- 5f564a0: Updated @saleor/app-sdk to 0.47.2
- 531e7c1: Disabled Sentry tracing and Replays by default
- 99f7066: Updated Macaw UI to 1.0.0-pre.7. Removed legacy Material UI dependency from older Macaw. Code was updated to work properly with some API changes
- Updated dependencies [99f7066]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- 563fca9: Added "sku" field to the object mapped to Algolia. If sku is defined in the product variant, it will be passed to the synchronized index.
- a50df02: Reduced Sentry traces sample rate to 0.1
- 9fc5b1a: Added new field to the index: productPricing that contains price range (start-stop). Now each variant can be displayed with pricing of cheapest and most expensive ones.
- f4c67e8: Updated TRPC version
- fdabc51: Mapped app-sdk package to root library
- Updated dependencies [fdabc51]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- 148a6d7: Updated Sentry to 7.77.0
- 556906a: Reduced memory limit for UPDATED* webhooks to 256mb
1982d81: Added a new
field to the Algolia object representation. It now passes variant pricing representation from GraphQL:price { gross { amount } net { amount } } discount { gross { amount } net { amount } } onSale priceUndiscounted { gross { amount } net { amount } }
- 5d3d81d: Bumped @hookform/resolvers from 2.9.11 to 3.3.1
- 5dee65a: Updated dependencies:
- @graphql-codegen/[email protected]
- 2e29699: Updated Sentry package
- 7e0755e: Webhook migration scripts has been moved to the shared package.
- Updated dependencies [5dee65a]
- Updated dependencies [7e0755e]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- 1e3c08c: Added fields filtering form. Unused fields can be unchecked to match Algolia limits. By default every field is selected
- ed30a81: Added "Saleor Commerce" as an author in the Manifest
- e8660e8: Implemented shared getApBaseUrl
- e8660e8: Replaced GraphQL provider with shared package
- e8660e8: Replaced AppSections implementation with the shared package
- ed30a81: Refactor: Migrated private metadata of the app (used for settings) - previously each setting was saved in a dedicated metadata key. Now entire config is kept as JSON in a single field. This is non-breaking change - app will fallback to old config if needed.
- ed30a81: Refactor: Extracted shared webhook logic, like clients creation and settings fetching to a shared function that creates entire context. Webhook handlers LoC decreased by half
- e8660e8: Implemented ThemeSynchronizer from shared package
- e8660e8: Fixed broken configuration form when legacy metadata was fetched
- Updated dependencies [e8660e8]
- Updated dependencies [e8660e8]
- Updated dependencies [e8660e8]
- Updated dependencies [e8660e8]
- Updated dependencies [e8660e8]
- Updated dependencies [e8660e8]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- 2a1385b: Added new field to products document: descriptionPlaintext. It contains the product description converted to plaintext format which can be used to full text search.
- 2a1385b: Added Algolia index configuration helper, which sets up recommended settings: distinct results based on Product ID, faceting filters and searchable attributes.
2a1385b: Added script responsible for webhook migration.
a81f061: Updated Macaw to pre-127
2a1385b: Fixed issue with stale product variants after product deletion or channel visibility settings change.
fcc37e7: Remove clsx package from the projects no longer using it.
0f84985: Refactor: Introduced tRPC and re-implemented /api/configuration endpoint to the tRPC controller.
This does not affect the end-user functionality
Updated dependencies [2a1385b]
Updated dependencies [a81f061]
Updated dependencies [fcc37e7]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- 8b3d961: Updated Macaw UI to pre.118
- Updated dependencies [8b3d961]
- Updated dependencies [c50797e]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
69fe973: Extended search model with two new fields:
: returns true if stock is available. To keep this up to date, the application subscribes toProductVariantOutOfStock
: array of objects containing URL and type of given file (video or image)
To enable those features, open App configuration page and click on the
Update webhooks
button. To update existing data start a data import.
