrap container run specs + tweak json schema generation (8d954c8)
- update k8s internal logging (77b4c10)
0.5.0-beta1 (2024-05-20)
- k8s metrics collection (462b11f)
- log collection and proper refactoring of monitors (31b4b35)
- model service align (d572dcd)
- remove timestamp from logs (3a50713)
- support models for ml (aa1ba15)
- update log handling, collect all containers (759d536)
0.4.0 (2024-05-14)
- always use (dhcore) for managed-by label (55ecad0)
0.4.0-beta13 (2024-05-14)
- fix issues with run lifecycle in k8s + bump kubernetes client dep (0ce18b9)
- fix name in pom + fix nullpointer in k8serve (f42b439)
0.4.0-beta12 (2024-05-10)
- use release name for core version (7fe8e58)
- use revision for release version (3a849c1)
- validation + search latest api + fixes (6117fbb)
0.4.0-beta11 (2024-05-09)
- add converter to state in entities (3beff36)
- fix issues with run fsm and concurrency + various fixes (34e42f1)
0.4.0-beta10 (2024-05-09)
- add registry config shared between k8s and kaniko (0d9a6ed)
0.4.0-beta9 (2024-05-07)
- fix labels on k8s objects + remove required imageName from container (1e5c907)
0.4.0-beta8 (2024-05-07)
- store secret for kaniko runs (5ffba49)
0.4.0-beta7 (2024-05-03)
0.4.0-beta3 (2024-04-29)
- secured runnable can transport auth details to frameworks (d72c2d5)
0.4.0-beta6 (2024-04-30)
- builder tool should skip refs if not set (e9bd4be)
- fix dockerfile building for container runtime (78ac814)
- update container function image after build via kaniko + clear k8s labels usage (fedd1b0)
0.4.0-beta5 (2024-04-30)
- reattach console to upstream (0ed5389)
0.4.0-beta4 (2024-04-29)
- update K8sKanikoFramework.java to use image registry (b0bf5cc)
0.4.0-beta3 (2024-04-29)
- secured runnable can transport auth details to frameworks (d72c2d5)
0.4.0-beta2 (2024-04-24)
0.4.0-beta1 (2024-04-16)
- align kfp kinds and id handling (241aff4)
- disable request logging filter to avoid breaking request handling (97c2e28)
- fix auditor issue with null authentication on async threads (77954e9)
- make oauth2 scopes configurable via env (eec40cd)
- add cron job execution infrastructure + cleanups (df983c1)
- add handler to sourceCode in specs (3b566a2)
- add user filters to search and services (f3e37f6)
- add user to DTOs and audit user in entities + cleanups (92eaac9)
- add validation instructions to k8s spec fields (b1d2ece)
- core volume as class with enum for volumeTypes (1cde68f)
- enable/disable solr for console via props (e0a96f3)
- indexers and indexable services + update controllers (a1f5509)
- update k8s core resource as (cpu/mem/gpu) (a1c8623)
- update project controller to let owners modify/delete owned projects (1b507e0)
0.3.0-beta8 (2024-04-04)
- fix blob handling in psql (5dabf59)
0.3.0-beta7 (2024-04-04)
- fix errors in FSM and disable path traversal for more than 1-step state changes (4a30939)
- include only non null elements in spec toMap to avoid inserting invalid values in kube + handle find null in store (b1db674)
- typo in sql (9748058)
0.3.0-beta6 (2024-04-02)
- cleanup security config + add auth endpoint for console (f36d53d)
0.3.0-beta5 (2024-04-02)
- fix issues with jdbc initialization and refactor runnable store (fb51646)
- fix postgresql schema sql naming (1adffb0)
- move actuator management endpoint to dedicated port + fix configuration issues (146c50b)
- update specs and define tableSchema (b0c8bfa)
0.3.0-beta4 (2024-03-27)
0.3.0-beta3 (2024-03-26)
- add deleting transaction to all run state (0b57c91)
- align specs and correct implementations (c9463cc)
- check for project existence before creating entities (c1a42dd)
- check for secret existence before deleting (39e0964)
- correct mlrun task job spec (18d7aa1)
- correct wrongly configured pagination handler to start page count from 0 (ee542d1)
- enforce unique secret for name+project (dd09cbe)
- fix cloud broadcast to rabbit + make async (c28e46b)
- fix image names in Dockerfile (9fa9319)
- fix mapping for delete all dataItem in context controller (d9750c4)
- fix pattern usage in runUtils (cae0de7)
- fix runmanager wrong states and transactions (056a7d7)
- include frontend in docker builds (83cd53f)
- include frontend in docker cache (6bac7e9)
- refactor converters implementations and store state enum as string in db (1b95480)
- runnable in events are optional (5e47826)
- update base controllers to properly extract search filters + update schema generation (f519e63)
- update dtos and specs (9381802)
- use localDateTime with iso format for metadata + cleanups (edcbd44)
- use offsetDateTime with iso format for metadata (bb9495f)
- add LOG_LEVEL env variable to set logging (5c6c395)
- align runtimes to run manager + fix and align k8s frameworks + add run actions RPC to context controller (5a47880)
- async delete listener for runs (afcae53)
- delete runs via manager and properly handle cleanups in runtimes (3d75f4b)
- handle common exceptions in controllerAdvice (e904621)
- integrate user console + fix request handling for application (1ccbe0f)
- KFP remote implementation (#71) (e6eb6a2)
- sourceCode in spec supports a list of languages (8c1db42)
- update specs (BREAKING) (0429407)
0.0.31 (2024-03-08)
- update security config to enable ROLE_ADMIN access from oidc (5269937)
- add store key to all dtos (1bd0b38)
0.0.30 (2024-03-04)
- add pathvariable to schemaController.get (ea18b12)
- align run usage with models + handle store exceptions (d6a36d4)
- update run.sh script (9bf299e)
0.0.29 (2024-02-21)
- add converter for entityName enum with value, supporting lowercase+ pluralization (e867eb2)
- cache dockerfile (8c32692)
- use conditional kube annotation for k8s stores (a571ebb)
- auth annotations with roles on controllers (2de6ca2)
0.0.28 (2024-02-21)
0.0.27 (2024-02-20)
- add constructor to dataitem base spec (57d578d)
- change maven image tag (a70a19c)
- correct default db location (dcdb033)
- add runtime to specs + add runtime filtering to schemas via registry (a78173b)
- add schema handling with registry + controllers + utils (c742079)
- allow runs to override k8s specs defined in tasks (a7177de)
- auto build images on tags (153f951)