- **For all homerooms (-HR), **please refer to Jon (the creation of a HR requires a face-to-face meeting with him).
- **For all courses, **double-check that your usage of upper and lower case, underscores and dashes.
Development Course | Create for instructors for course prep, practice area, and storage. | JRizzo-MATH120-DEVEL(not MATH120-DEVEL) | To avoid duplication, use first initial and last name. |
Training Course | Created by ITS staff for workshops and demos. | JRizzo-GRADEBOOK-TRAIN | To avoid duplication, use first initial and last name. |
Backup Course | Sometimes these replace a “broken course.” | BIOL101-01-Fall2016-BKorBIOL101-01-Fall2016-TEMPorBIOL101-01-Fall2016-COPY | Use course name with “-BK”, “-TEMP”, or “-COPY” so the courses are easy to find. |
Combined Course | Combined courses contain >1 section of the same course. | HIST100-3_6_9-CX-Fall2016(includes sections 3, 6, 9)HIST100-3-9-CX-Fall2016(includes sections 3 through 9)CHEM100-CX-Fall2016(includes all sections) | Alwaysinclude “CX”. An underscore separates individual sections in a CX course while a dash indicates consecutive courses. If all sections are being combined, don’t add the section #s. |
Study Abroad | For study abroad programs (various disciplines involved). | JRizzo-StudyAbroad-Summer2016 | Add the faculty name as you would in a DEVEL course. Add semester as these are increasing. |
Restore | Pulled from our ITS archive. | HIST110-01-Fall2016-RESTORE | Add “-RESTORE” so we can identify and delete. |
“GUI” account | Temporary accounts for instructors. | lwoods_16 | First initial + Last name + Underscore + Year created | Once the account is created, it needs to be manually added to the course(s). |
CES account | Accounts created by College of Extended Studies. | lwoods555_ext | First initial + Last name + 3 digits + Underscore + Year created | |
BIOL account | Accounts created by Biology department. | 13fa_biologybsca4 | Unknown | These accounts are used to track completion of mandatory training by various SDSU staff. |
Fake Student | Fake student accounts for instructors (allows them to see the student view and experiment). | clicker16 First name: StudentLast name: Clicker16Email: [email protected] | clicker + nextavailablenumber (make sure number hasn’t been used or it will add a 1, 2, 3, etc. to the end) First initial + Last name + @nobody.sdsu.edu |