- 261957f: Updated dependencies: vite, vitest, eslint, prettier, dotenv, turbo, syncpack, changesets, lint staged
- Updated dependencies [261957f]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- 2cb7e5e: Improved attributes mapping. Now Algolia will receive better products data:
- Added
field which is an array of variant id strings. It will only contain other variants, so if the array is empty, it means the variant is the only one. It can be quickly used to count alternative variants or to reference them by ID. - Added
field. Nowmetadata
contains data for product parent andvariantMetadata
for each variant. - Improved JSON fields mapping. Now json-like fields will be sent to Algolia as structure jsons, not strings. This include:
- Added
- 2fab86b: Updated graphql package to 16.7.1 and @graphql-codegen related dependencies to the latest version.
- aa6fec1: Updated Macaw UI to pre-106
- Updated dependencies [aa6fec1]
- Updated dependencies [aa6fec1]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- 70cb741: Update Zod to 3.21.4
- e7c2d3a: Updated and ESLint dependencies
- 3c6cd4c: Updated the @saleor/app-sdk package to version 0.41.1.
- 6210447: Updated @tanstack/react-query 4.29.19
- Updated dependencies [70cb741]
- Updated dependencies [e7c2d3a]
- Updated dependencies [3c6cd4c]
- Updated dependencies [6210447]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- a1f083c: Filled "about" field in App Manifest. Dashboard will display it in app details page now.
- 47102ba: Added additional ENV variables (see each app's .env.example), that can overwrite app base URL. This change allows easy apps development using Docker
- 2d77bca: Updated Next.js to 13.4.8
- 6299e06: Update @saleor/app-sdk to 0.41.0
- Updated dependencies [2d77bca]
- Updated dependencies [6299e06]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- 1dead1e: Included dedicated logo and attached it to App's manifest. From Saleor 3.15 the logo will be visible in the Dashboard during and after installation.
- 860bac4: Updated @saleor/app-sdk to 0.40.1
- a1ad70e: Updated configuration and dependencies of GraphQL client - urql. All applications use now unified config for creating the client. Also unused related packages has been removed.
- ec68ed5: Updated Sentry package and config. Set Sentry release to match package.json version. Now Sentry will use semver version instead a commit
- cb6ee29: Updated dependencies
- cce3c1e: Regression - Fixed Algolia "index prefix" field to be optional, just like it was before the refcator.
- Updated dependencies [f96563f]
- Updated dependencies [f96563f]
- Updated dependencies [860bac4]
- Updated dependencies [a1ad70e]
- Updated dependencies [cb6ee29]
- Updated dependencies [a1ad70e]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- a8834a1: Unified graphql version to 16.6
- a8834a1: Unified graphql codegen packages
- a8834a1: Removed unnecessary duplicated dependencies from apps and moved them to shared and root (types, eslint rules)
- a8834a1: Updated dev dependencies - Typescript, Eslint and Turborepo
- 928c727: Updated @saleor/macaw-ui to 0.8.0-pre.95. This version introduces change in spacing scale, so there may be slight changes in spacing
- Updated dependencies [a8834a1]
- Updated dependencies [a8834a1]
- Updated dependencies [a8834a1]
- Updated dependencies [a8834a1]
- Updated dependencies [a8834a1]
- Updated dependencies [928c727]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- 0c2fc65: Update dev dependencies - Vite and Vitest. These changes will not affect runtime Apps, but can affect tests and builds
- Updated dependencies [0c2fc65]
- Updated dependencies [b75a664]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- 6e69f4f: Update app-sdk to 0.39.1
- Updated dependencies [6e69f4f]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- 590150b: Use input component from the shared package.
