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MacOS Installation Guide

kmehant edited this page Oct 20, 2019 · 6 revisions

Setting up Bassa on MacOS

First clone and move to the project repository

git clone && cd Bassa

Install Bassa dependencies.

sudo ./

Setting up Aria2c RPC server

Open a new terminal window, move to downloads folder and start Aria2c server.

cd downloads/
aria2c --enable-rpc --rpc-listen-all

Setting up Bassa Database

Start the MySQL service on your machine and open the MySQL terminal to type the command for creating the Bassa Database.

create database Bassa;

Exit from MySQL terminal and insert the Bassa database schema in to the created database.

cd db_schema/
mysql -u root -p  Bassa < Bassa.sql

Configure the Bassa database credentials in components/core/ database connector file.

If the environment variables are being used, modify as following :

_db=MySQLdb.connect("db", os.environ.get('YOUR_DB_USERNAME'), os.environ.get('YOUR_DB_PASSWORD'), os.environ.get('Bassa')) 

If the environment variables are not configured and hardcoded strings are being used, replace as :

_db=MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="YOUR_DB_USERNAME", passwd="YOUR_DB_PASSWORD",db= "Bassa")

Setting up Bassa API server

Change directory to API code base and install python modules

cd components/core/ 
sudo python3 develop

Start Bassa API server

sudo python3

Setting up Bassa Web client and Gulp

Open a new terminal window, move to UI code base and install node modules.

cd ui/
sudo npm install
sudo npm install --global bower gulp-cli

Start the Bassa Web Client

gulp serve

You can access the Bassa Web Client at port 3000.