jBSBE is a library on top of the j8583, adding some missing functionality and simplifying its usage. j8583 is a java implementation of the ISO8583 standard.
Project uses Apache License 2.0
Because j8583
- could be simpler to configure.
- is unnecessary difficult to transform Pojos to ISO Messages. Using it in microservice environment could be a pain.
- lacks some useful functionality like:
- Nice printing.
- Real Binary Fields, not hexed.
- Masking fields for logging.
- Metadata in iso message.
jBSBE was available in the mvn repository. I don't have time to update it there anymore, just clone this repo and build it yourself.
- Based on j8583, so the classes I50Message and I50Factory extends the IsoMessage and MessageFactory in the j8583 with all its functionalities.
- Annotation based Message Transformation (Introducing @Iso8583 and @IsoField)
- Beautiful toString for the ISO Message
- Simplifying creating templates for ISO Message by Setting up Templates in I50Factory.
- I50Factory.addField(int index, String name, I50Type isoType, int length);
- Supporting Mixture of binary and non binary fields in message (Introducing I50Binary and I50LLLBin Types)
- Support metadata in the I50Message, come in handy for tracing for example.
Following Sections show how easy you can use the library to setup an ISO Message, ready tp be sent on a socket.
First thing you need is the message body itself. The @Iso8583 tells us that following pojo represents an ISO Message of type (0x200), the @AutoStan annotation makes use of the j8583 SimpleTraceGenerator to automatically set the stan. Message fields are set by help from the template set Next Step.
Think also that for DATE10, DATE4 and DATE_EXP map to LocalDateTime, LocalDate and YearMonth Java Classes, so use them in your Requests.
public class PurchaseRequest {
public LocalDateTime date;
public Long amount;
public String cardNumber;
The following code creates template for all types of iso messages used. This code is usually located in initialization part of the application. Notice that for the field 35 below we set the masking rule, this will lead into the value be masked everytime it is logged.
I50Factory.addField(4, "Amount", I50Type.AMOUNT);
I50Factory.addField(10, "Date", I50Type.DATE10);
I50Factory.addField(35, "cardNumber", I50Type.NUMERIC, 16, "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-####");
I50Factory.addField(11, "stan", I50Type.NUMERIC, 6);
The second way of creating a template for the iso messages is via a yaml-file that is stored in your classpath. The syntax for the file is like below. It results as the same template as the above.
- position: 4
title: Amount
type: AMOUNT
- position: 10
title: Date
type: DATE10
- position: 35
title: CardNumber
length: 16
mask: "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-####"
- position: 11
title: Stan
length: 6
to load the template we will need to call one method.
I50Utility.loadFieldSchema(null); // looks for a file called iso8583_schema.yml or
I50Utility.loadFieldSchema("my_file.yml"); // looks for a file called my_file.yml in your classpath
The code below is a simple example on how to create an ISO Message from Pojo.
SimpleTransformer class is just a simple transformer as it is said here, copying the value of the field from pojo into the ISO message. If you want another behavior you have to extend the SimpleTransformer and change the behavior of its setField method.
Also Think the scenario below could be triggered by a REST request where purchase request is actually the body of the request. Now you have an ISO Message ready to be sent.
I50Factory<SimpleTransformer> factory = new I50Factory(SimpleTransformer.class);
PurchaseRequest purchaseRequest = PurchaseRequest.builder().amount(100L).date(LocalDateTime.now())
I50Message message = factory.newMessage(purchaseRequest);
The following code
results in following
Message Type: 200, Body: [{name: Amount, type: AMOUNT, value: 100}{name: Date, type: DATE10, value: 1107132866}{name: stan, type: NUMERIC, value: 123456}{name: cardNumber, type: NUMERIC, value: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-4567}]
To print the message in a more human readable form with a bit more info use the prettyPrint as example below.
results in following
│Field │Value │
│Message │200 │
│Type │ │
│Field │Name │Type │Length │Value │
│Number │ │ │ │ │
│4 │Amount │AMOUNT │3(12) │100 │
│10 │Date │DATE10 │10(10) │1029184333 │
│11 │stan │NUMERIC │6(6) │123456 │
│35 │cardNumber│NUMERIC │16(16) │xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-4567│