The European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) is an international, - Brussels-based non-profit organisation with a pan-European membership and 27 years of experience in - empowering citizens. - ECAS believes in an inclusive, transparent, citizen-centric and democratic European - Union in which citizens’ - rights are at the heart of decision making at all levels and in which citizens are informed, consulted - and can actively participate. +
+ {!! __('common.who_we_are_description') !!}
- Crowdsourcing is a way of solving problems and producing new ideas - by connecting online with - people that you otherwise wouldn’t reach, giving citizens the opportunity to learn from others, - collaborate and participate in the decision-making. + {!! __('common.crowd_sourcing_description') !!}
With our ECAS crowdsourcing platform we aim at:
++ {!! __('common.our_platform_description') !!} +
✔ encouraging citizens to speak up on issues directly affecting them
+✔ {{ __('common.our_platform_description_1') }}
✔ increasing citizens democratic participation in political life
+✔ {{ __('common.our_platform_description_2') }}
✔ stimulating citizens engagement with the EU
+✔ {{ __('common.our_platform_description_3') }}
✔ improving citizens understanding of EU policy-making processes
+✔ {{ __('common.our_platform_description_4') }}
ECAS crowdsourcing platform hosts various projects. Please check below those - that are the currently active and waiting for your contribution. - Please visit a project's page and make an impact by answering just a couple of - questions!
-Join our crowdsourcing platform in order to make - your voice heard! You may contribute to our mission by speaking up and - providing your own input.
++ {!! __('common.features_citizens_1') !!} +
Check the impact of your contribution, after the - citizens opinions transform into a publicly available report.
++ {!! __('common.features_citizens_2') !!} +
Check the impact of your contribution, after the - citizens opinions transform into a publicly available report.
++ {!! __('common.features_citizens_3') !!} +
Keep track of your responses and - stay informed about other active projects. +
+ {!! __('common.features_citizens_4') !!}
Invite your friends to contribute to projects that - actually matter.
++ {!! __('common.features_citizens_5') !!} +
Invite your friends to contribute to projects that - actually matter.
++ {!! __('common.features_citizens_6') !!} +
Win awards as a "thank you" for your - impact in our causes.
++ {!! __('common.features_citizens_7') !!} +
Create new crowdsourcing projects to - motivate citizens to speak up! + alt="create crowd-sourcing campaigns"> +
+ {!! __('common.features_platform_1') !!}
Manage your questionnaires effectively with our easy to - use questionnaire editor.
++ {!! __('common.features_platform_2') !!} +
Manage your questionnaires effectively with our easy to - use questionnaire editor.
++ {!! __('common.features_platform_3') !!} +
Integrate with MailChimp in just a click, - to keep users always up to date with the latest projects and activities.
++ {!! __('common.features_platform_4') !!} +
The "Together" crowdsourcing platform hosts various projects. Please check - below those - that are the currently active and waiting for your contribution. - Please visit a project's page and make an impact by answering just a couple of questions! +
+ {{ __('common.crowd_sourcing_campaigns_description') }}