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524 lines (300 loc) · 26 KB

Release Notes

KeyboardKit will only deprecate code in minor versions. Deprecated code will be removed in major versions.


This version contains new features:

  • EmojiCategory is now Codable.
  • EmojiCategory has a fallbackDisplayEmoji that is used as system button text if no custom button image used.
  • KeyboardAction now has a standard tap action for .emojiCategory.
  • KeyboardContext now has an emojiCategory property.


This version contains new protocols and classes:

  • KeyboardInputViewController has new, empty performAutocomplete and resetAutocomplete functions that are called by the system at proper times.
  • The new AutocompleteSuggestions typealias makes the autocomplete apis cleaner.
  • There is a new AutocompleteContext protocol that can be used to manage suggestions.
  • There is a new StandardAutocompleteContext implementation of AutocompleteContext.
  • There is a new UITextDocumentProxy property to check if the proxy cursor is at the end of the current word.

Bug fixes:

  • The "end sentence" action that is used by space double taps, uses the new proxy property to only close when the cursor is at the end of a word.


In this version:

  • A memory leak was fixed by making all StandardBookActionHandler actions use [weak self].
  • The UIKit button shadow logic was improved by @jackhumbert.


This version fixes a bug, where the globe button that is used by the demo keyboards didn't do anything.

This version also fixes the system image's font weight.


This version removes all previously deprecated parts of the library and adds improved support for SwiftUI and iOS 13.

If you upgrade from an older version to 3.0 and have many breaking changes, upgrading to 2.9 first provides deprecation help that may make the transition easier.

New functionality

There is a new KeyboardContext, which provides important contextual information.

  • StandardKeyboardContext is the standard, non-observable implementation.
  • ObservableKeyboardContext is an iOS 13+ required, observable implementation.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler now automatically handles keyboard type switching and only delays if an action has a double-tap action.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler now automatically switches to certain keyboards after certain actions, as defined by handleKeyboardSwitch(after:on:) and preferredKeyboardType(after:on:).

There are new KeyboardAction types and properties:

  • .control represents the system.
  • .systemImage can be used with SF Symbols.
  • .systemFont and .systemTextStyle provide system look information.

There is a new System namespace with utils to help you build native-imitating system keyboards.

There is a new KeyboardInputSet concept that will simplify building language-specific keyboards. For now, it contains English characters, numerics and symbols.

The demo project contains a new KeyboardKitSwiftUIPreviews in which you can preview KeyboardKitSwiftUI views.


  • This repository has a new SwiftUI-based demo app, which is still in development.
  • KeyboardImageButton supports the new systemImage action.

Non-breaking changes:

  • KeyboardInputViewController deviceOrientation has been converted to a general UIInputViewController extension.
  • setupNextKeyboardButton has been converted to a general UIInputViewController extension.

Breaking changes:

  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new keyboardContext property.

  • StandardKeyboardContext is used by default, whenever a keyboard extension is created.

  • ObservableKeyboardContext is used by whenever a keyboard switches over to use SwiftUI.

  • KeyboardInputViewController keyboardActionHandler has been moved to KeyboardContext.

  • KeyboardInputViewController canChangeKeyboardType has been moved to KeyboardType.

  • KeyboardInputViewController changeKeyboardType has been moved to KeyboardContext.

  • KeyboardInputViewController changeKeyboardTypeDelay is now an argument in changeKeyboardType.

  • KeyboardInputViewController keyboardType has been moved to the context.

  • AutocompleteToolbar has been renamed to AutocompleteToolbarView.

  • EmojiCategory.frequents has been renamed to frequent.

  • KeyboardActionHandler now requires canHandle(_:on:) to be implemented.

  • KeyboardAction has new action types.

  • KeyboardAction has fewer isXXX properties.

  • KeyboardAction .capsLock and shiftDown are now part of KeyboardAction.shift.

  • KeyboardActionRow.from has been changed to an initializer.

  • KeyboardActionRows.from has been changed to an initializer.

  • KeyboardImageActions has been converted to a KeyboardActionRow+Images extension initializer.

  • KeyboardToolbar has been renamed to KeyboardToolbarView.

  • The shouldChangeToAlphabeticLowercase has been replaced with the automatic switching mentioned above.

  • The isKeyboardEnabled function now uses a for as external argument name.

