diff --git a/dali/driver/serial.py b/dali/driver/serial.py
index 12ae267..ac17a02 100644
--- a/dali/driver/serial.py
+++ b/dali/driver/serial.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 serial.py - Driver for serial-based DALI interfaces, including the
-Lunatone RS232 LUBA device
+Lunatone RS232 LUBA and Lunatone SCI RS232 devices.
 This file is part of python-dali.
@@ -441,7 +442,7 @@ async def wait_dali_raw_response(self) -> int:
             return await self._queue_rx_raw_dali.get()
-        def reset_dali_raw_response(self) -> None:
+        def reset_dali_response(self) -> None:
             Forces the queue of received DALI responses to be cleared, logging
             any responses that are dropped if the queue is not empty
@@ -1039,7 +1040,7 @@ async def send(
             # Make sure the received command buffer is empty, so that an
             # unexpected response can't accidentally be used
-            self._protocol.reset_dali_raw_response()
+            self._protocol.reset_dali_response()
             await self._protocol.send_dali_command(msg)
             if msg.is_query:
                 response = command.Response(None)
@@ -1073,3 +1074,595 @@ async def send(
     def new_dali_rx_queue(self) -> DistributorQueue:
         return DistributorQueue(self._protocol.queue_rx_dali)
+class DriverSCIRS232(DriverSerialBase):
+    uri_scheme = "scirs232"
+    timeout_rx = 0.03
+    timeout_tx_confirm = 0.1
+    timeout_connect = 1.0
+    class SCIRS232Code(Enum):
+        """
+        All supported SCI mode codes and status codes. Refer Lunatone's
+        documentation:
+        hhttps://www.lunatone.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/22176438-HS_DALI_SCI_RS232_EN_D0045.pdf
+        """
+        STATUS_OK = 0x0
+        STATUS_DALI_NO = 0x1
+        SEND_DALI_8 = 0x2
+        SEND_DALI_16 = 0x3
+        SEND_EDALI = 0x4
+        SEND_DSI = 0x5
+        SEND_DALI_17 = 0x6
+        ERROR = 0x7
+        SEND_DALI2_24 = 0x8
+    class SCIRS232DeviceReply(NamedTuple):
+        """
+        Named tuple for storing a set of information about the SCI RS232 device.
+        This information is sent in every frame, but updates are ignored after
+        initialisation of the software.
+        """
+        id: int
+        code: int
+    class SCIRS232DeviceSettings(NamedTuple):
+        """
+        Named tuple for storing a set of information about the SCI RS232 device.
+        These are sent on a per-frame basis, so the device is state-less with
+        respect to the DALI receive and transmit parameters.
+        """
+        monitor_enable: bool
+        identify : bool
+        echo:bool
+    class SCIRS232Protocol(asyncio.Protocol):
+        """
+        This class is internally used by DriverSCIRS232 to implement a state
+        machine for decoding the incoming serial bytes into SCI RS232 messages,
+        which in turn wrap DALI frames. The class also handles encoding DALI
+        frames into SCI RS232 messages, setting the appropriate flags etc.
