To help cut down on the effort going into meal planning each week. Yes I realize this is way more work than meal planning, but I like doing this and I don't like meal planning. Also gives me a good reason to try new things.
pnpm install
pnpm start
- Totally random
- Make fs based list of recipes
- Make fs based persistence
- Don't reuse ones from last week
- Mix up primary ingredients
- Variety
- Healthy
- Pescatarian
- Vegitarian
- Vegan
- Reduced protein
- Specific array of options (E.g., "Fish, Beef, Fish, Chicken, Fish, Lamb, Fish")
- Include 'eat-out' night. Set night of the week?
- Respect religious days of the week that don't eat specific things on certain days of the week
- Create list of places to eat out that can fit into the rest of the meal plan. E.g., don't offer up a chicken place if you've already had chicken twice this week.
- Options
- Work on fewer meals with meat
- Specify how many days to eat out
- Specify main course vs sides and build meals with appropriate sides
- Interactive meal plan builder. Ask some questions to set options. Given a few options for each day, select as you go.
- Create database of recipes
- Create user's table with their recipes
- Create API to request their or all recipes
- Store the user's most recent list of used recipes
- Create server
- Create UI
- create recipe
- read recipe
- update recipe
- delete recipe
- create meal
- read meal
- update meal
- delete meal
- create plan
- read plan
- update plan
- delete plan
- get last meal plan
- get meals in last plan
- get meals in any plan
- get recipes in last plan
- get recipes in any plan
- get all recipes for user
- get all meals for user
- get all meal plans for user
- create better interface for the db client
- add way to check off stuff you know you have and end up with a list of things to check for before you go or order groceries
- recipe can add link to source
- recipe can add photos
- recipe can be added from pinterest
- pulls pin's title
- pull's link for recipe
- asks you to fill out the rest
- verify items exist before attempting to collect
- set frequency of each recipe
- set frequency of each meal
- flag recipe as public/shared/community
- comes from moderator
- suggested by user
- comes from trusted source/domain
- search recipe for keywords in ingredients list to tag proteins and other things like 'contains nuts' or 'contains dairy'