Removed, previously deprecated parts:

  • AutocompleteBugFixTimer
  • AutocompleteSuggestionProvider provideAutocompleteSuggestions
  • KeyboardAction switchKeyboard
  • KeyboardAction switchToKeyboard
  • KeyboardAction standardInputViewControllerAction
  • KeyboardAction standardTextDocumentProxyAction
  • KeyboardActionHandler handleTap/Repeat/LongPress
  • KeyboardActionHandler handle gesture on UIView
  • KeyboardInputViewController addSwitchKeyboardGesture
  • PersistedKeyboardSetting init with key
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler init with feedback instances
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler action for view
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler animationButtonTap
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler giveHapticFeedbackForLongPress/Repeat/Tap
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler longPress/repeat/tapAction for view
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler handleLongPress/Repeat/Tap
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler triggerAudio/HapticFeedback
  • UIColor clearTappable
  • UIInputViewController createAutocompleteBugFixTimer
  • UIView add/removeLongPress/Repeating/TapAction
  • isKeyboardEnabled global function


This version updates external test dependencies to their latest versions.


This version removes the subview fiddling from KeyboardCollectionVew to the built-in subclasses, since it can ruin the view hierarchy for collection views that don't add custom views to the cells.


This version adds an .emoji keyboard action, which can be used if you need to separate characters from emojis.

This version also extracts the logic of KeyboardAction standardTapAction into:

  • standardTapActionForController
  • standardTapActionForProxy

This makes it possible to use the standard function in other ways, should you need it.

This version also makes actions of KeyboardCollectionView mutable, causing changes to this property to refresh the view.


This is the last minor version before 3.0, which will remove a bunch of deprecated members.

This version adds more features, fixes some bugs and deprecates many parts of the library.

A big change, which is not fully covered in these notes, is that KeyboardInputViewController and StandardKeyboardActionHandler now handles changing keyboard types. Even if you have to fill a "type" with meaning in your app, you now have implemented logic to help you handle this.

Thanks to @eduardoxlau, the demo also has an improved emoji keyboard.

New features

  • KeyboardAction has new standardTap/DoubleTap/LongPress/Repeat action properties.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new deviceOrientation property.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new keyboardType property.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has new can/changeKeyboardType functions and properties.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new setupKeyboard function.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler has more logic for handling keyboard type changes.
  • The new EmojiCategory enum represents the native iOS emoji keyboard categories.
  • The new KeyboardStateInspector can be implemented to get info about the keyboard.


  • The demo now switches to caps lock when shift is double-tapped.
  • The standard tap animation does not scale up as much as before.
  • The standard haptic feedback for tap is light impact instead of medium.


  • KeyboardAction.switchKeyboard has been renamed to nextKeyboard.
  • KeyboardAction.switchToKeyboard has been renamed to keyboardType.
  • KeyboardAction.standardInputViewControllerAction has been renamed to standardTapAction.
  • KeyboardAction.standardTextDocumentProxyAction is no longer used by the system`.
  • addSwitchKeyboardGesture(to:) has been renamed to addNextKeyboardGesture(to:).
  • The global isKeyboardEnabled has been replaced with a new KeyboardStateInspector protocol.

Bug fixes

  • Double tap handling for space no longer inserts an additional space.

Breaking change

  • KeyboardType.alphabetic now uses a KeyboardShiftState property instead of a bool for if it's upper-cased or not.
  • KeyboardAction.switchToKeyboard is now an alias for keyboardType. You can still use it when defining actions, but if you switch over KeyboardAction, you have to use keyboardType instead of switchToKeyboard.


This version fixes some division by zero bugs.


This version fixes a gesture-related memory leak by no longer using the gesture extensions that caused the problem. Instead, KeyboardInputViewController has a new set of internal gesture extensions that helps with adding gestures to a button.

This version also adds double-tap action handling to KeyboardKit. It's handled like taps, long presses and repeating actions, but it has no default logic. To handle it, create a custom action handler and override handle(_ gesture:,on action:, sender:).

KeyboardKit does not put any rules on the gesture handling. If you return an action for both a single tap and a double tap, both will be triggered.

New features

  • A new .doubleTap keyboard gesture.


  • The UIView addLongPressAction extension is deprecated.
  • The UIView removeLongPressAction extension is deprecated.
  • The UIView addRepeatingAction extension is deprecated.
  • The UIView removeRepeatingAction extension is deprecated.
  • The UIView addTapAction extension is deprecated.
  • The UIView removeTapAction extension is deprecated.


