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Blackboard Naming Conventions

Course Names

  • **For all homerooms (-HR), **please refer to Jon (the creation of a HR requires a face-to-face meeting with him).
  • **For all courses, **double-check that your usage of upper and lower case, underscores and dashes.
Development Course Create for instructors for course prep, practice area, and storage. JRizzo-MATH120-DEVEL(not MATH120-DEVEL) To avoid duplication, use first initial and last name.
Training Course Created by ITS staff for workshops and demos. JRizzo-GRADEBOOK-TRAIN To avoid duplication, use first initial and last name.
Backup Course Sometimes these replace a “broken course.” BIOL101-01-Fall2016-BKorBIOL101-01-Fall2016-TEMPorBIOL101-01-Fall2016-COPY Use course name with “-BK”, “-TEMP”, or “-COPY” so the courses are easy to find.
Combined Course Combined courses contain >1 section of the same course. HIST100-3_6_9-CX-Fall2016(includes sections 3, 6, 9)HIST100-3-9-CX-Fall2016(includes sections 3 through 9)CHEM100-CX-Fall2016(includes all sections) Alwaysinclude “CX”. An underscore separates individual sections in a CX course while a dash indicates consecutive courses. If all sections are being combined, don’t add the section #s.
Study Abroad For study abroad programs (various disciplines involved). JRizzo-StudyAbroad-Summer2016 Add the faculty name as you would in a DEVEL course. Add semester as these are increasing.
Restore Pulled from our ITS archive. HIST110-01-Fall2016-RESTORE Add “-RESTORE” so we can identify and delete.

User Names

“GUI” account Temporary accounts for instructors. lwoods_16 First initial + Last name + Underscore + Year created Once the account is created, it needs to be manually added to the course(s).
CES account Accounts created by College of Extended Studies. lwoods555_ext First initial + Last name + 3 digits + Underscore + Year created
BIOL account Accounts created by Biology department. 13fa_biologybsca4 Unknown These accounts are used to track completion of mandatory training by various SDSU staff.
Fake Student Fake student accounts for instructors (allows them to see the student view and experiment). clicker16 First name: StudentLast name: Clicker16Email: [email protected] clicker + nextavailablenumber (make sure number hasn’t been used or it will add a 1, 2, 3, etc. to the end) First initial + Last name +