Inspired by tiny_shakespeare, this brings you the works from the, as a matter of course, best German poet and writer - Friedrich Schiller, to your language models.
"Das Leben ist Nur ein Moment, der Tod ist auch nur einer!" - Friedrich Schiller
- Download Size: 2087 KB
- Version 1.0.0 (no release notes)
# Feature Structure
'text': Text(shape=(), dtype=string),
49483 lines or 319649 words or 1685792 characters (excluding spaces) or 1991325 characters (including spaces) of Friedrich Schiller. The document comprises of the following works, originally from Projekt Gutenberg.
- Briefe über Don Carlos
- Aus dem Szenar zum »Demetrius«
- Demetrius
- Die Huldigung der Künste
- Die Jungfrau von Orleans
- Die Räuber
- Die Verschwörung des Fiesco zu Genua
- Don Carlos, Infant von Spanien
- Kabale und Liebe
- Maria Stuart
- Wallenstein
- Wilhelm Tell
In conclusion, the works of Friedrich Schiller are a valuable contribution to literature, and this project aims to make them more accessible to language models. We hope you find this resource useful for your research and creative endeavors.
If you use this work in your research or projects, please cite it as follows:
author={Schutera, Mark},