+        """
+        MAX_LEN = 5
+        CONTROL_ME_MASK         = 0b10000000
+        CONTROL_IDENTIFY_MASK   = 0b01000000
+        CONTROL_ECHO_MASK       = 0b00100000
+        CONTROL_SEND_TWICE_MASK = 0b00010000
+        CONTROL_MODE_MASK       = 0b00001111
+        STATUS_ID_MASK   = 0b11110000
+        STATUS_CODE_MASK = 0b00001111
+        class ReadState(Enum):
+            """
+            Enum of states used in the receiver state machine
+            """
+            WAIT_STATUS = 1
+            WAIT_DATA_HI = 2
+            WAIT_DATA_MI = 3
+            WAIT_DATA_LO = 4
+            WAIT_CHECKSUM = 5
+        class ErrorType(Enum):
+            CHECKSUM = 1
+            DALI_BUS_SHORT_CIRCUIT = 2
+            DALI_RX_ERROR = 3
+            UNKNOWN_COMMAND = 4
+            COLLISION_DETECTED = 5
+        class SCIRS232MsgTxConf(NamedTuple):
+            """
+            Named tuple used to enqueue messages
+            """
+            message: Optional[command.Command] = None
+        def __init__(self) -> None:
+            super().__init__()
+            self.transport = None
+            self._queue_rx_dali = DistributorQueue()
+            self._queue_rx_raw_dali = asyncio.Queue()
+            self._queue_rx_info = asyncio.Queue()
+            self._prev_rx_enable_dt = 0
+            self._prev_tx_enable_dt = 0
+            self._tx_lock = asyncio.Lock()
+            self._rx_state = None
+            self.rx_idle = asyncio.Event()
+            self._buffer = None
+            self._rx_expected_len = None
+            self._rx_received_len = None
+            self._connected = asyncio.Event()
+            self._dev_info: Optional[DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232DeviceReply] = None
+            self._dev_inst_map: Optional[DeviceInstanceTypeMapper] = None
+            self._device_settings = DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232DeviceSettings(
+                monitor_enable=True,
+                identify=False,
+                echo=True)
+            self.reset()
+        @property
+        def rx_state(self) -> ReadState:
+            return self._rx_state
+        @rx_state.setter
+        def rx_state(self, state: ReadState):
+            if not isinstance(state, self.ReadState):
+                raise TypeError(
+                    f"rx_state must be a ReadState enum, not {type(state)}"
+                )
+            self._rx_state = state
+            if state == self.ReadState.WAIT_STATUS:
+                self.rx_idle.set()
+            else:
+                self.rx_idle.clear()
+        @property
+        def dev_inst_map(self) -> Optional[DeviceInstanceTypeMapper]:
+            return self._dev_inst_map
+        @dev_inst_map.setter
+        def dev_inst_map(self, value: DeviceInstanceTypeMapper):
+            self._dev_inst_map = value
+        @property
+        def queue_rx_dali(self) -> DistributorQueue:
+            return self._queue_rx_dali
+        def reset(self):
+            """
+            Returns the state machine to "WAIT_STATUS"
+            """
+            self.rx_state = self.ReadState.WAIT_STATUS
+            self._buffer = [None] * self.MAX_LEN
+            self._rx_expected_len = None
+            self._rx_received_len = 0
+        async def wait_dali_raw_response(self) -> int:
+            """
+            Async method which waits for a raw (i.e. un-decoded) DALI frame
+            to be received from the SCI RS232 device.
+            :return: A received DALI frame, as an int
+            """
+            return await self._queue_rx_raw_dali.get()
+        def reset_dali_response(self) -> None:
+            """
+            Forces the queue of received DALI responses to be cleared, logging
+            any responses that are dropped if the queue is not empty
+            """
+            # remove backward frames
+            qlen = self._queue_rx_raw_dali.qsize()
+            if qlen:
+                _LOG.critical(
+                    f"SCI RS232 RX DALI queue not empty! {qlen} items in queue!"
+                )
+                try:
+                    item = self._queue_rx_raw_dali.get_nowait()
+                    _LOG.critical(f"SCI RS232 RX DALI queue discarding: {item}")
+                except asyncio.QueueEmpty:
+                    pass
+            # remove information frames (includes errors and sent confirmations)
+            qlen = self._queue_rx_info.qsize()
+            if qlen:
+                _LOG.critical(
+                    f"SCI RS232 RX info DALI queue not empty! {qlen} items in queue!"