- Updated dependencies [23b5c70]
- Updated dependencies [8a339fc]
- Updated dependencies [b36502d]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- 24615cf: Replaced custom Chip implementation with SemanticChip from shared package
- e751459: Use TextLink component from shared package
- f9ca488: Fixed how TextLink is displayed - added missing space between spans
- c406318: Updated dep @saleor/app-sdk to 0.38.0
- 403bcf8: Update @saleor/app-sdk to 0.8.0-pre.84
- Updated dependencies [24615cf]
- Updated dependencies [ba7c3de]
- Updated dependencies [c406318]
- Updated dependencies [e751459]
- Updated dependencies [f9ca488]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- 8b22b1c: Restored Pino logger packages to each app, to fix failing logs in development. Also updated .env.example to contain up to date APP_LOG_LEVEL variable
40bed99: Added webhooks optimization feature. App will validate Algolia config in several places:
- During config form submit
- During loading frontend
- During webhooks invocation
If Algolia "ping" fails with 403, app will disable webhooks, assuming its misconfigured.
Webhooks status is displayed in App configuration screen. If they are disabled, user can preview failed webhooks deliveries
830cfe9: Changed APP_DEBUG env to APP_LOG_LEVEL
- 830cfe9: Replaced internal logger implementation with shared logger
- Updated dependencies [830cfe9]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- b33da7a: Improved helping description - added supported events and links to docs
- fc7a70f: Redesigned app to Macaw 2.0. Removed legacy code and unused libraries. Introduced Pino logger and Vitest. Bumped Macaw to 0.8.0 pre-release
- 57f6d41: Updated Manifest to contain up to date support, privacy, homepage and author fields
- 2c0df91: Added lint:fix script, so
eslint --fix
can be run deliberately - e167e72: Update next.js to 13.3.0
- 74174c4: Updated @saleor/app-sdk to 0.37.3
- 2e51890: Update next.js to 13.3.0
- 2e51890: Update @saleor/app-sdk to 0.37.2
- 2e51890: Use useDashboardNotification hook from shared package, instead of direct AppBridge usage
- Updated dependencies [2c0df91]
- Updated dependencies [e167e72]
- Updated dependencies [74174c4]
- Updated dependencies [2e51890]
- Updated dependencies [2e51890]
- Updated dependencies [2e51890]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- eca52ad: Removed search index preview page. It can be easily accessed at Algolia itself.
- eca52ad: Update Next and Sentry
- eca52ad: Replace "export default" with named exports
- @saleor/[email protected]
- 7cb3b89: Added "author" field to the Manifest, set it to Saleor Commerce, so Dashboard can display it too
- 7cb3b89: Replace apps to avoid AppPermission (use Permission for client permissions) and authData.domain (use saleorApiUrl)
- 7cb3b89: Updated @saleor/app-sdk to 0.37.1
- e93a4dc: Updated GraphQL Code Generator package
- dca82bb: Update app-sdk to pre-0.34.0. Update Async Webhooks to use new API
- 2755ed2: Added extra padding on top of the app so it has some space between content and dashboard header
- 2d23480: Remove TitleBar component from apps, because it is moved to Dashboard, outside of iframe context
- Updated dependencies [2d23480]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- 289b42f: Breaking change for app maintainers: VercelAPL can no longer be set for the app since it's deprecated and will be removed in app-sdk 0.30.0. As a replacement, we recommend using Upstash APL or implementing your own. Read more about APLs: https://github.com/saleor/saleor-app-sdk/blob/main/docs/apl.md
- 1c9b2c4: Change public app names to be more readable
- 5fc88ed: Add shared theme provider with color overrides and globals
- ea850d3: Remove unused preview features and make CSS better
- Updated dependencies [5fc88ed]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- b874d10: Update @saleor/app-sdk to 0.29.0
- c786483: Subscription queries for webhooks has been splitted to pass a new validation
- Updated dependencies [648d99b]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- ce17e45: Fix missing attribute values in products
- 9f843b2: Update imports to @saleor/apps-shared
- 9f843b2: Use TitleBar and AppIcon from shared package
- 9f843b2: Remove generated folders form git history
- Updated dependencies [9f843b2]
- Updated dependencies [9f843b2]
- Updated dependencies [9f843b2]
- Updated dependencies [9f843b2]
- Updated dependencies [9f843b2]
- @saleor/[email protected]
- 21f0a60: Include Search app to apps