This version upgrades the podspec's Swift version.


This version upgrades its Nimble and Mockery dependencies.

2.7.1, 2.7.2

These versions adjust the keyboard settings url.


This version adds the very first (and so far limited) support for SwiftUI. Many new features are iOS 13-specific.

This version also deprecates a bunch of action handling logic and adds new functions that doesn't rely on UIView.

New features

  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new setupNextKeyboardButton(...) which turns any UIButton into a system-handled "next keyboard" button.

  • NextKeyboardUIButton makes use of this new functionality, and sets itself up with a globe icon as well.

  • PhotoImageService and StandardPhotoImageService can be used to save images to photos with a completion instead of a target and a selector.

  • KeyboardImageActions makes it easy to create a bunch of .image actions from a set of image names.

  • KeyboardActionHandler has a new open handle(_ gesture:on:view:) which is already implemented in StandardKeyboardActionHandler.

  • The global isKeyboardEnabled function can be used to check if a certain keyboard extension is enabled or not.

  • The keyboardSettings URL extension is a convenience extension for finding the url to application settings.

  • The evened(for gridSize: Int) [KeyboardAction] extension appends enough .none actions to evenly fit the grid size.

  • The saveToPhotos(completion:) UIImage extension is a completion-based way of saving images to photos.


There are some new views that can be used in SwiftUI-based apps and keyboard extensions:

  • KeyboardGrid distributes actions evenly within a grid.

  • KeyboardGridRow is used for each row in the grid.

  • KeyboardHostingController can be used to wrap any View in a keyboard extension.

  • KeyboardImageButton view lets you show an .image action or Image in a Button.

  • NextKeyboardButton sets itself up with a globe icon and works as a standard "next keyboard" button.

  • PersistedKeyboardSetting is a new property wrapper for persisting settings in UserDefaults.

  • Color.clearInteractable can be used instead of .clear to allow gestures to be detected.

  • Image.globe returns the icon that is used for "next keyboard".

  • KeyboardInputViewController setup(with:View) sets up a KeyboardHostingController.

  • View withClearInteractableBackground() can be used to make an entire view interactable.

Note that KeyboardKitSwiftUI is a separate framework, which you have to import to get access to these features.


There are some new UIKit features and extensions:

  • NextKeyboardUIButton sets itself up with a globe icon and works as a standard "next keyboard" button.
  • UIImage.globe returns the icon that is used for "next keyboard".

All UIKit-specific functionality is placed in the UIKit folder. UIKit logic that can be used in SwiftUI is outside it.


  • isInputAction now includes .space.
  • isSystemAction no longer includes .space.


  • UIColor.clearTappable has been renamed to UIColor.clearInteractable.
  • KeyboardActionHandler has deprecated the gesture-explicit handle functions.
  • KeyboardActionHandler has deprecated the view-explicit handle function in favor of an optional Any sender variant.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler has deprecated a bunch of UIView-explicit functions in favor of an optional Any sender variant.


This version fixes a bug, where moveCursorForward moved the cursor incorrectly.


This version adds enableScrolling() and disableScrolling() to AutocompleteToolbar. This makes it possible to make the entire toolbar scroll if its content doesn't fit the screen.


This version adds more autocomplete functionality:

  • AutocompleteToolbar has a new convenience initializer that makes it even easier to setup autocomplete.
  • AutocompleteToolbarLabel is the default autocomplete item view and can be tapped to send text to the text document proxy.
  • AutocompleteToolbarLabel behaves like the native iOS autocomplete view and displays centered text until the text must scroll.
  • Autocomplete no longer requires the bugfix timer. Instead, just let the action handler request autocomplete suggestions when a tap action is triggered.

The StandardKeyboardActionHandler has new functionality:

  • animationButtonTap() - can be overridden to change the default animation of tapped buttons.


  • The AutocompleteBugFixTimer and all timer-related logic has been deprecated.
  • The AutoCompleteSuggestionProvider's provideAutocompleteSuggestions(for:completion:) is deprecated and replaced with autocompleteSuggestions(for:completion:).
  • The StandardKeyboardActionHandler's handleXXX(on:) are now deprecated and replaced with handle(:on:view:).