+                )
+                try:
+                    item = self._queue_rx_raw_dali.get_nowait()
+                    _LOG.critical(f"SCI RS232 RX info DALI queue discarding: {item}")
+                except asyncio.QueueEmpty:
+                    pass
+        @staticmethod
+        def _insert_checksum(in_ints: list[int]) -> None:
+            in_ints[-1] = reduce(xor, in_ints[0:-1])
+        async def send_dali_command(self, tx: command.Command) -> None:
+            """
+            Sends a variable length DALI command (16 or 24 bits), waiting
+            until the SCI RS232 device confirms it has sent the message before
+            returning the frame ID.
+            :param tx: A single DALI command to send
+            """
+            # Make sure the serial interface is not in the process of reading
+            # data before we send
+            await self.rx_idle.wait()
+            dali_ints = tx.frame.as_byte_sequence
+            if not len(dali_ints) in (1, 2, 3):
+                raise ValueError(
+                    f"Only works with 8, 16 or 24 bit messages, not {8*len(dali_ints)}"
+                )
+            control_byte = (self._device_settings.monitor_enable << 7) | (self._device_settings.identify << 6) | (self._device_settings.echo << 5) | (tx.sendtwice << 4)
+            if len(dali_ints) == 1:
+                control_byte |= 2
+            elif len(dali_ints) == 2:
+                control_byte |= 3
+            elif len(dali_ints) == 3:
+                control_byte |= 8
+            tx_ints = [
+                control_byte,
+                dali_ints[0],
+                0 if len(dali_ints) < 2 else dali_ints[1],
+                0 if len(dali_ints) < 3 else dali_ints[2],
+                None,  # Checksum
+            ]
+            # Fill in the checksum
+            self._insert_checksum(tx_ints)
+            # Use a mutex to ensure only one message is sent at a time,
+            # waiting for the SCI RS232 device to confirm before sending another
+            async with self._tx_lock:
+                _LOG.debug(f"DALI sending message: {tx}")
+                _LOG.trace(
+                    f"SCI RS232 frame to send: {[f'0x{data:02x}' for data in tx_ints]}"
+                )
+                self.transport.write(bytearray(tx_ints))
+                confirm = await asyncio.wait_for(
+                    self._queue_rx_info.get(),
+                    timeout=DriverSCIRS232.timeout_tx_confirm,
+                )
+                if isinstance(confirm, DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232DeviceReply):
+                    _LOG.trace(f"SCI RS232 confirmed data with code {confirm.code}")
+                else:
+                    _LOG.error(f"Received unexpected confirmation object {confirm}")
+            return
+        async def send_device_info_query(self) -> None:
+            """
+            Query some basic information from the SCI RS232 device
+            """
+            # Use a mutex to ensure only one message is sent at a time
+            async with self._tx_lock:
+                _LOG.debug("Querying SCI RS232 device info")
+                tx_ints = [
+                    0b11000010, # enable monitoring and identify
+                    0,
+                    0,
+                    0,
+                    None,  # Checksum
+                ]
+                # Fill in the checksum
+                self._insert_checksum(tx_ints)
+                # empty queue (just in case)
+                while not self._queue_rx_info.empty():
+                    dev_info = self._queue_rx_info.get_nowait()
+                    _LOG.warning(f"SCI RS232 info queue not empty, discarting: {dev_info}")
+                _LOG.trace(
+                    f"SCI RS232 frame to send: {[f'0x{data:02x}' for data in tx_ints]}"
+                )
+                self.transport.write(bytearray(tx_ints))
+                # Wait for the SCI RS232 device to respond
+                dev_info = await asyncio.wait_for(
+                    self._queue_rx_info.get(),
+                    timeout=DriverSCIRS232.timeout_tx_confirm,
+                )
+            # Release transmit mutex
+            if not isinstance(dev_info, DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232DeviceReply):
+                _LOG.error(f"Expected a SCI RS232, but got: {dev_info}")
+                return
