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Build Status

Docker container stack: rtorrent (from sources), uTorrent + nginx + php-fpm

Designed to work on Raspbery Pi and x86_64.

The image is already on docker hub. You can use it without building image:

  • sdelrio/rtorrent-box for x86_64
  • sdelrio/rpi-torrent-box for arm (Raspberry Pi).

The image install nginx to listen on 80 and 443, default user: user, default password: password

Build it

There is a Makefile in the directory, you can use the gccbuilder from docker hub or make your own (make gccbuilder) .

make all

Run it

Environment vars to change web user/pass

The environment NEW_USER and NEW_PASS are used for the web access login. If not defined, user and password are the defaults.

docker run -dt --name rpi-torrent_01 \
  -p 8080:80 -p 8443:443 -p 49160:49160/udp -p 49161:49161 
  -v ~/data:/rtorrent
  -e NEW_USER=myuser
  -e NEW_PASS=mypass

The URL to access interfaces is http://<IP>:<PORT>. No need to append /rutorrent on URL on this version.

Environment vars to change rtorrent listening ports

The environment RTORRENT_DHT and RTORRENT_PORT changes the rtorrent configuration to listen on those ports instead the default 49160 and 49161. For example, lets change it to 50000 and 50001:

docker run -dt --name rpi-torrent_01 \
  -p 8080:80 -p 8443:443 -p 50000:50000/udp -p 50001:50001
  -v ~/data:/rtorrent
  -e RTORRENT_DHT=50000
  -e RTORRENT_PORT=50001

Modify manually login/password on .htpassword to access ruTorrent interface

You can use environment vars NEW_USER and NEW_PASS to change password on container start. But if you want to manually edit the password file here is the instructions:

When runing image you use the volume /rtorrent. Here you can set up or modify .htpasswd file. You can add more users or just change using > instead >> in the redirection:

In the volume you used vefore with -v (~/data in the example). You can execute:

PASSWORD="my_password";SALT="$(openssl rand -base64 3)";SHA1=$(printf "$PASSWORD$SALT" | openssl dgst -binary -sha1 | sed 's#$#'"$SALT"'#' | base64);printf "my_user:{SSHA}$SHA1\n" >> ~/data/.htpasswd

Or you can run a command inside the container, if your container is named my-rpi-torrent

$ docker exec -t my-rpi-torrent bash
# PASSWORD="my_password";SALT="$(openssl rand -base64 3)";SHA1=$(printf "$PASSWORD$SALT" | openssl dgst -binary -sha1 | sed 's#$#'"$SALT"'#' | base64);printf "my_user:{SSHA}$SHA1\n" >> /rtorrent/.htpasswd

After changing .htpasswd file you must stop/start container. The initial script will look for this file and copy where nginx load it.

Workarounds migrating to torrent 0.9.7 from older versions

Revise .rtorrent.rc, many values are deprecated and can’t be used, like:

  • load_start -> load.start
  • use_udp_trackers -> trackers.use_udp.set
  • peer_exchange -> protocol.pex.set

Full list of parameters:


For now is just a release version to see how Docker Hub works with a build image.

  • Disable logs or redirect to stdout
  • Make changes on ports at rtorrent config using environment variables.


  • Changed x86_64 base image from debian:jessie to debian:jessie-slim.
  • Refactored all compiled codes starting on v1.80,
    • Added different steps to generate files that will be included into the final image (Dockerfile.pack).
    • Separating in different steps could make in the future be executed in parallel in different nodes.
    • When changing some part not always needed to compile and make all.
    • Using this method reduced uncompressed image space for more than 150MB.
sdelrio/rtorrent-box       v1.81               a739f1b2d297        23 hours ago        382MB
sdelrio/rtorrent-box       v1.20               290a9ff775b8        3 days ago          647MB
  • Removed Dockerfile to differenciate and not make mistake wiht versions older than v1.80
  • ruTorrent version update to master branch (>=3.8).
  • rTorrent/rtorrentlib update to 0.9.7/0.13.7
  • Updated variable names on .rtorrent.rc.
  • Set fixed version to xmlrpc lib, since using stable and super_stable branches generated build problems.
  • Removed apache2-tools to reduce image a little more.