This version adds a bunch of features, tweaks some behaviors and deprecates some logic:

New stuff:

  • There is a new KeyboardActionGesture that will be used to streamline the action handling api:s.
  • There is a new AudioFeedback enum that describes various types of audio feedback.
  • There is a new AudioFeedbackConfiguration that lets you gather all configurations in one place.
  • There is a new HapticFeedback.standardFeedback(for:) function that replaces the old specific properties.
  • There is a new HapticFeedbackConfiguration that lets you gather all configurations in one place.
  • There is a new StandardKeyboardActionHandler init that uses this new configuration.
  • There is a new StandardKeyboardActionHandler.triggerAudioFeedback(for:) that can be used to trigger audio feedback.
  • There is a new StandardKeyboardActionHandler.triggerHapticFeedback(for:on:) that replaces the old gesture-specific ones.
  • There is a new StandardKeyboardActionHandler.gestureAction(for:) function that is used by the implementation. The old ones are still around.
  • There is a new KeyboardType.images case that is used by the demo.

Changed behavior:

  • There is a new standardButtonShadow Shadow property that can be used to mimic the native button shadow.

Deprecated stuff:

  • The old StandardKeyboardActionHandler.init(...) is deprecated, use the new one.
  • The old StandardKeyboardActionHandler.giveHapticFeedbackForLongPress(...) is deprecated, use the new one.
  • The old StandardKeyboardActionHandler.giveHapticFeedbackForRepeat(...) is deprecated, use the new one.
  • The old StandardKeyboardActionHandler.giveHapticFeedbackForTap(...) is deprecated, use the new one.
  • The old HapticFeedback.standardTapFeedback and standardLongPressFeedback have been replaced by the new function.

The old handle functions are still declared in the KeyboardActionHandler protocol, but will be removed in the next major version.


This version adds Xcode 11 and iOS 13 support, including support for dark mode and high contrast color variants.


This version adds autocomplete support, which includes an autocomplete suggestion provider protocol, a new toolbar and new extensions.

The new AutocompleteSuggestionProvider protocol describes how to provide your keyboard with autocomplete suggestions. You can implement it in any way you like, e.g. to use a built-in suggestion database or by connecting to an external data source, using network requests. Note that the network option will be a lot slower and also require you to request full access from your users.

The new AutocompleteToolbar is a toolbar that can display any results you receive from your suggestion provider (or any list of strings for that matter). Just trigger the provider anytíme the text changes and route the result to the toolbar. The toolbar can be populated with any kind of views. Have a look at the demo app for an example.

The new UITextDocumentProxy+CurrentWord extension helps you get the word that is (most probably) being typed. You could use this when requesting autocomplete suggestions, if you only want to autocomplete the current word.

Besides these additions, there are a bunch of new extensions, like UITextDocumentProxy deleteBackwards(times:), which lets you delete a certain number of characters. Have a look at the Extensions namespace for a complete list.

There is also a new KeyboardShiftState enum that you can use to keep track of which state your keyboard has, if any. This enum is extracted from demo app code that was provided by @arampak earlier this year.

IMPORTANT iOS has a bug that causes textWillChange and textDidChange to not be called when the user types, only when the cursor moves. This causes autocomplete problems, since the current word is not changing as the user types. Due to this, the input view controller must use an ugly hack to force the text document proxy to update. Have a look at the demo app to see how this is done.


This version solves some major bugs in the repeating gesture recognizer and makes some public parts of the library open.

The standard action handler now handles repeating actions for backspace. You can customize this in the same way as you customize tap and long press handling.

You can test the new repeating logic in the demo app.


This version adds more keyboard actions that don't exist in iOS, but that may serve a functional or semantical purpose in your apps:

  • command
  • custom(name:)
  • escape
  • function
  • option
  • tab

The new custom action is a fallback that you can use if the existing action set is insufficient for your specific app.

I have added a RepeatingGestureRecognizer and an extension that you can use to apply it as well. It has a custom initial delay as well as a custom repeat interval, that will let you tap and hold a button to repeat its action. In the next update, I will apply this to the backspace and arrow buttons.

Thanks to @arampak, the demo app now handles shift state and long press better, to make the overall experience much nicer and close to the native keyboard. The keyboard buttons also registers tap events over the entire button area, not just the button view.