+            self._device_info = dev_info
+        def _process_byte(self, rx_int: int) -> None:
+            if not isinstance(rx_int, int):
+                raise TypeError(
+                    f"Got an item of type: {type(rx_int)}, expected an integer"
+                )
+            # Handle each state of the state machine
+            if self._rx_state == self.ReadState.WAIT_STATUS:
+                self._buffer[0] = rx_int
+                self._rx_state = self.ReadState.WAIT_DATA_HI
+                return
+            elif self._rx_state == self.ReadState.WAIT_DATA_HI:
+                # In the 'WAIT_DATA_HI' state the next byte will be data high
+                self._buffer[1] = rx_int
+                self._rx_state = self.ReadState.WAIT_DATA_MI
+                return
+            elif self._rx_state == self.ReadState.WAIT_DATA_MI:
+                # In the 'WAIT_DATA_MI' state the next byte will be data mid
+                self._buffer[2] = rx_int
+                self._rx_state = self.ReadState.WAIT_DATA_LO
+                return
+            elif self._rx_state == self.ReadState.WAIT_DATA_LO:
+                # Read bytes, up to the maximum expected length
+                self._buffer[3] = rx_int
+                self._rx_state = self.ReadState.WAIT_CHECKSUM
+                return
+            elif self._rx_state == self.ReadState.WAIT_CHECKSUM:
+                # In the 'WAIT_CHECKSUM' state, the next byte will be the
+                # checksum
+                self._buffer[4] = rx_int
+                # We now have a full frame
+                _LOG.trace(
+                    f"Raw data: {[f'0x{data:02x}' for data in self._buffer]}"
+                )
+                # Validate the checksum: XOR all values, excluding the
+                # synchronisation and checksum
+                check = reduce(xor, self._buffer[0:4])
+                if check != rx_int:
+                    _LOG.warning(
+                        f"SCI RS232 checksum failure! Calculated: {check}, "
+                        f"Expected: {rx_int}"
+                    )
+                    self.reset()
+                    return
+                else:
+                    _LOG.trace("SCI RS232 checksum passed, full frame received")
+                    try:
+                        status = DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232Code(self._buffer[0] & DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232Protocol.STATUS_CODE_MASK)
+                    except ValueError:
+                        _LOG.exception(
+                            f"SCI RS232 unknown status code: 0x{self._buffer[0]:02x}"
+                        )
+                        self.reset()
+                        return
+                    #TODO: handle status codes / options here
+                    if status == DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232Code.ERROR:
+                        self._process_error(tuple(self._buffer[:4]))
+                    elif status == DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232Code.STATUS_OK:
+                        self._process_system_message(self._buffer[0])
+                    elif status == DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232Code.STATUS_DALI_NO:
+                        self._process_system_message(self._buffer[0])
+                    elif status == DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232Code.SEND_DALI_8:
+                        self._process_dali_frame((self._buffer[3],))
+                    elif status == DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232Code.SEND_DALI_16:
+                        self._process_dali_frame(self._buffer[2:4])
+                    elif status == DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232Code.SEND_DALI2_24:
+                        self._process_dali_frame(self._buffer[1:4])
+                    elif (status == DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232Code.SEND_EDALI) or \
+                            (status == DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232Code.SEND_DSI) or \
+                            (status == DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232Code.SEND_DALI_17):
+                        _LOG.error(
+                            f"SCI RS232 eDALI, DSI or 17-bit DALI message received. These are not supported."