This version makes a bunch of previously internal extensions public. It also adds a lot more unit tests so that almost all parts of the library are tested.

The default tap animation has been configured to allow user interaction, which reduces the frustrating tap lag that was present in 2.0.0.

I have added a KeyboardToolbar class, which you can use to create toolbars. It's super simple so far, and only creates a stack view to which you can any views you like.


This version adds a public shadow extension to the main library and shuffles classes and extensions around. It also restructures the example project to make it less cluttered.

I noticed that the build number bump still (and randomly) bumps the build number incorrectly, which causes build errors. I have therefore abandoned this approach, and instead fixes the build number to 1 in all targets.


This version aim at streamlining the library and remove or refactor parts that make it hard to maintain. It contains several breaking changes, but I hope that the changes will make it easier for you as well, as the library moves forward.

Most notably, the view controller inheritance model has been completely removed. Instead, there is only one KeyboardInputViewController. It has a stack view to which you can add any views you like, like the built-in KeyboardButtonRow and KeyboardCollectionView, which means that your custom keyboards is now based on components that you can combine.

Since KeyboardInputViewController therefore can display multiple keyboards at once, it doesn't make any sense to have a single keyboard property. You can still use structs to organize your actions (in fact, I recommend it - have a look at the demo app), but you don't have to.

All action handling has been moved from the view controller to KeyboardActionHandler as well. KeyboardInputViewController use a StandardActionHandler by default, but you can replace this by setting keyboardActionHandler to any KeyboardActionHandler. This is required if you want to use certain actions types, like .image.

New KeyboardActions are added and nextKeyboard has been renamed to switchKeyboard. Action equality logic has also been removed, so instead of isNone, you should use == .none from now on. All help properties like image and imageName are removed as well, since they belong in the app. These are the new action types

  • capsLock
  • dismissKeyboard
  • moveCursorBackward
  • moveCursorForward
  • shift
  • shiftDown
  • switchToKeyboard(type)

KeyboardInputViewController will now resize the extension to the size of the stack view, or any other size constraints you may set. The old setHeight(to:) function has therefore been removed.


This version upgrades KeyboardKit to Swift 5 and has many breaking changes:

  • KeyboardInputViewController has been renamed to KeyboardViewController
  • CollectionKeyboardInputViewController has been renamed to CollectionKeyboardViewController
  • GridKeyboardInputViewController has been renamed to GridKeyboardViewController
  • KeyboardAlerter has been renamed to KeyboardAlert
  • ToastAlerter has been renamed to ToastAlert
  • ToastAlert now has two nested view classes View and Label
  • ToastAlert's two style function has changed signature
  • ToastAlerterAppearance is now an internal ToastAlert.Appearance struct
  • Most extensions have been made internal, to avoid exposing them externally


Keyboard has been given an optional ID, which can be used to uniquely identify a keyboard. This makes it easier to manage multiple keyboards in an app.

KeyboardInputViewController implements the KeyboardPresenter protocol, which means that you can set the new optional id property to make a KeyboardSetting exclusive to that presenter. This is nice if your app has multiple keyboards. If you do not specify an id, the settings behave just like before.

A PR by micazeve is merged. It limits the current page index that is persisted for a keyboard, to avoid bugs if the page count has changed since persisting the value.


This version updates KeyboardKit to Swift 4.2 and makes it ready for Xcode 10.


The grid keyboard view controller uses a new way to calculate the available item space and item size for a certain number of rows and buttons per row. This means that we can now use top and bottom content insets to create vertical margins for grid-based keyboards.


I previously used the async image functions to quickly setup a lot of images for "emoji" keyboards. Since I didn't use a collection view for emoji keyboards then, all image views were created at the same time, which caused rendering delays. By using the async image approach, image loading was moved from the main thread and allowed individual images to appear when they were loaded instead of waiting for all images to load before any image could be displayed.

However, KeyboardKit now has collection view-based keyboards, which are better suited for the task above, since they only render the cells they need. This will solve the image loading issues, which means that the async image extensions will no longer be needed. I have therefore removed UIImage+Async and the Threading folder from the library, to keep it as small as possible.


No functional changes, just README updates and improvements. The version bump is required to give CocoaPod users the latest docs.


This is a complete rewrite of the entire library. KeyboardKit now targets iOS 11 and the code has been improved a lot. Check out the demo app to see how to setup keyboards from now on.