+                            f" data: {self._buffer[1:4]}"
+                        )
+                    else:
+                        _LOG.error(
+                            f"SCI RS232 unexpected message, status {self._buffer[0]:02x},"
+                            f" data: {self._buffer[1:4]}"
+                        )
+                    self.reset()
+                    return
+            else:
+                raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid state: {self._rx_state}")
+        def _process_system_message(self, data : int):
+            device_id_info = DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232DeviceReply(
+                id=(data & 0xf0) >> 4,code=data&0xf)
+            self._queue_rx_info.put_nowait(device_id_info) 
+        def _process_error(self, data : tuple):
+            try:
+                error_type = DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232Protocol.ErrorType(data[3])
+            except ValueError:
+                _LOG.exception(
+                    f"SCI RS232 unknown error code: 0x{data[3]:02x}"
+                )
+                self.reset()
+                return
+            if error_type == DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232Protocol.ErrorType.CHECKSUM:
+                error_str = "checksum"
+            elif error_type == DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232Protocol.ErrorType.DALI_BUS_SHORT_CIRCUIT:
+                error_str = "short circuit on the DALI bus"
+            elif error_type == DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232Protocol.ErrorType.DALI_RX_ERROR:
+                error_str = "DALI receive error"
+            elif error_type == DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232Protocol.ErrorType.UNKNOWN_COMMAND:
+                error_str = "unknown command"
+            else:
+                error_str = "unknown"
+                _LOG.error(
+                    f"No string defined for SCI RS232 error code: 0x{data[3]:02x}"
+                )
+            _LOG.error(f"SCI RS232 reports {error_str} error ({error_type})")
+            self._process_system_message(data[0])
+        def _process_dali_frame(self, received_data: tuple):
+            """
+            Handle a DALI 'event' message, typically these are received when
+            a DALI frame was observed on the bus by the SCI RS232 device
+            """
+            _LOG.trace(
+                f"SCI RS232 DALI frame received: {[f'0x{data:02x}' for data in received_data]}"
+            )
+            if len(received_data) == 1:
+                # An 8-bit frame is a response, don't try to decipher it
+                # here because it depends on context which the 'send()'
+                # routine will have to handle
+                self._queue_rx_raw_dali.put_nowait(received_data[0])
+                _LOG.trace(
+                    f"Adding raw DALI response to queue: '{received_data[0]}'"
+                )
+            else:
+                # A 16 or 24-bit frame is an intercepted DALI command,
+                # it can be deciphered into a Command object
+                dali_frame = frame.Frame(
+                    bits=8 * len(received_data), data=received_data
+                )
+                try:
+                    dali_command = command.Command.from_frame(
+                        dali_frame,
+                        devicetype=self._prev_rx_enable_dt,
+                        dev_inst_map=self._dev_inst_map,
+                    )
+                except TypeError:
+                    _LOG.error(
+                        f"Failed to decode DALI command! Frame: {dali_frame}"
+                    )
+                    return
+                if isinstance(
+                    dali_command, dali.gear.general.EnableDeviceType
+                ):
+                    self._prev_rx_enable_dt = dali_command.param
+                else:
+                    self._prev_rx_enable_dt = 0
+                _LOG.debug(f"Adding DALI command to queue: {dali_command}")
+                self._queue_rx_dali.distribute(dali_command)
+        def connection_made(self, transport):
+            self.transport = transport
+            _LOG.info(f"Serial port opened: {transport}")
+            self._connected.set()
+        def data_received(self, data):
+            _LOG.trace(f"Serial data received: {data}")
+            for rx in data:
+                self._process_byte(rx)
+        def connection_lost(self, exc):
+            _LOG.info("Serial port closed")
+            self.transport.loop.stop()
+        @property
+        def connected(self) -> asyncio.Event:
+            return self._connected
+        @property
+        def device_info(self) -> Optional[DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232DeviceReply]:
+            return self._dev_info
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        uri: str | ParseResult,
+        dev_inst_map: Optional[DeviceInstanceTypeMapper] = None,
+    ):
+        super().__init__(uri=uri, dev_inst_map=dev_inst_map)
+        self.serial_path = self.uri.path
+        _LOG.info(f"Initialising SCI RS232 driver for '{self.serial_path}'")
+        self._transport: Optional[serial_asyncio.SerialTransport] = None
+        self._protocol: Optional[DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232Protocol] = None
+    async def connect(self, *, scan_dev_inst: bool = False) -> None:
+        if self.is_connected:
+            _LOG.warning(
+                f"'connect()' called but SCI RS232 driver already connected"
+            )
+            return
+        _LOG.info(
+                f"Creating serial connection to {self.serial_path}"
+            )
+        # TODO: Add failure/retry handling
+        (
+            self._transport,
+            self._protocol,
+        ) = await serial_asyncio.create_serial_connection(
+            loop=asyncio.get_event_loop(),
+            protocol_factory=DriverSCIRS232.SCIRS232Protocol,
+            url=self.serial_path,
+            baudrate=38400,
+        )
+        try:
+            await asyncio.wait_for(
+                self._protocol._connected.wait(),
+                timeout=DriverSCIRS232.timeout_connect,
+            )
+        except asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError as exc:
+            _LOG.critical(f"Timeout waiting for driver to connect: {exc}")
+            raise
+        await self._protocol.send_device_info_query()
+        self._protocol.dev_inst_map = self.dev_inst_map
+        self._connected.set()
+        # Scan the bus for control devices, and create a mapping of addresses
+        # to instance types
+        if scan_dev_inst:
+            _LOG.info("Scanning DALI bus for control devices")
+            await self.run_sequence(self.dev_inst_map.autodiscover())
+            _LOG.info(
+                f"Found {len(self.dev_inst_map.mapping)} enabled control "
+                "device instances"
+            )
+    async def send(
+        self, msg: command.Command, in_transaction: bool = False
+    ) -> Optional[command.Response]:
+        # Only send if the driver is connected
+        if not self.is_connected:
+            _LOG.critical(f"DALI driver cannot send, not connected: {self}")
+            raise IOError("DALI driver cannot send, not connected")
+        response = None
+        if not in_transaction:
+            await self.transaction_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            # Make sure the received command buffer is empty, so that an
+            # unexpected response can't accidentally be used
+            self._protocol.reset_dali_response()
+            await self._protocol.send_dali_command(msg)
+            if msg.is_query:
+                response = command.Response(None)
+                while True:
+                    try:
+                        raw_rsp = await asyncio.wait_for(
+                            self._protocol._queue_rx_raw_dali.get(),
+                            #self._protocol.wait_dali_raw_response(),
+                            timeout=DriverSCIRS232.timeout_rx,
+                        )
+                    except asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError:
+                        _LOG.debug(
+                            f"DALI response timeout, from message: {msg}"
+                        )
+                        break
+                    if isinstance(raw_rsp, int):
+                        response = msg.response(frame.BackwardFrame(raw_rsp))
+                        _LOG.debug(f"DALI response received: {raw_rsp}")
+                        break
+                    else:
+                        _LOG.warning(
+                            "DALI response expected to be 'int' but got type "
+                            f"'{type(raw_rsp)}': {raw_rsp}"
+                        )
+                        raw_rsp = None
+                        continue
+        finally:
+            if not in_transaction:
+                self.transaction_lock.release()
+        return response
+    def new_dali_rx_queue(self) -> DistributorQueue:
+        return DistributorQueue(self._protocol.queue_rx_dali)
diff --git a/dali/tests/test_dummy.py b/dali/tests/test_dummy.py
index 7aa345a..bd568b7 100644
--- a/dali/tests/test_dummy.py
+++ b/dali/tests/test_dummy.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 import py
 import pytest
-from dali.driver.serial import DriverSerialBase, DriverLubaRs232, drivers_map
+from dali.driver.serial import DriverSerialBase, DriverLubaRs232, DriverSCIRS232, drivers_map
 from dali.tests.fakes_serial import DriverSerialDummy
 from dali import address, gear
 from dali.sequences import QueryDeviceTypes
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ def test_drivers_map():
     drivers = drivers_map()
     assert drivers["dummy"] == DriverSerialDummy
     assert drivers["luba232"] == DriverLubaRs232
+    assert drivers["scirs232"] == DriverSCIRS232
 def test_dummy_init_good(tmp_path):